Commons:Library back up project/file list/NDL/276

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ID File link Series title Title Volume Edition Issued: W3CDTF Issued Creator Publisher
12923651 12923651 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5079: Affidavit of Flight Lt. Maurice Kirby HOLLAND on conditions in Keppel Harbour Camp in Singapore, treatment of POWs ?-?
12923652 12923652 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5080: Affidavit of Lt. Col. Charles Philip HEATH on treatment of POWs in Havelock Road and River Valley Camps. "Instructions to Lazy Prisoners of War" ?-?
12923653 12923653 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5081: Affidavit of Lt. Col. Charles Philip HEATH on treatment of POWs at Changi, Havelock Road, River Valley Camps, Kranji Hospital. Shooting of 3 POWs who attempted escape ?-?
12923654 12923654 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5082: Statement of Mr. J. H. WILLIAMS, Dental Surgeon of Rangoon, Burma, re internment camps in Maymyo and Tavoy ?-?
12923655 12923655 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5083: Affidavit of MAnbahabur pun, a watchman of Bangri Tin Co., Siam, March 1946 ?-?
12923656 12923656 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5084: Affidavit of Capt. Peter Ranier ADAMS on treatment of POWs at Penang, Malaya; attempts to make prisoners give broadcasts ?-?
12923657 12923657 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5085: Affidavit of Laurence John William SEEKINGS on treatment of POWs in Kuala Lumpur ?-?
12923658 12923658 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5086: Affidavit of Cpl. Adam WILSON on treatment of POWs at Normanton Camp, Singapore ?-?
12923659 12923659 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5087: Affidavit of Capt. John MAGEE on negligent treatment of sick and non-issue of Red Cross supplies ?-?
12923660 12923660 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5088: Affidavit of Frank BOOTH dealing with Singapore ?-?
12923661 12923661_1
文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5089: A. Affidavit of Lt. Col Cedric Overton SHACKLETON at Hong Kong POW camp ; B. Affidavit of Mrs. T. ANDREWS-LEVINGE re treatment in Hong-Kong area. ; C. Statement of Sgt. T. R. CUNNINGHAM ; D. Statement of Cpl. N. J. LEATH ; E. Statement of Sgt. H. REASEGOOD ; F. Statement of Sgt. J. H. ANDERSON ; H. Statement of Sister A. F. GORDON. All are appended to SHACKleton Affidavit ?-?
12923662 12923662 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5090: Affidavit of Victor Joseph MYATT, Canadian Army, on treatment of POWs in Hong-Kong and Kowloon camps. Treatment of POWs on sea voyage to Formosa ?-?
12923663 12923663 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5091: Affidavit of Capt. K. M. A. BARNETT re treatment of POWs in the Hong-Kong area, 10 Aug 1944 to 21 Aug 1944 ?-?
12923664 12923664 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5092: Affidavit of Sgt. Howard Gerald DONNELLY re treatment of POWs and Chinese civilians in Hong-Kong area, 25 Dec 1941 to Oct 1943 ?-?
12923665 12923665 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5093: Deposition of George TRIST of Winnipeg on treatment of POWs in Hong-Kong, commodity prices, POWs shot, etc ?-?
12923666 12923666 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5094: Affidavit of Capt. James BARNETT, Canadian Chaplain, on atrocities, treatment of POWs in Hong-Kong camps and hospitals ?-?
12923667 12923667 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5095: Affidavit of Lt. Col. Frederick Denton FLELD on treatment of POWs at Hong-Kong; attempts to undermine loyalty of Indian troops ?-?
12923668 12923668 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5096: Affidavit of Rev. Eric John GREEN, Capt., on treatment of POWs in Hong-Kong. Also re diphtheria epidemic in camp; aid from Vatican ?-?
12923669 12923669 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5097: Affidavit of Mj. Gen. Christopher Michael MALTBY on treatment of POWs in Shamshuipo Camp, Hong-Kong ?-?
12923670 12923670 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5098: Affidavit of John Herbert PRICE of Quebec on treatment of POWs in Hong-Kong; bayoneting of Chinese civilians; etc ?-?
12923671 12923671 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5099: Affidavit of Major Robert Digby BUCK re treatment of POWs in Hong-Kong area, 25 Dec 1941 to Oct 1942 ?-?
12923672 12923672 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5100: Affidavit of Capt. Stanley A. BANFILL, Canadian Army Medical Camps. Describes shooting and bayoneting of POWs and Red Cross personnel in Hong-Kong ?-?
12923673 12923673 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5101: Affidavit of Sgt. William Albert HALL, Canadian Army on treatment of POWs in camps in Hong-Kong, also near Tokyo area in Japan ?-?
12923674 12923674 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5102: Affidavit of Woodburn Keith BURTON, Canadian Army, re St. Stephen's College Massacre in Hong-Kong. Also treatment of POWs in camps in Hong-Kong, Tokyo area ?-?
12923675 12923675 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5103: Affidavit of Sgt. Lancelot ROSS re treatment of POWs in the Hong-Kong Area ?-?
12923676 12923676 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5110: Affidavit of Rev. John RICHARDSON, a Nicorbarese, on treatment of Nicorbarese, Indians, etc. ; (2) is a signed declaration by above and witnesses of Japanese military on communication with Allied Forces ?-?
12923677 12923677 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5111: Affidavit of Mrs. I. JONES on treatment of natives, Indians, and English speaking persons by Japanese at Tamalu, Nicorbar ?-?
12923678 12923678 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5112: Affidavit of LESLIE (Nicorbarese) Christian re treatment of Nicorbarese and Indians by Japanese forces ?-?
12923679 12923679 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5113: Affidavit of ABDUL RAUF of Aberdeen Village, Port Blair, as to treatment by Japanese in spy investigations ?-?
12923680 12923680 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5114: Affidavit of HABIB UR RAHMAN re treatment of residents of Andaman Islands by Japanese ?-?
12923681 12923681 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5115: Affidavit of RYAMAY MOHAN re treatment by Japanese in Andaman Islands ?-?
12923682 12923682 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5116: Affidavit of ZAITOON BIBI, widow of ABDUL KHALI, Andaman Islands, on treatment by Japanese ?-?
12923683 12923683 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5117: Affidavit of MOHAMED HUSSAIN dealing with Andaman Islands ?-?
12923684 12923684 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5118: Affidavit of SAUDAGAR on treatment by Japanese and Burmans - Andaman Islands ?-?
12923685 12923685 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5119: Affidavit of Warrant Officer Peter BROWN on Treatment of POWs in North Thailand ?-?
12923686 12923686 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5120: Affidavit of MG SAN NGWE (Nephew of U. SAN KHO of Kawtin Village, murdered by Kempeitai) Kayaitko, Burma ?-?
12923687 12923687 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5121: Affidavit of TAHER D. H. A. SIAMWALLA, Bangkok, Siam, re his questioning by Kempeitai as to his membership in anti-Japanese societies, etc ?-?
12923688 12923688 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5122: Affidavit of MOHAMED NOOR of Bangkok re torture and questioning by Japanese as to anti-Japanese activities, radio listening, etc ?-?
12923689 12923689 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5123: Affidavit of Mr. A. P. PATTER of Bangkok re torture and questioning by Kempeitai ?-?
12923690 12923690 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5124: Affidavit of ABAS E. REAL of Thonburi, Siam on torture and questioning by Japanese ?-?
12923691 12923691 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5125: Affidavit of Major Vincent BENABETT, Medical Corps, re ill-treatment of POWs during the building of the Mergui-Kirikhan Road between April and Aug 1945 ?-?
12923692 12923692 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5126: Affidavit of Forde Rverard CAYLEY, Capt. RAMC re treatment of POWs during building of Mergui-Kirikhan Road ?-?
12923693 12923693 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5127: Affidavit of Jack WALKER dealing with Mergui-Kirikhan Road (Burma-Siam) ?-?
12923694 12923694 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5128: Affidavit of R. Crawford, Maj., dealing with Coolies on the Burma Siam R. R ?-?
12923695 12923695 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5129: Affidavit of WANG SIN JOON of Singapore, as to mass shooting of Christian Volunteer ?-?
12923696 12923696 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5130: Affidavit of Sgt. G. V. P. HICOZZI, Royal Corps of Signals, re treatment of POWs in Singapore prison ?-?
12923697 12923697 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5131: Affidavit of Charles Eric HILTEMANN of Singapore re torture and interrogation of Singapore residents by Kempeitai ?-?
12923698 12923698 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5142: Examination of Miss YONG LEN MOI of Penang as to her arrest by Japanese MPs, also the arrest, torture and resultant death of her grandmother, Madame OOI KEH HONG ?-?
12923699 12923699 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5143: Statement of W. T. DAVIES re trial of Sgt. YOSHIMURA, Edio of Japanese Kempeitai charred with ill treating civilian residents of Ipoh, Malaya. Also as "Exhibit A" a statement by Mrs. KATHIGASU ?-?
12923700 12923700 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5144: Affidavit of Warrant Officer Harold Alfred PRITHARD, RAF, re ill-treatment of POWs on the "Dai Nochi Naru" which sailed from Singapore to Moji, Japan, 28 Oct to 27 Nov 1942 ?-?
12923701 12923701 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5145: Affidavit of James Bonar KING as to treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Batavia to Singapore on "Macassar Maru" ?-?
12923702 12923702 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5146: Affidavit of Capt. Saxon Geoffrey DAWES re treatment of POWs at River Valley Camp, also sea voyage ?-?
12923703 12923703 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5147: Affidavit of Major William Edwin GILL re sea voyage from Saigon; treatment of British POWs and Japanese coolies ?-?
12923704 12923704 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5148: Affidavit of Driver J. O. JONES re treatment of British POWs on sea voyage from Batavia to Palembang, Sumatra on the "France Maru" ?-?
12923705 12923705 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5149: Affidavit of Thomas ADAMSON, RAF, on the matter of treatment of British POWs on voyage from Amboina to Java; also murder of Cpl. TAYLON ?-?
12923706 12923706 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5150: Affidavit of Denis Brian MASON re treatment of British and Dutch POWs on sea voyage from Amboina to Celebes; then trans-shipment to "Kaisyu Maru" ?-?
12923707 12923707 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5151: Affidavit of Flight Lt. William Manning BLACKWOOD, RAF, as to treatment of POWs on a sea voyage from Ambon Island to Sourabaya in the "Maron Maru" ?-?
12923708 12923708 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5152: Affidavit of Lt. Col. Robert Wakeham DOBBIN of the Royal Artillery re treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Formosa to Moji, Japan ?-?
12923709 12923709 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5153: Affidavit of S/Sgt Craddock George ADAMS as to treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Singapore to Hakodate, Japan ?-?
12923710 12923710 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5154: Certified copy "Q" of statement by MUL CHAND dealing with murder of POWs by Japanese troops in Malaya ?-?
12923711 12923711 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5155: Affidavit of Sgt. James ELMSIE as to treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Batavia to Moulmein ?-?
12923712 12923712 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5156: Summary of examination of Maureen Joy Margaret MAGNESS of Siam re treatment of civilians by Japanese. Also statement by Miss MAGNESS of her experiences in the "Yala Incident" of 17 Dec 1941 - 3 April 1942 ?-?
12923713 12923713 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5157: Statement of Ronald Mill on treatment of POWs at Changi, and on sea voyage from Singapore to Fusan, Korea on the "Fukkai Maru" ?-?
12923714 12923714 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5158: Affidavit of Capt. James Forbes LAWRENCE in the matter of the voyage from Singapore to Manila, 4 July to 21 Sept. 1944 on the "Hofuku Maru" ?-?
12923715 12923715 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5159: Record of evidence of W. H. STICPEWICH as to treatment of prisoners of war at Sandakan and Ranau in Borneo between Aug 1942 and June 1945 ?-?
12923716 12923716 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5160: Record of evidence of Pte. A. R. MINTY as to treatment of POWs in Borneo, 1943 ?-?
12923717 12923717 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5161: Record of evidence of Bombardier James Richard BRAITHWAITE, re treatment of POWs at Sandakan Camp ?-?
12923718 12923718 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5170: Affidavit of John Owen EDWARDS, Warrant Officer, on Treatment of POWs on "England Maru", also in Kinkaseki copper mines in Formosa ?-?
12923719 12923719 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5171: Affidavit of Lt. James Nehemiah CROSS on treatment of POWs at Kinkaseki, Formosa, also excerpts from his diary re same ?-?
12923721 12923721 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5173: Affidavit of Major General Berthold Wells KEY re treatment of Senior Officer POWs at Shirakawa Camp, Formosa ?-?
12923722 12923722 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5174: Affidavit of Major General Berthold Wells KEY re treatment of senior officer POWs at Karenko Camp, Formosa ?-?
12923723 12923723 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5175: Affidavit of Major General Hervey Degge Wilmot SITWELL, MC, as to treatment of senior officer of POWs at Karenko, Tamasata, Shirakawa, Haito Camps in Formosa ?-?
12923724 12923724 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5176: Affidavit of Air Vice Marshall Paul Copeland MALTBY, RAF, re treatment of British, Australian, American, and Dutch senior officer POWs in Karenko Camp, Formosa ?-?
12923725 12923725 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5177: Affidavit of Lt. Col. Edmund MacArthur SHEPPARD re treatment of POWs on "Ubi Maru", Sandakan Camp, Kuching, Borneo ?-?
12923726 12923726 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5178: Affidavit of Colin STANDISH re treatment of Canadian POWs at camps in Hong-Kong, sea voyage on "Toyama Maru", Narumi and Toyama Camps in Japan ?-?
12923727 12923727 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5179: Affidavit of Stephen Victor Burt DAY, British Army, on treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Singapore to Kuching, also Kuching Camp ?-?
12923728 12923728 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5180: Affidavit of Capt. Frank Harold MILLS on treatment of POWs at Sandakan, Kuching, in Borneo ?-?
12923729 12923729 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5181: Affidavit of Lt. Col. Alfred Walker WALSH as to treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Singapore to Sandakan ?-?
12923730 12923730 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5182: Affidavit of Col. Charles Herbert STRINGER, RAMC, on treatment of POWs at Karenko Camp, Formosa ?-?
12923731 12923731 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5183: Affidavit of Major Dean SHERRY, US Army, on treatment of POWs at Karenko and Shirakawa Camps, Formosa ?-?
12923732 12923732 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5184: Affidavit of Major Dean SHERRY, US Army, on treatment of POWs at Karenko , Shirakawa, and Taihoku Camps, Formosa ?-?
12923733 12923733 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5185: Affidavit of Brig. Gen. James R. N. WEAVER, US Army, on Japanese atrocities in Philippines and treatment of POWs ?-?
12923734 12923734 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5186: Affidavit of Capt. G. J. McMILLIN, US Army, Governor of Guam, on details of surrender, treatment of native by Japanese, but mainly on treatment of POWs at camps at Zentsuji, Japan; Karenko, Shirakawa, Tamaasato, Formosa; Mukden, Manchuria. Also various enclosures ?-?
12923735 12923735 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5187: Affidavit of Sgt. John L. MASSIMINO, AUS, on treatment of POWs at Haito, Formosa ?-?
12923736 12923736 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5188: Affidavit of Harold SERVICE dealing with Burma-Thailand Railway ?-?
12923737 12923737 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5189: Affidavit of Jack Elliott BENHAM, Federated Malay States Volunteer Force, on treatment of POWs in Kanyu 2 Camp, Burma-Thailand Railway ?-?
12923738 12923738 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5190: Affidavit of Col. Charles Herbert STRINGER, RAMC, re treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Singapore to Takao, Formosa ?-?
12923739 12923739 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5191: Affidavit of Lt. Geoffrey Cadzo HAMILTON, Royal Scots, on treatment of POWs on "Lisbon Maru" on sea voyage from Hong-Kong to sinking of ship; also on "Shinsei Maru" from Shanghai to Japan ?-?
12923740 12923740 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5192: Affidavit of Ann Lillian ROLFF, Dutch nationality, re treatment of women prisoners in Aermadedi Camp ?-?
12923741 12923741 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5193: Affidavit of 1st Lt. Harold John WHITCOMB, US Army, as to treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Manila to Japan ?-?
12923742 12923742 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5194: Affidavit of M/Sgt A. M. BALACLAWSKI, US Army, on treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Manila to Formosa. Murder of Cpl. TAYLOR ?-?
12923743 12923743 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5195: Affidavit of C. H. WENSVEEN as to treatment of POWs at Makassar ?-?
12923744 12923744 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5196: Affidavit of Jack Roland BISHOP, Warrant Officer, USMC, as to treatment of POWs an sea voyage from Korea to Japan ?-?
12923745 12923745 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5197: Affidavit of 2nd Lt. Dan W. BURNS, MAC, re treatment of internees on sea voyage on "Maya Maru" from Manila to Shanghai ?-?
12923746 12923746 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5198: Affidavit of Sgt. R. N. STARK, US Army, as to treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Manila to Osaka, Japan in March 1944 ?-?
12923747 12923747 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5199: Affidavit of Lt. Cmdr. Palgrave Eden CANN, RAN, as to treatment of POWs in Celebes ?-?
12923748 12923748 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5200: Affidavit of Reginald William James NEWTON, Major, Aust. Inf., re treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Thailand to Japan ?-?
12923749 12923749 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5201: Affidavit of Flying Officer Hector ROSS, Aust, re treatment of POWs at Sourabyaya, Morotai, Horokoe, Liang, Amboina. Also conditions on sea voyage from Liang to Sourabaya ?-?
12923750 12923750 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5202: Affidavit of Major L. N. GIBSON, British, as to treatment of POWs on Ambon Island ?-?
12923751 12923751 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5203: Evidence of Lt. Cmdr. COOBEK as to treatment of POWs in Celebes ?-?
12923752 12923752 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5204: Evidence of Lt. Cmdr. D. W. E. CHUBE (British) as to treatment of POWs in Makassar from 1942 to 1945 ?-?
