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Commons:Monuments database/Missing commonscat links

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository

This page contains an overview of Missing commonscat links discovered in lists of monuments. These are categories on Wikimedia Commons (commonscats) that are specific to a given monument but where there is no information about this category in the lists on Wikipedia. To help you add these the 'missing commonscat links' pages have been developed. They list potential Commons category candidates that could be added to the lists based on the use of monument templates on Wikimedia Commons. All the pages and the statistics are updated on a regular basis by a bot.

How does it work?


Every night a ErfgoedBot updates the Monuments database with all the lists we have on Wikipedia. One of the values it identifies is if there is a known Commons category for a particular Monument. After it has looked at all of the lists it examines all of the use of monument template on Wikimedia Commons. If it comes across a monument template on a Category page, and that monument does not already have a category connected to it then it makes a note of this and reports it on the missing commonscat links page. For the bot to process a country the missingCommonscatPage configuration variable must be set.

How can you help?


Go to the missing commonscat links page (linked below). Look at the suggested categories and if appropriate add them to the lists on Wikipedia. If they are completely inappropriate then remove the monument template from the category on Commons.

How can I localise the instructions?


Since the reports are overwritten by Erfgoedbot each time the list is updated you cannot add instructions (or categories) directly to the page. To solve this the /header sub-page is automatically included at the top of the page, if it exists. Thus to add instructions for volunteers in your own language simply create the /header sub-page with the required information.

To localise the message used when there are no more missing commonscats, simply create a /done sub-page with the desired message.


