Commons:Wiki Loves Earth 2020 in Sweden/gl

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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Wiki Loves Earth 2020 in Sweden and the translation is 12% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Wiki Loves Earth 2020 in Sweden and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Do 1 ao 31 de maio de 2020
Wiki Loves Earth 2020 en Suecia

Wiki Loves Earth é unha competición fotográfica internacional para promover espazos naturais protexidos de todo o mundo a través de proxectos de Wikimedia (principalmente Wikipedia e Wikimedia Commons). Todo o mundo pode participar. Hai moitos espazos naturais protexidos en todos os países participantes. O obxectivo de Wiki Loves Earth é animar á xente a fotografar eses espazos naturais, e poñer as fotos baixo unha licenza libre para que outras persoas poidan acceder a elas a través de Internet. Para acadar isto, terá lugar un concurso internacional dende o 1 ata o 31 de maio de 2020. Esta páxina presenta a parte sueca desta competición.

En maio podes subir tantas fotos como queiras dos espazos naturais que teñas fotografado. As fotos non teñen por que ser tomadas en maio, pero deben ser subidas durante ese mes para participar no concurso. Pon o modelo {{Wiki Loves Earth 2020|SE}} na páxina da túa imaxe. A finais de mes o xurado do concurso comezará a avaliar as fotografías e elixirá as 10 mellores imaxes de espazos naturais en Suecia, e finalmente do mundo.


Find a natural heritage or monument site from the given list, take a photo and upload it to Wikimedia Commons:

Atopa un obxecto!

Find natural heritage or monument
There are plenty of natural heritage or monument sites in your region!

Captura imaxes
For example: Here are the uploads from previous events.

Upload your photograph of natural heritage.

Please visit the winning photographs from this year's competition at the end of July, 2020.


The top 10 photos qualify for the international final. The Swedish Jury also awards national prizes:

1. place: voucher of 1,500 sek in a camera store
2. place: voucher of 1,000 sek in a camera store
3. place: voucher of 500 sek in a camera store
4 – 10. place: a nice water bottle, a mug and a pencil

Special prizes
The photographer behind the best photograph of a biosphere reserve gets a gift from the Swedish Unesco council.

Why participate?

Sweden is a large country, covered with nature. In every corner, there are spots in the nature well worth a visit. This competition is a great opportunity to bring your camera, go to the natural heritage sites listed, take some photos and show the planet from your point of view to the rest of the world!

Participating in the competition is a great way to experiment and learn which photos that gain recognition. You certainly don't need to be a professional photographer to take photos useful for Wikipedia. Here's a great chance to try it out! Entries to the local competition are eligible for selection to the international finale and did we mention there are prices to win?

Wikimedia Sverige also has a technology pool with several cameras and lenses that we can lend. Read more about them, how you could use them for Wiki Loves Earth, and other tips and ideas for WLE 2020 here.

Competition rules

We try to keep the competition clean and simple to participate. There are only a few rules for photos to participate in the contest in Sweden. Let's quickly go through them.
All entries must be original photographs uploaded by their authors.
All photos must be uploaded within May 2020, to be eligible
All photos must be under a free license
Participants must have an active email account.
Lists of eligible sites are published here. Photos of representative species (animals, plants etc.) taken in an eligible site also qualify if they are properly identified.
Captions and description are required
Make sure that there are no visible watermarks
All photos must have at least 2Mpx.

Next to that, there are a few practical rules and advice:
Sign in or Create a New Account on Wikimedia Commons
Name your photos well
Use the Find an object! button above or, if you already know the identifier of the depicted site you can Click here to upload the images
Do not forget to add categories to your picture – it will be helpful to everyone looking for it!
Share your upload success on social media with our hashtags: #WLESverige #WLE2020.
And wait patiently for the results! All the best!

Contact the organizing team

* Wikimedia Sverige


Please visit our facebook page for updates and other news.

The Jury

In May, you may upload pictures (old or new) as you want from the given list that you have visited. At the end of the month, the national jury will evaluate the photographs and select the best 10 pictures of the natural monuments in Sweden to submit to represent in the international finale. If there are any doubts about the implementation of the rules, the jury decides.

Judging criteria

The jury will determine the winners of the international contest taking into the consideration the following criteria (in no particular order):

  • Technical quality (sharpness, use of light, perspective etc.);
  • Originality;
  • Usefulness of the image for Wikipedia.

Local organizer


Use this search to find images without {{Wiki Loves Earth Sweden}} and add the template with the correct ID.