Commons:Photographers User Group Meeting 2018/journey

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User Group Meeting interested photographers journey registration program photos blog lessions learned


Citizens of the European Economic Area (EU, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein) and Switzerland only need a valid national identity card or passport, they do not need a visa for the Schengen Area and are generally allowed to stay for as long as they want.


Not need a visa for entry into the Schengen Area but Passport. Make sure that your passport is stamped both when you enter and leave the Schengen Area. Without an entry stamp, you may be treated as an overstayer when you try to leave the Schengen Area; without an exit stamp, you may be denied entry the next time you seek to enter the Schengen Area as you may be deemed to have overstayed on your previous visit. If you cannot obtain a passport stamp, make sure that you retain documents such as boarding passes, transport tickets and ATM slips which may help to convince border inspection staff that you have stayed in the Schengen Area legally.


Visa needed! National visa in one of the Schengen countries generally do not need to apply for another Schengen visa to visit the other Schengen countries for the duration of their residence period. However, their visit in the other Schengen area countries will still be limited to the standard 90-day per 180-day period. Work or residence rights are also not extended outside the country that issued this long-stay visa.