Commons:Robert Lavinsky/Category missing in description/5

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Files Title Description Categories missing in description
gem Apophyllite This is a beautiful cluster of five large (up to 6 cm!) prismatic Apophyllites with superb luster and typical clear gemmy terminations. These larger crystals seemingly rest in a bed of over a hundred smaller Apophyllites, which give the appearance of a bed of diamonds. The pink tinting to some of th... Natroapophyllite
gem Apophyllite , The Rocket This beautiful specimen consists of four large (up to 7 cm) doubly-terminated Apophyllite crystals surrounded by many small gemmy crystals. The main crystal looks like a Rocket emerging from a cloud of sparkling ice crystals, hence the nickname. A top-notch specimen from the land of great zeolites. Natroapophyllite
File:Natroapophyllite-pkn24a.jpg Apophyllite (floater) with unknown inclusions This is a single, tabular, FLOATER crystal of fluorapophyllite with unknown reddish inclusions. This much larger and thicker tabular crystal stands out from the lot. Natroapophyllite
File:Natroapophyllite-pkn22a.jpg Apophyllite (floater) with unknown inclusions This is a tabular, FLOATER cluster of fluorapophyllite with unknown reddish inclusions. This specimen is comprised of two crystals that are less included,thus exhibiting a pink color. Natroapophyllite
File:Natroapophyllite-ind12a.jpg gem Apophyllite Lovely and complex cluster of seven larger crystals (up to 7 cm), each draped in its own group of tiny gemmy Apophyllites. Add a little bit of pink coloring, and you have visually entrancing specimen. Natroapophyllite
File:Natroapophyllite-pkn23a.jpg Apophyllite (floater) with unknown inclusions This is a single, tabular, FLOATER crystal of fluorapophyllite with unknown reddish inclusions. This tabular crystal is partly transparent with good luster yet stillshows off its pink inclusions. Natroapophyllite
Green Gyrolite with Apophyllite This specimen consists of a cluster of spheres of olive green, lustrous, slightly translucent Gyrolite , to 2 cm across. It is dusted aesthetically with a druse of colorless Apophyllite and super sparkly overall! Most unusual combination, I would say... Natroapophyllite
File:Natroapophyllite-d06-61a.jpg Pink Apophyllite A HUGE apophyllite crystal, the largest I have yet seen in fact, from this find last year at the classic San Martin Silver Mine. In person, it has a more robust and pleasant pink color than the pics indicate. Crystals of apophyllite of this magnitude in size were , to my knowledge, unknown from Mexi... Natroapophyllite
gem Apophyllite This is a tremendously cool cluster of Apophyllites that range in size from several mm all the way up to 7cm. Most of the Apophyllites are gemmy, and they are stacked in a very attractive coil reminiscent of a snake. This is an aesthetic, and major, piece. Natroapophyllite
Apophyllite with inclusions We're still not sure what causes this odd yellowish color, but this is nearly a floater with just some edge damage on a back edge. Otherwise complete and amazingly equant all around! A holdover from a small find of middle of last year Natroapophyllite
File:Natroapophyllite-pkn21a.jpg Apophyllite (floater) with unknown inclusions This is a single, tabular, FLOATER crystal of fluorapophyllite with unknown reddish inclusions. . Natroapophyllite
File:Natroapophyllite-pkn20a.jpg Apophyllite (floater) with unknown inclusions This is a single, tabular, FLOATER crystal of fluorapophyllite with unknown reddish inclusions. Minor damage on a back edge Natroapophyllite
File:Natroapophyllite-ind16a.jpg gem Apophyllite This is a gorgeous 7 cm doubly-terminated Apophyllite with another gemmy crystal growing out the side. A floater! There are many sparkling tiny Apophyllites along each side creating just the right amount of accent. This specimen is simple, yet dramatic and beautiful. Natroapophyllite
File:Natroapophyllite-ind14a.jpg gem Apophyllite The pic says it all here. There are four gemmy Apophyllites (up to 4.5 cm) set in an arc of tiny Apophyllites that look like a bed of diamonds. Incredibly simple, incredibly aesthetic. Natroapophyllite
File:Natroapophyllite-pkn19a.jpg Apophyllite (floater) with unknown inclusions This is a single, tabular, FLOATER crystal of fluorapophyllite with unknown reddish inclusions. Natroapophyllite
Apophyllite w/Mozartite inclusions These unusual specimens became instant classics when they first began showing up a few years ago, and it seems the supply is dwindling. Of those I have handled, this is one of the more intriguing ones. The crystal is 4.5 cm on edge and has very good luster. Additionally, there are two distinguishing... Natroapophyllite