country lang total page row template Commons template
ad ca skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Filera BIC And {{Béns Andorra}}
ae en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- UAEmonument row {{Monument United Arab Emirates}}
al sq skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Rreshti Monumentet në Shqipëri {{Cultural Heritage Albania}}
am hy skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Հուշարձան ցանկ {{Cultural Heritage Armenia}}
aq en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Antarctic Protected Area row {{Antarctic Protected Area}}
ar es skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- MonumentoArgentina {{Monumento Argentino}}
at de 107 ErfgoedBot/Denkmal Österreich missing commons category links Denkmalliste Österreich Tabellenzeile {{Denkmalgeschütztes Objekt Österreich}}
au en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- --- {{Cultural Heritage Australia}}
az az skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- AZE Monument row {{Cultural Heritage Azerbaijan}}
be-bru nl skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Tabelrij erfgoed Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest {{Monument Brussels}}
be-vlg en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Table row BE {{Onroerend erfgoed}}
be-vlg fr skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Ligne de tableau MH-Fla {{Onroerend erfgoed}}
be-vlg nl skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Tabelrij erfgoed Vlaanderen {{Onroerend erfgoed}}
be-wal en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Table row Wallonia {{Monument Wallonie}}
be-wal fr skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Ligne de tableau MH-Wal {{Monument Wallonie}}
be-wal nl skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Tabelrij erfgoed Wallonië {{Monument Wallonie}}
bo es skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- MonumentoBolivia {{Monumento Bolivia}}
by be-tarask skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Вікі любіць славутасьці/Элемэнт сьпісу {{Belarus heritage}}
ca fr skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Ligne de tableau LPC {{Historic Places in Canada}}
ca-fed en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- HPC row {{Historic Places in Canada}}
ca-muni en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- HPC row {{Historic Places in Canada}}
ca-prov en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- HPC row {{Historic Places in Canada}}
ch de skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Denkmalliste Schweiz Tabellenzeile {{Cultural property of national significance in Switzerland}}
ch fr skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Ligne de tableau Monuments (Suisse) {{Cultural property of national significance in Switzerland}}
ch it skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Riga della tabella dei beni culturali (Svizzera) {{Cultural property of national significance in Switzerland}}
ch-old en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- SIoCPoNaRS row {{Cultural property of national significance in Switzerland}}
ch2 de skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Denkmalliste2 Schweiz Tabellenzeile {{Cultural property of national significance in Switzerland}}
ch3 de skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Denkmalliste2 Schweiz-ZH Tabellenzeile {{Cultural property of national significance in Switzerland}}
cl es skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- MonumentoChile {{Monumento Nacional de Chile}}
cm fr skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Monument Cameroun ligne {{Cultural Heritage Cameroon}}
cn en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- NHS China row {{Cultural Heritage China}}
co es skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- MonumentoColombia {{Monumento Nacional de Colombia}}
cz cs 4 WikiProjekt Wiki Loves Monuments/Missing commons category links Památky v Česku {{Cultural Heritage Czech Republic}}
de-by de skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Denkmalliste Bayern Tabellenzeile {{Baudenkmal Bayern}}
de-he de skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Denkmalliste Hessen Tabellenzeile {{Kulturdenkmal Hessen}}
de-nrw-bm de skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Denkmalliste Bergheim Tabellenzeile {{Kulturdenkmal Bergheim}}
de-nrw-k de skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Denkmalliste Köln Tabellenzeile {{Kulturdenkmal Köln}}
dk-bygning da skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Tabelrække FBB {{Fredet bygning}}
dk-fortids da skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Tabelrække FF {{Fortidsminde}}
dz ar skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- صف معلم الجزائر {{Cultural Heritage Algeria}}
ee et skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- KRR rida {{Kultuurimälestis}}
eg ar skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- صف معلم مصر {{Cultural Heritage Egypt}}
es ca skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Filera BIC {{BIC}}
es es skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Fila BIC {{BIC}}
es-ct ca skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Filera IPA {{BIC}}
es-gl gl skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- BIC {{BIC}}
es-vc ca skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Filera BIC Val {{BIC}}
fr ca skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Filera MH {{Mérimée}}
fr fr skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Ligne de tableau MH {{Mérimée}}
fr-object fr skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Ligne de tableau objet MH {{Palissy}}
gb-eng en 14 WikiProject Historic sites/Missing commons category links for listed buildings in England EH listed building row {{Listed building England}}
gb-nir en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- NIEA listed building row {{Listed building Northern Ireland}}
gb-sct en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- HS listed building row {{Listed building Scotland}}
gb-wls en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Cadw listed building row {{Listed building Wales}}
ge ka skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- GEO Monument row {{Cultural Heritage Georgia}}
gh en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Ghana Monument row {{Cultural Heritage Ghana}}
hk en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- HK Declared Monument row {{Declared monuments Hong Kong}}
hr hr skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Spomenik red ---
hu hu skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Műemlék {{Monument Hungary}}
ie en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- NMI list item ---
il he skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- אתר מורשת בישראל בשורה {{Heritage site in Israel}}
il-npa he skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- יצירת אמנות במרחב הציבורי בישראל בשורה {{Heritage site in Israel}}
in en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- ASI Monument row {{ASI Monument}}
in-com commons 0 Wiki Loves Monuments in India/Monuments/Missing commonscat links India heritage list row {{WLM India Wikidata ID}}
iq ar skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- صف معلم العراق {{Cultural Heritage Iraq}}
ir fa skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- ردیف یادمان ایران {{Cultural Heritage Iran}}
it it skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- WLM2015-riga {{Monumento italiano}}
it-88 ca skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Filera BC Sard ---
it-bz de skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Denkmalliste Südtirol Tabellenzeile {{Denkmalgeschütztes Objekt Südtirol}}
jo ar skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- معلم الأردن {{Cultural Heritage Jordan}}
jp-nhs en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- NHS Japan row {{NHS Japan}}
ke en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Kenya Monument row {{Kenya Monument}}
lu lb skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Nationale Monumenter row ---
mt de skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Denkmalliste Malta Tabellenzeile {{National Inventory of Cultural Property of the Maltese Islands}}
mx es skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- MonumentoMéxico {{Monumento de México}}
my commons skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Wiki Loves Monuments in Malaysia/Monuments/row {{Cultural Heritage Malaysia}}
ng en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Nigeria listed historic sites item {{Cultural Heritage Nigeria}}
nl nl 195 Wikiproject/Erfgoed/Nederlandse Erfgoed Inventarisatie/Missende commonscat links Tabelrij rijksmonument {{Rijksmonument}}
nl-aw en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Table row Aruba monuments {{Cultural Heritage Aruba}}
nl-aw nl skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Tabelrij monument Aruba {{Cultural Heritage Aruba}}
nl-gem nl skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Tabelrij gemeentelijk monument {{Gemeentelijk monument}}
nl-prov nl skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Tabelrij provinciaal monument {{Provinciaal monument}}
no no skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Kulturminner row {{Monument Norge}}
np en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Nepal Monument row {{Cultural Heritage Nepal}}
pa es skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Fila PCN {{PCN}}
pe es skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- MonumentoPerú {{Monumento de Peru}}
ph en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Philippine cultural property row {{WMPH-ID}}
pk en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- PKmonument row {{Cultural Heritage Pakistan}}
pl pl 814 Wiki Lubi Zabytki/Missing commonscat links Zabytki/wpis {{Zabytek nieruchomy}}
pt pt skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- IGESPAR/linha {{IGESPAR}}
pt-wd pt skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- --- {{MonumentIDPortugal}}
ro ro skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- ElementLMI {{Monument istoric}}
rs sr skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Споменици ред {{Cultural Heritage Serbia}}
ru ru skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Monument ---
se-arbetsl sv 0 Projekt kulturarv/Saknade länkar för commonscat - arbetslivsmuseum Arbetslivsmuseum {{Arbetslivsmuseum}}
se-bbr sv 0 Projekt kulturarv/Saknade länkar för commonscat - byggnadsminnen BBR {{BBR}}
se-fornmin sv 0 Projekt kulturarv/Saknade länkar för commonscat - fornlämningar FMIS {{Fornminne}}
se-ship sv 0 Projekt kulturarv/Saknade länkar för commonscat - kulturmärkta fartyg K-fartyg {{K-Fartyg}}
sk de skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Denkmalliste Slowakei Tabellenzeile {{Cultural Heritage Slovakia}}
sk sk skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Monuments tableline-SK {{Cultural Heritage Slovakia}}
sr commons skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- --- {{Cultural Heritage Suriname}}
sv es skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- MonumentoElSalvador {{Cultural Heritage El Salvador}}
th th skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- แถวโบราณสถาน {{Cultural Heritage Thailand}}
tn fr skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Ligne de tableau monument Tunisie {{Cultural Heritage Tunisia}}
ua uk skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- ВЛП-рядок {{Monument Ukraine}}
ug en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- National Cultural Site of Uganda row {{National Cultural Site Uganda}}
us en 1527 WikiProject National Register of Historic Places/Missing commons category links NRHP row {{NRHP}}
us-ca en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- CHL row {{US-CHL}}
uy es skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- MonumentoUruguay {{Monumento Uruguay}}
ve es skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- MonumentoVenezuela {{Monumento Venezuela}}
wlpa-at de skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- WLPA-AT-Zeile {{Public Art Austria}}
wlpa-es-ct ca skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Filera art públic {{Art públic Barcelona}}
wlpa-fi fi skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Wlpa-teokset-rivi {{Public Art Finland}}
wlpa-il en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Public art in Israel - row {{Public Art Israel}}
xk sq skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- Rreshti Monumentet në Kosovë {{Cultural Heritage Kosovo}}
za en skipped: no missingCommonscatPage --- SAHRA heritage site row {{South African Heritage Site}}

Monuments database