Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2013/Meetings/2013-07-05

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I'm so awesomely organised that I'm even keeping track of semi–private Skype calls.



Present: Tomasz and Yuvi, Romaine and Lodewijk

Schedule! Are there any commitments to particular dates?
None at this point! Tomasz Finc has final word.
A00: Let's wait for his e–mail to
Will it be possible to see the monuments on a map when using the mobile app?
A1: Not really sure, there is no true case for using geocoordinates in the app, and even so the mobile team would prefer to wait till the data is moved to Wikidata because the toolserver is FUBAR. And if it is in wikidata it is not just limited to WLM but can be used by any campaign. Also maintaining the monuments backend api is hard. As a late resort, it might still be possible to bring back the last year app (with backend to?).
Please note that there is no likely way that monuments data gets into wikidata at large scale in time. Wikidata is not ready. They might be running a pilot though with Switzerland. (Yeah, and wikidata not being ready limits mobile discovery)
If users won't be able to use a map, then how is the upload workflow going to look like?
Fields will be supported, so they can enter them manually. Also, they can be 'pre-filled' via URLs like how it is done for the UploadWizard on desktop right now.
A2: Suggested workflow: Go to a Wikipedia article (link it from somewhere? Not sure how mobile users would know what list to use…) --> Click 'Upload' with arguments passed via URL.
A3: Suggested Workflow: 1. Go to wikipedia article / some page with list of monuments 2. Click on monument name / item 3. Get transferred to commons app, upload. Categories, templates, etc added automatically.
    • You can add a different category for every monument via URL (not only via Mobile)
      • Remember to add a property when the database is moved to Wikidata?
Dumm question: is it possible to link two tools in sequence? I.e. someone else would do the mapping, give a url of some kind as output, and clicking on that will lead you to the proper place in the upload tool? (just a thought) (yeah that works by the default design. It can be a web page or just another tool) Because search by map is hugely important in many countries :)

Action points

  • YuviPanda – grant uploadcampaigneditor rights to Tomasz and Romaine on a test wiki (Labs?), or perhaps even admin rights so they can grant those rights to other people themselves?
    • Documentation, documentation, documentation. (I so hate this word by this time.)
  • File bug about enabling people to set a start and end date of a campaign, and have different start / end pages based on date (true!)


  • If the app is going to be able to localize its users with their GPS data, then perhaps it'll be possible to direct them to a specified page, for instance to a state (province) level list of monuments? (Point people to different wiki pages based on their location)
      • A privacy–related issue, need to discuss with Legal perhaps.
    • This would work almost like a map, by directing people to their location–specific lists.