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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Licensing/Justifications and the translation is 53% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Licensing/Justifications and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
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On Wikimedia Commons, a number of important restrictions are placed on the terms under which media are accepted. These restrictions exclude a variety of free media that might otherwise be useful to the project, so they are only included as a matter of great necessity. This page explains some of the reasons why these restrictions are in place.

위키미디어 공용의 가장 기본적인 목표는 위키백과와 같은 위키미디어의 웹사이트에서 사용되는 미디어의 저장소 역할을 수행하는 것입니다. 만약 이것이 우리의 유일한 목표라면 위키백과에서만 사용할 미디어, 비영리적 이용을 전제로 한 미디어 자료를 허용하는 데 아무런 문제가 없습니다. 위키미디어 재단은 컨텐츠에 대해 아무런 돈을 받지 않기 때문입니다.

라이선스 정책에서 부과된 추가적인 제약은 모든 위키미디어 사이트 컨텐츠— 미디어와 텍스트 둘 다—를 다양한 상황에서, 어느 나라에서든, 복잡한 절차와 저작물 이용료 부과 없이 활용할 수 있도록 한다는 우리의 궁극적인 목적에 따라 부과된 것입니다. 창조적인 재이용은 무엇을 의미할까요? 아래에 위키미디어 사이트 컨텐츠를 활용하는 몇 가지 예를 들어 보겠습니다.

  • 인쇄판: 우리는 위키미디어 사이트 컨텐츠가 한 문단이든, 하나의 이미지든, 문서 전체든 책이나 잡지, 저널 및 다른 인쇄된 매체에 이용될 수 있기를 바랍니다. 이는 개발도상국이나 전자 매체에 접근이 극도로 제한된 정치적으로 고립된 국가에 특히 중요한 문제입니다. 위키미디어 재단은 위키미디어 웹 사이트를 운영하지만, 이를 스스로 인쇄하는 비용을 조달할 자원은 없습니다. 대신, 영리 기관에서 높은 가치를 가진 컨텐츠의 자유로운 이용 가능성에 동기 부여를 받아 저작물을 배포하여 인쇄 비용을 조달할 수 있을 것입니다.
  • 연구: 위키미디어 컨텐츠는 정보 수집, 컴퓨터 비전, 심지어는 그래프 이론과 사회학 등 각종 분야에서 연구 대상으로 쓰이고 있습니다. 이러한 연구의 대부분은 영리 기관의 연구소에서 이루어지며, 비영리 라이선스 하에서는 이 정보를 이용할 수 없게 됩니다. 자세한 정보에 대해서는 이 문서를 참고하십시오.
  • Derivative works: Without being able to create derivative works, we cannot improve (crop, refocus, restore, etc.) images. The rise of the Internet has compellingly demonstrated that the wide availability of a variety of free works facilitates novel creative combination of those works in new works of art and new educational resources, an effect explicitly exploited by websites such as deviantART (see also free culture). Many of these works would never be created without access to free source materials. Content creators who dedicate their careers to creating new content must sell at least some of these derivative works to make a living; this is a commercial reuse.
  • Small business: A large business can afford to hire researchers to produce informational resources on topics relevant to their product, in order to better inform customer decisions. Small local businesses with more limited and less specialized resources often struggle to compete in this area. The free availability of a high-quality public information resource helps to lower the barrier to entry in these areas and encourage more competition and better access to relevant resources for customers.

A recurring theme in all these scenarios is commercial reuse and derivative use. Without commercial use, professional artists, industrial research labs, republishers, and small businesses are cut out of the loop. Without derivative use, not only can new works of art not be created, but content cannot be properly integrated with existing services, and research that automatically manipulates, aggregates, or changes the presentation of content cannot be done. In short, the purpose of free licenses at Wikimedia Commons is not to save businesses and professionals the hassle of producing content themselves, but to enable new applications that would have previously been considered too expensive to justify.

Most content whose license does not permit commercial use can be used commercially under the doctrine of fair use (or fair dealing in the UK), but the terms of fair use are extremely limited and depend strongly on context. A work that may be fair use in the context of a Wikipedia article on our website may cease to be fair use in an article republished for profit, or in a professional artwork that creatively incorporates the work, or even in a work that abridges the content. Moreover, fair use limits the quality and extent of such a work that can be used, which in turn limits its potential value for reuse. These subtle limitations make the reuse, commercial or otherwise, of any fair use content fraught with legal peril; for this reason, many Wikimedia sites have rejected its use altogether. Because Commons can only host media that are usable on all Wikimedia sites, we have no option but to exclude fair-use-only media altogether.

Wikimedia Commons also strongly disfavors content offered under licenses that impose impractical restrictions. For example, the GFDL technically requires that the complete license, a many-page document, be included with every copy of a work - even if the work is much smaller than the license! This type of restriction limits the scope of practical reuse. The Creative Commons licenses that Wikimedia Commons promotes help to balance the needs of content reusers, who want the attribution and license statement to be concise and practical, with the desires of the author, who often wish to be credited for their work.

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