File:Natroapophyllite-k283a.jpg Hydroxy-Apophyllite A very showy, 3-dimensional specimen with lustrous, brigh tapophyllite crystals to 9mm in size. This is not fluorapophyllite, but rather the more rare form, hydroxy-apophyllite. Natroapophyllite
Apophyllite A gorgeous, pastel pink plate of intergrown, glassy and translucent apophyllite crystals, to 5 cm in length.The tetragonal symmetry of the apophyllite crystals is clearly evident. An unusual treasure from The San Martin Mine, this came from a small find in about 2004. Very few of this calibre came o... Natroapophyllite
Apophyllite This is a stunning, perfect, octahedron-modified cube with super-sharp edges and corners. The color varies from a lovely green band in the center to water clear along the sides. The luster is superb, and the aesthetics are out-of-this-world as the cube sits on a small plate of matrix. A classic spec... Natroapophyllite
Apophyllite This is a stunning example of beautiful pink apophyllite from a small find about 2 years ago, at this old classic locality from where it had been found previously only several decades ago. The color is a beautiful and consistent pastel pink hue, in person. The piece is one of the most aesthetic and ... Natroapophyllite
File:Natroapophyllite-t07-98a.jpg Apophyllite This matrix specimen is covered in glassy, pastel pink, crystals, of apophyllite, to 2.25 cm in length. These crystals are much more lustrous in person than they apppear, and the only damage is peripheral around the display face. Very showy! Pink apophyllite has always been VERY RARE from any locali... Natroapophyllite
APOPHYLLITE Nice equant tabluar crystal with modified corners. Glassy striated sides and a sharp pearly termination. This comes from one of the best localities in the US for the species. Natroapophyllite
File:Inesite-Natroapophyllite-4aa5a.jpg Inesite with Apophyllite Rare combination specimen from old mines at Broken Hill. Better in person! Natroapophyllite
Mesolite with Apophyllite Classic combo from the early days of Indian exports! A fan-like, diverging spray, of white, partially gemmy, scolecite crystals to 5 cm in length is associated with accenting apophyllite crystals, to 1.5 cm in length, all spraying up from a sliver of basaltic matrix. Groups like this first made an a... Natroapophyllite
Apophyllite on Calcite There are 3 specimens here from this unique find in 2005 at the 2nd Sovietskiy Mine in Dalnegorsk. What you have is poker-chip calcites (to 3 cm) which are covered with small, sparkling crystals of apophyllite. The apophyllites also are also lighting up the surrounding matrix, with a dove-grey color... Natroapophyllite
Apophyllite on Calcite There are 3 specimens here from this unique find in 2005 at the 2nd Sovietskiy Mine in Dalnegorsk. What you have is poker-chip calcites (to 4 cm) which are covered with small, sparkling crystals of apophyllite. The apophyllites also are lighting up the surrounding matrix, with a dove-grey color comi... Natroapophyllite
Apophyllite on Calcite There are 3 specimens here from this unique find in 2005 at the 2nd Sovietskiy Mine in Dalnegorsk. What you have is poker-chip calcites (to 4 cm) which are covered with small, sparkling crystals of apophyllite. The apophyllites also are lighting up the surrounding matrix, with a dove-grey color comi... Natroapophyllite
Apophyllite on Mesolite (NEW FIND!) Talk about gorgeous oddities! A core of splayed, fibrous white mesolite has been encapsulated by a later generation of unusual, light green apophyllite that completely covers the original ball of mesolite! The lustrous apophyllite must have been deposited slowly over time, giving it a frosted look f... Natroapophyllite
Analcime with Apophyllite This old zeolite specimen features sharp , stark white analcime crystals with a high ceramic-like lustre, and minor yellowish bladed apophyllite in association. Natroapophyllite
Apophyllite A sparkling, gorgeous, large speicmen that is a typical Andreasberg matrix literally draped by sharp crystals of apophyllite. Very rare even in the heyday of this silver district, German apophyllites have always been desired among collectors for their rairity. This piece is of good size, and highly ... Natroapophyllite
Fluorite on Quartz w/Hematite over Apophyllite One of India�s sensations of recent years has been these spherical Fluorites, which are unparalleled for size and attractiveness. This particular specimen consists of three intergrown spheres (4 cm across!) that have a lovely medium honey color and are quite gemmy. Factor in the unusual association ... Natroapophyllite
