Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2013/Meetings/2013-04-18

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IRC: #Wikilovesmonuments !!!



12:25 - 13:00

14:00 - 15:30

  • Monument lists & definition: each monuments needs to have a unique ID needs to have a unique ID number provided by the gouvernment, or create it yourself.
  • Sponsors & partners: Reach organisations that are related to monuments in some ways, also photographic store. Local store are more easy to reach than national's.
  • Volunteer support: be part of mailing list. Feel free to ask help from the international team. Partnership is possible with GLAM institutions, seniors and/or school universities
  • Resources & prizes: If your national chapter cannot support financially national prizes are optional, but a good incentive. International team is already giving prizes. The first year, it is possible to ask for a grant, but afterward it's better to look for some sponsors.
  • Retention of participants: Price ceremony allow to meet face to face. Harvest usernames of authors of photos contained in WLM category. Organize local events like Wikipedia Takes Your City, photo walk, etc.

working groups - 15:30 - 16:45

  • Wikidata / Tools: Besides using Wikidata, it was brought up that there's a lot of tools, but nothing is holded in one place like in 2011 (Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2011/Tools) but more friendly user. Right now there's a lot of tools but they're spreaded all over the place (open streetmap, toolsever).
  • It also appears to the group that we should organize an hack-a-thon of 10 or 12 persons to develop better tools that are actually not working very well. It suggeested that hack-a-thon can be in Amsterdam since there's already hack event organize over there. Christian would like to see a map included in the upload wizard.
  • Also sometimes, pictures are erased to quickly by administrator, since copyvio in the case where a professionnal photographer have a picture on it's website and upload on Commons. Maybe have a banner OTRS SHOULD BE SENT, for example.
  • ...
  • Grant structure & success definitions / metrics
  • Survey



Lodewijk Gelauff (NL, lead), Cristian Consonni (IT), Benoit Rochon (CA), Frank Schulenburg (WMF), Bengt Oberger (SE), Karthik Nadar (IN), Gonçalo Themudo (PT), Tomasz Ganicz (PL), Kris Cheng (HK), Revi Soekatno (ID), Patrick Kenel (CH), Beat Estermann (CH), Michal Matúšov (SK), Vacio (AM), Dennis Chen (TW), Miguel Angel Garcia (ES), Iván Martínez (MX)

Background & history


(pdf available on File:2013-04-18_milano_v2_Wiki_Loves_Monuments.pdf )

  • 2007 - Windmills photo contest
  • 2009 - Wiki Loves Art (in NL based on NY )
  • 2010 - Wiki Loves Monuments (in NL)
  • 2011 - Wiki Loves Monuments (in Europe)
    • 18 countries
    • 14 different WP
    • hundreds wikipedians organising
    • 5,000 participants
    • 167,000+ photos world record
  • 2012 - Wiki Loves Monuments (35 countries worldwide)
    • 14,000 participants
    • 350,000 photos (has to be homologued by neutral (3) person(s))
  • 2013 - Future ?
    • More countries
    • More continents: Antarctica?
    • UNESCO world heritage list?
    • Special competition category?

Organising team


Cristian, Karthik, Lodewijk, Monica, Tomasz, Plantonides and Romaine



Freely licenced photos, familiarity with Wikimedia Commons as an introduction to wikis, facilitate heritage Wikiprojects, connect online & offline, the public should understand that Wikipedia is editable, capacity & community building, access to the cultural heritage world, international collaboration 5 pillars: Easy, fun, local help for Wikipedia, quick and visible results: people are enjoying all this!


  1. Self-taken and self-uploaded pictures
  2. Upload only in September
  3. Default Licence CC BY-SA 3.0 (localised)
  4. Pictures have to be identified by the governement official ID
  5. Participants need to have their email enable (we need to focus on this in 2013)

Questions that need to be discussed

  • Monument definition
  • PL: we get many pictures that aren't of a monument proper but something that's part of the surrounding area
  • IT: there is no official list of monuments, it would be too hard and some would end up as only minor monuments; so we use a definition of the World Monuments Federation to create a broad list of what qualifies as monument
  • Timeline
  • How to get the lists from the government
  • Sponsors
  • Using Wikidata
  • CA: If we can centralize data, governments can better help us, in July phase 3 should be ready
  • CH: we can start working on the data structure and the shared ontology we will need to enter all the Cultural Heritage data into Wikimedia commons. Ideally, such a common ontology is able to represent all the semantic meaning that is included in the various national lists. For this purpose, it will be helpful to get support from people who are familiar with Linked Open Data / Semantic Web technologies.
  • Tools
    • Maps!
    • iPhone app is not efficient
  • Additional local options:
  • NL: Wiki takes a city (photo safaris), local prizes,
  • Participant survey

Discussion group about using Wikidata for building the lists of monuments


Background: Canada and Switzerland, for instance, have different language to deal with. Sometimes, the governement lists have mistakes or diferrent data between languages. Also a WP language might have more editors to correct one version, but not the other: the result is we have two lists, with the same monuments, but different data.

