No. |
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number of votes[1] |
Statistics Note POTD etc.
1 |
No.201107-20 |
Arthropods |
221 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Vespula vulgaris portrait.jpg
2 |
No.201101-24 |
Arthropods |
165 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Emperor-Dragonfly-(5).jpg
3 |
No.201103-47 |
Arthropods |
156 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Grapsus grapsus Galapagos Islands.jpg Ignored:8991nirkirO
No.201102-45 |
Arthropods |
155 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Salticidae sp. AF 2.jpg
No.201108-04 |
Arthropods |
126 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Pracht Passionsfalter, Philaethria dido 1.JPG
No.201105-19 |
Arthropods |
112 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Tobacco Hornworm 1.jpg
No.201105-17 |
Arthropods |
98 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Hauhechel-Bläuling, Polyommatus icarus Paarung 1.JPG
No.201108-21 |
Arthropods |
83 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Tyria jacobaeae qtl1.jpg
No.201104-16 |
Arthropods |
81 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba).jpg
No.201101-61 |
Arthropods |
79 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Ficheiro-Araña alimentándose de Auchenorrhyncha. Bastavales, Brión, 090905.jpg
No.201111-07 |
Arthropods |
76 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Hemikypta marginata MHNT vol perspective.jpg Ignored:8991nirkirO
No.201108-55 |
Arthropods |
66 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Tenodera sinensis 5 Luc Viatour.jpg Ignored:8991nirkirO
No.201105-53 |
Arthropods |
65 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Attacus atlas qtl1.jpg
No.201107-34 |
Arthropods |
65 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Bananenfalter, Caligo atreus dionysos 1.JPG
No.201107-06 |
Arthropods |
65 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Sympetrum fonscolombii qtl7.jpg
No.201109-30 |
Arthropods |
63 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Carpocoris purpureipennis LT.jpg
No.201103-56 |
Arthropods |
61 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Limule(dD).jpg
No.201109-16 |
Arthropods |
60 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Nototropis falcatus.jpg
No.201108-07 |
Arthropods |
55 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Anthocharis cardamines qtl edit by bö.jpg
No.201101-44 |
Arthropods |
55 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Eriphia verrucosa male 2009 G5.jpg
No.201104-11 |
Arthropods |
51 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Anax imperator qtl2.jpg Ignored:8991nirkirO
No.201111-22 |
Arthropods |
48 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Sympetrum sanguineum qtl13.jpg
No.201107-03 |
Arthropods |
46 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Grünes Heupferd ♀ Tettigonia viridissima .JPG Ignored:8991nirkirO
No.201105-26 |
Arthropods |
46 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Tibellus oblongus qtl4.jpg
No.201106-37 |
Arthropods |
45 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Schachbrett Melanargia galathea 5a.jpg
No.201106-05 |
Arthropods |
43 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Moth 01 (MK).jpg
No.201105-10 |
Arthropods |
43 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Pisaura mirabilis 03 (MK).jpg
No.201106-31 |
Arthropods |
42 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Gemeine Blutzikade, Cercopis vulnerata 1.JPG
No.201106-34 |
Arthropods |
40 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Polygonia c-album qtl2.jpg
No.201105-37 |
Arthropods |
37 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Tiger beetle Lophyra sp..jpg
No.201105-57 |
Arthropods |
36 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Pieris cheiranthi qtl1.jpg
No.201105-46 |
Arthropods |
35 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Luchsfliege_Thereva_sp_02_(MK).jpg
No.201105-60 |
Arthropods |
32 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Sleeping Melecta 02 (MK).jpg
No.201107-24 |
Arthropods |
31 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Orthetrum cancellatum qtl2.jpg
No.201107-23 |
Arthropods |
30 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Ischnura elegans qtl13.jpg
No.201105-03 |
Arthropods |
30 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Trithemis arteriosa qtl3.jpg
No.201110-11 |
Arthropods |
29 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Odontoptera carrenoi MHNT global.jpg
No.201105-22 |
Arthropods |
27 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Pyrrhosoma nymphula qtl4.jpg
No.201106-29 |
Arthropods |
26 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Gemeine Blutzikade Cercopis vulnerata 01 (MK).jpg
No.201105-36 |
Arthropods |
25 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Libellula quadrimaculata qtl2.jpg
No.201108-12 |
Arthropods |
24 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Coenonympha pamphilus qtl1.jpg
No.201108-40 |
Arthropods |
23 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Euphaedra (Xypetana) xypete MHNT.jpg
No.201110-08 |
Arthropods |
23 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Zitronenfalter ♂ Gonepteryx rhamni .JPG
No.201107-13 |
Arthropods |
22 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Spilosoma canescens caterpillar.jpg
No.201105-38 |
Arthropods |
21 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Luchsfliege_Thereva_sp_01_(MK).jpg
No.201109-31 |
Arthropods |
21 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Papillon feuille MHNT.jpg
No.201108-13 |
Arthropods |
20 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Damselfly 03 (MK).jpg
No.201101-45 |
Arthropods |
19 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Pieris rapae edit2.jpg
No.201107-22 |
Arthropods |
18 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Große Ochsenauge, Maniola jurtina, mating.JPG
No.201107-11 |
Arthropods |
18 |
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/Hochmoorgelbling Colias palaeno.JPG
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