12923753 12923753 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5205: Statement of Brian Maurice JOHNS, British resident of Singapore, on treatment of civilian internees at Changi Prison ?-?
12923754 12923754 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5206: Affidavit of Capt. Frederick Hugh BASHFORD, Chaplain, AIF, on execution of Dutch and British POWs ?-?
12923755 12923755 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5207: Affidavit of Lt. Col. Eric Kenneth SCOTT, REME, on treatment of POWs on "Yoshida Maru" on sea voyage from Batavia to Japan ?-?
12923756 12923756 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5208: Statement of NAKATA, Shinichi, Kempeitai, as to massacre of Suluks taken from Jesselton to DINAWAN Island ?-?
12923757 12923757 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5209: Evidence of BACHEE BIN O. K. K. HASSAN of Inanam as to treatment of natives at Jesselton Borneo, by Kempeitai. Also refers to neighboring Islands ?-?
12923758 12923758 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5210: Statement of SHIMIZU, Kiyogi, of Kempeitai re skirmish with Suluk natives at Jesselton and at Mantanani Island ?-?
12923759 12923759 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5211: Examination of SUJIANG, a Suluk woman of Dainawan Island regarding identification of skull of husband in common grave with 37 others massacred by Japanese ?-?
12923760 12923760 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5212: Statement of BAJI BIN LINDEMAN of Borneo, regarding killing of group of Binadans by Japanese Kempei ?-?
12923761 12923761 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5213: Statement of LAJUN of Inanam, a wader of a Japanese prison on torture and execution of natives without trial by Japanese ?-?
12923762 12923762 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5214: Statement of TONG AH SEONG of Mengattal, as to the massacre of Suluk women on Mantanani Island by Japanese Kempeitai ?-?
12923763 12923763 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5215: Statement of Joseph F. McDONALD, US citizen, working for the United Press on Wake Island at time of surrender, regarding "Regulations for Prisoners of Japanese Army", also conditions on sea voyage from Wake ?-?
12923764 12923764 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5216: Testimony of Cpl. S. L. BAKER, USMC, as to treatment of POWs on voyage from Wake Island to Japan on "Nitta Maru" ?-?
12923765 12923765 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5217: Joint statement of 1st Lt. James A. McMURRIA, 2nd Lt. Jose L. HOLGUIN, 2nd Lt. Alphonse QUINONES, US Army, re treatment of POWs at Rabaul ?-?
12923766 12923766 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5218: Charge sheet, statement of witness CHIN KAI, and statements of SUGINO, Tsuruo, Japanese Sgt. Major, accused of killing POWs ?-?
12923767 12923767 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5219: List of Japanese war criminals charged under the War Crimes act 1945 by Australian Military Authorities, finding, sentences, etc. of military courts. (List No.1) ?-?
12923768 12923768 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5221: Case against the Samarida Keibitai re the execution of 3 U.S. Airmen, May 1945 Statement of W. O. TSUDA ?-?
12923769 12923769 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5222: Case against the Samarida Keibitai - Affidavit of LO SIOE HONG, Chinese of Samarida re torture and execution of American Prisoners ?-?
12923770 12923770 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5223: Affidavit of Kiyoyasu YOSHIZAKI, Warrant Officer Japanese Navy, re execution of Americans at Carara, Amboina(?) ?-?
12923771 12923771 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5224: Affidavit of Toshitake ODAMURA re execution of five American Flyers at Celebes ?-?
12923772 12923772 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5225: Record of Evidence of Michinori NAKAMURA as to execution of five American flyers at Sinkiang ?-?
12923773 12923773 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5226: Affidavit of Sub. Lt. Yoshiyuki NAKAMURA as to the execution of four American airmen at Makassar, July 1945 ?-?
12923774 12923774 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5227: Sworn evidence of Toshio MITANI re execution of American airmen at Kendari, Celebes ?-?
12923775 12923775 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5228: Sworn evidence of Navy Capt. Gosuke TANIGUCHI re execution of nine American airmen at Kendari, Celebes. Nov 1944 ?-?
12923776 12923776 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5229: Record of evidence of Capt. ONO, Satoru re execution of two American flyers ?-?
12923777 12923777 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5230: Record of evidence of Shigeo ICHIHASHI, as to execution of four American flyers at Tomohon, Celebes ?-?
12923778 12923778 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5231: Record of evidence of Yoshinori HAYASHI as to execution of eight American airmen at Toliteli, Celebes ?-?
12923779 12923779 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5232: Affidavit of Sgt. J. G. MURDOCH and Sgt. R. C. RICHARDSON, U.S. Army re treatment of American POWs on sea voyage on Tottori Maru from Manila to OSAKA, Japan ?-?
12923780 12923780 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5233: Affidavit of Pvt. L. L. RITCH, US Army, re treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Cabanatuan to Osaka, Japan ?-?
12923781 12923781 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5234: Affidavit of Capt. E. R. NELL, US Army, on treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Manila to Moji, 7 Nov 1942 ?-?
12923782 12923782 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5235: Affidavit of Cpl. W. S. McMAHON re treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Manila to Moji, July 1944 ?-?
12923783 12923783 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5236: Affidavit of Pfc. J. B. LAWLOR re treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Manila to Moji ?-?
12923784 12923784 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5237: Affidavit of Pfc. R. J. ROSELLE, USMC, as to sea voyage from Philippine Islands to Formosa ?-?
12923785 12923785 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5238: Affidavit of Sgt. F. J. McCOOL re treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Philippines to KYUSHU, Japan, Aug 1944 ?-?
12923786 12923786 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5239: List of Japanese war criminals with charge, finding and sentences. Issued by Australian Military Courts. (List No.2) ?-?
12923787 12923787 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5240: Affidavit of John Charles BEGG, New South Wales, employee of the tin fields in Singapore, as to treatment of prisoners in Changi Gaol ?-?
12923788 12923788 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5241: Affidavit of Terence Charles TREVOR, New South Wales, Regards shooting of six POWs in Muar ?-?
12923789 12923789 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5242: Affidavit of Leslie William McCANN of Australian, as to shooting of POWs at Pasir Panjang near Singapore ?-?
12923790 12923790 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5243: Affidavit of WO George Frederick ALREY, AIF, re atrocities committed by Japanese troops at time of capitulation in Malaya ?-?
12923791 12923791 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5244: AIF certificate of origin and statement of Lt (JG) SHOJI, Motoyoshi, as to execution of 30 residents of Long Nawan, including 4 women and 3 children ?-?
12923792 12923792 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5245: Affidavit of KABUNARE, native of Nikurau Island. Concerns killing of European residents, massacre of native residents ?-?
12923793 12923793 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5246: Affidavit of David MURDOCK, Gilbertese, concerning atrocities committed against European residents and native of Ocean Island ?-?
12923794 12923794 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5247: Interrogation of SAKATA, Jiro Lt., IJN, as to the massacre of the native population of Ocean Island ?-?
12923795 12923795 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5248: Re Nauru Island War Crimes. Certificate of Australian Military Forces on interrogation by US Navy JAG of Mr. TAUA, civilian of Tol, Yruk, and Central Caroline Islands, Concerns case of killing of Col. F. H. CHALMERS, Dr. B. H. QUIMN, Mr. W. SHUGG, Mr. DOYLE, and Mr. HARMER, Australians ?-?
12923796 12923796 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5249: Affidavit of Pvt Allen McDONALD of New South Wales, AIF, re treatment of POWs at Hainan Island ?-?
12923797 12923797 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5250: Affidavit of Allan Frank WINSON, with certificate of Australian Army, as to treatment of POWs at Hainan ?-?
12923798 12923798 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5251: Affidavit of Major Richard Guy TURNER exhibiting 29 photographs of POWs recovered from Hainan Island. (Australian Military Forces) ?-?
12923799 12923799 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5252: Certification of Major McBAIN of Australian Army on statement of LEE CHONG WONG, houseboy to Col. CHALMERS re disappearance of Col. CHALMERS, Dr. QUIMN, Mr. HARMER, during imprisonment by Japanese ?-?
12923800 12923800 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5253: Statement of SAITO, Gin, civilian construction company commander on Nauru, as to treatment of natives of island ?-?
12923801 12923801 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5254: Statement of A. BERNICKE as to treatment of natives on Nauru Island - evidence re case of DOAJARUK's death from beating ?-?
12923802 12923802 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5255: Affidavit of David Ralph BOARDMAN as to treatment of coolies on Burma-Thailand Ry ?-?
12923803 12923803 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5256: Affidavit of Richard Ernest PETERSON, Aust., re killing of coolies on Burma-Thailand Railway ?-?
12923804 12923804 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5257: Affidavit of Bruce Hunter ANDERSON, Major, DADMS, re treatment of coolies and POWs in Kamburi Camp on Burma-Thailand Railway ?-?
12923805 12923805 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5258: Affidavit of Lawrence BYRNE, Cpl., Australian Army, re treatment of natives, Tamils, and POWs in KAMBURI Camp working on Burma-Thailand Railway ?-?
12923806 12923806 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5259: Affidavit of Howard Lyell ANDREWS, Major, Aust. Army, re treatment of coolies and POWs at Nakon Nyok and Nikke in Thailand ?-?
12923807 12923807 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5260: Evidence of Ashley Harry Hope CULLEN, Aust., as to treatment of POWs and Burmese in vicinity of Burma-Thailand Railway ?-?
12923808 12923808 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5261: Statement of KWUNG LIM (KWUNG LUNG) Chinese resident of Canton in regards to Japanese treatment of Australian POWs on Ballale Island ?-?
12923809 12923809 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5262: Affidavit of CHER CHEE of Hong-Kong re treatment of captured Chinese laborers in NEI ?-?
12923810 12923810 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5263: Statement of Korean POWs as to treatment of POWs Ballale Island ?-?
12923811 12923811 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5264: Affidavit of Major Ian Farquhar MacRAY, AIF, as to the treatment of POWs at Hokuri Prison Camp in Hainan Island. Australian and Dutch Prisoners ?-?
12923812 12923812 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5265: Statements - Massacre at Longnawan (with appendix) by F. R. OLDHAM, Lt. DRD; Korpl TAMBURIANG, and T. MARKUS (Native policemen of Longnawan). Also statements of Lt. OLDHAM and P. KUNNUM concerning massacre at Sumpit. NEEIS certificate ?-?
12923813 12923813 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5270: Eng. Trans. Of Dutch document with NEEIS certificate re treatment of POWs in camp at Bandjermassin by following Japanese: HIRANO, MIZOGUCHI, SHIMIZU, NAGAOKA, KUWAHARA, KAWAGUCHI ?-?
12923814 12923814 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5271: Evidence of A. M. C. MOHR as to execution of Dutch prisoners of war at Pontianak ?-?
12923815 12923815 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5272: Affidavit of A. M. C. MOHR, Netherlands Army re treatment of POWs at Pontianak, Koetjing, British North Borneo ?-?
12923816 12923816 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5273: Evidence of LOUPATTY, H., Ambonese solder as to killing of Pte. VLIEGEN and four other Netherlands soldiers at Tarakan, NEEIS certificate ?-?
12923817 12923817 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5364: Examination of BEL BAHDUR RAI, Ghurka Sgt. and POW interpreter for Kempeitai, as to killing of British parachutists as Hopin Burma ?-?
12923818 12923818 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5365: Statement of Rudolf Basil WILSON re torture and beheading of A. C. BIRD on Andamand. Also as to treatment of British prisoners at Central Jail in Rangoon ?-?
12923819 12923819 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5366: Affidavit of KALU RAM THAPA, Chin Hill Bn., BFF, as to Japanese atrocities to British officers in the Rangoon Central Jail. Attempts to coerce officers to make broadcasts ?-?
12923820 12923820 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5367: Statement of TAN HAIN ENG, Chinese of Kemmendine, Burma, as to identification of various Japanese, also details of executions of Prisoners ?-?
12923821 12923821 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5368: Statement of Mr. J. H. WILLIAMS, detail surgeon of Rangoon as to treatment of POWs in Tombo Camp in Maymyo, also Kyaukme, Tavoy ?-?
12923822 12923822 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5369: Statement of Mrs. M. M. WILLIAMS of Rangoon as to treatment of prisoners, rape of women, at Tombo Camp, Maymyo Camp, and Kyaukme Internment Camp ?-?
12923823 12923823 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5370: Affidavit of THAKIN SA, trader of Rangoon as to forced labor and other ill-treatment of Burmese by Japanese Army ?-?
12923824 12923824 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5371: Statement of MAUNG AYE KO, supervision of Burmese labour on the Burma-Siam Railway re treatment of Burmese labour and European POWs ?-?
12923825 12923825 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5372: Affidavit of U AUNG MIN, schoolmaster of Rangoon, and appointed officer in charge of labor in Burma-Thailand Ry. As to treatment of laborers. Recruiting under false promises, forced labor, etc ?-?
12923826 12923826 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5373: Affidavit of Joseph Wilfred CRAVEN, Lt. Col. RAMC, at time of surrender of Singapore as to atrocities committed on patients and staff of Alexandra Military Hospital. Also identification of Lt. Gen. Renya MUTAGUCHI ?-?
12923827 12923827 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5580: Affidavit of Ian Arthur PERRY, Australian, on killing of POWs ?-?
12923828 12923828 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5581: Affidavit of Roy Halford STEVENS, Australian, on killing of POWs ?-?
12923829 12923829 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5582: Affidavit of Frederick George WILKINS, Australian, on killing of POWs ?-?
12923830 12923830 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5583: Affidavit of Lloyd MCKENZIE, Australian, on beating of POWs ?-?
12923831 12923831 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5584: Affidavit of Jack Aubrey WAWN, Australian, on beating of POWs ?-?
12923832 12923832 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5585: Affidavit of Malkianus AUGUSTIJN, Dutch, on killing of POWs ?-?
12923833 12923833 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5586: Affidavit of Arnold KATIPANA, Malayan, on killing of POWs ?-?
12923834 12923834 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5587: Affidavit of Asba SALIA, Malayan, on killing of POWs ?-?
12923835 12923835 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5588: Affidavit of William Anderson BEATTIE, Australian, on killing of priests ?-?
12923836 12923836 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5591: Synopsis of statements on killing of POWs ?-?
12923837 12923837 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5594: Affidavit of Charles JONGENEEL, Dutch, on killing of civilians ?-?
12923838 12923838 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5595: Affidavit of OHARA, Seidai ?-?
12923839 12923839 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5596: POW report regarding S. NAGATA, Japanese interpreter, on mistreatment of Prisoners of War ?-?
12923840 12923840 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5597: Affidavit of Charles VANDERSLOOT, Dutch, on Mistreatment of POW ?-?
12923841 12923841 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5601: Affidavit of Wilhelm HAGEDOORN, Dutch, on beating of POWs ?-?
12923842 12923842 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5604: Affidavit of Patrick Slaney DAVIS, English, on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12923843 12923843 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5617: Affidavit of Ernest Alexander LLOYD, English, on killing of POWs ?-?
12923844 12923844 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5619: Affidavit of Melkianous LATUPERISSA, Ambonese, on killing of POWs ?-?
12923845 12923845 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5623: Affidavit of Karel Hendrik Emile KRIJGSMAN, Dutch, on killing of POWs ?-?
12923846 12923846 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5625: Affidavit of L. G. EMMELS, Dutch, on beating of civilians ?-?
12923847 12923847 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5632: Affidavit of LO Djien-stoe, Chinese, on beating of POWs ?-?
12923848 12923848 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5634: Affidavit of F. R. KRAMER, Dutch, on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12923849 12923849 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5635: Affidavit of A. SUYKER, Dutch, on beating of civilians ?-?
12923850 12923850 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5636: Affidavit of Juliun Cornelis TEERLINK, Dutch, on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12923851 12923851 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5645: Affidavit of Alfred Norman WOOTON, Australian, on mistreatment of civilians ?-?
12923852 12923852 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5274: Affidavit of Lionel Vivian HUDSON, Wing Cmdr, RAAF, re neglict of sick prisoners of war at Rangoon Prison, 1945 ?-?
12923853 12923853 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5275: Certificated affidavit of Major Charles Edward GREEN, AIF, on treatment of POWs on sea voyage, Victoria Point, Burma, Burma-Thailand Railway, Thambuzayat, Tamarkan, etc ?-?
12923854 12923854 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5276: Certified copy of affidavit of Thomas Bruce AUCHTERLONIE, Cpl. AIF, re torture of Burmese at Victoria Point Aerdrome ?-?
12923855 12923855 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5277: Affidavit of Sir Chaloner Grenville ALABASTER re treatment of POWs in the Hong-Kong area from July to Dec 1943 ?-?
12923856 12923856 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5278: Affidavit of Herbert Charles DIXON re treatment of POWs in the Hong-Kong area, Sept 1943 ?-?
12923857 12923857 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5279: Affidavit of YEE KING re beheading of Chinese and American airmen in Hong-Kong area ?-?
12923858 12923858 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5280: Affidavit of Mr. ELLAN re treatment of POWs in the Hong-Kong area, Oct 1943 ?-?
12923859 12923859 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5281: Affidavit of Mrs. Chester BENNET of Hong-Kong re torture and interrogation by Japanese gendarmerie ?-?
12923860 12923860 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5282: Affidavit of SIRDA ALI re treatment of POWs in the Hong-Kong area, 1942-45 ?-?
12923861 12923861 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5283: Affidavit of Capt. YAMAGUCHI, Kiyoshi, re treatment of POWs in the Hong Kong area March-April 1945. Courts-material and execution of airmen ?-?
12923862 12923862 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5284: Affidavit of 1st Lt. TANAKA, Hitoshi re killing of four Canadian POWs who attempted to escape from North Point Camp, Hong-Kong ?-?
12923863 12923863 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5285: Affidavit of MATSUDA, Kinichiro, re execution of recaptured POWs at North Point Camp, Shamshuipo Camp, Hong-Kong area ?-?