APOPHYLLITE Many people think of Indian green apophyllite as rather common stuff. However, I would argue that the top quality level of material coming out today stands on its own merits as a superior mineral find, by any standard. Pretty specimens are common - Great specimens are not. This, then, is a great spe... Natroapophyllite
Gigantic Apophyllite crystal on Stilbite! LARGE CABINET, 17 x 14 x 10 cm What can I say? Not only is this a PRISTINE, pretty crystal of apophyllite on a bed of contrasting stilbite � but it�s an absolute monster! It weight 5 POUNDS, is 13 cm corner to corner and over 7 cm thick. Now, granted, it is easy to get jaded about Indian minerals wi... Natroapophyllite, Stilbite-Ca
Apophyllite w/ Stilbite Though India has for years been producing specimens of both of these minerals in large quantities, the vast majority of them are mediocre, so the really aesthetic ones really stand out and are still quite desirable (and tend to sell rapidly at shows even amongst the tonnage of more common level mate... Natroapophyllite, Stilbite-Ca
Apophyllite in Stilbite Emanating from a wreath of lustrous, cream colored, stilbite crystals, to 3.5 cm across, is a spear shaped, pristine, and transparent, light emerald green, fluorapophyllite crystal. The length of the fluorapophyllite crystal is 6.5 cm in length and it exhibits very good luster. The termination is RA... Natroapophyllite, Stilbite-Ca
Apophyllite on Stilbite Nestled in the center of flower-like, lustrous, white stilbite crystals, to 2 cm across, is a cluster of emerald green, transparent, lustrous, prismatic, apophyllite crystals. THESE ARE LIKE GEMS! Rarely do you see apophyllite of such quality, gram for gram. The crystals are like little glass carvin... Natroapophyllite, Stilbite-Ca
Apophyllite with Stilbite A very showy combination specimen featuring a SPRAY of GEMMY, GLASSY, mint-green apophyllites to 2.2 cm leaping out as accent atop an off-white colored cluster of stilbite bowties. The piece is big, relatively inexpensive, and very dramatic. The apophyllites all have the same unusually modified basa... Natroapophyllite, Stilbite-Ca
File:Natroapophyllite-Stilbite-Ca-pkn52a.jpg Apophyllite on Stilbite stalactite NEW FIND! Usually a specimen can be viewed in only one direction, but this piece can easily be viewed both vertically and/or horizontally. This is a 11 cm elongated group of interconnected, lustrous, stark white doubly terminated stilbites which have been pierced by a doubly terminated , light green... Natroapophyllite, Stilbite-Ca
Apophyllite with Stilbite I think the pics pretty much say it all on this about your lucky trim! The apophyllite spray, which measures 5 x 4 cm, is very 3-dimensional in person. For the size range, this is hands down one of my all time favorite Indian apophyllites! Natroapophyllite, Stilbite-Ca
Calcite (twinned) on Apophyllite with Stilbite This remarkable specimen features a 10 x 7 x 6 cm twinned calcite still in situ in a gently curving concave vug of top-quality, gemmy apophyllite. The calcite is pristine and the apophyllite as well, except only its periphery along the plate's edges. The piece really "sparkles" in light, which refle... Natroapophyllite, Stilbite-Ca
Apophyllite with Stilbite A beautiful roseate cluster of sparkling, gemmy, mint-green apophyllite of high calibre! It is complete and pristine, set dramatically among stilbite sheaves on matrix.The color is the top intensity of mint green you can get, and the lustre the highest, this piece leapt out at me from 3 full tables ... Natroapophyllite, Stilbite-Ca
Apophyllite on Stilbite stalactite NEW FIND! This specimen features two doubly terminated, lustrous, apophyllite crystals each measuring 6 cm in length embedded in and through a stalactitic cluster of stilbite. Natroapophyllite, Stilbite-Ca
Apophyllite impaled on Stilbite, on Quartz pseudomorphs after Calcite This is really quite a superb combination piece, featuring a perfect 4 cm doubly-terminated green Apophyllite.Both tips are extraordinary and complete. The luster and the gemminess are excellent. There are also numerous light-pink Stilbite blades with gorgeous pearly luster � many are doubly-termina... Natroapophyllite, Stilbite-Ca
Apophyllite on Stilbite stalactite NEW FIND! Even nicer, is this specimen featuring white, lustrous, doubly terminated interconnected stilbites to 2.5 cm pierced at the top by a 6 cm, light green, lustrous, doubly terminated apophyllite crystal. The apophyllite actually has multiple terminations and the overall display effect is wond... Natroapophyllite, Stilbite-Ca
