Commons:Sfidi fotugràfichi

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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Photo challenge and the translation is 76% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Photo challenge and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Sfidi fotugràfichi

Li sfidi fotugràfichi ammùttanu li fotògrafi a scattari fotu granniusi e a carricàrili nta Commons. Ogni misi, cumpitizzioni timàtichi ncuràggianu ê participanti a pruvari suggetti novi, tècnichi fotugràfichi novi e a sviluppari li propi capacità, ampliannu l'archiviu di mmàggini lìbbiri di Commons. Pi putiri èssiri nziruti nta na cumpitizzioni, li fotugrafìi hannu a èssiri novi nta Commons e scattati di n'utenti di Commons.

Vai a Vai a:


Sfidi attivi

Li sfidi sunnu basati ntôn tema e dùranu un misi. Lu tema pò èssiri un suggettu cuncretu, un cuncettu astrattu, na tècnica fotugràfica o nu stili artìsticu.


Tutti ponnu participari ê sfidi ancora aperti. Abbisogna simplicimenti:

  1. Scègghiri una o tutti li sfidi currenti
  2. Lèggiri la discrizzioni dâ sfida, ca pò aviri ogni vota règuli diversi (p'esempiu, ristrizzioni supra li lochi ntê quali hannu a èssiri scattati li fotu)
  3. Scattari la fotu duranti lu pirìudu dâ sfida (o, si pirmissu, scigghìrila dê propi mmàggini già esistenti ca nun sunnu ancora nta Commons)
  4. Carricari la fotu duranti lu pirìudu dâ sfida
  5. Agghiùnciri la fotu candidata n cima â gallarìa dâ sfida duranti lu sò pirìudu. Pi fàrilu, cliccari nta [Cancia] ntâ sizzioni Entries dâ sfida priscigghiuta e nziriri lu nomu dô file susu l'ùrtima candidata (o susu ô còdici File:-Insert image here-.svg pâ prima candidatura).
  6. Nun firmari li propi candidaturi
  7. Vulennu, è pussìbbili dari n'occhiata ê sfidi pricidenti e vutari

Li sfidi sunnu apertu a ogni utenti di Commons. Li candidaturi hannu a èssiri òpira propia, nun già carricati nta Commons prima di l'accuminzagghia dâ sfida e avìssiru a illustrari lu tema dâ sfida sicunnu l'opinioni dô fotògrafu. Pi favuri, leggi la discrizzioni dâ sfida, pirchì putìssiru essìrici règuli agghiuntivi o spiegazzioni spicìfichi p'ogni sfida. Nun c'è lìmiti ô nùmmiru di mmàggini candidàbbili pi utenti, ma ti prijamu di scègghiri ntra li tò megghi e chiù vari mmàggini.

Pi carricari li mmàggini, cancia la gallarìa dâ cumpitizzioni e agghiunci la tò fotu candidata n cima â lista.

Temi novi ponnu èssiri prupunuti e discututi ccà.


Doppu ca la sfida fu chiuduta pi candidaturi ultiriuri, li mmàggini vèninu vutati cu vutazzioni pùbblica ntô misi siguenti. Poi vutari pi mmàggini carricati di àutri utenti sulu si la tò utenza nta Commons fu graputa di armenu 10 jorna e effittuau chiù di 50 canciamenti, oppuru si participasti a una dê sfidi. Li sfidi cu vutazzioni aperti si ponnu attruvari ccà.


Li tri megghiu mmàggini vèninu primiati cô primu, sicunnu e terzu postu. Sunnu ammustrati ntâ pàggina dâ sfida fotugràfica e avìssiru a usari lu template {{Photo challenge winner}} ntâ pàggina di discrizzioni dô file.


Nuvità Media Viewer

Nota ca l'utenti ponnu disabbilitari lu Media Viewer pi tutti li mmàggini nta Commons si s'esiguìu l'accessu (livari la spunta a "Attiva Media Viewer" n File e cliccari Sarva n Prifirenzi, Aspettu).

Sfidi aperti ê candidaturi

2024 – October – Blue and Yellow

The new challenge features Blue and Yellow colors.

Ideally, each submission should contain a summary description of the subject in the file information, including the location of the subject, and relevant categories should be added to the files to enable other Commons users to find them and use them. Please take care not to violate copyright in respect of non-free creative works, and observe our educational project scope and the personality rights of identifiable people, or your files may be subject to deletion.

The challenge will remain open for submissions throughout October UTC.

Checklist for this theme:

  • Photographs must be the work of the nominator.
  • Photographs must be newly uploaded to Commons during the challenge submission period i.e. October 2024 UTC (but may have been taken earlier).
  • Submissions must be added to the top of the "Entries" section below.
  • Please do not nominate lots of similar photos; instead choose just your best and most varied images.

Add your entry between the <gallery> tags as indicated. Gallery entries are placed each on a new line, and consist of the filename, a vertical bar |, and a description. For example:

Electric steam iron.jpg|An electric steam iron

For help on the syntax of entries in a gallery see Help:Gallery tag. Please do not add square brackets [[ ]] or include a thumb parameter or the full URL. The File: prefix is not required, but harmless.

  • Restriction: A maximum of four entries can be submitted per photographer.

There are 18 days 20 hours left before this challenge ends. (refresh)



2024 – October – Recycling

The new challenge features Recycling.

Ideally, each submission should contain a summary description of the subject in the file information, including the location of the subject, and relevant categories should be added to the files to enable other Commons users to find them and use them. Please take care not to violate copyright in respect of non-free creative works, and observe our educational project scope and the personality rights of identifiable people, or your files may be subject to deletion.

