Commons:Wiki Loves Africa 2022/jury

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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Wiki Loves Africa 2022/jury and the translation is 100% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Wiki Loves Africa 2022/jury and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

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Processus de sélection du gagnant de Wiki Loves Africa

Le processus du jury pour le concours Wiki Loves Africa est élaboré et complexe, comme pour tous les concours photographiques internationaux. Le processus est divisé en étapes qui sont expliquées ci-dessous. Veuillez noter qu'il existe deux éléments distincts de jugement, sans lien entre eux : 1. les jurys nationaux et 2. le jury international. Les jurys nationaux sélectionnent des images dans leurs catégories de pays pour les examiner et les récompenser. Le processus du jury international est entièrement distinct, toutes les images étant examinées dont quelques-unes sont sélectionnées pour constituer une liste restreinte en vue du résultat final. Nous ne comptons pas sur les équipes nationales ou les jurys nationaux pour leurs sélections. Ceci est intentionnel et est dû au fait que tous les pays qui contribuent ne disposent pas d'une équipe nationale ou d'un jury.

Vérification des images
Tout d'abord, il existe un travail initial au cours du déroulement du concours puis dans le mois qui suit pour s'assurer que toutes les images sont correctement catégorisées et sont exemptes de violations de droits d'auteur et d'autres problèmes. Ce processus est mené par quelques contributeurs impliqués et infatigables qui sont incroyables (merci GuillaumeG, Anthere, Ceslause et Ji-Elle). Vous pouvez consulter l'éventail des tâches sur la page de vérification des images de l'année courante.

Processus de jury national

Les équipes nationales organisatrices sélectionnent leurs propres jurys. Des conseils concernant ce processus sont fournis dans la charte nationale de jugement, cependant la gestion et l'organisation - et les résultats finaux - sont entièrement indépendants de l'équipe internationale. Vous pouvez voir les gagnants nationaux ici.

Processus de jury international

Le jury de cette année a été composé et a été organisé par Isla Haddow-Flood, avec une aide de Ceslause. Le processus est mené sur Montage et comporte deux parties séquentielles spécifiques.

Première équipe de révision
Une fois toutes les images ont été vérifiées, un appel est lancé à la communauté organisatrice de Wiki Loves Africa et sur Wikimedia Commons pour que des volontaires fassent une première révision. Comme plus de 80 % des contributeurs au concours sont de nouveaux Wikimédiens, une grande variété d'images téléversées ne sont pas adaptées ou éligibles au concours. Ceci va de ne pas être pertinent pour le thème jusqu'à des selfies (nous avons reçu des téléversements de CV et de certificats !) en passant par toutes sortes d'autres problèmes. La première équipe de revue cette année s'élevait à 22 examinateurs, la liste est ci-dessous.
Équipe de jury international
Pour le Jury International cette année, nous avons été conscients de réunir une équipe qui honore la diversité que nous valorisons en tant que projet. Un équilibre a été recherché entre plusieurs critères parfois contradictoires : contributeurs et professionnels de Wikimedia Commons, basés en Afrique et partout dans le monde, hommes ou femmes. Cette année, on sent que l'équilibre est trouvé. Nous sommes reconnaissants à tous les membres, nouveaux et expérimentés, d'avoir apporté leurs yeux d'experts pour choisir les meilleurs des meilleurs.

Jury international

Le jury international est composé de photographes professionnels et de contributeurs engagés de Wikimedia Commons. Le jury de cette année a été composé et organisé par Isla Haddow-Flood, avec l'aide de Ceslause.

Juré(e) Biographie


Nadine Le Lirzin, France Nadine Le Lirzin has been contributing to Wikimedia projects since April 2008. Mainly on the French version of Wikipedia (creation or correction of articles, addition of references or wikiification), with some modest incursions into other language versions of the encyclopedia, as well as Wikimedia Commons. Nadine is a board member of Wikimédia France, and she is also an amateur photographer. Nadine's Flickr channel can be found here
Uncle Bash007, Nigeria Uncle Bash007 is a graduate of Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina. Studied Geography and currently MSc in Climatology. He is an avid photography hobbyist and entrepreneur with a year experience in professional photography. He believes photography is an art and an essential part of human culture, history, and civilization. He also loves editing Wikipedia and creating content for the free Encyclopedia.
Benoît Prieur, France Benoît Prieur has been a Wikimedian for over 10 years. He loves contributing to Wikimedia Commons and taking a lot of photos :). Professionally he's a computer engineer and writes technical books about programming.
Michael Maggs, United Kingdom Michael Maggs is a photographer, a former chair of Wikimedia UK and a former bureaucrat on Commons. In 2013 he set up the Wiki Loves Monuments contest in the UK, and led the UK efforts to 2019. Michael's contributions to Commons can be found here.
Miriam Nwosah, Nigeria Miriam Nwosah is the Creative Director and Digital Marketer at Webizza Studio, a creative digital marketing agency which she founded in 2017. One of their notable works is a stop motion video advert for Bata Shoes. She's a self-taught graphics designer, photographer, videographer, website designer and visual artist. As an Ebonylife Creative Academy Alumni, she is a certified Art Director, her final project, a short film titled Monitoring Spirit, earned the highest number of awards including Best picture.