Apophyllite on Stilbite This is another killer miniature of fluorapophyllite and stilbite which is shaped like a dragonfly. The white stilbite is doubly terminated and 2 cm in length. The gemmy and lustrous light green apophyllite is also doubly terminated and 4 cm in length. The shots are shown upside down from photo'd to... Natroapophyllite, Stilbite-Ca
File:Natroapophyllite-Quartz-Stilbite-Ca-pkn62a.jpg Blue-Green Apophyllite and Quartz on Stilbite These apophyllites from this small new find of which I bought nearly all, are frosted on the surface with a sparkly druse of microcrystalline quartz. They exhibit a wonderful and unique Blue-green hue and sit nicely on contrasting quartz and white stilbite. Natroapophyllite, Stilbite-Ca
Apophyllite on Stilbite This is an extremely lustrous and gemmy, color zoned light green, doubly-terminated apophyllite sitting on a crust of stilbite. Although these equant crystals are not as highly sought after as the pyramidal ones for some reason, I think these have a symmetrical beauty the others lack. And the color ... Natroapophyllite, Stilbite-Ca
Apophyllite on Quartz, with Chlorite Inclusions A cluster of tall, slender, elegant quartz crystals, sparkling with little apophyllites, and with phantoms of green fluorite inside the terminations. A sizeable and dramatic Dalnegorsk piece! Natroapophyllite, Tosudite
Genthite A vein of massive yellow genthite, a Kaolinite-Serpentine group mineral related to chrysotile, in sandstone. From the noted collection of William Drown, whom according to the Mineralogical Record Archive on him was an umbrella manufacturer who used his fortune to amass a collection of some 6000 mine... Nepouite
Chloanthite (Nickel-Skutterudite) An extremely fine miniature with very rich, extremely metallic, lustrous crystals to 7 mm completely covering the display face and cascading down the matrix. VERY FINE example of this old German classic! In person, this is a very 3-dimensional piece and it is MUCH MUCH BETTER IN PERSON as the metall... Nickelskutterudite
Chloanthite (Ni-Skutterudite) A very heavy specimen of solid skutterudite, from a CLASSIC and important locality for the species! These are old specimens, some to the 1800s, and now rare on the market. Technically this former species is now regarded as an arsenic-deficient variety of Nickel-Skutterudite or simply as a synonym fo... Nickelskutterudite
Chloanthite An exceptionally rich specimen, with excellent 3-dimensional coverage by thick clusters of bright, metallic, chloanthite (nickel-rich skutterudite). This is the classic locality for the material, and although such specimens are usually big and clunky this one is definitely more on the aesthetic side... Nickelskutterudite
SKUTTERUDITE var. CHLOANTHITE on QUARTZ Extremely sharp crystals to 7mm, combined with unusually fine pseudocubic crystallography, makes this specimen a VERY choice miniature for the locality. These were collected, I am told, between the 1880s and 1920s. Most such specimens are rather lumpy, less rich, or simply have more poorly developed... Nickelskutterudite
Peridot This cluster of well formed, translucent, lustrous, greenish-yellow, forsterite var. peridot, is typical of the better specimens from this deposit, which first appeared in dealers stocks in the late 1990s. The largest crystal is 4.0 cm in length. It is of superior quality! Ex. Collection of Joseph F... Olivine
Peridot with Ludwigite inclusions A sharp, well formed, transparent, lustrous, lime-green, peridot crystal has included sprays of acicular, black, ludwigite, a rare magnesium, iron, borate. The peridot is transparent, lustrous, and a rich green color. The gem weight of this specimen is ____ grams. IN PERSON it is very dramatic! the ... Olivine
Peridot This is from a new find of peridots at this now-classic locality which has produced the world's best crystals of the species by far. The color is just a REALLY JUICY LIMEY-GREEN COLOR the likes of which you seldom see. The crystal is very gemmy and translucent to transparent throughout, as well, so ... Olivine
Peridot with Ludwigite inclusions This crystal has unusually good, intense lime-green color and internal clarity. You can see inside the needle-like crystals of ludwigite, for which this locality is known. This crystal is unusually equant and 3-dimensional, rather than "squished" into 2 dimensions as are most Pakistani peridots, and... Olivine