12923864 12923864 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5286: Summary of examination of Capt. Osler THOMAS, British Army, re Japanese firing on ambulance; massacre of civilian residents of Hong-Kong, Dec 1941 ?-?
12923865 12923865 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5287: Examination of Martin TSO HIM CHI re bayoneting of surrendered men ?-?
12923866 12923866 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5288: Examination of Col. L. T. RIDE, C. B. E., commanding Hong Kong Field Ambulance in 1941. Relates of refusal of permission to search for wounded, discovery of Army and Navy personnel bound and killed, etc ?-?
12923867 12923867 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5289: Statement of Brother Michael HOGAN, Missionary, re murder of six British officers at Stanley, Dec 25, 1941 ?-?
12923868 12923868 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5290: Statement of M. YUSSAF SHAH, British Indian guard employed by Japanese, re torture of European, Indian and Chinese prisoners by Japanese gendarmerie ?-?
12923869 12923869 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5291: Statement of Frederick TYNDALL, British resident of Hong Kong as to the use of dogs by Japanese to attack and kill Chinese ?-?
12923870 12923870 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5292: Statement of William WORD, British resident of Hong Kong, re witnessing machine-gunning and burning of sampans and sunks loaded with Chinese including women and children, also throwing overboard of same ?-?
12923871 12923871 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5293: Statement of Issac Samuel DIXON, Municipality Officer of Batavia, re treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Java to Sumatra, Padang, Prison, Pajoekoemboeh, Pakan Baroe ?-?
12923872 12923872 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5294: Statements of Lt. Col. John Linton TRELOAR (Aust) and Capt. William Campbell McLACHLAN (Aust) identifying photographs of former POWs showing physical condition included by ill-treatment ?-?
12923873 12923873 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5295: Affidavit of Sgt. Maj. SACRE dealing with ill-treatment of POWs in Malaya ?-?
12923874 12923874 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5297: Affidavit of Flying Officer Denis Brian MASON, RAF, re treatment of POWs at Yaarmarkt Camp, Java, on sea voyage in Japanese ship to Amboina, at labor camp constructing airfield at Haroekoe Island. Names of persons responsible for ill-treatment and roll of deal POWs ?-?
12923875 12923875 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5298: Affidavit of F/O Denis Brian MASON, re treatment of POWs at Lahat Camp, Liang Camp ?-?
12923876 12923876 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5299: Affidavit of Henry KITTERINGHAM, RAF, in regard to general Ill-treatment of POWs at Ling Camp on Ambon Island, Moluccas, from May 1943 to Oct 1944 ?-?
12923877 12923877 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5300: War Diary of Col. A. J. Murray ?-?
12923878 12923878 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5301: Evidence of Pvt. John Leslie SEARANT, Aust, re ill-treatment of POWs at Tan Toey Camp ?-?
12923879 12923879 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5302: Evidence of Verdun Clive YALL, Pvt., Aust, re ill-treatment of POWs at Tan Toey ?-?
12923880 12923880 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5303: Deposition of Paul A. STANSRURY, 1st Lt, USA, re murder of 2nd Lt. Edward F. SKUZINSKI, beating and ill-treatment of nine American airmen at Ambon, and the translation of seven American prisoners under improper conditions from Ambon to Ofuna, Japan ?-?
12923881 12923881 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5306: NEFIS report (certificated) of information given by BOEDIMAN, Potinus, Menadoese, re supposed execution of Ambonese men and women and European men at Amboina ?-?
12923882 12923882 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5307: Affidavit of T/Sgt. Clyde F. SULLIVAN, USA, re treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Philippines to Japan ?-?
12923883 12923883 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5311: Affidavit of William COOK, Australian, re surrender of Field Ambulance Detail to Japanese troops, and subsequent bayoneting of surrendered personnel ?-?
12923884 12923884 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5312: Affidavit of Wilkie Desmond COLLINS, driver, Field Ambulance, Aust., regarding surrender to Japanese at Tol, and subsequent massacre at Ross' plantation ?-?
12923885 12923885 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5313: Affidavit of Pvt. Hugh Joseph WEBSTER, Australian, re surrender to Japanese troops at Tol near Rabaul, and subsequent massacre ?-?
12923886 12923886 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5314: NEFIS report with certificate and two photos re execution by Japanese of one Australian and tow Ambonese, Sgt. SIFFLEET (AMF and Ptes. RAHARING and PATAWAEL Includes letters, other reports and statement of YUNOME, Kunio, Japanese civilian ?-?
12923887 12923887 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5315: Affidavit of WALI MOHAMED of Pahargeon Village re arrest by Japanese, being forced into sea off of boat with about 750 others. Locality seems to be near Aberdeen Jetty or Bamboo Flats ?-?
12923888 12923888 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5316: Affidavit of NIRANJAN LALL, forest ranger of Aberdeen Bazaar, Port Blair, re beating and interrogation by Japanese in read to founding an organization to assist an Allied landing ?-?
12923889 12923889 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5317: Affidavit of IMDAD ALI, schoolteacher of Pahargeon, Port Blair, re torture and interrogation by Japanese ?-?
12923890 12923890 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5318: Affidavit of MURAD, Indian, re torture and execution of residents of Port Blair ?-?
12923891 12923891 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5319: Examination of BUNI NADAN, cultivator of Bumlitan, Port Blair, re death from beating of SUBAIYA by Japanese supervisor of village ?-?
12923892 12923892 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5320: Affidavit of Mohan Lal ?-?
12923893 12923893 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5321: Affidavit of MOHAMMAD, Indian coolie of Port Blair, as to beating and killing of RAMAWAMI, SHARARNADA, and WALI MOHD by Sazao UCHIMURA, Katsutaro SAWANE, and Bunshiro TANIGUCHI for the offence of stealing vegetables ?-?
12923894 12923894 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5322: Examination of Nihei YAMANE, agricultural overseer, re beating of residents of Dundas Point area for stealing vegetables ?-?
12923895 12923895 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5323: Affidavit of Sgt. A. Van Blommesteiu, Sea Voyage, Batavia to Rangoon ?-?
12923896 12923896 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5324: Affidavit of John Ross BENGE, Lt. RNZAF, as to treatment by Japanese Naval Forces after being taken captive off of M. V. Behar; on sea voyage to Japan from Sorrabaya; at Ofuna, Omori, Naoetsu, camps ?-?
12923897 12923897 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5325: Interrogation of suspect YAMAMOTO, Seiichi, Lt. Cmdr., IJN, as to the torture and execution of numerous persons in Pontianak Area. NEFIS certificate included ?-?
12923898 12923898 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5326: Interrogation of HAYASHI, Shuichi, military employee of Navy and member of "Hana Kikan" of Pontianak, as to organization of military government and police offices; the placing of Malayan women in brothers: etc. NEFIS certificate ?-?
12923899 12923899 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5327: Interrogation of HAYASHI, Shuichi re Pontianak massacre ?-?
12923900 12923900 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5328: Interrogation of ISHIYAMA, Yusaburo at Pontianak ?-?
12923901 12923901 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5329: Interrogation of MIYAJIMA, Junkichi at Pontianak ?-?
12923902 12923902 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5330: NEFIS report on enforced prostitution in Western Borneo during Japanese Naval occupation ?-?
12923903 12923903 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5331: Affidavit of Major G. De Verdon WESTLEY. Ambon Island Group ?-?
12923904 12923904 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5332: Affidavit of SX.16852 Capt. Kinnish Vivian PARISH of Army Headquarters, Melbourne, Laha Battle in Ambon Island ?-?
12923905 12923905_1
文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5333: Record of statements of Cmdr. Kunito HATAKEYAMA and Lt. Cmdr. Kenichi Nakagawa, IJN, in presence of the prosecutor at the court of Tokyo Naval General Court Martial on 8 Nov 1945. Relates to killing of POWs at Laha, Ambon campaigns ?-?
12923906 12923906 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5334: Report by Capt. M. G. Dickson as to atrocities against Sulubs ?-?
12923907 12923907 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5335: Affidavit of William AITKEN, former Capt. Aus., as to treatment of POWs at Hainan ?-?
12923908 12923908 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5336: Report of Lt. Col. A. M. STUPROCK, President, No.4 War Crimes Court, Rangoon. Cases reported include: 1. KALAGON case re killing and mistreatment of civilians. 2&3. New Law Courts Annex Case re ill-treatment of POWs. 4. YEDWINGON case re ill-treatment of civilians of Yedwingon and Naunglon. 5&6. RANGOON Central Jail case re ill-treatment of POWs ?-?
12923909 12923909 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5337: Statement of Capt. J. C. E. BURDEKIN detail to investigate war crimes by C in C ALFSEA. Among cases mentioned are: 1. 27 Missing Burmans 2. EBAING massacre 3. KALAGON massacre 4. Six murders at THATON 5. Seven murders at SHANZU 6. Kempei Tai at MOULMEIN Jail 7. Atrocities at KAWKAREIK 8. The TAKARA case 9. Four missing Royal Marines ?-?
12923910 12923910 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5338: Examination of Freddie THA, student, Burmese, of Rangoon. Statement re interrogation and execution of six RAF airmen at MYAUNGMA, Burma ?-?
12923911 12923911 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5339: Statement by Robert Andrew NICOL, Anglo-Burman inspector in Revenue Dept. of Rangoon re interrogation and execution of RAF airmen Stan WOODERIDGE ?-?
12923912 12923912 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5340: Examination of SAWOBO GYI GYAW, student of Insein, as to shooting of civilians by Kempeitai at THARRAWADDY, Burma ?-?
12923913 12923913 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5341: Statement of TAN KIN CHOON, Chinese of MUDON as to shooting and bayoneting of Phongyis ?-?
12923914 12923914 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5342: Statement of MG PAN, Burmese trader of MUDON as to torture and shooting of self and other Burmese by Japanese troops ?-?
12923915 12923915 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5343: Statement MAUNG CHIT, Trader of Kyonlaha Village, Tharawaw, Burma, as to the shooting of villagers by Japanese Kempeitai on coolies raid ?-?
12923916 12923916 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5344: Affidavit of Maung Bu Gyi ?-?
12923917 12923917 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5345: Statement of MAUNG HMME, Burmese of Ongon, Henzada, re shooting of some residents of above village for theft of Japanese weapons ?-?
12923918 12923918 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5346: Affidavit of MAUNG TUN SHWE ?-?
12923919 12923919 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5347: Statement of MAUNG KINMG, student of Henzada, Burma, as to executions of Burmese and European soldiers by Japanese ?-?
12923920 12923920 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5348: Statement of MG THAN MG, Burman, as to killing of Burmese and Kachins by Japanese troops for cooperating with Allies ?-?
12923921 12923921 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5349: Examination of MUM WIN, clerk of LASHIO, Burma, as to torture and killing of self, other Burmans and Europeans by Japanese Kempei ?-?
12923922 12923922 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5350: Examination of Rev. WILLIAMS, Baptist missionary of Lashio, Burma, as to torture of self by Kempei, also killing of Mr. CUSHING and Mr. BETT ?-?
12923923 12923923 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5351: Interrogation of KHARJAH DAR of Myindin Village as to machine gunning of residents of village ?-?
12923924 12923924 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5352: Interrogation of JACKAN FUN of Myitkina, Burma, as to the beating to death of JIMMY by a Sgt. KUBUKI ?-?
12923925 12923925 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5353: Examination of NYAGI KAW, Kachin woman of Hkadaung Village near Bhamo, Upper Burma, as to massacre of villagers by Burmese under orders from Japanese ?-?
12923926 12923926 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5354: Statement of Sgt. Major YOSHIKAWA, Sadaichiro of Kempeitai as to killing of Burmese, Kachin and Chinese civilian near Bumbrai, Burma ?-?
12923927 12923927 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5355: Statement of MG TUN YI, Burman of Kyaitko as to torture and killing by Japanese Kempei of Burmese civilians ?-?
12923928 12923928 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5356: Statement of Harry JOSEPH, Anglo-Indian of Kyaitko as to identification of Kempei and atrocities perpetrated by same ?-?
12923929 12923929 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5357: Statement of ABHUSU, of Kyaitko, Burma as to her torture by Kempeitai, robbery of property and money, and killing of father also by Kempeitai ?-?
12923930 12923930 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5358: Statement of MA SWAN TI, housewife of Kyaitko as to robbery of property, money; torture of self and family; murder of husband by Japanese Kempei ?-?
12923931 12923931 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5359: Statement of Roland JOSEPH, student of Kyaitko, Burma as to atrocities against residents of area by Japanese Kempeitai troops ?-?
12923932 12923932 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5360: Examination of KOTTIKOLLON MANOO, Indian trader of Tawnpeng State, N. S. S., as to treatment of civilian prisoners; atrocities by Japanese troops. Burma ?-?
12923933 12923933 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5361: Statement of SIWA BAHADUR, Indian of Tawngneng State, N. S. S., Burma, as to arrest and detention by Japanese of uncooperative Indians; beheading of some ?-?
12923934 12923934 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5374: Affidavit of Albert Frank BALL, Maj., Aust, as to massacre of Chinese civilians in Singapore ?-?
12923935 12923935 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5375: Affidavit of Banjamin George MAPLEBACK, Cpl., Aust, as to bayoneting of Lt. COOTES ant Pte NICHOLLS after being taken prisoner ?-?
12923936 12923936 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5376: Affidavit of Mesta Gwyneth JAMES, Capt., Australian army Nursing Service, as to treatment of women prisoners on sea voyage from Banka Island to Palembang ?-?
12923937 12923937 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5377: Affidavit of John Lawrence HANDS, Australian Army, as to the conditions and treatment of Australian and Dutch POWs by Japanese on board the "Rashin Maru" on sea voyage from Singapore to Moji, Japan ?-?
12923938 12923938 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5378: Affidavit of Charles Walter KENDALL, formerly Capt. Aust., as to premeditated atrocities on Australians and native of Milne Bay ?-?
12923939 12923939 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5379: Affidavit of Charles Henry BICKS, Major Aust, as to Japanese atrocities on Australian and native of Milne Bay area ?-?
12923940 12923940 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5380: Interrogation of YASUSAKA, Masaji of 19th Special Water Duty Coy as to the death of RISALDAR RASHID MOHD ?-?
12923941 12923941 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5381: Declaration of Pte. LAKHU SAM of 2/12 Frontier Force as to the investigation into the death of RISALDER RASHID MOHD and Cpl. MASHAQ ALI both of 3rd Indian Cavalry ?-?
12923942 12923942 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5382: Declaration of Pte. CHAIN SINGH as to the investigation into the death of Sgt. WARIAM SINGH and Cpl. HAZARA SINGH and NAZARA SINGH of 2/12 Frontier Force ?-?
12923943 12923943 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5383: Interrogation of Pte. YASUKAWA, Masaji of Japanese Army as to the death of Sgt. WARIAN SINGH and Cpl HAZARA SINGH ?-?
12923944 12923944 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5384: Declaration of JEMADAR ABOUL LATIF as to the investigation into the death of Pte. FATEH KHAN who was thrown into the sea by Japanese. Identification of Sgt. KOBAYASHI ?-?
12923945 12923945 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5385: Interrogation of KATO, Kihachiro, Army Capt., Fujimura Unit, as to his execution of an Australian POW at Kaparapbka, New Guinea ?-?
12923946 12923946 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5386: Declaration of JEMADAR CHINT SINGH of 2/12 Frontier Forces to death of KITIAL SINGH from beatings by Pte MAIDA, Japanese guard. Identification of MAIDA ?-?
12923947 12923947 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5387: Evidentiary Doc. of War Crimes ?-?
12923948 12923948 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5388: Affidavit of Alan Staden PALMER, former Capt. Australian, as to atrocities committed against Australian soldiers and natives of Milne Bay, New Guinea ?-?
12923949 12923949 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5389: NEFIS certificated reports of interrogations of various informants, all concerning massacre of Indonesians, former soldiers R. N. I. A., on Moemfoor Island ?-?
12923950 12923950 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5390: Statement of Sep BACHAN SINGH as to treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Singapore to New Guinea, also at POW camp at Wewak, New Guinea. Massacre of sick and wounded prisoners by Japanese ?-?
12923951 12923951 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5391: Declaration of DINA NATH, Cpl of Dogra Sgt, as to treatment of POWs at But and Raoang. Also reprisal massacre of sick Indians of working party ?-?
12923952 12923952 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5392: Investigation into WAURE Isle Lepers Murder Case ?-?
12923953 12923953 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5393: Statement of LIU WEI PAO, Capt, Chinese Army as to the massacre of Chinese Army POWs ?-?
12923954 12923954 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5394: Examination of KALU RAM of Ranaung, Siam, as to torture and interrogation by Japanese MPs on being suspected of spying for the British ?-?
12923955 12923955 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5395: Affidavit of Penrod Vance DEAN, Lt. AIF, re prisoners at Outram Road Gaol Deliberately left to brutal guards by commandant; visit by Royal personage: etc. Also refers to Selarang, Curran, Changi POW Camps ?-?
12923956 12923956 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5396: Affidavit of Alexander Gordon WEYNTON, Lt. AIF, as to treatment of POWs at Sandakan Camp. Details of atrocities, forced labor; torture and interrogation by Kempeis after discovery of secret radio, trial, sentence and transportation to Qutram Road Gaol in Singapore ?-?
12923957 12923957 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5397: Affidavit of Alexander Gordon WEYNTON, Lt. AIF, as to treatment of POWs at Outram Road Gaol, Singapore-atrocities against sick prisoners-execution of B29 flyers ?-?
12923958 12923958 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5398: Record of inquiry held at Tarawa on 16-20 Oct 1944 establishing the fact that 22 persons were killed by Japanese. High Commissioner's Court for the Western Pacific, Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony. Includes testimony of witnesses ?-?
12923959 12923959 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5399: Reports by Capt. Douglas McBAIN, Sust, and Lt Col M. I. POWELL from Ambon and Amboina as to physical and mental condition of recovered POWs ?-?
