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Commons:List of Standardised cavy breeds and colours within the Entente Européenne

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Deutsch: [http://www.entente-ee.com/deutsch/sparten/cavias/Dateien/2012/Rassenliste%20Cavias%20d%20e%20f%200212.pdf Verzeichnis der in der EE-anerkannten Rassen und Farbschäge] der Sparte Cavias des Europaverbandes für Kleintierzüchter – Stand: 22. Februar 2012
English: [http://www.entente-ee.com/deutsch/sparten/cavias/Dateien/2012/Rassenliste%20Cavias%20d%20e%20f%200212.pdf List of Standardised breeds and colours within the EE] by the cavy section of the European Association of Poultry, Pigeon, Bird, Rabbit and Cavia breeders – Revision 22. February 2012
Français : [http://www.entente-ee.com/deutsch/sparten/cavias/Dateien/2012/Rassenliste%20Cavias%20d%20e%20f%200212.pdf Classification de EE - races et couleurs acceptés] par la section Cobayes de l’ Entente Européenne d’ Áviculture, de Cuniculture et de Colombiculture – Situation au 22 Février 2012
Deutsch[1] English[1] Français[1] Nederlands[1] Gallery / File CommonsCat File
Glatthaar Smooth Haired Poils Lisses Gladhaar Smooth Haired cavy breeds (EE) Category:Smooth Haired cavies
Agouti Agouti Agouti Agouti Smooth Haired cavy breeds (EE)#Agouti Category:Agouti cavies
Gold Golden Agouti Agouti Doré Goud Agouti [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Golden Agouti cavies
Grau Lemon Agouti Agouti Gris Grijs Agouti [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Lemon Agouti cavies
Silber Silver Agouti Agouti Argenté Zilver Agouti [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Silver Agouti cavies
Cinnamon Cinnamon Agouti Agouti Cannelle Cinnamon Agouti [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Cinnamon Agouti cavies
Salm Argente Argente Argente [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Argente cavies
Creme Cream Agouti Agouti Crème Crème Agouti [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Cream Agouti cavies
Orange Chocolate Agouti Agouti Orange Chocolade Agouti [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Chocolate Agouti cavies
Solid Agouti Solid Solid Agouti Solid Smooth Haired cavy breeds (EE)#Solid Category:Solid cavies
Gold Golden Agouti Goud [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Golden cavies
Grau Lemon Agouti Grijs [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Lemon cavies
Silber Silver Agouti Zilver [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Silver cavies
Cinnamon Cinnamon Agouti Cinnamon [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Cinnamon cavies
Salm Argente Argente Argente [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Argente cavies
Creme Cream Agouti Agouti Crème Crème Agouti [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Cream Agouti cavies
Orange Chocolate Agouti Agouti Orange Chocolade Agouti [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Chocolate Agouti cavies
Solid Agouti (slateblue) Solid (slate) Solid Agouti (bleu) Solid (slate blauw) Smooth Haired cavy breeds (EE)#Solid (slate) Category:Solid (slate) cavies
Gold Golden Agouti Goud [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Golden cavies
Grau Lemon Agouti Grijs [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Lemon cavies
Silber Silver Agouti Zilver [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Silver cavies
Argente Argente Argente Argente Smooth Haired cavy breeds (EE)#Argente Category:Argente cavies
Lilac/Gold Lilac/Gold Lilas/Doré Lila/Goud [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Lilac/Gold cavies
Lilac/Safran Lilac/Saffron Lilas/Saffran Lila/Saffraan [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Lilac/Saffron cavies
Lilac/Weiss Lilac/White Lilas/Blanc Lila/Wit [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Lilac/White cavies
Beige/Gold Beige/Gold Beige/Doré Beige/Goud [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Beige/Gold cavies
Beige/Safran Beige/Saffron Beige/Saffran Beige/Saffraan [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Beige/Saffron cavies
Beige/Weiss Beige/White Beige/Blanc Beige/Wit [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Beige/White cavies
Slate blue/Gold Slate/Gold Bleu / Doré Slate blauw/Goud [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Slate/Gold cavies
Slate blue/Safran Slate/Saffron Bleu/Saffran Slate blauw/Saffraan [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Slate/Saffron cavies
Slate blue/Weiss Slate/White Bleu/Blanc Slate blauw/Wit [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Slate/White cavies
Solid Argente Solid Argente Solid Argente Solid Argente Smooth Haired cavy breeds (EE)#Solid Argente Category:Solid Argente cavies
Lilac/Gold Lilac/Gold Lilas/ Doré Lila/Goud [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Lilac/Gold cavies
Lilac/Safran Lilac/Saffron Lilas/Saffran Lila/Saffraan [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Lilac/Saffron cavies
Lilac/Weiss Lilac/White Lilas/Blanc Lila/Wit [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Lilac/White cavies
Beige/Gold Beige/Gold Beige/ Doré Beige/Goud [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Beige/Gold cavies
Beige/Safran Beige/Saffron Beige/Saffran Beige/Saffraan [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Beige/Saffron cavies