Forsterite var. Peridot While not totally transparent, this is nearly so - this lime-green, gemmy, well terminated, luscious green peridot is very representative of good Pakistani material that has redefined wha ta collector could get for this species. It even has a few "side cars" to give it a cityscape appearance and a b... Olivine
Forsterite (Peridot) Lovely, equant crystal of Peridot with excellent color and habit. The faces attractively vary from clear and lustrous to frosted. Seeing the clear windows into the green depths of the crystal adds to the very nice aesthetics....truly, it has to be seen in person to be appreciated. Lastly, the LIME G... Olivine
Forsterite (Peridot) This is a fabulous Peridot crystal from the famous locality for gem and carving grade peridot of ANCIENT times (i.e. as far back as biblical times!). This material is EXTREMELY hard to come by on the market and is in both color and form quite distinct from the much more common Pakistani material min... Olivine
File:Ludwigite-Olivine-t06-333a.jpg Peridot with Ludwigite inclusions This forsterite var. peridot crystal is highlighted by rare, acicular crystal inclusions of ludwigite, a rare magnesium, iron, borate. The peridot is transparent, lustrous, and a rich olive green color. The gem weight of this specimen is 15 grams. IN PERSON it is more lime green Olivine
Peridot with Ludwigite inclusions WOW! This is a super-sharp, transparent, crystal of peridot with EXCEPTIONALLY SHAPR FORM. Most of them, especially large ones , tend to get very rounded for some reason. This is one of the largest sharp crystals I have seen, in fact. It is made more interesting by inclusions of acicular ludwigite, ... Olivine
Peridot This is one of the mor ebeautiful minaitures I have seen, as it has sharp crystals and a high gemminess to it. Manylarger peridots from here tend to be murky and dull, and rounded. This, though, is a limey-green beaut! Olivine
Peridot Clunky by Pakistan or Egypt standards, to be sure, but i have NEVER seen a CRYSTAL out of these famous gem deposits, well-known for gem rough though they are. And, this IS a nicely formed crystal, though a bit included. I think it is a pretty rare US specimen of crystallized peridot! Olivine
FLUORITE on Adularia This specimen if from a find of fall 2008, which has really shocked the French fluorite collectors that I know, and is the kind of rare locality find that impresses outsiders as well. The color , lustre, and transparency of these crystals is above average for Chamonix, more of a vibrant pink-red tha... Orthoclase
Pink Fluorite on Adularia A sutnning red-pink crystal of about 1 inch, perched on a plate of adularia crystals. Sharp, complete, and vibrant! This is one of the most balanced miniatures of this style we have seen and has a richer "glow" to it than most such fluorites. It is a pure pink without the hint of maroon deeper red c... Orthoclase
Fluorite on Adularia This specimen is from the new pocket found in 2007 at these Alpine heights, is INTENSE color for a pink fluorite, almost red. It is a superb , balanced piece with several combined octohedrons forming a 4.5 x 4.5 x 4 cm cluster on a bit of adularia matrix. The fluorite is complete all around and near... Orthoclase
Titanite on Adularia An unusually fat little green sphene twin, perched on adularia, just a nice locality piece. Orthoclase
FLUORITE on Adularia This specimen if from a find of fall 2008, which has really shocked the French fluorite collectors that I know, and is the kind of rare locality find that impresses outsiders as well. The color, lustre, and transparency of these crystals is above average for Chamonix, more of a vibrant pink-red than... Orthoclase
FLUORITE on Adularia This specimen if from a find of fall 2008, which has really shocked the French fluorite collectors that I know, and is the kind of rare locality find that impresses outsiders as well. The color , lustre, and transparency of these crystals is above average for Chamonix, more of a vibrant pink-red tha... Orthoclase
File:Orthoclase-Titanite-dtn19a.jpg Titanite with Adularia This is an absolutely exquisite mineral specimen of ANY species and such a balanced thumbnail it is amazing! Aesthetically perched on contrasting matrix, is a cluster of gemmy, yellow-green, lustrous, titanite crystals, including a twinned, doubly terminated 2.0 cm , glassy, titanite crystal. To top... Orthoclase
Adularia Rock forming minerals such as feldspars are rarely collector-quality and even rarer to find them as gemmy crystals. This specimen incorporates several complex, intergrown crystals of gemmy white adularia to 5.8cm. It is of VERY rare quality and for its lustre and brightness is remarkable! The piece ... Orthoclase
