Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2013/Meetings/2013-07-18

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  • Action points last meeting:
  • 2012:
    • Guinness
    • Prizes
  • Setting a GO/NO-GO point.
  • Tech
    • Website
  • Grant
    • Hiring process
  • 2013 prizes (sorry, Karthik is awaiting budget approval to take this forward, otherwise he suggests same prize with some additional suggestions from the community)
  • Countries? (sorry, Lodewijk didn't do as he promised...)
    • [Tomasz] I did a few, but not all of them, and even so I only heard from two.
  • WLM Wikimania presentation & panel

Hiring process

  • Karthik and Cristian is in touch with Sandra, and we have a meeting with her this Saturday. We (KN and CC) also had a small meeting among themselves yesterday to discuss a little confusion and also time frame.
    • One thing which still we are confused is to hire someone freom with the community (ofcos, not among us) or to hire an outsider who has a good knowledge about all and a good portfolio.
  • We have reached to a consensus that it will take two weeks to hire a person. One week to receive all applications, while another week to review all of them. We might/will also have interview with a couple of shortlisted candidates.
  • The FTE is expected to start his tasks from the late first week of August if all goes well.
  • You can expect much clear details next week.




  • Lodewijk expects to submit the request next week.
  • There are still some prizes to be given out. Lodewijk is awaiting some response form Platonides.
  • It is important to analyse if we have some thing thing we have to deicde right now regardless of the budget stuff.
  • Technical: Upload campaigns is on track, we seem to be doing fine there. Changed quite a lot. Romaine is the contact person for Upload Wizard related work (ofcos from next month).
  • Jury tool: ? Last email was one month ago, saying he was working on it.

Website: Grant request:

  • Hiring process: Karthik explains the situation where we are. It seems that in the most positive scenario we're having 3 weeks left before the competition to do hired work. Selection is this committee's job, the paperwork lies with WMNL.
  • 2013 prizes: Karthik suggests to wait for the grant to be approved. (A) Karthik will send an email asking for suggestions.
  • countries: Monica checked the countries she was following. We don't expect completely new countries at this point in time.
  • Presentation at Wikimania: We have two sessions that are relevant. One is the future workshop (with Beat), they just sent an email for ideas about how the contest can evolve (not improve). The other session is a panel discussion with national organizers.
  • Carmen (MX)
  • someone from PH (Roel?)
  • someone from ZA? (Dumi?)
  • Jean-Fréderic Barthelot (like this?) -> JF
  • Options: Matthew Roth (US) (WMF)

5 minutes introduction, Monica is preparing.

Action Points

  • (A) Karthik investigate starting hiring process.  Doing… Also ask the maximum amount we can spend in hiring!
  • [AP] Tomasz will get in touch with Mono.{{tried}}
  • Karthik will send an email to Sandra to figure out if we need a call, or an detailed email will be enough. ✓ Done
  • [ap] Romaine will send around an email with the timeline and expectations for the upload interface (when to translate etc.) ✓ Done, no replies
  • [ap] Cristian will send an e-mail asking about existing tools to make an inventory.  On hold
  • [ap] Karthik will write an e-mail asking about suggestions for 2013 prizes. {{upcoming}}.