12923960 12923960 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5400: Affidavit of WONG yo-sin, Chinese, on men confined in ship's hold ?-?
12923961 12923961 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5401: Affidavit of LEE wai-sin, Chinese, on men confined in ship's hold ?-?
12923962 12923962 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5402: Affidavit of LEE WAI SIN, Chinese, on men confined in ship's hold ?-?
12923963 12923963 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5403: Affidavit of LEE WAI SIN, Chinese, on men confined in ship's hold ?-?
12923964 12923964 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5404: Affidavit of YUNG FANG WAE, Chinese, on POWs killed because of illness ?-?
12923965 12923965 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5405: Affidavit of SHIER TCHEN TSE, Chinese on killing of sick POWs ?-?
12923966 12923966 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5406: Affidavit of CHEUNG Yee-yu, Chinese, on killing of sick POWs ?-?
12923967 12923967 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5407: Affidavit of TAN Bai-ming, Chinese, on killing of sick POWs ?-?
12923968 12923968 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5408: Affidavit of PANG Man-ting, Chinese, on killing of sick POWs ?-?
12923969 12923969 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5409: Affidavit of LEE Yitsai-kunyang, Chinese, on beating of laborers ?-?
12923970 12923970 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5410: Affidavit of MAUTA, Leonard, Native, New Britain, on beating of laborers ?-?
12923971 12923971 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5411: Affidavit of MARASURAN, native of New Britain, on beating of POWs ?-?
12923972 12923972 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5412: Affidavit of GAINI, C. native of New Britain, on beating of POWs ?-?
12923973 12923973 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5413: Affidavit of NUM, A., Nangagua on beheading of natives ?-?
12923974 12923974 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5414: Affidavit of Jem QUTUBUDIN, Rabaul, on beating of POWs ?-?
12923975 12923975 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5415: Affidavit of TAJ MOHOMMAD, Sepoy, on beating of POWs ?-?
12923976 12923976 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5416: Affidavit of HAY CHANDGI RAM, on killing POWs ?-?
12923977 12923977 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5417: Affidavit of Ian Farquar MacRAE, Australian, on beating of POW ?-?
12923978 12923978 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5418: Affidavit of George de Verdon WESTLEY, Australian, on beating of POWs; etc ?-?
12923979 12923979 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5419: Affidavit of George de Verdon WESTLEY, Australian, on graves of soldiers ?-?
12923980 12923980 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5420: Affidavit of Roderick Grahan, WELLS, Australian, on living conditions of POWs ?-?
12923981 12923981 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5421: Affidavit of F. G. BIRCHALL, English, on killing of POWs ?-?
12923982 12923982 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5422: Affidavit of WATANABE, Japanese, on movement of POWs ?-?
12923983 12923983 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5423: Affidavit of CHENKAY, Chin-Kin and LO TONG Who, Chinese, on killing of POWs ?-?
12923984 12923984 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5424: Affidavit of ISHII, Fujio, Formosan Japanese, on killing of POWs ?-?
12923985 12923985 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5425: Affidavit of Norihiko OZAKI, Japanese, on working of POWs ?-?
12923986 12923986 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5426: Affidavit of Denji MIYASAKA, Japanese, on execution of natives ?-?
12923987 12923987 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5427: Affidavit of Kazuo ARAI, Japanese, on killing of natives ?-?
12923988 12923988 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5428: Affidavit of Roderick Graham WELLS, Australian, on beating of POWs ?-?
12923989 12923989 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5429: Prisoners of War - Opening Statement - Count 53, 54, 55 on mistreatment of POWs and civilians ?-?
12923990 12923990 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5430: Prisoners of War - Synopsis of Evidence - Singapore - On treatment of POWs ?-?
12923991 12923991 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5431: Affidavit of Keith BOTTERILL, Australian, on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12923992 12923992 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5432: Prisoners of War - Synopsis of Evidence - Malaya - On killing of POWs ?-?
12923993 12923993 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5433: Affidavit of KIKAWA, Haruo, Japanese, on beating of POWs ?-?
12923994 12923994 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5434: Affidavit of JEMADARRAKUMAT ULLAH, Indian, on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12923995 12923995 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5438: Affidavit of Capt. John J. MURRHY re Jacquinot Bay, mistreatment of Australian POWs ?-?
12923996 12923996 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5440: Prisoners of War - Synopsis Ambon Island Group - Section on treatment of POWs ?-?
12923997 12923997 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5441: POWs - Burma, Siam - Mistreatment of civilians ?-?
12923998 12923998 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5442: POWs - Synopsis - New Guinea - Mistreatment of civilians ?-?
12923999 12923999 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5443: POWs - Synopsis - Burma and Siam - Killing of POWs ?-?
12924000 12924000 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5444: POWs - Synopsis - Burma and Siam - Mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924001 12924001 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5445: POWs - Synopsis - New Britain - Mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924002 12924002 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5446: POWs - Synopsis - Solomon Islands, Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Nauru and Ocean Islands - Killing of POWs ?-?
12924003 12924003 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5447: Affidavit of Douglas John McBAIN, Australian, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924004 12924004 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5448: Synopsis - Sea transport - Mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924005 12924005 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5449: Opening Statement on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924006 12924006 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5450: Synopsis of evidence on mistreatment of laborers ?-?
12924007 12924007 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5451: Affidavit of Neville Howard MORGAN, Australian, on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924008 12924008 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5452: Affidavit of Charles JONGENEEL, Dutch, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924009 12924009 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5453: Synopsis - Burma - Killing of POWs ?-?
12924010 12924010 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5454: Synopsis - Magui - Killing of POWs ?-?
12924011 12924011 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5455: Synopsis - Siam - Killing of civilians ?-?
12924012 12924012 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5456: Andamans - Killing of civilians ?-?
12924013 12924013 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5457: Synopsis - Hainan Island - Mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924014 12924014 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5458: Synopsis - Formosa - Mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924015 12924015 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5492: POWs - Criminal Act of Doihara on killing of POWs ?-?
12924016 12924016 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5503: Affidavit of George Tyndale COOPER, English, on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924017 12924017 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5504: Affidavit of Charles JONGRAHEL, Dutch, on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924018 12924018 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5514: Affidavit of R. J. HENSEL, Dutch, on beating of POWs ?-?
12924019 12924019 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5517: Affidavit of Palgrave Ebden CARR, Australian, on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924020 12924020 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5518: Affidavit of MINGELEN, Dutch, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924021 12924021 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5520: Affidavit of Toshitake ODAMURA, Japanese, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924022 12924022 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5521: Affidavit of Michinori, NAKAMURA, Japanese, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924023 12924023 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5522: Affidavit of Christian Hendrik WENSVEEN, Dutch, on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924024 12924024 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5523: Affidavit of Djon Sampok ?-?
12924025 12924025 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5524: Affidavit of Antock bin KASSAN, Malayan ?-?
12924026 12924026 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5525: Affidavit of Siap bin MARHASSAN, Malayan ?-?
12924027 12924027 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5526: Affidavit of Boerham bin BRAHIM, Malayan ?-?
12924028 12924028 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5527: Affidavit of Sinon bin LADINAN, Japanese, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924029 12924029 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5528: Affidavit of Mohammed bin KADIR, on killing on POWs ?-?
12924030 12924030 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5529: Affidavit of Hosein bin ABDOELIAN, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924031 12924031 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5530: Affidavit of Miribu JOHAN, Ambonese, on killing of civilians ?-?
12924032 12924032 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5532: Affidavit of TANIGUCHI, Gosuke, Japanese, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924033 12924033 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5533: Affidavit of NAKAMURA, Yoshiyuki, Japanese, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924034 12924034 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5535: Affidavit of HAYASHI, Yoshonori, Japanese, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924035 12924035 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5538: Affidavit of S. N. PAUL, Indian, on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924037 12924037 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5544: Affidavit of Herman DALLING, Dutch, on beating of POWs ?-?
12924038 12924038 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5547: Affidavit of H. J. KOEBTG, Dutch, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924039 12924039 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5555: Affidavit of Ann Lilian ROLFF, Dutch, on beating of civilians ?-?
12924040 12924040 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5563: Affidavit of William Carel VAN DEN BERG, RNIA, on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924041 12924041 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5564: Affidavit of KOBA, Shigeru, Japanese, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924042 12924042 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5571: Affidavit of Roderick Bruce CROW, Australian, on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924043 12924043 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5572: Affidavit of NAKASHIMA, Yoshito, Japanese, on beating of POWs ?-?
12924044 12924044 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5573: Affidavit of Thomas William, BINDEMAN, Australian, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924045 12924045 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5574: Affidavit of Alfred James ELLWOOD, Australian, on beating of POWs ?-?
12924046 12924046 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5575: Affidavit of Jack SHAND, Australian, on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924047 12924047 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5576: Affidavit of J. R. WHITE ?-?
12924048 12924048 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5577: Affidavit of H. G. BEELEN ?-?
12924049 12924049 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5578: Reports of Capt. ACJ. De THOUARS, Pvt. C. K. BRANTS, 1st Lt. H. H. J. DE VRIES ?-?
12924050 12924050 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5579: Affidavit of William Watt LEGGATT, Australian, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924052 12924052 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5646: Affidavit of A. E. PRINS ROHEBORN on Mistreatment of civilians ?-?
12924053 12924053 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5680: Prisoners of War - Netherlands Indies - General Synopsis on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924054 12924054 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5681: Prisoners of War - Netherlands Indies - Java - Synopsis on killing of POWs ?-?
12924055 12924055 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5682: Prisoners of War - Netherlands Indies - Timor and Lesser Sunda Islands - Synopsis on killing of POWs ?-?
12924057 12924057 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5683: Prisoners of War - Netherlands Indies - Dutch Borneo - Synopsis on killing of POWs ?-?
12924058 12924058 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5684: Prisoners of War - Netherlands Indies - Celebes - Synopsis of killing of POWs ?-?
12924060 12924060 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5685: Prisoners of War - Netherlands Indies - Sumatra - Synopsis of killing of POWs ?-?
12924061 12924061 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5700: Affidavit of DOELAHMARO on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924062 12924062 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5701: Affidavit of KASA BIN SANTAMI, Javanese, on beating of laborers ?-?
12924063 12924063 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5702: Affidavit of SANRAWI BIN WIRIASTJA, Javanese, on mistreatment of laborers ?-?
12924064 12924064 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5703: Affidavit of ACHMAD BIN KATAJOEDA, on beating of laborers ?-?
12924065 12924065 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5704: Affidavit of GOEDEL, Javanese, on beating of laborers ?-?
12924066 12924066 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5705: Affidavit of BOEJONG, alias TAWAHIR, Javanese, on beating of laborers ?-?
12924067 12924067 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5706: Affidavit of PARMAN BIN DJOTAROENO, Javanese, on mistreatment of laborers ?-?
12924068 12924068 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5707: Affidavit of REBO, Javanese, on beating of laborers ?-?
12924070 12924070 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5708: Affidavit of KOPER, Javanese, on mistreatment of laborers ?-?
12924071 12924071 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5709: Prisoners of War - Mistreatment of laborers on Burma-Siam Railway ?-?
12924072 12924072 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5710: ATIS Document #8 on Prisoners of War ?-?
12924073 12924073 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5711: Affidavit of TAHIR, Javanese, on mistreatment of laborers ?-?
12924074 12924074 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5712: Affidavit of SELAMAT BIN JOENOES, Javanese, on mistreatment of Laborers ?-?
12924075 12924075 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5714: Affidavit of PAIMAN, alias MANGAVENG, Javanese, on mistreatment of laborers ?-?
12924077 12924077 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5715: Mistreatment of laborers at Seletah Labor Camp ?-?
12924078 12924078 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5716: Affidavit of AMIR BIN SARODIN, Japanese, on beating of laborers ?-?
12924080 12924080 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5720: Affidavit of MOHAMMAD HASAN, Javanese, on mistreatment of civilians ?-?
12924081 12924081 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5721: Affidavit of SOERACHANIN, Javanese, on mistreatment of laborers ?-?
12924082 12924082 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5722: Affidavit of MADALI, Javanese, on beating of laborers ?-?
12924083 12924083 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5723: Affidavit of DACHLAN, Javanese, on beating of laborers ?-?
12924084 12924084 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5724: Affidavit of AMAT NAWI, Javanese, on beating of laborers ?-?
12924085 12924085 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5726: Affidavit of ABDUL MADJID, Javanese, on beating of laborers ?-?
12924086 12924086 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5727: Affidavit of WIJONO, Javanese, on mistreatment of civilians ?-?
12924088 12924088 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5728: Affidavit of GOENOENG NICA, Javanese, on mistreatment of laborers ?-?
12924089 12924089 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5731: Affidavit of Charles JONGENEEL, Dutch, on killing of civilians ?-?
12924090 12924090 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5732: Affidavit of Charles JONGENEEL, Dutch, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924091 12924091 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5733: Affidavit of Mochiro YAMAMOTO, Japanese, on killing of civilians ?-?
12924092 12924092 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5734: Affidavit of C. O. VAN DER PLAS, Dutch, on killing of civilians ?-?
12924093 12924093 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5735: Affidavit of Peitar Gerhard DEVRIES, Dutch, on killing of civilians ?-?
12924094 12924094 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5736: Japanese Foreign Minister's reply to Netherlands Government on Geneva Convention and Prisoners of War ?-?
12924096 12924096 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5737: Affidavit of John B. KETCHAN, American, on disposition of POWs ?-?
12924097 12924097 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5738: Affidavit of Masayuki, NAKATA, Japanese, on treatment of POWs ?-?
12924098 12924098 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5739: Affidavit of SAITO, Masatoshi, alias, SAITO, Seiei, on treatment of POWs ?-?
12924099 12924099 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5740: Affidavit of Arthur Seaforth BLACKBURN, Australian, on treatment of POWs ?-?
12924100 12924100 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5741: Affidavit of A. D. VAN MOOK, Dutch, on mistreatment of civilians ?-?
12924101 12924101 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5742: Affidavit of S. M. J. IDENBURG, Dutch, on mistreatment of civilians ?-?
12924102 12924102 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5743: Affidavit of Fritz Hendrik LOUPATTY, Dutch, on beating of civilians ?-?
12924103 12924103 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5744: Affidavit of Simon PATTINAMA, Dutch, on beating of civilians ?-?
12924104 12924104 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5745: Affidavit of William Frederick WIJTING, Javanese, on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924105 12924105 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5746: Affidavit of H. E. BOISSEVAIN, Dutch, on mistreatment of civilians ?-?
12924107 12924107 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5747: Affidavit of LIE BENG GOIK, Dutch, on beating of civilians ?-?
12924108 12924108 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5748: Affidavit of ZIMMERMAN, Australian, on beating of civilians ?-?
12924109 12924109 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5750: Affidavit of Egbert De VRIES, Dutch, on beating of POWs ?-?
12924110 12924110 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5751: Affidavit of FLACHS, Swiss, on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924112 12924112 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5762: Affidavit of J. C. PEINDERS FOLMER, Dutch, on beating of civilians ?-?
12924113 12924113 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5754: Affidavit of H. K. ENGELEN, Dutch, on beating of civilians ?-?
12924114 12924114 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5756: Affidavit of KATSUMURA, Japanese, on Killing of civilians ?-?
12924115 12924115 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5757: Affidavit of Ripa OLOF, Swedish, on evacuation of civilians ?-?
12924116 12924116 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5758: Affidavit of J. SCHIM VAN DER LOEFF, Dutch, on Japanese films ?-?
12924117 12924117 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5759: Description and Text of the Film "NIPPON PRESENTS" on Prisoners of War ?-?
12924118 12924118 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5762: Affidavit of J. C. PEINDERS FOLMER, Dutch, on beating of civilians ?-?
12924119 12924119 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5763: Affidavit of Gerhardus DELANG, Dutch, on mistreatment of civilians ?-?
12924121 12924121 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5765: A. M. DROOG-HARTGRIULO, Javanese, on beating of civilians ?-?
12924122 12924122 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5766: Johanna Paulina RISSELADA, Dutch, on beating of civilians ?-?
12924123 12924123 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5767: Alida HORST, Dutch, on mistreatment of civilians ?-?
12924124 12924124 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5769: M. P. H. HAVERKAMP, Dutch, on mistreatment of civilians ?-?
12924125 12924125 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5770: J. BEELMAN, nee VAN BALLEGOOYEN, Dutch, on mistreatment of civilians ?-?
12924126 12924126 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5771: Japanese Laws Pertaining to Prisoners of War ?-?
12924127 12924127 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5772: Enk Von LUDOW, Dutch, on Prisoners of War camps ?-?
12924128 12924128 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5773: Acknowledgement of Exh. 1863 ?-?
12924129 12924129 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5776: Hervey Degge Wilmot SITWELL, English, on beating of POWs ?-?
12924130 12924130 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5777: LEYDER, Dutch, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924131 12924131 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5778: Ch. A. SCHUURMAN, Dutch, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924132 12924132 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5779: Christian Adolph SCHUURMAN, Dutch, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924133 12924133 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5780: Cornelis VIJLBRIEF, Dutch, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924134 12924134 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5781: G. J. DISSEVELT, Dutch, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924135 12924135 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5782: DOORNBOS, Dutch, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924136 12924136 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5783: F. J. TERHEEGE, Dutch, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924137 12924137 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5784: YONK, Franciscus Marie, Dutch, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924138 12924138 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5785: J. H. HANA, Dutch, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924139 12924139 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5786: Cornelis BROERTJES, Dutch, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924141 12924141 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5787: Cyril Wallace MAISY, English, on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924142 12924142 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5788: Cyril Wallace MAISEY, English, on mistreatment of POWs ?-?
12924144 12924144 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5789: Roy Palmer BULCOCK, English, on beating of POWs ?-?
12924145 12924145 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5802: Sebastiao GRACA, Portuguese, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924147 12924147 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5803: Carlos Jose SEQUEIRA, Portuguese, on mistreatment of civilians ?-?