Adularia and Stilbite This is truly an amazing adularia specimen and I DO NOT normally get excited about this species. Most Swiss adularia is dull and matte in lustre but this one has a surface like glass, and is highly reflective and attractive. I like the way the large crystal is perched aesthetically on a series of sm... Orthoclase, Stilbite-Ca
Adularia w/Chlorite Very sharp interpenetrating twinned crystals that are gemmy and have an attractive coating of Chlorite on most of the surfaces. Even so, the luster on this superb thumb is excellent. Orthoclase, Tosudite
File:Ajoite-Copper-Papagoite-gem7-75a.jpg Quartz included with Ajoite and Copper A gorgeous single crystal with intense color, due to inclusions of blue Ajoite within. Execllent representative example for the size and price. Papagoite
Phillipsite (rare zeolite) This is a fairly rare member of the zeolite family that at times can have calcium, or potassium, or sodium as its chief constituent. Phillipsite has cemented brecciated rock and formed a series of botryoidal groups, the largest of which measures 1.0 cm across. These spheres are snow white, and lustr... Phillipsite-Na
Acanthite Almost a complete floater, this acanthite specimen can be displayed on either side to equal effect. It is very 3-dimensional and treelike, and just sharper than most acanthites from here tend to be. The dark gray crystals are arborescent, with a few exhibiting incipient, hopper growth. The largest c... Polybasite
Mimetite var. Campylite My god, the COLOR on these mimetite crystals is crazy good...just a fiery red, the best I have seen of this material for color. They are smallish at 6-7mm, but the "Three Amigos" make quite an impact visually as they sit on this contrasting matrix, Superb specimen for quality, and a neat label as we... Pyromorphite
Calcite on Amethyst A stunning single , gemmy, sharp, pristine calcite rises majestically from this matrix of deepest purple amethyst. The contrast is striking. To get it I had to buy the 93-pounder amethyst cathedral it was trapped in and have it trimmed out at some large expense...well, I just had to have it! Both ar... Quartz
File:Fluorapophyllite-Quartz-sn117a.jpg Fluorapophyllite on Amethyst Just a really cute, unusual combo! Quartz
Amethyst Purchased form thhe Zewibels in 1970 for $225, this would have ranked quite highly at the very time the finds were coming out to command such a princely price for a little guy at the time. And, by modern standards, it IS a supremely good miniature with incredible transparency, glassy lustre, and fat... Quartz
Amethyst sceptre A superb, very symmetric amethyst sceptre from an unusual locale....just hav enot seen many amethyst from Brazil at all other than the typical small crystals in geodes, and this fine sceptre is really therefore a shock to me. It is complete save a single small bit of contact or damage on one back fa... Quartz
File:Quartz-tn10a.jpg Amethyst with Water Bubble Inclusion Deeply colored, transparent crystals of amethyst, with an included bubble, display themselves aesthetically. The longest crystal is 2.6 cm with great form and luster Quartz
Amethyst A gorgeous and classic Cripple Creek amethyst specimen with an antique Ward's Science Establishment label dating it to pre-WWI in the early 1900s (per the Mineralogical Record label archives). The script is in Henry Ward's own hand! Complete all around 360 degrees; and nearly pristine save only a sm... Quartz
Amethyst sceptre A stout, equant miniature from the classic early-1980s find at this surprising locality that has not been reproduced since. These today are considered East Coast treasures, and closely held in collections. Few are seen for sale and often the prices are scary - thousands for a single crystal point! F... Quartz
Amethyst Scepter This extremely sharp and well-developed scepter is from the famous 1985 find at Hopkinton, near the coast in Rhode Island. This find was instantly one of those classics where specimens became treasured like gold among East Coast collectors, and few were seen to trickle out. Today, they are very hard... Quartz
Amethyst A sharp sceptre, classic for material found recently from Madagascar, showing a dramatic gemmy cap! There is, sadly, a slight ding on the rear of the termination. Quartz
Chalcedony stalactites This is a most unusual network of elongated, interconnected stalactites of light green, translucent chalcedony. Quartz