The challenge will remain open for submissions throughout October UTC.

Checklist for this theme:

  • Photographs must be the work of the nominator.
  • Photographs must be newly uploaded to Commons during the challenge submission period i.e. October 2024 UTC (but may have been taken earlier).
  • Submissions must be added to the top of the "Entries" section below.
  • Please do not nominate lots of similar photos; instead choose just your best and most varied images.

Add your entry between the <gallery> tags as indicated. Gallery entries are placed each on a new line, and consist of the filename, a vertical bar |, and a description. For example:

Electric steam iron.jpg|An electric steam iron

For help on the syntax of entries in a gallery see Help:Gallery tag. Please do not add square brackets [[ ]] or include a thumb parameter or the full URL. The File: prefix is not required, but harmless.

  • Restriction: A maximum of four entries can be submitted per photographer.

There are 18 days 20 hours left before this challenge ends. (refresh)


[seletivos em um prédio educacional de Pelotas, Brasil]

Sfidi aperti ê vutazzioni

Li vutazzioni sunnu aperti a tutti l'utenti riggistrati c'attivaru la propia utenza di armenu 10 jorna e ch'effittuaru armenu 50 canciamenti nta Commons, ortri a l'utenti novi ca participaru â sfida cu na mmàggini. Nun è cuncidutu vutari li propi mmàggini. Ogni vutanti pò scègghiri finu a tri fotugrafìi p'ogni tema ô quali assignari punti; nortri è pussìbbili assignari ricanuscimenti di mèritu a àutri fotugrafìi fora classìfica.

Sittèmmiru 2024

Sfidi pricidenti

Austu 2024

Giugnettu 2024

Manholes: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title A lion is coming from
a manhole, in León, Spain
Manhole opened for
cleaning, Heidelberg
Child coming out of a sump
Author Guy Delsaut Foeniz Saral Shots
Score 15 13 9
Breads: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title African bush squirrel
eating bread gotten
from tourists in Namibia
A young man putting discs
of bread into the oven
in the Islamic Cairo section
of Cairo, Egypt.
Bread being kneaded in a bakery in
Aalen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Author Lusi Lindwurm FischerFotos Mozzihh
Score 24 12 9

Giugnu 2024

Construction sites: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Carpenter working
on a concrete formwork
Workers attaching
a chain to the Main
bridge in Ebing
Demolition site of
the so-called Kaufhof store
"Tortenschachtel" (cake box)
on Berliner Platz
Author Ermell Ermell F. Riedelio
Score 17 14 11
Mushrooms: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Poisonous mushrooms
against a forest in
autumn, Wrzosów, Poland
Mycena interrupta NZ
Author Ivonna Nowicka Famberhorst Haydenrjones
Score 15 13 9

Maiu 2024

Waves: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title This was shot in Kakinada
Beach, shows struggle of
fishermen in middle of sea
A wave painted with a white
neon lamp in a flashlight,
city beach in Płock, Poland.
Port Saint-Michel in Batz-sur-Mer
Author Zahed.zk Lightpainterplock Ibex73
Score 28 19 11
Pets: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Australian Shepherd Dog Hachi and Boy Cat enjoying the sun between daisies
Author Ermell HachiBoy Lusi Lindwurm
Score 27 15 13

Aprili 2024

Vertical lines: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Колонны здания администрации и
думы Новгородской области 2H1A4397WI
Columns on the façade
of the Philharmonie
in Luxembourg
Fassade Mark-
Grundschule 02
Author Kora27 Ermell ThoBel-0043
Score 25 14 11
Flames: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Visitors at the 2024 Easter fire in Rottorf Campfire at lake Yngen,
Filipstad Municipality,
Värmland, Sweden
Osterfeuer im
oberen Murtal
Author F. Riedelio Mozzihh Bitisajn
Score 21 14 10

Marzu 2024

Grays: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Sieben graue Köpfe Reflections - Shyok River Nina-Replica
Author Mensch01 Prof Ranga Sai Wingerham52
Score 20 18 11
Courthouses: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Palazzo di Guistizia
with Courte di Cassazione
at river Tiber, Rome, Italy
North facade of Palais de justice de Paris. Supreme Court of Finland at night
Author Mozzihh FreCha GPSLeo
Score 19 15 12

Frivaru 2024

Lunar New Year: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Dragon Dance, Oklahoma
City, OK, Lunar New
Year, 2024 (Year of the
Sec. 1, Wuchang St.,
Taipei City, with LED
lights decorations above
on 2024 Chinese New Year
Eu Tong Sen Street
in Chinatown, Singapore,
with CNY decorations above
Author OKJaguar Junyu-K S5A-0043
Score 11 9 9
Knots: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Boat knot Figure-eight loop
in mountaineering
Root knot of
a beech tree
Author Teseo Wagner Cxxx Foeniz
Score 11 9 8

Jinnaru 2024

Silos: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Garfield Grain Elevator and
Silos Garfield Washington USA
Feed silos in Hirschbrunn
near Burgebrach
Silos of the Hannoversche Portland
-Cementfabrik (abandoned in 1986)
Author DaveGinOly Ermell Hgrobe
Score 19 13 8
Masks: EntriesVotesScores
Rank 1 2 3
Title Narrentag 2024 -
Elzacher Schuttig
Kirchseoner Perchtenlauf
- old winter parade
tradition in Bavaria.
Mask of type "Klaubauf"
Taken in Dublin, march 2014
Author Rainer Halama Würmchen-vom-Mölchlein Oncewerecolours
Score 13 13 10

Previous years