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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Paying public domain and the translation is 9% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Paying public domain and have to be approved by a translation administrator.

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Paying public domain (French: Domaine public payant, Spanish: dominio público pagante) is a copyright regime where copies, presentations or performances of a work that has entered the public domain are still subject to royalties, which are payable to the state or to an authors' association. The principle is that revenue from the work of long-dead artists should be used to support creativity of living artists.

It may apply only to certain types of work, such as folklore or traditional cultural expressions, and typically is restricted to commercial use. Paying public domain regimes have been introduced and withdrawn in several countries. They are still in place in several countries in South America and Africa.

When a work is in the public domain, the existence of a paying public domain regime may be seen as a "non-copyright restriction" which does not prevent the work from being uploaded to Commons, but should be respected by users of the work.

參見paying public domain.


國家 公有领域 Traditional Cultural Expressions 注释
阿爾巴尼亞 Royalty Folklore literary and artistic creations
阿爾及利亞 Royalty Traditional cultural heritage and national works considered as public property
阿塞拜疆 Royalty Legal and natural persons of other states shall be entitled to use folklore expression outside the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan in commercial purpose only with authorization of relevant executive body and with payment of fee for use
巴巴多斯 Royalty? In respect of folklore ... the rights of the author vest in the Crown
貝南 Royalty Expression of folklore, including products of folk art
玻利維亞 Royalty Royalty Folklore and crafts, national heritage and public domain
蒲隆地 Royalty
喀麦隆 Royalty Royalty
佛得角 Royalty
中非共和國 Royalty
乍得 Royalty Royalty Unprotected works, expressions of folklore
克羅地亞 Royalty Folk literary and artistic creations in their original form
古巴 Royalty
多米尼克 Royalty? shall vest in the State
加蓬 Royalty Royalty
岡比亞 Royalty Expressions of folklore
迦納 Royalty Royalty Expressions of folklore
意大利 Royalty Property belonging to the Italian cultural heritage as entrusted to the Italian government
科特迪瓦 Royalty Royalty
几内亚 Royalty Royalty
肯尼亚 Royalty Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Expressions
莱索托 Royalty
馬拉威 Permit Expressions of folklore
马里 ? Royalty The right of exploitation of works that have fallen into the public domain is administered by the professional body of collective management.
毛里塔尼亞 Royalty Royalty Traditional cultural heritage
摩洛哥 - Royalty Expressions of folklore
莫桑比克 - Permit? Ownership of the copyright in works of folklore vests in the State ... The protection of works of folklore is not limited in time.
尼日尔 - Royalty Expressions of folklore
巴拉圭 Royalty
剛果共和國 Royalty Royalty
卢旺达 Royalty Royalty Expressions of folklore
塞拉利昂 Royalty
苏丹 - State is author Works of folklore
多哥 Royalty Royalty Folklore
烏拉圭 Royalty
津巴布韦 Royalty Folklore
