Commons:National Archives and Records Administration/Categorize/US National Archives series: Park Files, compiled ca. 1919 - 1953

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Category:US National Archives series: Park Files, compiled ca. 1919 - 1953
No. File Categorized?
1 Mountain hemlock on steep slopes in Park near Mile Post ^83, est boundary Crater Lake National Park. - NARA - 298896.tif ✓ Done
2 Lodgepole opine type near Mile Post ^83 in Park near east boundary. Typical of lodgepole piine type which is tempory... - NARA - 298897.tif ✓ Done
3 Typical mixed subalpine type found on benches of Scotts Bluffs and base of Mt. Scott. - NARA - 298898.tif ✓ Done
4 General view of upper end of Bear Creek lookin gnorth from Scott Bluffs showing rock cliffs with lodgepole pine in... - NARA - 298899.tif ✓ Done
5 Bear Creek falls at USGS Base Marker 5432, Crater Lake National Part at edge of Shasta fir - mountain hemlock type. - NARA - 298880.tif
6 Looks south 25 degrees E across head of Bear Creek to Scott Bluffs and lower slope of Mount Scott. Shows lodgepole... - NARA - 298881.tif ✓ Done
7 Virgin stand of mountain hemlock found at thead of Bear Creek on steep slopes and in cove, with no sign of fire of... - NARA - 298900.tif ✓ Done
8 View looks N 60 degres from head of Bear Creek to Bear Butte. Bear Creek is in center of background and runs along... - NARA - 298882.tif
9 View of typical yellow pine on ridge west of Bear Butte. Shows open growth of timber with underbrush. TImber is of... - NARA - 298902.tif
10 View looks south across Bear Creek to Scott Bluffs. Shows yellow pine and open grassland with scattered lodgepole pine. - NARA - 298901.tif
11 View of typical clump of yellow pine on ridge west of Bear Butte. Similar in merchantability to adjoining National... - NARA - 298903.tif
12 View of south slope of ridge west of Bear Butte, showing excellent open stand of merchantable yellow pine in Park. - NARA - 298904.tif
13 Looks north 22 degrees west from Bear Butte - Roundtop Ridge toward TImber Crater. Picture shows a typical mixture... - NARA - 298883.tif
14 Shows a typical mixture of yellow and lodgepole pine - NARA - 298930.tif
15 View looks south 45 degrees across lodgepole pile flats to fir ridge between Bear Butte and Round Top. Trees in... - NARA - 298885.tif
16 Typical stand of bettle killed lodgepole pine, found throughout Park area north of Crater Lake from boundary to... - NARA - 298884.tif
17 Looks north 70 degrees along north face of escarpment at base of Rugged Crest, showing a mixed stand of Shasta fir... - NARA - 298888.tif
18 Looks from base of Rugged Crest hill toward TImber Crater. Mountain top hidden by storm. - NARA - 298887.tif
19 Looks north 48 dfegrees from base of Rugged Crest on 43 degrees latitude over north slope. Photo badly fogged by rain... - NARA - 298886.tif
20 Yellow pine stand south of Timber Crater - NARA - 298931.tif
21 Picture taken on top of Timber Crater. Looks across Crater and shows dead lodgepole pine mixed with fir and hemlock. - NARA - 298890.tif
22 View south from tip of TImber Crater. Crater Lake rim to the right. - NARA - 298889.tif
23 Picture taken at north end of TImber Crater. Fire in distance is southeast Boundary Butte outside National Forest. - NARA - 298906.tif
24 Picture looks southeast from south end of TImber Crater, shows Sharp Peak and Bear Butte country. - NARA - 298907.tif
25 South from south end of Timber Crater. Shows timber carrying up to Crater Lake rim. - NARA - 298908.tif
26 View from ridge north of Timber Crater, lloking west to Desert Ridge , showing heavy fir, hemlock and lodgepole pine... - NARA - 298892.tif
27 Picture from Timber Crater, looks north showing heavy fir and hemlock timber on TImber Crater. Diamond Lake and Mount... - NARA - 298913.tif
28 Typical view of merchantable mountain hemlock type on Timber Crater. Trees in picture erange from 12" - 36" in diameter. - NARA - 298891.tif
29 Looks northeast from northeast end Timber Crater, showing character of timber stand. - NARA - 298905.tif
30 Typical view of timber found on east side of Park. Note full maturity of timber as shown by spike topped and flat... - NARA - 298914.tif
31 Picture taken from Red Cone, looks east to base of Grouse Hill and Timber Crater. - NARA - 298915.tif