12924148 12924148 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5804: Ernesto SIMONES, Portuguese, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924149 12924149 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5805: William Anderson BEATTLE, Australian, on killing of priests ?-?
12924151 12924151 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5806: Louis Antonio Nanes RODRIGUEZ, Portuguese, on beating of civilians ?-?
12924152 12924152 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5807: CHUNG HA-HOI HAICHENG, Chinese, on beating of civilians ?-?
12924153 12924153 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5921: HAYASHI Shuichi, Japanese on killing of civilians ?-?
12924154 12924154 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5922: Charles JONCENEEL, Dutch, on killing of civilians ?-?
12924155 12924155 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5951: J. M. J. MULLER, Dutch, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924157 12924157 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5952: TAN ENG DHONG, Malayan, on killing of POWs ?-?
12924158 12924158 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5953: HOEDT, Dutch, on killing of civilians ?-?
12924159 12924159 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5958: MOTOYOSHI, Shoji, Japanese, on killing of civilians ?-?
12924160 12924160 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6001: Joseb UERBELAU, Palau Island on beating of civilians ?-?
12924162 12924162 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6002: AUKST RIUMB, Babetthnap Island, on beating of civilians ?-?
12924164 12924164 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6003: Photostat of letter on NYK stationery. Warns branch offices against accepting foreign passengers on Southern island line. 8 April 1937 1937
12924165 12924165 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6004: Photostat of letter on NYK stationery from Chief, Passenger Dept., to Honolulu Agency on ban against accepting foreign passengers on South Sea Line 1939
12924166 12924166 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6005: Photostat of letter on NYK Line stationery from Manager, San Francisco Branch to Passenger Dept. of NYK. Subject; Embarrassment resulting from publicity given to South Sea Island tour while actually passengers were to be refused accommodations 1936
12924167 12924167 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6006: Photostat of letter on NYK stationery. From: Head, Passenger Dept. To: Manager, Honolulu Branch. Subject; Ban against booking Occidental passengers for South Seas Route 1935
12924169 12924169 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6007: Photostat of letter on NYK stationery. From: Head, Passenger Dept. To: Manager, New York Branch. Subject: Refusing passenger on South Sea Lines to foreign passengers, particularly members of the American Missionary Society 1935
12924170 12924170 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6008: Photostat of letter on NYK stationery. From: Head, Passenger Dept. To: Ass't Manager, Chicago Branch. Subject: Refusal of passage to foreigners on the South Sea Island line 1935
12924171 12924171 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6009: Photostat of letter on NYK stationery. From: Head, passenger dept. To: All agencies. Subject; Deferring the booking of passengers desiring to go to places in Inner South Sea area 1933
12924172 12924172 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6010: JOHANIZ, statement of, on forced labor in Eniwetok Atoll ?-?
12924173 12924173 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6011: Statement of AB REAM on forced labor in Eniwetok Atoll ?-?
12924175 12924175 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6012: Statement of Ichiro MOSES, Uman Island, on forced labor ?-?
12924176 12924176 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6013: Statement of Alfred MILO on forced labor on Moen Island ?-?
12924177 12924177 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6014: Statement of Sona MONUKIT on forced labor on Tol Island ?-?
12924178 12924178 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6015: Statement of Ater ERA on forced labor on Fefan Island ?-?
12924179 12924179 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6016: Michuo MACHUO, Publon Island, on forced labor ?-?
12924180 12924180 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6017: Vincente de LEON GUERRERO, Saipan, on installing fuel tanks ?-?
12924181 12924181 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6018: Jose S. PANGELINAN, Saipan, on forced labor ?-?
12924183 12924183 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6019: Ignacio BENAVENTE, Siopan, on forced labor ?-?
12924184 12924184 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6020: Elias P. SABLAN, Saipan, on forced labor ?-?
12924185 12924185 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6021: Conception BLANCO, Saipan, on forced labor ?-?
12924186 12924186 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6022: Manuel BLANCO, Saipan, on forced labor ?-?
12924187 12924187 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6023: Mariano PANCELIMAN, Guam, on forced labor ?-?
12924188 12924188 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6024: Makoto WAKAMATSU, Japanese, on Japanese installations, Mandated Island ?-?
12924189 12924189 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6025: Antonio ANGAILES, Saipan, on forced labor ?-?
12924190 12924190 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6026: Juan M. ADA, Guam, on forced labor ?-?
12924191 12924191 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6027: Francisco DE BORJE, Guam, on forced labor ?-?
12924192 12924192 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6028: LAJINA, Milli Atoll, on forced labor ?-?
12924193 12924193 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6029: AJIDRIK, Marshallese, on forced labor ?-?
12924194 12924194 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6030: Ferdinand Z. EMIZ, Marshallese, on forced labor ?-?
12924196 12924196 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6031: LANEN, Marshallese, on forced labor ?-?
12924197 12924197 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6032: ABISA, Marshallese, on forced labor ?-?
12924198 12924198 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6033: Affidavit of Peter LANUK, native Marshallese re building up by the Japanese of Jaluit, Enejuit, Imej, Kwajalein, Wotje, Naloelap, for military use. Ales exactment of forced labor ?-?
12924199 12924199 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6034: Letter from Japanese Liaison Commission re Mandated Island ?-?
12924201 12924201 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6035: Testimonies of residents of Mandated Islands re fortifications, etc ?-?
12924202 12924202 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6036: Interrogations of various Japanese Naval personnel re fortification of Mandated Island and miscellaneous papers relating thereto ?-?
12924203 12924203 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6250: Conversations between American and Japanese Delegation, 20 Oct 1934. (Also used by Defense) ?-?
12924204 12924204 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6251: London Naval Conference (Also used by Defense) ?-?
12924206 12924206 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6254: Air photographs of Wotje Island ?-?
12924207 12924207_1
文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6255: John Ford BAECHER, American, on investigation on Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor ?-?
12924209 12924209 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8002: Affidavit of Albert James MacFAYDEN, Australian, on treatment of POWs at North Point and Shamshuipo Camps ?-?
12924210 12924210 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8003: Affidavit of Milton Beeson DARREL, USA, on POW labor in Shanghai Camps ?-?
12924211 12924211 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8004: Affidavit of Roger Dick BAMFORD, USA, on treatment of POWs at Woosung, Kangwan Caps ?-?
12924212 12924212 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8005: Affidavit of Philip Speck CHAMBERS, USA, on mistreatment of POWs at Woosung and Kiangyin Caps ?-?
12924213 12924213 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8006: Affidavit of Thomas Hill HEWLETT, USA, on mistreatment of POWs at Fukuoka ?-?
12924214 12924214 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8134: DAVISON, Arthur Cobb, USA on torture, exposure to bombing of POWs at KANG WONG, Feng Tai Hakodate Camps ?-?
12924215 12924215 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8136: ZIVKO, Stephen Martin, USA on treatment of POWs at Fengtai, Hakodate #3, Kaingwan Camps ?-?
12924216 12924216 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8137: COLE, James Hector, USA on treatment of, forced labor, killings, of POWs at Shanghai, Fengtai, Kiangwan, and Hakodate Camps ?-?
12924218 12924218 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8138: JALENQUES, Michel on account of torture and interrogation by French Japanese Gendarmes; trail and conditions on prison while serving sentence ?-?
12924219 12924219 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8139: KRENISTKI, William, USA on group punishment of POWs at Woosung Camp ?-?
12924220 12924220 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8407: Correspondence between US and Japan thru Swiss Legation, dated 2 July 1945 ?-?
12924221 12924221 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8408: Verbal note from Japanese Foreign Office to Swiss Legation, dated 5 July 1945 re transfer of POWs, also deaths of POWs in Thailand ?-?
12924222 12924222 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8409: Swiss Legation's transmittal of US protests on "Jean Nicolet "atrocities, dated 20 April 1945 ?-?
12924223 12924223 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8410: Swiss Legation letter transmitting British reply to Japanese Foreign Office's communication professing ignorance of attacks on survivors of British vessels ?-?
12924224 12924224 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8411: Transmittal of US request by Swiss legation, for news of 2 crews members of the "Jean Nicolet" ?-?
12924225 12924225 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8412: Swiss Legation's transmittal of U.S. reply to Jap. Foreign Office's communications professing ignorance of attacks on survivors of "Richard Hovey" ?-?
12924226 12924226 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8413: Note of Swiss Legation to Japanese Foreign Office transmitting US answers to Japanese request for position of "Jean Nicolet" when torpedoed ?-?
12924227 12924227 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8414: Verbal note from Japanese Foreign Minister to U.S. through Swiss Legation disavowing knowledge of "Jean Nicolet" atrocities and affirming Japan's observance of the laws of war, dated 15 May 1945 ?-?
12924228 12924228 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8415: Letter from Japanese Foreign Minister through Swiss Legation to US Govt. disavowing truth of attack on survivors of "Richard Hovey" (28 Nov 1944) ?-?
12924229 12924229 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9544: US Treasury Attache's report from Shanghai dated 12 January 1939. Subject: Candidates for the Japanese Opium Monopoly Setup ?-?
12924230 12924230 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9545: US Treasury Attache's report from Shanghai dated 14 Jan 1939. Subject: Japanese Organizing Opium Merchant Union Under Cover of Charity ?-?
12924231 12924231 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9546: US Treasury Attache's report from Shanghai dated 21 Feb 1939. Subject: Opium as a large source o revenue for the Japanese ?-?
12924232 12924232 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9547: US Treasury Attache's report dated 5 April 1939. Subject: Regulations for the General Opium Amelioration Bureau ?-?
12924233 12924233 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9548: US Treasury Attache's report dated 21 July 1939. Subject matter: Establishment of factory for narcotic drugs. Monopoly opium will be used as base ?-?
12924235 12924235 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6256: Testimony of Otho KUEHN, German ?-?
12924236 12924236 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6257: Report of James O. RICHARDSON, American, on report on Japanese Naval Preparations 1931-1941 ?-?
12924238 12924238 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6258: Eric W. Fleischer, American, on bombing of Pearl Harbor ?-?
12924239 12924239 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6259: Testimony of Admiral J. O. RICHARDSON ?-?
12924241 12924241 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6260: Major Combat Vessels of Japan, 1931 - 1945 ?-?
12924242 12924242 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6261: List of increase in Japanese Naval personnel, 1934-1945 ?-?
12924243 12924243 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6262: Battle Ships of Japanese Navy ?-?
12924244 12924244 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6263: Japanese Navy Ships (carriers) ?-?
12924245 12924245 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6264: Ships on Japanese Navy (Light Cruisers) ?-?
12924246 12924246 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6265: Strength of Japanese Force during construction of Burma-Siam Railway ?-?
12924247 12924247 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6525: Diagram Showing Disposition of the Strength of the Burma-Siam Railway ?-?
12924248 12924248 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6901: Preliminary Draft Trial Brief on Constitution of Japan (Part I) Brigadier Nolan ?-?
12924249 12924249 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6902: Opening statement of Mr. Solis Horwitz on Japanese Constitution and Government (Part II) ?-?
12924250 12924250 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6903: Opening Statement re Proof of Sect. 6 of Appendix A of Indictment of Mr. Hammack "Organization of Japanese Politics and Public Opinion for War" ?-?
12924251 12924251 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6904: Opening Statement of Col. Morrow and Mr. Parkinson (4-B is Opening Statement of Judge Hsling) "All China Military Aggression" ?-?
12924253 12924253 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6905: Opening Statement of Mr. John Darsey "Manchurian Military Aggression" ?-?
12924254 12924254 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6906: Opening Statement of Mr. H. A. Hauxhurst "Economic Aggression in China and Greater East Asia" ?-?
12924256 12924256_1
文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6907: Opening Statement of Mr. Tavenner "German-Japanese-Italian Collaboration" ?-?
12924258 12924258_1
文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6908: Opening Statement. Relations between the United Sates and Great Britain on the one hand and Japan on the other/ Carlisle W. Higgins ?-?
12924261 12924261_1
文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6909: Opening Statement of Lt. Gen. Golunsky "Relations between the Soviet Union and Japan" ?-?
12924263 12924263 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6910: Opening Statement of Mr. Robert Oneto, "Relations with France and Thailand Aggression against French Indo-China" ?-?
12924265 12924265 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6911: Opening Statement of Mr. Quilian "General Preparation for War" ?-?
12924268 12924268 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6912: Opening Statement of Brigadier General Borgerhoff-Mulder, "Aggression against Netherlands" ?-?
12924271 12924271 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6913: Opening Statement of Mr. Pedro Lopez "Class C Offenses in General and Class B and C Offenses in the Philippines ?-?
12924275 12924275 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 6914: Breaches of the Laws and Custom of War ?-?
12924277 12924277 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7003: The Press Law (Enacted on May 6, 1909) ?-?
12924279 12924279 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7004: Understanding reached between Mr. Hisatomi Vice-President of the Board of Information, and Mr. Hazama, Vice-Minister of Home Affairs ?-?
12924280 12924280 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7005: Order of Restriction in Newspapers and Others ?-?
12924281 12924281 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7008: Pamphlet - Outline of the Broadcasting Industry" 15 Dec 1940 1940 1940.12-?
12924283 12924283 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7014: "Nippon no Ketsui" (Japan's Determination) -book by Hosoi, Hajime 1932
12924289 12924289_1
文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7050: Moving picture "Japan in Time of Emergency" ?-?
12924295 12924295 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7101: The motion picture censorship law ?-?
12924296 12924296 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7102: Japanese Laws ?-?
12924297 12924297 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7103: Compilation of Laws for Police Officers ?-?
12924298 12924298 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7104: Motion Picture Law ?-?
12924300 12924300 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7106: Ordinance Concerning Stationing of Officers of Active Status in Schools ?-?
12924303 12924303 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7107: Regulations - Young Mens' Training Institute ?-?
12924304 12924304 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7108: Annual compilation of law and ordinances for the year 1926 ?-?
12924305 12924305 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7109: Annual compilation of law and ordinances for the year 1935 ?-?
12924306 12924306 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7110: Official Gazette for the month of December 1938 ?-?
12924307 12924307 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7111: Official Gazette for the month of August 1935 ?-?
12924308 12924308 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7112: Official Gazette for the month of April 1940 ?-?
12924309 12924309 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7113: Compilation of Existing Laws and Ordinances of the Ministry of Education ?-?
12924310 12924310 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7114: The Imperial Rescript on Education translated into Chinese, English, French and German ?-?
12924311 12924311 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7115: Book entitled "Honour of The Imperial Army", published by Press Section of War Ministry ?-?
12924312 12924312 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7117: Set of paper show pictures published by Japan Educational Kami Shibai Association entitled "We are Fighting Now" ?-?
12924313 12924313 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7118: The Military Secrets Protection Law (Law No. 72 of August 13, 1937; Revised with Supplements and Omissions by Law No.58, 1941) ?-?
12924314 12924314 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7119: Public Peace Police Law, promulgated on March 10, 1900 and revised by Law No. 59 of 1922 and Law No. 58 of 1926 ?-?
12924315 12924315 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7120: The Military and Naval Resources Secrets Protection Law (Law No.25 of March 24, 1939 enforced by Imperial Ordinance No.412 1939) 1939 1939.03-?
12924316 12924316 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7121: Collection of Positive and Negative Japanese and German Film Titles ?-?
12924317 12924317 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7122: Outline of Program Concerning the Execution of Intelligence and Propaganda Activities (Official Documents of the War Ministry) ?-?
12924320 12924320 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7501: Personal Record of OSIMA, Hiroshi, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924321 12924321 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7502: Personal Record of SHIRATORI, Toshio, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924323 12924323 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7503: Personal Record of ARAKI, Sadao, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924325 12924325 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7504: Personal Record of DOIHARA, Kenji, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924327 12924327 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7505: Personal Record of HASHIMOTO, Kingoro, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924328 12924328 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7506: Personal Record of HATA, Shunroku, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924330 12924330 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7507: Personal Record of HIROTA, Koki, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924331 12924331 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7508: Personal Record of HOSHINO, Naoki, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924333 12924333 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7509: Personal Record of KIDO, Koichi, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924334 12924334 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7510: Personal Record of MATSUOKA, Yosuke, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924336 12924336 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7511: Personal Record of TOGO Shigenori, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924338 12924338 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7512: Personal Record of SHIMADA, Shigetaro, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924339 12924339 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7513: Personal Record of SATO, Kenryo, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924341 12924341 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7514: Personal Record of SUZUKI, Teiichi, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924342 12924342 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7515: Personal Record of SHIGEMITSU, Mamoru, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924344 12924344 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7516: Personal Record of KAYA, Okinori, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924345 12924345 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7517: Personal Record of KOISO, Kuniaki, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924346 12924346 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7518: Personal Record of MATSUI, Iwane, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924347 12924347 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7519: Personal Record of MINAMI, Giro, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924348 12924348 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7520: Personal Record of TOJO, Hideki, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924349 12924349 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7521: Personal Record of KIMURA, Heitaro, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924350 12924350 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7522: Personal Record of ITAGAKI Seishiro, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924351 12924351 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7523: Personal Record of HIRANUMA, Kiichiro, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924353 12924353 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7524: Personal Record of NAGANO Osami, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924354 12924354 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7525: Personal Record of OKA, Takasumi, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924355 12924355 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7526: Personal Record of UMEZU, Yoshijiro, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924358 12924358 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 7527: Personal Record of MUTO, Akira, from the Cabinet Secretariat ?-?
12924359 12924359 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8001: Affidavit of Victor Joseph MYATT, Canadian, on treatment of POWs at North Point and Shamshuipo Camps ?-?
12924360 12924360 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8007: Affidavit of John Francis RYAN, USA, on exposure to bombing of POWs at Kiangyin ?-?
12924362 12924362 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8008: Testimony of YURI, Kei, Japanese POW Camp Commandant at Fukuoka - treatment of POWs at Camp 17 Omuta, Fukuoka ?-?
