Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2013/Meetings/2013-07-11

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Action points


(A) Karthik investigate starting hiring process.

  • [AP] Tomasz will get in touch with Mono.
  • Karthik will join on call with Cristian, Platonides and Marteen (if available) to discuss about the technical requirements.
  • (A) Lodewijk send around email asking for jury suggestions! ✓ Done

Tomasz got in touch with mono, but no response yet. However, it seems Mono is working on the layout again? Tomasz also worked on the website, fixed some mistakes and improved otherwise (sponsor box at the bottom, etc)

  • [AP Tomasz] Ask on the mailing list for help

Hiring etc


(see minutes below too)

Karthik will get in touch with Sandra this weekend, he expects to be able to update us on the conversation with her early next week.

Contractor notes

  • The ideal candidate should have the knowledge of:
    • Python — at an experienced level;
    • MySQL —at an experienced level
    • PHP — at an experienced level
    • CSS/JS/HTML at a basic level
      • Be a quick learner: need to learn basic MediaWiki code (or know it)


  • Run Erfgoedbot
  • Need to write PHP based tools (statistics) using data from a MySql database. Purpose: real time statistics & possibilities for error-finding (faulty uploads).
    • Real time statistics will be used for PR purposes
    • Possibility of findings error (for eg: wrong identity number)
  • The part timer will work for three months starting from August until the end of October
    • August and September might be a FTE, October a PTE, or maybe FTE if we want them to do stuff that could be used next year



We made two call to discuss the technical points and the related hiring. We have received an e-mail with updates from Maarten. A small fix with regards to the campaign namespace is on its way. Romaine should play around with it! Some other changes also coming up. Discussion about the mobile app. The WMF is indeed developing an app (the wikimedia commons app) that might become useful for WLM in time, but will not promise to meet our timeline.



Karthik will send an email to Sandra to fifure out if we need a call, or an detailed email will be enough.
[ap] Romaine will send around an email with the timeline and expectations for the upload interface (when to translate etc.)
[ap] Cristian will send an e-mail asking about existing tools to make an inventory.
[ap] Karthik will write an e-mail asking about suggestions for 2013 prizes.


  • Magic number is ;) : 356.103
    • The list was prepared and checked by Lodewijk, Cristian and Platonides, and produced with two different methods leading to the same result.



No significant updates.



We can write an e-mail to collect suggestions about 2013 prizes. We may want to consider changing from what we did last year (vouchers), because it was complicated to get the voucher for some winners in some countries.
Karthik will ask around for suggestions, and make a proposal for 10-15 prizes within the budget. He prefers 10. :)

Moleskine notebooks


There's an offer for sponsored notebooks like last year, but there are still shipping costs involved. WMIT will collect the notebooks and manage the shipping. Shipping should be from our budget, we're pending approval though - worst case the notebooks will be used in Italy (and surrounding countries perhaps). OnOne notebook weighs 300g, we try to keep the packages below 5kg because that is the main limit.

2013 jury


Lodewijk sent around email asking for jury suggestions. He will collect them, and start a discussion about it in the international team in 2 weeks from now. (A)