Commons:Swiss GLAMmies/2014-04-29 Hirsebreifahrt/en
GLAMmy of the 29 April 2014
Representation of the Hirsebreifahrt by Johann Conrad Werdmüller
Johann Conrad Werdmüller, Zentralbibliothek Zürich, collection of prints and drawings, Public domain
The Hirsebreifahrt was a wager between the Swiss of the city of Zürich and the Alsatians of the city of Strasbourg in the year 1456, whereby the citizens of Zürich demonstrated that it was possible to reach Strasbourg by boat in under 24 hours. The proof was that the Hirsebrei (a millet porridge) which had been loaded on the boat in Zürich was still warm on arrival. During a joint military exercise, the citizens of Zürich had claimed that if ever Strasbourg were under siege, they would be able to supply Stasbourg with porridge by the river so fast that it would still be warm upon delivery. In the year 1456 the citizens of Zürich proved their claim. They prepared a Hirsebrei and sailed away. They reached Strasbourg 22 hours later and were able to deliver a warm kettle. |