12924363 12924363 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8009: Affidavit of Richard P. ADAMS, USA, on treatment of POWs at Fengtai Camp ?-?
12924364 12924364 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8010: Affidavit of Capt. G. J. McMILLIN, USA, to SCAP on treatment of POWs ?-?
12924367 12924367 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8012: Alfred Frederick GABB, British civilian, on treatment at internment camps at Nagasaki and Kobe ?-?
12924368 12924368 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8013: Lt. Col. Adrianus Johannus Van OOSTEN on treatment of POWs at Moji Hospital ?-?
12924369 12924369 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8014: George Chester FAULKNER, USA, on treatment of POWs at Moji Military Hospital ?-?
12924370 12924370 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8016: Lt. Cyril Edward BUCKE, British, on treatment of POWs at Miyata Camp ?-?
12924371 12924371 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8017: Lt. Col. Edward Joseph CURRAN, British, on treatment of POWs at Sumidagawa work camp ?-?
12924372 12924372 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8018: 1st Lt. Owen W. ROMAINE, USA, on atrocities at Camp #17, Kyushu, Japan ?-?
12924373 12924373 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8019: Paul L. GRUBBS, USA, on treatment of POWs at Omuta Camp, Kyushu ?-?
12924374 12924374 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8020: Lt. John F. KINNEY, USA, on treatment as POW at Wake and Woosung Forts ?-?
12924375 12924375 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8021: Robert Savi RAELE, British, on conditions on Singapore Maru. Treatment of POWs at Ube Coal Mine at Motoyama, Japan ?-?
12924376 12924376 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8022: Lt. John H. ALLEN, USA, on killing of Pvt. Noah HEARD at #17 Camp, Omuta, Kyushu ?-?
12924377 12924377 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8023: Lt. Lewis, W. BUSH, British, on treatment of POWs at Shamshuipo and Omori Camps ?-?
12924378 12924378 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8024: John Robert DELARA, USA, on imprisonment under improper conditions of civilian internees at Pootung Camp, Shanghai ?-?
12924379 12924379 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8025: Flight Lt. Frank Noel HOOD, N. Z., on treatment of POWs at Wakayama, Ikuna ?-?
12924380 12924380 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8026: Ian Douglas NEWLANDS, N. Z., on treatment of POWs at Moji Hospital, Muroran POW Camp and forced labor at Muroran Steel Works ?-?
12924382 12924382 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8027: Extracts from the record of the trial of SAKAIBARA, TACHIBANA and ITO before a Military Commission convened at US Naval Air Base Kwajalein Island, 21-24 Dec 1945 ?-?
12924383 12924383 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8028: Stanley HOUGH, British, on treatment of POWs at Hakodate Camp ?-?
12924384 12924384 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8029: Capt. James Forbes LAWRENCE, British, on ill-treatment of POWs at Hosakura Camp, Sendai ?-?
12924385 12924385 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8030: Ernest Frank PAUL, British, on treatment of POWs at Shinagawa Camp, Omori Camp ?-?
12924386 12924386 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8031: Fredric COX, British, on treatment of POWs at INNOSHIMA No. 1 Camp, Hiroshima ?-?
12924387 12924387 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8032: Harold Alfred PRITCHARD, British, on treatment of POWs at Innoshima No. 1 Camp, Hiroshima ?-?
12924388 12924388 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8033: Robert McCulloch BROWN, USA, on treatment of POWs at Shanghai Camp; also killing of Lonnie F. RIDDLE by Guard ?-?
12924389 12924389 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8034: Hugh Hadley MYERS, USA, on exposure of POWs to bombing at Sizaki POW Camp ?-?
12924390 12924390 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8035: Maj. Gen. Berthold Wells KEY, British, on treatment of POWs at Chang Chia Tun and Mukden Camps ?-?
12924391 12924391 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8036: Robert Hugh LANCASTER, USA, on beheading of US citizen at Wake Island ?-?
12924392 12924392 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8037: Richard N. LANE, USA, on treatment at POW Camp at Tanugawa and Omi ?-?
12924393 12924393 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8038: Lee Roy LAPE, USA, on treatment of POWs at Yodogawa Bunsho Camp, Osaka ?-?
12924395 12924395 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8039: Robert Armand LAREAU, USA, on treatment of POWs at Woosung and Naoetsu Camps ?-?
12924396 12924396 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8040: Christian LARSEN, USA, on treatment of POWs at Omi and Tanagawa POW Camps ?-?
12924397 12924397 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8041: Emmet Joseph LEBLANC, USA, on treatment of POWs at Yokaichi Camp ?-?
12924398 12924398 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8042: James N. D. LEEKE, Australian, on treatment of POWs at Bukit Timah, River Valley, Changi, Kanburi, Konyu Camps in SE Asia, on sea voyage to Japan, and in Yamane Camp, Shikoku ?-?
12924399 12924399 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8043: William Rudolph LIEBOLD, USA, on treatment of POWs at Ofuna and Omori Camps ?-?
12924400 12924400 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8044: Jack LEININGER, USA, on treatment of POWs at Hirohata Camp, Osaka. Atrocities on Guam ?-?
12924401 12924401 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8045: William John LAFITTE, USA, on treatment of POWs at Osaka Zosen Camp ?-?
12924402 12924402 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8046: Vincent R. OJINAGA, USA, on treatment of POWs at Kamioka Camp ?-?
12924403 12924403 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8047: Robert W. O'BRIEN, USA, on treatment of POWs at Zentsuji Camp ?-?
12924404 12924404 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8048: Felix James, McCOOL, USA, on treatment of POWs at No. 1, Fukuoka ?-?
12924405 12924405 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8049: William M. OSAKI, Japanese, on treatment of POWs at No. 17 Camp, Omuta ?-?
12924406 12924406 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8050: Max B. OSBORN, USA, on treatment of POWs at Umeda sub-camp ?-?
12924407 12924407 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8051: Alvin Louis OWENS, USA, on treatment of POWs at #8 Camp, Hitachi ?-?
12924408 12924408 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8052: Edward Merle McCORMICK, USA, on treatment of POWs at Kalumpit and Kamioka Camps ?-?
12924409 12924409 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8053: William A. McCOOL, USA, on treatment of POWs at Kawasaki and Hitachi Camps ?-?
12924410 12924410 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8054: Clifford Lochert MILLER, USA, on treatment of POWs at Zentsuji, Osaka, and Hirohata Camps ?-?
12924412 12924412 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8055: Daniel Brooke McKINNON, USA, on treatment of civilian internees during interrogation at District Prison, Sapporo; concentration camps at Yokohama; Yamagata ?-?
12924413 12924413 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8056: Sgt. Edgar John McILVAIN, USA, on treatment of POWs at Hirohata Camp ?-?
12924414 12924414 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8057: Elvin McGOWAN, USA, on treatment of POWs at Kamioka Camp ?-?
12924415 12924415 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8058: Harry Leland McDONALD, USA, on treatment of civilian internees at Wake Island ?-?
12924416 12924416 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8059: Don Lee McCUNE, USA, on treatment of POWs at Hirohata Camp ?-?
12924417 12924417 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8060: John E. O'NEAL, USA, on treatment of POWs at Kamioka Camp ?-?
12924418 12924418 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8061: Richard J. OSBORN, USA, on treatment of POWs at Kawasaki, Shinagawa and Niigata Camps ?-?
12924419 12924419 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8062: Andrew J. OLTZ, USA, on treatment of POWs at Kawasaki Camp ?-?
12924420 12924420 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8063: John F. BRONNER, USA, on camp butcher's affidavit as to feeding of civilian internees at Pootung Civil Assembly Center ?-?
12924421 12924421 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8064: William MASSELLO Jr., USA, on treatment of POWs at Osaka, Zentsuji and Rokuroshi Camps ?-?
12924422 12924422 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8065: Charles Eugene MAURER, USA, on treatment of POWs at Osaka and Tsuruga Camps; Niigata Maru on voyage from Philippines to Japan ?-?
12924423 12924423 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8066: Charles Oliver McATEE, USA, on treatment of POWs at Moji Camp ?-?
12924424 12924424 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8067: Daniel Garrison LYMAN, USA, on treatment of POWs at Kawasaki and Omori Camps ?-?
12924425 12924425 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8068: E. L. LUJAN, USA, on treatment of POWs at Kanose Camp ?-?
12924426 12924426 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8069: Ernest Harold LOY, USAK, on treatment of POWs at Hirohata and #9 Nagoya Camps ?-?
12924427 12924427 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8070: Earl Edwin LOUGHNER, USA, on treatment of POWs at Kobe Camp ?-?
12924428 12924428 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8071: John Bryan LIPPARD, USA, on treatment of POWs at Kamioka Camp ?-?
12924430 12924430 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8072: Morris LITTMAN, USA, on killing of 3 POWs at Mukden Camp ?-?
12924431 12924431 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8073: Frank E. LLOYD, William E. ERVIN, Wallie J. HEWSTON, USA, on treatment of POWs ?-?
12924432 12924432 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8074: William Robert LINDERFELT, USA, on treatment of POWs at Yokkaichi Camp ?-?
12924434 12924434 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8075: John MACADOFF, USA, on treatment of POWs at Nagoya Camp #3 at Funatsu ?-?
12924435 12924435 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8076: David James MACCURDY, USA, on exposure of POWs to bombing at Tsuruga Camp ?-?
12924436 12924436 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8077: Arthur Lawrence MAHER, USA, on mistreatment of POWs at Ofuna ?-?
12924437 12924437 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8078: William MAHONEY, USA, on collective punishment of POWs at Camp #3, Fukuoka ?-?
12924438 12924438 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8079: Umetaro MAKINO, Japanese, on treatment and working conditions of POWs at Takaoka, Toyama Camp and smelting plant ?-?
12924439 12924439 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8080: Harold J. MANN, USA, on treatment of flyers at POW camp at Omori ?-?
12924440 12924440 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8081: George MARES, USA, on treatment of POWs at Niigata V-B Camp ?-?
12924441 12924441 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8082: John H. MARSHALL, USA, on treatment of POWs at Umeda Bunsho Camp in Osaka, also Tsuruga ?-?
12924442 12924442 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8083: Lassiter A. MASON, USA, on treatment of POWs at Tsumori Sub-Camp, Osaka, and working conditions in shipyard ?-?
12924444 12924444 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8084: Virgil A. OULLETTE, USA, on treatment of POWs at #3 Nakabata, Fukuoka; work conditions at Yawata Foundry ?-?
12924445 12924445 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8085: William L. NABERS, USA, on treatment of POWs at Funatsu, Osaka Camp #6 ?-?
12924446 12924446 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8086: Vivisan R. NEBLETT, USA, on collective punishment of POWs at Camp Omi #7, Tokyo ?-?
12924447 12924447 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8087: Jimmy Franklin NECESSARY, USA, on theft of Red Cross parcels at Camp #13, Yokohama ?-?
12924448 12924448 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8088: Ian John O'DONNELL, Australian, on conditions on sea voyages, exposure to public ridicule of POWs, labor of officer POWs, etc ?-?
12924449 12924449 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8089: Hideo MATSUMORI, Japanese, on sentencing two American flyers to death at a Military Discipline Conference ?-?
12924450 12924450 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8090: Major John E. LESTER, USA, on treatment of POWs in Philippines, exposure to bombing, conditions on sea voyage, etc ?-?
12924451 12924451 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8091: Claude LIKENS, USA, on treatment of POWs and labor conditions at Camp D-1, Yokohama, and Mitsubishi Dockyards ?-?
12924452 12924452 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8092: Steve Albert MOLENDA, USA, on treatment and labor of POWs at Camp 17, Fukuoka and Mitsui coal mines ?-?
12924453 12924453 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8093: Robert Leonard MORAN, USA, on exposure to bombing at Showa Electrode Co., Kobe ?-?
12924454 12924454 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8094: Namiko MISHI, Japanese, on treatment and conditions of POWs at Mitsui Mines ?-?
12924455 12924455 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8095: Matthew David MONK, USA, on cruelty to, attempted suicide and apparent burial alive of US Navy Ordnanceman WAGNER at Norima POW Camp near Nagoya ?-?
12924457 12924457 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8096: Clifford MONDAY, USA, on torture and beating of 17 US POWs at Hirohata ?-?
12924458 12924458 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8097: Orlando R. MONTOYA, USA, on conditions on Japanese transport on sea voyage; treatment of POWs at Omine Machi Camp ?-?
12924459 12924459 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8098: Everette M. MORRIS, USA, on treatment and exposure to bombing of POWs at Kobe Camp ?-?
12924460 12924460 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8099: Paul B. MOORE, USA, on treatment of POWs, theft of Red Cross medicine, at Mitsui 2-B Camp ?-?
12924461 12924461 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8100: Samuel B. MOODY, USA, on group punishments at Nagoya, Narumi sub-camp #2 ?-?
12924462 12924462 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8101: Edward R. NELL, USA, on treatment and labor conditions of POWs at Umeda Camp, Osaka ?-?
12924463 12924463 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8102: Stanley MROZ, USA, on conditions on sea voyage, treatment of POWs at Hanawa Camp ?-?
12924464 12924464 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8103: Clinton D. METZLER, USA, on neglect of patients and theft of Red Cross articles ?-?
12924465 12924465 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8104: Alexander MEREDITH, Australian, on treatment of POWs, etc. at Camp D-1, Yokohama, and Kamaishi ?-?
12924466 12924466 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8105: Sheldon Harold MENDELSON, USA, on treatment of POWs in Tanagawa, Zentsuji, and Rokuroshi Camps ?-?
12924467 12924467 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8106: George McRAE, USA, on treatment of POWs, group punishment, etc. at Umeda Camps ?-?
12924468 12924468 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8107: Michael J. ROBERTSON, USA, on interrogations and torture of B-29 flyer ?-?
12924470 12924470 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8108: Donald A. ROBERTSON, USA, on treatment of POWs and Tanagawa POW Camp near Osaka ?-?
12924471 12924471 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8109: Record of trial of OHTA, Seiichi, at Manila, 21 Dec 1945 ?-?
12924472 12924472 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8110: Arnold A. ROBERTSON on treatment of POWs at Naoetsu Camp ?-?
12924473 12924473 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8111: John Clifford RILEY, USA, on treatment of POWs at Tanagawa Camp ?-?
12924474 12924474 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8112: Robert REED, USA, on letter to Henry Chiu of IPS re torture and interrogation by Japanese in Shanghai ?-?
12924475 12924475 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8113: David TOEG on interrogation and torture by Japanese in Shanghai ?-?
12924476 12924476 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8114: PALERMO, Amiel, USA on "V" Incident at NLL steel mill at Kawasaki ?-?
12924477 12924477 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8115: RODGERS, Robert Livingston, USA, on torture and interrogation of POWs at Yokaitsi Camp ?-?
12924478 12924478 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8116: BERKELEY, Allan Capt., British, on conditions and atrocities at POW Camp #4, Fukuoka ?-?
12924479 12924479 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8117: JOHNSON, William, British on atrocities at Sendai POW Camp, 1-B, Onahama ?-?
12924480 12924480 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8118: PETRIE Robin Robertson, British on treatment, working conditions of POWs in Motoyama Camp near Hiroshima and Ube Mine ?-?
12924481 12924481 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8119: MURRAY, Francis J., British on lack of medical care of POWs at No. 1 Branch Camp, Hakodate ?-?
12924483 12924483 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8120: JOHNSON, James Campbell, British on treatment of POWs, etc. at Mukden Camp ?-?
12924484 12924484 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8121: ARNOTT, Robert, British on forced labor at Mukden POW Camp ?-?
12924485 12924485 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8122: PATRICK, Edward Norbert, USA on treatment of POWs at Kamioka Camp ?-?
12924486 12924486 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8123: ANDERSON, John Brown Leslie, USA on treatment of Wake I. Prisoners on Nita Mara, Woosung, Kiang Wang, Fong Tai, and Hakodate Camps ?-?
12924487 12924487 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8124: PAPPAS, William, USA on improper conditions at Camp S-1, Sendai area ?-?
12924488 12924488 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8125: HEARLEY, E. L., USA, on torture and interrogation by Japanese Gendarmes in Shanghai ?-?
12924489 12924489 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8126: STUART, Joseph, British on treatment of POWs at Kawasaki Camp ?-?
12924490 12924490 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8127: BROWNING, James Scott, USA on torture of about 50 US POWs at Shanghai Camp by Japanese, Ishiharai ?-?
12924491 12924491 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8128: McMILLAN, Samuel Jr., USA on beating of POW on prison train near Shanghai ?-?
12924492 12924492 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8129: COOK, Douglas, British on treatment of POWs at Amagasaki and Tamano Camps ?-?
12924493 12924493 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8130: STEGMAIER, Carl E., USA on bayonettings, etc. at Kiang Wan Camp ?-?
12924495 12924495 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8131: ELLIOTT, Douglas, USA on treatment of POWs on Nitta Maru, Woosung, Kiangan, Fongtai, Hakodate Camps ?-?
12924496 12924496 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8132: GREGOUIRE, Sylvester, USA on forced labor of POWs at Woosung Camp; Exposure to bombing at Kaingwan ?-?
12924497 12924497 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8133: KRENISTKI, William, USA on treatment of POWs forced illegal labor, starvation, etc. at Woosung Camp ?-?
12924498 12924498 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8140: BECKER, Robert Clifford, USA on mistreatment of POWs at Shanghai Camp ?-?
12924499 12924499 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8141: BONE, Richard Oliver, USA on use of POWs on enemy military works, Kiangwan, China ?-?
12924500 12924500 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8142: James GATLEY, British, on treatment of POWs at Kobe Camp ?-?
12924501 12924501 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8143: William Sanford HOSEASON, British, on treatment of POWs by guards at Muroran Camp, Hakodate ?-?
12924502 12924502 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8144: John Leslie SCHOFIELD, British, on ill treatment of POWs at Kawasaki 1-B Tokyo Area Camp ?-?
