Commons:Picture of the Year/2016/R1/v/Sistema de orquestas y coros juveniles e infantiles del Zulia, Venezuela.ogv

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Picture of the Year 2016
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Sistema de orquestas y coros juveniles e infantiles del Zulia, Venezuela.ogv

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  1. Zyephyrus
  2. Gnom
  3. Halowand
  4. Longxiaozi
  5. Ivanics
  7. Rojinegro81
  8. Man77
  9. FNDE
  10. Hadi
  11. Raskiy
  12. IssamBarhoumi
  13. Євген1993
  14. Abductive
  15. Zzbrandon123
  16. Шухрат Саъдиев
  17. BD2412
  18. רפאל גורי
  19. Tiki toko
  20. Alex Great
  21. Pamputt
  22. Giorgos ab1234
  23. Adog104
  24. Sufyanxtreme
  25. Skiasaurus
  26. Daniel Mietchen
  27. Jumark27
  28. Thennicke
  29. Potapt
  30. Pk0001
  31. 斯冰菊
  32. Davidmarin99
  33. Wuselig
  34. Eman235
  35. National Names 2000
  36. Omar sansi
  37. Odnailro
  38. Ajpvalente
  39. Fixer88
  40. E. Ruvarey
  41. Sgars
  42. Tequask
  43. Ле Лой
  44. Nquinn91
  45. NH Cavalcanti
  46. Bluerasberry
  47. MichaelVernonDavis
  48. Vwanweb
  49. Green Mostaza