Chalcedony pseudomorph after Fluorite These beautiful specimens are rare survivors of a small find that produced GREAT carving rough for cabochons and jewelry made of chalcedony (its gemmy and transparent/translucent!), to the detriment of the original specimens from our point of view! Charlie Key saved some from the wrecker, though, an... Quartz
Amethyst This is an outstanding, GLASSY AND GEMMY cluster of amethyst from this famous and very sparsely producing locale. It has the deepest purple, grape-juice colored amethyst cores you could want, grading to a clear zone at the very tips. The display face you can look right down into, as the glassy, tran... Quartz
File:Quartz-Sphalerite-elm06a.jpg Sphalerite on chert Perched on a shard of chert is an inergrown cluster of splendent, black crystals of sphalerite, a few exhibiting orange highlights. The largest crystal measures 2.0 cm across. SUPERB quality for an Elmwood sphalerite! Quartz
Sphalerite on chert Perched on a gray chert matrix is a cluster of splendent, black, sphalerite crystals, the largest of which measure 3.0 cm across. Very nice and among the best sphalerites for this size I have seen from the mine...this collection was particularly well stocked on sphalerite! Quartz
Amethyst and Calcite Lustrous, translucent, purple amethyst to 1.0 cm in length hosts several porcelain-white calcite scalenohedrons which reach 2.5 cm in length. Specimens of such quality form this part of Mexico, with the color and great association, come out only very rarely! I have not seen before such a large plate... Quartz
Billietite Xls with Vandenbrandeite and Malachite Microcrystalline red-orange billietite microcrystals with rich coverings of dark green Vandenbrandeite crystals, amongst malachite . Not so great a billietite, but a very good Vandenbrandeite for the price and the billietite is a bit of a bonus Quartz
Amethyst with Hematite inclusions THis is an early Thunder Bay amethyst form the late 1800s, with a Foote label still glued to the bottom 100-plus years later! While broken off matrix, this crystal is complete all around and pristine save a few tiny dings...remarkable for the age of it. This early material has obviously a much deepe... Quartz
Amethyst with Pyrite This amethyst rosette is a uniform, pastel lilac color, with good translucence and luster. The largest crystal is 2.0 cm in length. Enhancing this piece is a dusting of iridescent, pyrite crystals which average .1 cm across. The color of this amethyst is very close to the color of amethyst and pyrar... Quartz
Amethyst A stunning, gemmy, intense purple cluster of the most lustrous amethuyst from Mexico you can ask for, from a famous find here. These crystals are so gemmy, they look pale in photos because the light runs through and does not capture the grape-juice color they have in person. This piece is particular... Quartz
Amethyst A beautiful roseate cluster of 3 major crystals to 3 inches, , all with incredible glassy lustre (so slick, it look spolished but isnt!). The color is typical grape-juice color for the locale and pretty rich overall - better in person than it appears here. The piece is not pristine or it would cost ... Quartz
Amethyst Very closely resembling a rocket, ready for liftoff, this unusual and super matrix, amethyst crystal is doubly-terminated, very lustrous, and exhibits a lovely, rich lilac color. To me the most fascinating characteristic of this amethyst is the fairly uniform hopper growth on all the pyramidal faces... Quartz
glassy Amethyst I preface the word AMETHYST by the adjective to emphasize how DIFFERENT these are from anything you have ever seen from the mine before. these are BETTER...glassier and gemmier...than any other Guerrero find I know of. This is one of the best Guerrero amethysts I have seen in any size. A single, lar... Quartz
Galena with Calcite In appearance this galena specimen resembles an oreo cookie with galena on both sides of a calcite layer. Intergrown, splendent crystals of metallic galena form the bottom/matrix of this piece, draped by a vein of colorless, sparkling, calcite crystals. Topping the specimen are large, complexly form... Quartz
Amethyst (unusually glassy) I preface the word AMETHYST by the adjective to emphasize how DIFFERENT these are from anything you have ever seen from the mine before. these are BETTER...glassier and gemmier...than any other Guerrero find I know of. This amethyst specimen is very similar to the specimen preceding it. The large, i... Quartz