12924503 12924503 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8145: Walter RAIDI on mistreatment of natives on Truk ?-?
12924504 12924504 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8146: VINDON of Nauru Island on whipping to death of two natives of Nauru ?-?
12924505 12924505 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8147: Father Pierre CLIVAZ, Swiss, on mistreatment of residents of Truk ?-?
12924506 12924506 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8148: Roben FOILAPE, Nauru Island, on mistreatment of residents of Truk ?-?
12924507 12924507 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8149: IKA, Nauru Island, on mistreatment of residents of Moen Island ?-?
12924508 12924508 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8150: Bless ABIA, Nauru Island, on whipping resulting in the death of Mr. E. ABIA ?-?
12924509 12924509 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8151: Joseph R. DEKURO, Nauru Island, on whipping to death of Mr. DEKURO at Suzuki Island ?-?
12924510 12924510 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8152: Clara Louise BREWER on treatment of allied nationals at Ash Assembly Center, Shanghai ?-?
12924511 12924511 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8153: Shirley AKIN, USA, on imprisonment under improper conditions by Japanese ?-?
12924513 12924513 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8154: Raymond Reese RUTLEDGE, USA, on mistreatment of POWs and civilian internees at Wake Island and during transfer to Woosung and Kiangwan. Reprisals on and exposure of POWs to air attacks ?-?
12924514 12924514 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8159: Archibald George MOLES, Australian, on treatment of POWs at Kobe, Kawasaki, and Wakinohama ?-?
12924515 12924515 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8160: John Harkness BOYL, Australian, on treatment of POWs at Kobe, Mariyama, and Nagoya No. 10 Camps ?-?
12924516 12924516 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8161: John William VINEY, Australian, on treatment of POWs at Kawasaki and Dise. (?) ?-?
12924517 12924517 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8162: Oliver Edwin George ROBERTS, Australian, on treatment of POWs on march from Kranji to Changi, labor conditions at Orio ?-?
12924518 12924518 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8163: Harry SLATER Jr., USA, on torture and interrogation of captured B-29 flyers by Kempeitai ?-?
12924519 12924519 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8164: Lawrence Gwynne HUGHES, Australian, on treatment of POWs at Yamame Camp and mine ?-?
12924520 12924520 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8165: Theodore Milne LEE, Australian, on treatment of POWs at Naoetsu Camp ?-?
12924521 12924521 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8166: Vincent George BRISTOW, Australian on neglect of sick POWs at Hakodate Camp ?-?
12924523 12924523 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8167: John Bound MULLINS, Australian on mistreatment of POWs at Kuala Lumpur, Changi, Thailand and Shikoku Camps 1945 1945.11-?
12924524 12924524 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8168: Lee Roy SLAY on mistreatment of patients at Shinagawa Hospital ?-?
12924525 12924525 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8169: Daniel John STEIBER, USA, on torture and interrogation and Mukden POW Camp ?-?
12924526 12924526 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8170: Darrell W. SUMMERS, USA, on torture and interrogation of flyers at Shinagawa ?-?
12924527 12924527 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8171: Alexis J. NOTT, USA, on labor and exposure to bombing at Camp D-1, Yokohama, and Camp #8 Kosaka ?-?
12924528 12924528 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8172: Edward Elliot WILLIAMSON, British, on treatment of allied nationals by the Japanese authorities in the Shanghai area ?-?
12924529 12924529 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8173: John B. HOWELL, USA, on torture and interrogation of allied nationals in Shanghai ?-?
12924530 12924530 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8174: William James GANDE, British, on torture and interrogations of allied nationals in Shanghai ?-?
12924531 12924531 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8175: William Slade BUNGEY, British, on torture, false imprisonment of civilian POWs in Shanghai, Haiphong Road Camp and Fengtai Camp ?-?
12924533 12924533 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8176: Edwin Arthur THOMPSON, British, on torture, false imprisonment of civilian POWs in Shanghai, Haiphong Road Camp and Fengtai Camp ?-?
12924534 12924534 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8177: Patrick Samuel GIBBONS, British, on ill treatment of civilian internees in Shanghai and Fengtai near Peking ?-?
12924535 12924535 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8178: Ernest Philip HIGGS, British, on ill treatment of civilian internees, killing of Wm. HUTTON at Haipong Rd. Camp, Shanghai ?-?
12924536 12924536 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8179: Robert Joseph BULPIN, British, on ill treatment of civilian internees, killing of W. HUTTON at Haiphong Rd. Camp, Shanghai ?-?
12924537 12924537 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8180: Ernest SOLOMON, British, on torture and killing of W. HUTTON at Haiphong Rd. Camp, Shanghai; ill treatment of civilian internees ?-?
12924538 12924538 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8181: Mrs. Anna HUTTON, British, on torture and killing of husband , Chief Detective Inspector of Shanghai Municipal Police ?-?
12924539 12924539 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8182: Eric DAVIES, British, on torture and interrogation of civilians in Shanghai by Japanese Gendarmerie ?-?
12924540 12924540 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8183: This number was originally assigned to a statement by an EYRES, Shanghai ?-?
12924541 12924541 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8184: Emmie Alice JOHNSON, British, on ill treatment of civilian internees at Lunghwa, Shanghai Camp ?-?
12924542 12924542 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8185: Andrew Paul SOOHORUKOFF, British, on torture and interrogation by Japanese Gendarmerie at Tienssin ?-?
12924543 12924543 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8186: Frank CHADWICK, British, on death of John Seymour WATSON ?-?
12924544 12924544 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8189: Thomas England MURRAY, Australian, on treatment of POWs at Changi, Lornie Rd. Adam Park, Kamakura Maru, Kobe, Fukuoka Camps ?-?
12924545 12924545 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8190: Affidavit of Pte. Athol George HILL, Australian, on conditions in and treatment of POWs in Changi, Lornie Rd. Singapore; Kamakura Maru; Maruyama, Kawasaki SS Co. Kobe-Osaka Area; No. 26 Fukuoka Camp ?-?
12924546 12924546 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8191: A Statement by LAWLIS (China) ?-?
12924547 12924547 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8192: Affidavit of Pte. W. V. JORGENSEN, Australian, on treatment of POWs at Kawasaki Camp and Fukuoka No. 26 Camp ?-?
12924548 12924548 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8193: Affidavit of 1st Lt. H. J. KLOTA, USA, on torture and interrogation of flyer by Japanese in China ?-?
12924549 12924549 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8194: Affidavit of S/Sgt H. F. HOUGUE, USA, on torture and interrogation of flyer by Japanese in China ?-?
12924550 12924550 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8195: Affidavit of 2nd Lt. Samuel McMILLIN Jr., USA, on torture and interrogation of flyer by Japanese in China ?-?
12924551 12924551 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8196: Affidavit of Col. William A. MNOS ?-?
12924552 12924552 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8197: Affidavit of Pvt. Henry Horace PAWLEY, Australian, on treatment of POWs at Kobe Camp and Camp #27 ?-?
12924553 12924553 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8198: Affidavit of Capt. James CHISHOLE, Australian, on treatment of officer POWs at Naoetsu Camp ?-?
12924554 12924554 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8199: Affidavit of William James LEDINGHAM, Australian, on treatment of POWs at Yamane and Niihama Camps ?-?
12924555 12924555 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8200: Affidavit of Arthur Henry COOPER, Australian, on treatment of POWs at Yamane Camp ?-?
12924556 12924556 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8201: Affidavit of Capt. Gordon H. BRADEN, Australian, on treatment of officer POWs at Omori Camp, theft of Red Cross parcels and mail ?-?
12924557 12924557 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8202: Affidavit of Capt. U. G. BRISTOW, Australian, on treatment of POWs at Zentsuji and Hakodate ?-?
12924558 12924558 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8203: Affidavit of Sgt. Arnold F. CADDY, Australian, on treatment of POWs in Burma, Malay and Japan ?-?
12924559 12924559 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8204: Affidavit of G. R. LEMPHIERL, Australian, on treatment of POWs at Ofuna, Omori, Ashio Camps ?-?
12924560 12924560 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8205: Affidavit of John C. MOLLARD, Major, AUST, on coercion of POWs to make propaganda broadcasts ?-?
12924561 12924561 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8206: Affidavit of Cpl. Herman HALL, USA, on death of 19 American POWs in the bombing of and ammunition factory in Mukden ?-?
12924562 12924562 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8207: Affidavit of Sgt. W. M. STAUFFER, USA, on use of POWs in munitions plants in Mukden ?-?
12924563 12924563 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8208: Affidavit of Sgt. T. E. PROULX, USA, on improper treatment and exposure to bombing of POWs at Mukden ?-?
12924564 12924564 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8209: Affidavit of Capt. W. S. CUNNINGHAM, USN, on treatment of POWs at Woosung, Bridge House, Kiangwan, Ward Road, Nanking and Peking Prisons ?-?
12924565 12924565 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8210: Affidavit of Sgt. Elbert L. EDWARDS, USA, on treatment of POWs at Mukden ?-?
12924566 12924566 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8211: Affidavit of Sgt. E. A. MORSE, USA, on treatment of POWs at Mukden ?-?
12924567 12924567 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8212: Affidavit of Sgt. Carl Steven PENKA, USA, on treatment of POWs at Shanghai ?-?
12924568 12924568 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8213: Affidavit of Sgt. Robt. B. ROSSON, USA, on treatment of POWs at Mukden ?-?
12924569 12924569 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8214: Affidavit of Col. William F. MAHER, USA, on exposure of POWs to bombing at Mukden ?-?
12924570 12924570 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8215: Affidavit of T/Sgt W. R. OOSTING, USA, on collective punishment of POWs in Mukden ?-?
12924571 12924571 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8216: Affidavit of Cpl. T. R. MULLIKIN, USA, on treatment of POWs at Mukden ?-?
12924572 12924572 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8217: Affidavit of Pfc. L. R. TROTH, USA, on collective punishment of POWs at Shanghai ?-?
12924573 12924573 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8218: Affidavit of Pfc. James A. GILBERT, USA, on treatment and labor of POWs at Mukden ?-?
12924574 12924574 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8219: Affidavit of Cpl. B. J. CALLEN, USA, on exposure of POWs to bombing at Mukden ?-?
12924575 12924575 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8220: Affidavit of Cpl. Herman E. FAYAL, USA, on treatment of POWs at Mukden ?-?
12924576 12924576 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8221: Affidavit of Sgt. Robert B. ROSSON, USA, on collective punishment of POWs, Mukden ?-?
12924577 12924577 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8222: Interrogation of Kiyotomi OTHAHARA re sentence of death of US flyers Auganus and Nelson ?-?
12924578 12924578 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8223: Affidavit of Yorio OGIYA, Japanese. Testimony re trial and execution of 2nd Lt. Stanley and Sgt. Auganus at Osaka and subsequent concealment of fact ?-?
12924579 12924579 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8225: Affidavit of Lt. W. O. WARNER, Australian, on torture and interrogation of POWs at Ofuna Interrogation Camp ?-?
12924581 12924581 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8227: Affidavit of S/Sgt S. B. MOODY, USA, on beating of S/Sgt William ALLEN at Narumi #2, Nagoya ?-?
12924582 12924582 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8228: Affidavit of J. A. MINTON, USA, on beating of POWs at Fukuoka #3 Camp ?-?
12924583 12924583 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8229: Affidavit of Major Marvin H. LUCAS, USA, on treatment of POWs at Fukuoka Camp ?-?
12924584 12924584 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8230: Affidavit of Cpl. Harry H. SMITH, USA, on exposure to bombing of POWs at Oyama Camp, Miyazu ?-?
12924585 12924585 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8231: Affidavit of Capt. M. E. LAWLIS, USA, and S/Sgt B. T. MULLER, USA, on treatment of POWs at Hainan Island ?-?
12924586 12924586 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8232: Affidavit of Pvt. C. H. ANSON, Australian on treatment of POWs at Taiso and Takefu Camps, Osaka ?-?
12924587 12924587 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8233: Affidavit of W. C. FALCONER, Australian, on treatment of POWs at Yokohama and Kamaishi Camps ?-?
12924588 12924588 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8234: Affidavit of Philip E. SAUNDERS, USA (Navy) on treatment of POWs at Honcho, Osaka, Camp ?-?
12924589 12924589 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8235: Affidavit of Cpl. Peter Paul PIRNAT, USA, on Death March of Bataan ?-?
12924590 12924590 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8236: Affidavit of Emery A. MOTSINGER, USA, on Death March of Bataan ?-?
12924592 12924592 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8237: Affidavit of Cecil H. McCLURE, USA, on Death March of Bataan, also firing on survivors of torpedoed ships ?-?
12924593 12924593 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8238: Affidavit of Lloyd Austin JACKSON, USA, on Death March of Bataan ?-?
12924594 12924594 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8239: Affidavit of M/Sgt Michael H. BRUAW, USA, on Death March of Bataan ?-?
12924595 12924595 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8240: Affidavit of Cpl. August BATTISTE, USA, on Death March of Bataan ?-?
12924596 12924596 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8241: Affidavit of Col. Alfred C. OLIVER, USA, on treatment of POWs at Camp O'Donnell #1, Cabanatuan ?-?
12924597 12924597 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8242: Affidavit of Major Jack A. COMSTOCK, USA, on inadequate medical provision for POWs ?-?
12924598 12924598 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8243: Affidavit of Cpl. Lloyd A. JACKSON, USA, on torture and beatings at Cabanatuan #1 Camp ?-?
12924599 12924599 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8244: Affidavit of Lt. Col. John K. BORNEMAN, USA, on mistreatment of POWs at Cabanatuan #1 Camp ?-?
12924600 12924600 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8245: Affidavit of Cpl. James C. TURNER, USA, on mistreatment of POWs at Cabanatuan #1 Camp ?-?
12924601 12924601 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8246: Affidavit of Cpl. Emery A. MOTSINGER, USA, on Death March and Camp O'Donnell work conditions ?-?
12924602 12924602 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8247: Affidavit of Sgt. Joe S. SMITH, USA, on forced military services from POWs ?-?
12924603 12924603 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8248: Affidavit of Cpl. James O. TEEL, USA, on use of POWs to build enemy airstrips ?-?
12924604 12924604 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8249: Affidavit of Cpl. Peter Paul PIRNAT, USA, on improper labor conditions while working for Japanese at Nicholas Field, P. I ?-?
12924605 12924605 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8250: Affidavit of Sgt. J. E. STRAWHORN, USA, on torture methods employed by Japanese at Basay and Nichols Field, P. I ?-?
12924606 12924606 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8251: Affidavit of Cpl. August BATTISTE, USA, on employment of POWs on enemy military works, Nichols Field, P. I ?-?
12924607 12924607 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8252: Affidavit of T/4 John STYMELSKI, USA, on illegal punishment of POWs at Davao Penal Colony ?-?
12924608 12924608 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8253: Affidavit of Cecil H. McCLURE and 7 others, USA, on rate of pay at Davao ?-?
12924609 12924609 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8254: Affidavit of Capt. John J. MORRETT and 7 others, USA, on forced saluting of all Japanese soldiers by all POWs ?-?
12924610 12924610 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8255: Affidavit of M/Sgt Michael H. BRUAW, USA, on use of POWs in construction of airfield at Davao ?-?
12924611 12924611 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8256: Affidavit of Sgt. Jack M. DONOHOE, USA, on torture of POWs at Lasany, Mindanao, P. I ?-?
12924612 12924612 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8257: Affidavit of Otis E. RADCLIFF and 7 others, USA, on humiliation of officer POWs at Lasany, P. I ?-?
12924613 12924613 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8258: Affidavit of Sgt. W. J. BALCHUS and 3 others, USA, on massacre of POWs at Puerto Princesa, P. I ?-?
12924614 12924614 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8259: Affidavit of Sgt. D. W. BOGUE, USA, on massacre of POWs at Puerto Princesa, P. I ?-?
12924615 12924615 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8260: Affidavit of F. J. BARTA, USA, on massacre of POWs at Puerto Princesa, P. I ?-?
12924616 12924616 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8261: Affidavit of Charles A. SMITH, USA civilian, on food and quarters of civilian internees at Canadian Academy, Kobe ?-?
12924617 12924617 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8262: Affidavit of Maj. Gen. Berthold Wells KEY, USA ?-?
12924618 12924618 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8263: Affidavit of John B. MULLINS, Australian, on atrocities at Yamane Camp, Shikoku ?-?
12924619 12924619 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8264: Affidavit of Colin F. BRIEN, Australian, on execution of POW in presence of Japanese officers ?-?
12924620 12924620 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8265: Affidavit of T/5 Paul I. YATES, USA, on employment of POWs in military installations (cancelled?) ?-?
12924621 12924621 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8266: Affidavit of O. E. G. ROBERTS, Australian, on treatment of POWs, Orio Camp, Kobe ?-?
12924622 12924622 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8267: Affidavit of Pvt. William V. JORGENSEN, Australian, on treatment of POWs at Kawasaki ?-?
12924623 12924623 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8268: Affidavit of Athol George HILL, Australian, on treatment of POWs at Maruyama Camp, Osaka and #26 Fukuoka Camp ?-?
12924624 12924624 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8269: Affidavit of Ross LYNNEBERG, New Zealand, on treatment of POWs on Lisbon Maru, Osaka, Notogawa, Kyoto ?-?
12924626 12924626 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8270: Affidavit of Pvt. Arthur J. COSTELLO, New Zealand, on treatment of POWs at Kawasaki Shipyards, Kobe ?-?
12924627 12924627 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8271: Affidavit of James A. SHAW, New Zealand, on treatment of POWs at Shamshuipo, Camp 14-D near Tokyo, Shinagawa Hospital, collaboration of POWs with Japanese ?-?
12924628 12924628 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8272: Affidavit of SUN Sum Sue, Civilian Chinese on Capture by German raider, treatment of internees at Kobe Camp, Kawasaki Camp and Nagoya #10 Camp ?-?