The goal of using Wikidata, is to centralise monument datas, in order to manage many languages (four languages in Switzerland). Also governments would be more open to develop partnership if corrected data of their list is available under free licence.

Participants of this group:

  • Benoit Rochon (Canada)
  • Beat Estermann

Questions by 'new organizers' & others

  • What resources do we need
  • How to find sponsors/partners
  • How to organize a working group
  • How to get the monument list
  • What prizes are preferable
  • Grants: what should be criteria? WHat would be a good structure.
  • Could we have ghost coutnries without local organizers? a.k.a. what is the bare minimum.



Points with two stars require the international helping you. The first important date was the registration of the local domain.In March you should (ideally) have the list of monuments. Mailing list, advertisement and media attention (local newspapers are helpful). August is a strange month, all the technical things need to be done. Talks with cultural offices should be done before the vacations in July, because governments are always slow. Also look early for volunteers to do the little things, the jury doesn't need to be chosen before August. Local PR shold be done in August by press release. There is probably a checklist for local events. During the contest you should do more PR and answer questions. The jury should be composed of at least 3 people with different backgrounds. Hard deadline: Make sure you have a jury decision by October 31, if not, your selection won't make it to the international contest.

Grants & metrics/success factors


3 options:

  • FDC etc (elaborate) -> WLM could be one of the projects that they execute, but it requires a lot of planning.
  • GAC -> only non-FDC chapters. Important to have some kind of success factors. We curtrently don't have a very clear overview of what has been requested in the past. Quite a few have been requested though. <insert link here>
  • backup: international grants. 3 given in 2012.

Frank looked into success factors for the GAC requests. How do you define 'well'. the number of pictures is probably too easy. 1) content generation 2) participation 2a) absolute 2b) new 3) press attention (eyeballs) 4) number of volunteers involved and satified (capacity building) -> interest to organize it next year. Hard to split cause and consequence. 5) coverage: number of monuments with a picture. 6) retention 7) number of spin-offs absolute & relative impact. Sometimes it depends a lot on the culture or the number of inhabitants. Is there a way to identify how much effort was involved in taking the picture. New vs better pictures? How to retain knowledge and experiences: mailing list, documentation, evaluation & organizers survey.



In 2011 and 2012 there was a participant survey - but the results were barely processed. (2012 results are still fairly easy to fetch & analyze.) Things we would like to measure:

  • how do the characteristics of the participants change over time? (age, country, etc)
  • Motivations

We'd like to add: Do they want to become more involved with the organization? Do they need help? etc.

Technical issues


There are many tools but not integrated. The idea is to organise a hackaton session to organize it in one enviroment which could be integraget with upload wizzard. Tools:

General tools:

Exemplary integrated upload page (our competitiors):

What upload wizzard should do:

  • Let easily find a monument
  • Let upload the picture with one-click
  • Fill automatically descripition fields using data from database.


  • Let people point the monument possition on a map if the monument has no geocordinates in the database/wikitables
  • Let people add some extra description (categories, links to the releavnt Wikipedia articiles etc.)

WLM – Survey


See also: Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2013/Participants' Survey Interests:

  • WM Netherland and Switzerland are interested in follow-up activities

Suggested Questions:

  • “Have you seen the edit button?”
  • Are they part of another photo community?
  • Would you like to get more feedback to your photo?
  • Would you like to know whether your picture is being used?
  • Are you more likely to contribute to Wikipedia after participating in Wikipedia?
  • Have you participated in any RL events?
  • Have you edited Wikipedia before participating in the contest?
  • Will you edit the Wikipedia in the future?
  • What are the communication channels through which the participants learned about the contest?

Survey results 2012 haven’t been processes yet. We should do that and inform the WLM organizers.

Frank is a member of 3 photo communities: On Flickr you get positive feedback (but not on Commons). In another photo community, I like to look at high quality pictures.

Lodewijk will talk to some of the legal people to see whether the raw data of previous survey can be handed on to the research team.

Frank is ready to help with the survey. Just contact him if support is needed.

Erik Zachte: Statistics about user data based on server-logs: how many user accounts newly created? How often were they used?