She holds a Master’s degree in International Business and Finance from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. She worked in the corporate world for a couple of years, first as a financial analyst at UBS Investment Bank in New Jersey and then Equiniti Group in London before she returned to Nigeria and worked as an account officer at Kakatar Group. She is the founder of “We The Youths Africa”, a nonprofit organisation with a platform that supports African creatives for positive change. You can view some of her works here

Musa Umar, Nigeria Musa Umar is a graduate of mass communication degree from Hassan Usman Katsina Polytechnic. He's a co-founder of Nigerian Commons Photographers User Group. He's a photographer with mostly light skills and composure. He has more experience in in-depth pictures, action pictures and pictures that tell stories. He believes pictures tell stories better!
Otsile Moutswi, Botswana Otsile Moutswi is a Business Computing graduate and a self taught videographer and a photographer based in Gaborone, Botswana. He has been a professional corporate and event photographer for over four years with the goal to capture moments that inspire and tell a story. During his years in the creative space, he has sharpened his technical and aesthetic skills and has come to love bringing smiles from people. You can find his work at Lensman Media on Facebook and Lensman Media on YouTube.
Anas Adam, Nigeria Anas Adam is an entrepreneur, expert photographer and a student of architectural technology from Kadpoly Affiliated to Ahmadu Bello University, He's a co-founder of Nigerian Commons Photographers User Group an administrator nn Hausa Wikipedia. He focuses on recording audio and snapping pictures to document Nigerian History and culture, especially Hausa Language and Northern Nigeria, as he believes that up to now Nigeria is not well documented.
David Brazier, Zimbabwe In the early 1990’s David Brazier founded a small professional studio in Harare focusing on architectural, environmental and development assignments and worked as a stringer for Agence France Press in Harare. His architectural work has been published in the New York Times, the International Ove Arup Journal and the Architectural Review. His photos have been featured in the Zimbabwean Review journal, Revue Noire, the cover of TIME Magazine (Africa), National Geographic Africa, Claiming Landscapes, Warscapes, Ogogii magazine. View his work here:
Yazeed Kamaldien, South Africa Yazeed Kamaldien is a a journalist who has worked in print, radio, television and documentary filmmaking. He has reported from various countries, including conflict zones such as Yemen, Sudan, Syria and the Gaza Strip. He is a founding member of the International Association of Religion Journalists (IARJ) aimed at promoting accuracy and fairness in religion reporting. He was born in Cape Town, South Africa.
Bouba Kam's, Côte d'Ivoire Aboubacar Kamaté is an Ivorian videographer and video director. He won the Best video quality prizes for Wiki Loves Africa 2020 and Wiki Loves Africa 2021.
Adrian Mwangi, Kenya Adrian Mwangi is a student pursuing a degree in Computer Science at The United States International University – Africa. Currently in his final year of education, his greatest accomplishment has been launching a freelancing career in the IT field. With a natural proclivity for entrepreneurship, he has been able to lead a number of ventures that are still active today.

First review 2022

This year, we again asked the community to participate in a clean up of the images submitted to Wiki Loves Africa 2022. The community members who participated were:

  1. Abzeerash001
  2. Actveso
  3. Adoscam
  4. Afek91
  5. Alvinategyeka
  6. Ampimd
  7. Anthere
  8. Bello Na'im
  9. Ceslause
  10. Chapelle musa
  11. Chikeme Chizurum
  12. Dnshitobu
  13. Ei'eke
  14. GATETE Pacifique
  15. Giseletuy
  16. Gnangarra
  17. Islahaddow
  18. Iwuala Lucy
  19. JadePhenom
  20. JuJo77
  21. Justine Msechu
  22. Kyakwera
  23. Leonard Kisuu
  24. Limewrite
  25. Lneruba
  26. Ngumenawe
  27. Ridzaina
  28. Rosine Igirimpuhwe
  29. Sadads
  30. Serieminou
  31. Shahadusadik
  32. Smithiek2
  33. Summering2018
  34. Viktoria Petite
  35. xibitgh

This First Review round is to reduce submitted images to a manageable number for a more in-depth selection by the international jury. The First Review Team chose yes (to keep) or no (to drop) each image assigned to them according to the following criteria:

  • Images must be relevant to the theme.
  • The obvious quality of the image - is it obviously blurred, pixellated, etc.
  • The deletion of any selfies, very small images or blurred and unclear works.

Thank you so much for their work on this first round!

See also