32 Picture taken from Timber Crater, loks to Grouse Hill and Llao ock. Shows timber type and southeast end of desert. - NARA - 298909.tif
33 View from TImber Crater to Llao Rock and Red Cone, with part of desert at right. - NARA - 298910.tif
34 Picture taken from Timber Crater looking west toward Red Cone, Desert Cone and Bald Crater. Shows desert in... - NARA - 298911.tif
35 View from Timber Crater toward Desert Ridge - NARA - 298912.tif
36 View looks from south end of Red Cone toward Grouse Hill. Lower slopes of Llao Rock in foreground with open alpine... - NARA - 298916.tif
37 View looks north from Red Cone toward Desert Cone and Desert Ridge. Mt. Bailey, Mt. Thielson and Diamond Lake in... - NARA - 298921.tif
38 View from Desert Cone, looks south to Red Cone - NARA - 298925.tif
39 Taken from Desert Cone looking NNW to Mt. Bailey. Desert Ridge in foreground. - NARA - 298926.tif
40 Picture looks NNE from Desert Cone and Desert Ridge and Mt. Thielson - NARA - 298927.tif
41 View east from Desert Cone to Timber Crater - NARA - 298928.tif
42 Typical mixed fir and lodgepole timber about Desert Ridge with heavy percentage of lodgepole pine killed. - NARA - 298929.tif
43 Picture shows Boundary Springs, head of Rogue River - NARA - 298893.tif
44 Looks across the upper slopes of Bald Crater with alpine growth. Desert Ridge at left, Desert Cone at left-center to... - NARA - 298895.tif
45 Picture looks N 70 degrees W from the NE corner of Red Cone. Upqua Divide on skyline, head of National Creek in... - NARA - 298923.tif
46 Northwest toward Bald Crater from Red Cone. Mt. Bailey on right at skyline. - NARA - 298924.tif
47 Photo looks south from Red Cone pst Llao Rock to Glacier Rock and the Watchman. - NARA - 298917.tif
48 VIew S 20 degrees W from Red Cone to show upper timber limits in Park. Glacier Peak at left, Watchman beyond. - NARA - 298918.tif
49 Picture looks South 45 degrees W from Red Cone across upper Copeland and Bybee Creeks. - NARA - 298919.tif
50 View South 80 degrees West from Red Cone shows headwaters of Crater Creek. - NARA - 298920.tif
51 Photo looks S 65 degrees W from NE corner of Red Cone, shows head of Copeland Creek. Also shows main drainage of the... - NARA - 298922.tif
52 Picture taken from Bald Crater and looks south across Crater, Copeland, Bybee and Castle Creeks. Drainage shows broad... - NARA - 298894.tif
53 Mountain hemlock on steep slopes in Park near Mile Post ^83, est boundary Crater Lake National Park. - NARA - 298896.jpg ✓ Done
54 Lodgepole opine type near Mile Post ^83 in Park near east boundary. Typical of lodgepole piine type which is tempory... - NARA - 298897.jpg ✓ Done
55 Typical mixed subalpine type found on benches of Scotts Bluffs and base of Mt. Scott. - NARA - 298898.jpg ✓ Done
56 General view of upper end of Bear Creek lookin gnorth from Scott Bluffs showing rock cliffs with lodgepole pine in... - NARA - 298899.jpg ✓ Done
57 Bear Creek falls at USGS Base Marker 5432, Crater Lake National Part at edge of Shasta fir - mountain hemlock type. - NARA - 298880.jpg
58 Looks south 25 degrees E across head of Bear Creek to Scott Bluffs and lower slope of Mount Scott. Shows lodgepole... - NARA - 298881.jpg ✓ Done
59 Virgin stand of mountain hemlock found at thead of Bear Creek on steep slopes and in cove, with no sign of fire of... - NARA - 298900.jpg ✓ Done
60 View looks N 60 degres from head of Bear Creek to Bear Butte. Bear Creek is in center of background and runs along... - NARA - 298882.jpg
61 View of typical yellow pine on ridge west of Bear Butte. Shows open growth of timber with underbrush. TImber is of... - NARA - 298902.jpg
62 View looks south across Bear Creek to Scott Bluffs. Shows yellow pine and open grassland with scattered lodgepole pine. - NARA - 298901.jpg
63 View of typical clump of yellow pine on ridge west of Bear Butte. Similar in merchantability to adjoining National... - NARA - 298903.jpg
64 View of south slope of ridge west of Bear Butte, showing excellent open stand of merchantable yellow pine in Park. - NARA - 298904.jpg
65 Looks north 22 degrees west from Bear Butte - Roundtop Ridge toward TImber Crater. Picture shows a typical mixture... - NARA - 298883.jpg
66 Shows a typical mixture of yellow and lodgepole pine - NARA - 298930.jpg
67 View looks south 45 degrees across lodgepole pile flats to fir ridge between Bear Butte and Round Top. Trees in... - NARA - 298885.jpg
