Commons:Mynd ársins/2014/Reglur

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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Picture of the Year/2014/Rules and the translation is 82% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Picture of the Year/2014/Rules and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

Mynd ársins 2014

POTY 2014 : IntroductionRulesDiscussionTranslationsCommitteeHelpR1 Candidates / GalleryR2 GalleryResults

Opinberar stefnur



  • Það verða tveir áfangar í Mynd ársins 2014.
    • 1. áfanginn felur í sér allar myndir sem voru valdar úrvalsmyndir árið 2014.
    • 2. áfanginn felur sér 30 vinsælustu () myndirnar úr 1. áfanganum.
  • Vinsælasta myndin verður tilkynnt sem Mynd ársins. Vinsælustu myndirnar þrjár hljóta fyrsta, öðru og þriðja sæti.


1. áfangi Myndar ársins 2014

frá 17. janúar 2015
til 31. janúar 2015

2. áfangi Myndar ársins 2014

frá 15. febrúar 2015
til 28. febrúar 2015


  • Það verða nokkrir dagar í prufutímabilinu þannig að við getum kannað hvort atkvæðagreiðslan virkar rétt.
  • Atkvæði sem eru greidd á prufutímabilinu — nokkrum dögum fyrir opinbera opnunardaginn — gilda líka. Nefndin telur þau með auk þeirra atkvæða sem eru greidd á seinara tímabilinu.
  • If you find a bug for the voting tool, please report it to MediaWiki talk:Gadget-EnhancedPOTY.js; report other issues to Commons talk:Picture of the Year/2014.

Kjörgengi kjósenda

  1. Users must have an account, at any Wikimedia project, which was registered before Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:00:00 +0000 [UTC].
  2. This user account must have at least 75 live edits on any single Wikimedia project before Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:00:00 +0000 [UTC]. Please check your account eligibility at the POTY 2014 Contest Eligibility tool.
  3. Users must vote with an account meeting the above requirements either on Commons or another SUL-related Wikimedia project (for other Wikimedia projects, the account must be attached to the user's Commons account through SUL).
  • Jafnvel þótt notandi hafi fleiri hæfa aðganga má hver notandi greiða atkvæði með eingöngu einum aðgangi.
  • Atkvæði frá IP-notendum gilda ekki.
  • Atkvæði greidd af óhæfum notendum/aðgöngum og margföld/tvöföld atkvæði gilda ekki.
  • Due to the large vote volume, we are unable to accept voters that do not meet this criteria as determined by the official POTY 2014 voter eligibility tool.
  • Við gætum haft samband við þig á spjallsíðu þinni í allt að 1 ár eftir að þú kýsur til að láta þig vita um niðurstöður keppninnar og bjóða þér um að taka þátt í næstu keppninni. Þú mátt draga þig út úr þessu hvenær sem er.


In Round 1 - multiple vote - eligible users may vote for as many candidates as they wish to support (one vote per image).

In the final Round 2 - three votes - eligible users may vote for only 3 finalists. Each of these 3 votes counts equal and one candidate must be only voted once. Note: if someone casts more than three votes, only the 3 most recent votes will be counted.



Galleries by content
Arthropods Arthropods (41)Other birds Other birds (51)Mammals Mammals (22)Other animals Other animals (20)
Plants and fungi Plants and fungi (46)Bones, shells and fossils Bones, shells and fossils (10)People and human activities People and human activities (70)Paintings Paintings (38)
Settlements Settlements (26)Castles and fortifications Castles and fortifications (37)Religious buildings Religious buildings (45)Constructions and buildings Constructions and buildings (90)
Artificially illuminated outdoor spaces Artificially illuminated outdoor spaces (63)Infrastructure Infrastructure (27)Interiors and details Interiors and details (97)Frescos, ceilings and stained glass Frescos, ceilings and stained glass (31)
Panoramic views Panoramic views (48)Nature views Nature views (55)Water Water (52)Astronomy, satellite and outer space Astronomy, satellite and outer space (13)
Maps, diagrams and illustrations Maps, diagrams and illustrations (14)Vehicles and crafts Vehicles and crafts (38)Objects, rocks and miscellaneous Objects, rocks and miscellaneous (43)Videos and animations Videos and animations (4)
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Kjörgengi mynda

1. áfangi
  • Allar úrvalsmyndir frá 1. janúar 2014 til 31. desember 2014.
  • The top 30 images from Round 1, by number of votes, from any category will go to the final round — the categories are irrelevant when it comes to counting the votes.
  • If top two images in a category are not in the top 30 of all images, they will be also promoted to the Final to guarantee a diverse final.

Frambjóðanda skal ekki vísa úr keppni eða skipta út án vandvirkrar umfjöllunar svo lengi sem honum sé ekki eytt (t.d. er eyðingarbeiðni ein og sér ekki nægileg afsökun til að vísa mynd úr keppni).

Verðlaun Myndar ársins