Beige/Weiss Beige/White Beige/Blanc Beige/Wit [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Beige/White cavies
Slate blue/Gold Slate/Gold Bleu/ Doré Slate blauw/Goud [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Slate/Gold cavies
Slate blue/Safran Slate/Saffron Bleu/Saffran Slate blauw/Saffraan [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Slate/Saffron cavies
Slate blue/Weiss Slate/White Bleu/Blanc Slate blauw/Wit [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Slate/White cavies
Einfarbige Selfs Unicolores Eenkleurig Smooth Haired cavy breeds (EE)#Selfs Category:Selfs (cavy)
Schwarz Black Noir Zwart [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Black cavies
Slate Blue Slate Bleu Slate Blauw [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Slate cavies
Lilac Lilac Lilas Lila [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Lilac cavies
Schokolade Chocolate Havane Chocolade [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Chocolate cavies
Beige Beige Beige Beige [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Beige cavies
Rot Red Rouge Rood [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Red cavies
Gold (R.A.) PE Golden Doré oeil rose Goud (R.O.) [[File:|60xpx]] Category:PE Golden cavies
Gold (D.A.) DE Golden Doré oeil noir Goud (D.O.) [[File:|60xpx]] Category:DE Golden cavies
Safran Saffron Saffran Saffraan [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Safran cavies
Buff Buff Fauve Buff [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Buff cavies
Crème (R.A.) PE Cream Crème oeil rose Crème (R.O.) [[File:|60xpx]] Category:PE Cream cavies
Crème (D.A.) DE Cream Crème oeil noir Crème (D.O.) [[File:|60xpx]] Category:DE Cream cavies
Weiss (R.A.) P.E. White Blanc oeil rose Wit (R.O.) [[File:|60xpx]] Category:P.E. White cavies
Weiss (D.A.) D.E. White Blanc oeil noir Wit (D.O.) [[File:|60xpx]] Category:D.E. White cavies
Mehrfarbige Marked À Dessin Tekening Smooth Haired cavy breeds (EE)#Marked Category:Marked cavies
Brindle Brindle Bringé Brindle [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Brindle cavies
Schildpatt Tortoiseshell Ecaille de Tortue Schildpad Category:Tortoiseshell cavies
Schildpatt und Weiss Tortoise & White Ecaille de Tortue et Blanc Driekleur [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Tortoise & White cavies
Japaner Harlequin Arlequin Japanner [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Harlequin cavies
Zweifarbig Bi-colour Bicolore Bont [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Bi-colour cavies
Dreifarbig Tricolour Tricolore Driekleur [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Tricolour cavies
Holländer Dutch Hollandais Hollander [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Dutch cavies
Russe Himalayan Himalayen Rus Category:Himalayan cavies
Dalmatiner Dalmation Dalmatien Dalmatiner [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Dalmation cavies
Schimmel Roan Rouan Schimmel [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Roan cavies
Tan Tan Tan Tan Category:Tan cavies
Fox Fox Fox Zilvervos [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Fox cavies
Otter Otter Loutre Otter [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Otter cavies
Lux Lynx Lynx Lynx [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Lynx cavies
Besondere Haarstrukturen Rough Haired Poils Durs ou Dressés Bijzondere Haarstrukturen Rough Haired cavy breeds (EE) Category:Rough Haired cavies
Satin Satin Satiné Satijn [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Satin cavies
Englisch Crested English Crested Couronné anglais Engels Gekruind [[File:|60xpx]] Category:English Crested cavies
Amerikanisch Crested American Crested Couronné américain Am. Gekruind Category:American Crested cavies
Crested übrige Varietät Crested AOV Couronné autre variété Overige Gekruind [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Crested AOV cavies
Rosette Abyssinian Abyssiniens Borstel Category:Abyssinian cavies
Rex Rex Rex Rex [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Rex cavies
US Teddy Teddy Teddy US Teddy Category:Teddy (cavy)
Schweizer Teddy Swiss Teddy Suisse CH Teddy [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Swiss (cavy)
Lunkarya Lunkarya Lunkarya Lunkarya [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Lunkarya cavies
Langhaar Long Haired Poils Longs Langharen Long Haired cavy breeds (EE) Category:Long Haired cavies
Peruaner Peruvian Péruvien Langhaar [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Peruvian cavies
Sheltie Sheltie Shelty Sheltie Category:Sheltie cavies
Coronet Coronet Coronet Sheltie Gekruind Category:Coronet cavies
Texel Texel Texel Tessel Category:Texel cavies
Alpaka Alpaca Alpaca Alpaka Category:Alpaca cavies
Merino Merino Merino Merino [[File:|60xpx]] Category:Merino cavies


  1. a b c d pdf, 60 KB:
    Deutsch: Verzeichnis der in der EE-anerkannten Rassen und Farbschäge der Sparte Cavias des Europaverbandes für Kleintierzüchter.
    English: List of Standardised breeds and colours within the EE by the cavy section of the European Association of Poultry, Pigeon, Bird, Rabbit and Cavia breeders.
    Français : Classification de EE - races et couleurs acceptés par la section Cobayes de l’ Entente Européenne d’ Áviculture, de Cuniculture et de Colombiculture.
    Nederlands: Lijst van in de EE - erkende rassen en kleurslagen.