68 Typical stand of bettle killed lodgepole pine, found throughout Park area north of Crater Lake from boundary to... - NARA - 298884.jpg
69 Looks north 70 degrees along north face of escarpment at base of Rugged Crest, showing a mixed stand of Shasta fir... - NARA - 298888.jpg
70 Looks from base of Rugged Crest hill toward TImber Crater. Mountain top hidden by storm. - NARA - 298887.jpg
71 Looks north 48 dfegrees from base of Rugged Crest on 43 degrees latitude over north slope. Photo badly fogged by rain... - NARA - 298886.jpg
72 Yellow pine stand south of Timber Crater - NARA - 298931.jpg
73 Picture taken on top of Timber Crater. Looks across Crater and shows dead lodgepole pine mixed with fir and hemlock. - NARA - 298890.jpg
74 View south from tip of TImber Crater. Crater Lake rim to the right. - NARA - 298889.jpg
75 Picture taken at north end of TImber Crater. Fire in distance is southeast Boundary Butte outside National Forest. - NARA - 298906.jpg
76 Picture looks southeast from south end of TImber Crater, shows Sharp Peak and Bear Butte country. - NARA - 298907.jpg
77 South from south end of Timber Crater. Shows timber carrying up to Crater Lake rim. - NARA - 298908.jpg
78 View from ridge north of Timber Crater, lloking west to Desert Ridge , showing heavy fir, hemlock and lodgepole pine... - NARA - 298892.jpg
79 Picture from Timber Crater, looks north showing heavy fir and hemlock timber on TImber Crater. Diamond Lake and Mount... - NARA - 298913.jpg
80 Typical view of merchantable mountain hemlock type on Timber Crater. Trees in picture erange from 12" - 36" in diameter. - NARA - 298891.jpg
81 Looks northeast from northeast end Timber Crater, showing character of timber stand. - NARA - 298905.jpg
82 Typical view of timber found on east side of Park. Note full maturity of timber as shown by spike topped and flat... - NARA - 298914.jpg
83 Picture taken from Red Cone, looks east to base of Grouse Hill and Timber Crater. - NARA - 298915.jpg
84 Picture taken from Timber Crater, loks to Grouse Hill and Llao ock. Shows timber type and southeast end of desert. - NARA - 298909.jpg ✓ Done
85 View from TImber Crater to Llao Rock and Red Cone, with part of desert at right. - NARA - 298910.jpg
86 Picture taken from Timber Crater looking west toward Red Cone, Desert Cone and Bald Crater. Shows desert in... - NARA - 298911.jpg
87 View from Timber Crater toward Desert Ridge - NARA - 298912.jpg
88 View looks from south end of Red Cone toward Grouse Hill. Lower slopes of Llao Rock in foreground with open alpine... - NARA - 298916.jpg
89 View looks north from Red Cone toward Desert Cone and Desert Ridge. Mt. Bailey, Mt. Thielson and Diamond Lake in... - NARA - 298921.jpg
90 View from Desert Cone, looks south to Red Cone - NARA - 298925.jpg
91 Taken from Desert Cone looking NNW to Mt. Bailey. Desert Ridge in foreground. - NARA - 298926.jpg
92 Picture looks NNE from Desert Cone and Desert Ridge and Mt. Thielson - NARA - 298927.jpg
93 View east from Desert Cone to Timber Crater - NARA - 298928.jpg
94 Typical mixed fir and lodgepole timber about Desert Ridge with heavy percentage of lodgepole pine killed. - NARA - 298929.jpg
95 Picture shows Boundary Springs, head of Rogue River - NARA - 298893.jpg
96 Looks across the upper slopes of Bald Crater with alpine growth. Desert Ridge at left, Desert Cone at left-center to... - NARA - 298895.jpg
97 Picture looks N 70 degrees W from the NE corner of Red Cone. Upqua Divide on skyline, head of National Creek in... - NARA - 298923.jpg
98 Northwest toward Bald Crater from Red Cone. Mt. Bailey on right at skyline. - NARA - 298924.jpg
99 Photo looks south from Red Cone pst Llao Rock to Glacier Rock and the Watchman. - NARA - 298917.jpg
100 VIew S 20 degrees W from Red Cone to show upper timber limits in Park. Glacier Peak at left, Watchman beyond. - NARA - 298918.jpg
101 Picture looks South 45 degrees W from Red Cone across upper Copeland and Bybee Creeks. - NARA - 298919.jpg
102 View South 80 degrees West from Red Cone shows headwaters of Crater Creek. - NARA - 298920.jpg
103 Photo looks S 65 degrees W from NE corner of Red Cone, shows head of Copeland Creek. Also shows main drainage of the... - NARA - 298922.jpg
104 Picture taken from Bald Crater and looks south across Crater, Copeland, Bybee and Castle Creeks. Drainage shows broad... - NARA - 298894.jpg