Commons:Wiki Loves Earth 2022/Rules

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Wiki Loves Earth 2022


Participating countries


Rules and FAQ






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The set of rules for the international part of the Wiki Loves Earth 2022 contest. The local teams might have their own rules, but the submissions for the international round should comply with these rules.



To take part in Wiki Loves Earth contest, a submission should:

  • Be self-taken
    All entries must be original photographs uploaded by their authors. Photos uploaded by anyone else than author (even with proper permission according to Wikimedia Commons rules) are not accepted.
  • Be self-uploaded during the contest period;
    You are also welcome to submit photos you may have taken in the past. What matters is that photos must be uploaded during the contest period (each country has its specific period within the general timeframe of May to July or other timeline close to these months).
  • Be under a free license;
  • Contain an identified natural monument / natural park / protected area etc.;
    Lists of eligible sites are published by each participating country. Photos of representative species (animals, plants etc.) taken in an eligible site also qualify if they are properly identified;
    Photos should include coordinates.[1]
  • Be nominated through a national contest;
  • Have at least 2Mpx.[2]
  • A participant should have an activated e-mail address via Preferences of their account.



The rules can be adapted by the international team if need be. The discussions are here: Commons_talk:Wiki_Loves_Earth_2022/Rules.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Due to the spread of COVID-19, I have limited access to natural heritage sites to take pictures for the contest, what to do?
We highly encourage you to upload your existing pictures. Please, stay safe and healthy by following the restrictions imposed in your country. Read our response to the world health situation.
  • Is there a limit on the number of photos I can submit?
No, you can submit as many as you like. Some people are uploading photos of hundreds of sites. However, we recommend you upload your best and quality photographs to increase your chances of winning.
  • Can I use Photoshop or a similar program to post-process my photos before submitting them?
Yes. The photos can be edited or processed by using any software. But please avoid the temptation to over-process: this is a photographic contest, not a computer art one.
  • What are the guidelines on image size?
Please submit images that are as large as possible and do not “downsize for the web”. We value high-resolution images for many purposes including print. While images below 2 megapixels may be accepted for the national contest, they will not be considered for a prize as they lack usability at larger sizes, especially in print. Please note we won't contact you and ask you to submit larger resolution photos.
  • Can I edit Wikipedia myself to add my photo to an article that doesn’t have images?
Yes, we’d be delighted! As your competition entry is already on Wikimedia Commons, it can easily be re-used on Wikipedia just by embedding the photo on the page.
  • I am not the world’s best photographer. Do you still want my images?
Yes, please! Even if you don't win in the international contest, your contribution can still give you the satisfaction of knowing that you have helped document your local environment and natural heritage, and that you have made your images freely available for future generations. Besides, some local organizers might offer special nominations and/or prizes for the highest number of photos uploaded.
  • Areas are too large, how to focus what to photograph?
The most useful pictures are those of wide views and representative biotopes. You can also submit photos of representative or rare species (animals, plants etc.) taken in protected areas, but these photos should be properly identified. If you submit such photos, you are expected to describe them so that we know that a photo was taken in a nature reserve (and not on somebody's own balcony).
  • Can we accept photos without coordinates in local contests?
Yes, photos without coordinates can be accepted in local contests, but should such photo be nominated for the international part, the author or the organizing team will have to add coordinates, or such photos might be disqualified. Sometimes it is easy to do (if it is a very famous and recognizable place), though that's not always the case. Yet, without the coordinates, the international team cannot in a timely manner to check all the pictures and verify if the picture follows the requirements of the contest.
  • My camera does not include the coordinates automatically
Though we (as Wikipedians) would like to have the exact location included in the picture, we understand that it is not always doable: one might easily scan the only printed photo they have left from some trip, for example, or have an older device. In this case, you should add the coordinates of the part or protected area (that would be usually the center of it).
  • What should I do if I have concerns that having coordinates can be bad for endangered species?
If there is a reason to protect endangered species by exclusion of the coordinates, local organizers should send the sensitive info and reasoning to the international team via
  • What shall we do if some areas have an entrance fee?
Photos from the area which have an entrance fee are treated equally with all other photos. We are not going to force someone to pay for a chance of taking photos. On the contrary, people who are going to pay for entrance will do this anyway, and we encourage them to take pictures there.
  • Are photos of flora, fauna, other natural objects (e.g. caves and beaches) eligible for the contest?
These natural objects are an essential part of natural heritage sites’ ecosystems. We encourage you to upload photos of them if they are taken in a protected site. Please note that your photo will be more likely to win if it depicts a common representative for the particular area, the species has been identify and includes coordinates.
  • Can I put a watermark on my photos?
Photos with watermarks are not prohibited by rules, but have a lower chance to win. Please take note that you might be asked to re-upload your picture without a watermark, in case it is chosen as a winning one. Please find more information about watermarks usage on Commons here.
  • Are photos of former protected sites eligible for the contest?
It is up to local organizers to decide on including former nature heritage areas to their lists of eligible sites. Please check lists published by each participating country. The international WLE team does not have any objections against it as WLE mission is drawing attention to nature and importance of its protection, helping to build a free database of photos of protected areas (including those that had such status before).


  1. This is not mandatory, but coordinates are helpful if there are doubts whether a photo depicts a protected site or not.
  2. This is a minimum threshold, photos in higher resolution are encouraged.