Amethyst Amethyst crystals from this area of Mexico have long been considered among the world�s finest for the species. This aesthetic group on a sliver of matrix, features several transparent, lustrous, lilac colored crystals which reach 5.5 cm in length. Unique features on the largest, most deeply colored ... Quartz
File:Quartz-es167a.jpg Amethyst This amethyst "flower" is from the southern Brazil. It exhibits a multi-hued lavender color with outstanding luster. In addition, all the individual crystals are terminated. Whereas most of these flowers are rather symmetric sprays, this one is asymmetric and looks very unusual (in a good way!). Quartz
Amethyst Sharp and aesthetic, this doubly-terminated Amethyst scepter is gemmy and has a superb luster. Considering that it is from a small location, this is quite a marvelous thumb. Quartz
Amethyst A really dramatic crystal in good condition, with the best color I have seen from the locality in the grape-juice-colored SHARP temrination! This is classic old US material, and seldom seen in crystals of this size as oppposed to larger groupings but of smaller crystals. Quartz
File:Quartz-sn42a.jpg Amethyst I tis very hard to get a htumb from the locale! most of them are so darned BIG here...this is an elegant thumbnail, though!. Quartz
File:Quartz-rhqtz-53a.jpg Amethyst A really aesthetic and dramatic cluster of amethyst from a most hard-to-get locality today, though it was once known as a European classic some time ago. The color is more purple in person, grading to white - the photo just enhances the white portions for some reason at the expense of the color grad... Quartz
Amethyst An interesting, and attractive deeply-colored locality piece, though honestly it has severe damage on the right hand side and some dings elsewhere. Quartz
Amethyst This specimen is a lustrous, bright, pleasing color and is doubly-terminated with multiply-terraced faces extending out on each tip. It is complete on the display face but for one minor tip, and has contact on the left edge and backside, but presents as a complete floater from the front view. Note a... Quartz
Amethyst This exquisite matrix plate of many color-zoned, lustrous and gemmy amethyst crystals features some of the most intensely purple crystal tips that I have seen from the various finds! There is a lot of variety because they are found in small pockets scattered over pretty rough terrain, and over many ... Quartz
Amethyst This specimen is a very important old classic for amethyst, and a scarcely seen item in even the most prominent old collections. It concists of a large plate of white the most intensely purple gem crystals of amethyst you can imagine, to 2.5 cm. They sparkle like glass, and these are so treasured in... Quartz
Amethyst stalactite I am not normally big on basaltic amethyst geodes, but every now and then one of them turns up that blows me away with its exquisite crystallization inside the former lava bubbles. This UNDAMAGED, PRISTINE stalactite leaps up from matrix, and is just plain dramatic. It is 7.5 inches tall! The stalac... Quartz
File:Quartz-sn46a.jpg Amethyst A very choice thumbnail sceptre! BETTER IN PERSON!. Quartz
File:Fluorite-Quartz-pa04a.jpg Gem Chalcedony pseudomorph after Fluorite A large plate in overall good condition, a little elongated - probably could be trimmed in two, and each half sold for the same! Quartz
Gem Chalcedony pseudomorph after Fluorite A fine representative example of this rare pseudomorph, with sharp crystals on matrix. Quartz
Metatyuyamunite on Malachite This is a VERY rich and colorful specimen with good coverage of this rarity. I have only ever had 2 Metatyuyamunite specimens in the past , and this is a large and pretty one. ID'd by Bill Pinch Quartz
Amethyst A beautiful, curving specimen of nearly solid amethyst, translucent. Quartz
Amethyst A stunning, glassy, gemmy, doubly-terminated crystal perched on matrix! Quartz
Amethyst One of the best in the lot for its undamaged, 3-dimensional, rolling surface and intense coloration! It has great form, and is complete on the front as shown, contacted just on the sides. Quartz
Pseudomalachite on Chalcedony A very showy and interesting, historic specimen of this rare copper PHOSPHATE, not to be confused with much more common malachite (a copper carbonate!). This is very old material Quartz
File:Quartz-pb59a.jpg Amethyst with HUGE crystals for locality! This showy, large specimen features several color-zoned, transparent, lustrous, amethyst crystals perched dramatically on matrix! The largest crystal is doubly terminated and a whopping 11.0 cm in length (over 4 inches!). A couple of the crystal tips have minute damage but the overall beauty and dra... Quartz