12924629 12924629 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8273: Affidavit of Ernest C. ALEXANDER, New Zealand, on treatment of POWs at Yokohama and Kamishi Camps ?-?
12924630 12924630 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8274: Affidavit of Robert L. B. THOMSON, New Zealand on treatment of POWs at Dispatch #1 Yokohama, and Kamaishi Camps ?-?
12924631 12924631 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8275: Affidavit of Harry T. FRANKLIN, New Zealand, on treatment of POWs at Oeyama Camp near Osaka, collaboration of POWs with Japanese ?-?
12924632 12924632 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8276: Affidavit of Harry L. DIDSBURY, New Zealand, on treatment of POWs at Shamshuipo Camp, atrocities at Bowen Rd. Hospital and Sendai #2 Camps ?-?
12924633 12924633 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8277: Affidavit of Robert G. BELL, New Zealand, on treatment of POWs at Tokyo #2 and Kamaishi Camps ?-?
12924634 12924634 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8278: Affidavit of Lt. Col. W. D. NORTH and 3 others, USA, on Japanese atrocities from a medical standpoint ?-?
12924636 12924636 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8279: Affidavit of Cmdr.. C. D. SMITH, USA, re atrocities at Woosung Gendarmerie HQ and Bridge House, cout martial at Kiangwan and sinking of "Petrel" ?-?
12924637 12924637 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8280: Affidavit of James N. D. LEEKE, Australian, on treatment of POWs at Yamane Camp, Shikoku ?-?
12924638 12924638 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8282: Affidavit of T/5 Paul I. YATES, USA, re threat of punishment if POWs revealed true conditions in Yokohama #2 Camp to Red Cross Inspector ?-?
12924640 12924640 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8284: Affidavit of Owen R. KOBERT, USA, on atrocities at Camp O'Donnell, P. I., Cabanatuan, P. I., and #17 Omuta, Japan ?-?
12924641 12924641 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8285: Affidavit of Marshall SHEELHART, USA, as to atrocities at 5-D Kawasaki Camp ?-?
12924642 12924642 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8286: Affidavit of Pfc. Edward M. RICHWALSK, USA, re starving to death of Doyle WAGGONER, exposure of POWs to bombing ?-?
12924643 12924643 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8287: Affidavit of SHIMOYAMA, Kunio, Japanese, as to conditions at POW Camp #10 and coal mine at Iizuka, Japan ?-?
12924644 12924644 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8288: Affidavit of Pvt. John C. LALLY, USA, as to collective punishment of POWs at Osaka #13 Camp ?-?
12924645 12924645 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8289: Affidavit of Pfc. George McRAE, USA, as to treatment of POWs at Osaka Camps ?-?
12924647 12924647 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8290: Affidavit of L. E. PURSELL, USA, as to beatings exposure to bombings at Tokyo 2-B (Kawasaki) Camp ?-?
12924648 12924648 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8291: Affidavit of Sgt. Frank E. PICK, USA, re beating exposure to bombing and public humiliation at Hirohata Camp ?-?
12924649 12924649 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8292: Affidavit of 1st Lt. John M PEURIFOY, USA, as to beating of POWs at Ofuna Camp ?-?
12924650 12924650 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8296: Affidavit of Major C. J. TEASDEL, British, re crimes against POWs at Mitsubishi Dockyard Camp (Tokyo No.1 Dispatch, Yokohama) ?-?
12924651 12924651 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8298: Affidavit of Capt. John A. G. REID, Canadian, re atrocities at Shamshuipo, North Point, Tokyo 3-D, Shinagawa Hospital, and Sendai No. 1 Camps ?-?
12924652 12924652 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8299: Affidavit of Robert L. MILLER, USA, re treatment of POWs at coal mine at Hiriyama, Kyushu ?-?
12924653 12924653 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8301: Affidavit of Sgt. Lonnie F. MILLS, USA, re treatment of POWs at Hoten Camp, Mukden ?-?
12924654 12924654 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8302: Affidavit of Jack M. McDONALD, USA, as to atrocities at Camp #17, Omuta ?-?
12924655 12924655 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8303: Affidavit of Pvt. Les W. MILLER, Canadian, as to atrocities at Shamshuipo, North Point Oeyama Camps ?-?
12924657 12924657 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8304: Affidavit of Major Melvin MILLER, USA, on conditions at Zentusji POW Camp ?-?
12924658 12924658 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8305: Affidavit of Major Warren A. MINTON, USA, re treatment of POWs at Tsumori Camp ?-?
12924659 12924659 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8306: Affidavit of Major Francis J. MURRAY, British on medical conditions at No. 1 Hakodate Camp ?-?
12924660 12924660 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8307: Affidavit of Earl Gilbert MOSSMAN, Canadian, as to atrocities at Shamshuipo and Omine, Identification of brutal guards ?-?
12924661 12924661 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8308: Affidavit of Victor Joseph MYATT, Canadian, re atrocities at Niigata POW Camp, Rinko Coal Co ?-?
12924662 12924662 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8310: Affidavit of S/Sgt Frank C. STECKLEIN, USA, re treatment of POWs at Camp No. 17 Fukuoka ?-?
12924664 12924664 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8311: Affidavit of Pfc. Edward B. STOPLETON, USA, on forced labor, group punishment, exposure to bombing, at 5-D and 2-D Kawasaki Camps ?-?
12924665 12924665 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8312: Affidavit of Cpl. Floyd H. COMFORT, USA, re use of POWs on enemy military works ?-?
12924666 12924666 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8313: Affidavit of Ernest S. SAVAGE, USA, re conditions at Pootung Internment Camp, Shanghai ?-?
12924667 12924667 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8314: Affidavit of Ernest O. STREETER, USA, re systematic brutality to POWs at Yodogawa, Osaka, and Tsuruga Camps ?-?
12924668 12924668 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8318: Affidavit of Major Warren C. STIRLING, USA, re punishment of POWs at Camp Rokuroshi, Osaka area ?-?
12924669 12924669 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8319: Affidavit of Major William M. STEWART, British, on medical aspect of Niigata 5-B Camp - collapse of buildings ?-?
12924670 12924670 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8320: Affidavit of Cpl. Joseph A. STEMLER, USA, re beating of POWs at Osaka-Zosen Camp 10-D ?-?
12924671 12924671 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8321: Affidavit of Major Robert W. SCHOTT, USA, re bayonetting of Noah Heard; identification of Uri and Yoder ?-?
12924672 12924672 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8322: Affidavit of S. E. L. STENING, British, re conditions at Shimonoseki Quarantine Station ?-?
12924673 12924673 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8323: Affidavit of S/Sgt Arvil L. STEELE, USA, re collective punishments of POWs at Mitsushima #2 Camp ?-?
12924674 12924674 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8324: Affidavit of 1st Lt. Paul A. STANSBURY, USA, on collective punishment of POWs at Zentsuji ?-?
12924675 12924675 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8325: Affidavit of Charles A. SMITH, USA, re improper food and quarters at Canadian Academy, Kobe ?-?
12924676 12924676 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8326: Affidavit of Charles A. SMITH, USA, re improper food and quarters at Futabe Prison Camp ?-?
12924677 12924677 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8327: Affidavit of Charles A. SMITH, USA, re beating of Danish internee Albretson at Futatabi Camp, Kobe ?-?
12924678 12924678 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8328: Affidavit of S/Sgt. John M. SHADOAN, USA, re food and health of POWs at No. 6 Camp, Nagoya ?-?
12924679 12924679 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8329: Affidavit of T. H. SEPHTON, British, re treat of POWs at Onomichi, Mukaishima Dock Co ?-?
12924680 12924680 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8330: Affidavit of Major Sidney E. SEID, USA, re treatment of sick POWs at Hirohata Sub-Camp, Osaka ?-?
12924682 12924682 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8331: Affidavit of Major Sidney E. SEID, USA, re treatment of POWs at Hirohata Sub-Camp, Osaka ?-?
12924683 12924683 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8332: Affidavit of William R. SEAL, USA, re treatment of POWs at Osaka Iron Works, also Sakurajima Camp, Osaka ?-?
12924684 12924684 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8333: Affidavit of Pvt. Brooks E. SCOGGINS, USA, re treatment of POWs, exposure to bombing, at Yokkaichi #5 Camp ?-?
12924685 12924685 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8334: Affidavit of Col. Jack W. SCHWARTZ, USA, re conditions on prison ship "Oryoku Maru" from Manila to Moji ?-?
12924686 12924686 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8335: Affidavit of S/Sgt Eugene H. STAHL, USA, re theft of food allotted to POWs at Yokohama 18-D Camp ?-?
12924687 12924687 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8336: Affidavit of S/Sgt James W. STANLEY, USA, re beating of POWs at Yokkaichi Camps ?-?
12924688 12924688 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8337: Affidavit of Cpl Andrew J. STANELY, USA, re treatment of POWs at Zentsuji and Mukaishima Drydock ?-?
12924689 12924689 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8338: Affidavit of Sgt. R. C. STAGER, Canadian, re atrocities and brutalities committed at North Point, Shamshuipo, 3-D Dawasaki, No. 1 Sendai Camps ?-?
12924690 12924690 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8339: Affidavit of Alexander J. SPILAK, USA, re treatment of POWs at Shinagawa Prison Camp ?-?
12924691 12924691 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8340: Affidavit of Cpl. Paul R. SPENCER, USA, re treatment of POWs at Metsua Semba Camp, Tokyo Area, Kanose #16, Niigata ?-?
12924692 12924692 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8341: Affidavit of Cpl. Robert E. SPARKS, USA, re food at Yodogawa camp, Osaka ?-?
12924693 12924693 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8342: Affidavit of Cpl. W. S. SUTHERLAND, USA, re exposure of POWs to bombing at Yawata ?-?
12924694 12924694 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8343: Affidavit of Pfc. William SOUTHALL, USA, re beating of POWs at Sub #1, Nagoya ?-?
12924695 12924695 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8344: Affidavit of Cpl. W. L. SNYDER, USA, re beatings of POWs for claiming Red Cross boxes ?-?
12924697 12924697 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8345: Affidavit of Sgt. Clifton C. SNODGHASE, USA, re beating to death of Pfo. Robert TEASE at Mitsushima ?-?
12924698 12924698 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8346: Affidavit of Cpt. Horace A. SMITH, USA, re collective punishment of POWs at Rokuroshi Camp ?-?
12924699 12924699 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8347: Affidavit of 2nd Lt. Richard M. SMITH, USA, re Japanese policy of breaking spirit of POWs at Ofuna and Omori Camps ?-?
12924700 12924700 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8348: Affidavit of Sgt. H. SMITH, British, re beating of POWs at Hakodate Camp ?-?
12924701 12924701 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8349: Affidavit of Philip E. SANDERS, USA, re plans to kill POWs on victory of U.S ?-?
12924702 12924702 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8350: Affidavit of Rufus W. SMITH, USA, re attempt of kill all POWs on Palawan on U.S. landing ?-?
12924703 12924703 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8351: Affidavit of Lt. Cmdr. George H. HENSHAW, USA, re treatment of POWs at Omori Camp; deception of inspectors ?-?
12924704 12924704 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8352: Affidavit of Lt. Cmdr. George H. HENSHAW, USA, re use of POWs in propaganda broadcasting ?-?
12924705 12924705 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8353: Affidavit of Cpl. William R. SIMMONS, USA, re beatings, mass punishments, etc., at Fukuoka No. 3 Camp ?-?
12924706 12924706 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8354: Affidavit of Cpl. Howard J. PECK, USA, re beating of POWs at Hirohata, Osaka ?-?
12924707 12924707 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8355: Affidavit of Sgt. James H. PATTERSON, USA, re torture of prisoners at Yokkaichi ?-?
12924708 12924708 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8356: Affidavit of William F. CLUBB, civilian, USA, re mass punishment of prisoners at Woosung Camp, Shanghai ?-?
12924709 12924709 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8357: Affidavit of Cpl. Stanley JANCEWICZ, USA, re use of POWs on military works ?-?
12924710 12924710 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8358: Affidavit of Cpl. Marcus L. FITZSIMON, Australian, re treatment of POWs at Kawasaki Camp, Kobe, and No. 26 Fukuoka Camp ?-?
12924711 12924711 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8359: Affidavit of Lt. Derek G. HUMBER, British, re killing of Pvt. Irwin, treatment of POWs at Orio district, Kyushu ?-?
12924712 12924712 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8360: Affidavit of Pfc. William J. SHEEHAN, USA, re treatment of POWs at 5-D Camp, Kawasaki ?-?
12924713 12924713 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8361: Affidavit of Col. William A. ENOS, USA, re treatment of officer POWs, Wainright and Percival. Includes food chart ?-?
12924714 12924714 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8362: Affidavit of Sgt. Jack R. BISHOP, USA, re theft of Red Cross supplies ?-?
12924715 12924715 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8363: Affidavit of John W. BROWN, British, re treatment of POWs at Hakodate ?-?
12924716 12924716 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8364: Affidavit of Pfc. Lorel J. BRAGG, USA, re torture of Cpl. Mike ERONOMO by Japanese guard at Woosung prison ?-?
12924717 12924717 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8365: Affidavit of Col. Charles H. STRINGER, British, on treatment of officer POWs at Mukden Camp ?-?
12924718 12924718 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8366: Affidavit of Pvt. James ALLERTON, Australian, re treatment of POWs at Taisho and Akanabe Camps, Osaka ?-?
12924719 12924719 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8367: Affidavit of Major Robert V. GLASGOW, Australian, re treatment of POWs at Taisho Camp, Osaka ?-?
12924720 12924720 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8369: Affidavit of Sgt. Sidney J. STEWART, USA, re conitions on "Oryoku Maru" ?-?
12924721 12924721 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8371: Affidavit of Walter John HORN, USA, re collective punishment at Kamioka Camp ?-?
12924722 12924722 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8373: Affidavit of Lt. Col. Austin J. MONTGOMERY, USA, re "Oryoku Maru" voyage ?-?
12924723 12924723 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8374: Affidavit of Lt. Col. Eugene C. JACOBS, USA, re "Oryoku Maru" voyage (Yamashita Trial Exhibit) ?-?
12924724 12924724 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8375: Affidavit of Cpt. George B. MOORE, USA, re "Oryoku Maru" voyage ?-?
12924725 12924725 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8376: Affidavit of Major Robert E. CONN, USA, re "Oryoku Maru" voyage ?-?
12924726 12924726 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8377: Affidavit of Lt. Cmdr. Marion W. TAYLOR, USA, re "Oryoku Maru" voyage ?-?
12924727 12924727 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8378: Affidavit of Yuji NAKAMURA, Japanese, re receiption of POWs at Moji (Oryoku Maru) ?-?
12924728 12924728 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8379: Affidavit of S. K. CHU, Chinese, re torpedoeing of "Nancy Moller" and machine gunning of survivors ?-?
12924729 12924729 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8380: Affidavit of T. J. WEENS re torpedoed ship "Nancy Moller", machine-gunning of survivors, ramming of lifeboats ?-?
12924730 12924730 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8381: Log of Ship "British Chivalry" re torpedoeing of boat, machine-gunning of lifeboats ?-?
12924731 12924731 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8382: Affidavit of P. H. REES re torpedoeing of ship MV "Sutley", ramming of lifeboats, gunning of survivors ?-?
12924732 12924732 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8383: Affidavit of Lt. Cmdr. L. A. SEWARD, British, re sinking of SS "Ascot" by Japanese submarine, ramming of lifeboats, gunning of survivors ?-?
12924733 12924733 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8384: Affidavit of Lt. Cassa J. MERCER, USA, re "Oryoku Maru" voyage ?-?
12924734 12924734 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8385: Affidavit of Major Beverly N. SKARDOW, USA, re "Oryoku Maru" voyage ?-?
12924735 12924735 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8386: Affidavit of Lt. J. G. James McGRATH, USA, re "Oryoku Maru" voyage ?-?
12924736 12924736 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8387: Affidavit of Capt. Floyd E. SHERWOOD, USA, re "Oryoku Maru" voyage ?-?
12924737 12924737 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8388: Affidavit of F. DE JONG, USA, re sinking of SS "Tjisalak" by Japanese submarine, machine gunning of survivors ?-?
12924738 12924738 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8389: Affidavit of Lt. Charles E. PYLE, USA, re sinking of "Jean Nicolet" by Japanese submarine, torture and killing of survivors ?-?
12924739 12924739 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8390: Affidavit of Robert C. BUTLER, USA, re "Jean Nicolet" ?-?
12924740 12924740 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8391: Synopsis of Evidence (Japan) ?-?
12924741 12924741 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8392: Synopsis of Evidence (China) ?-?
12924742 12924742 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8393: Affidavit of Charles H RHODES, USA, re sinking of SS "Johnson", ramming of lifeboats, gunning of survivors, steering sub to involve survivors in screws ?-?
12924743 12924743 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8394: Affidavit of James Dixon PEARSON, USA, re sinking of SS "Johnson", atrocities on survivors ?-?
12924744 12924744 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8395: Letter of Swiss Legation transmitting British protest re attack on survivors of torpedoed merchant vessels ?-?
12924745 12924745 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8396: Letter of Swiss Legation transmitting US protest against attack by Jap. Sub. On survivors of "Richard Hovey" ?-?
12924746 12924746 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8397: Note from the Swiss Legation to the Japanese Foreign Minister, the accused Shigemitsu, dated 20 July 1944 re ship "Ascot" ?-?
12924747 12924747 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8398: Letter of Swiss Legation transmitting US protest against plane attacks against hospital ships "Comfort" and "Hope" (2nd letter) ?-?
12924748 12924748 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8399: Letter of Japanese Foreign Ministry acknowledging receipt of Swiss Legation's letter on US protests on attack on hospital ships "Comfort" and "Hope" ?-?
12924749 12924749 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8400: Letter of Swiss Legation transmitting British protests re attack on survivors of "Daisy Moller", "British Chivalry", "Sutley", "Ascot", "Nancy Moller", also Dutch ship "Tjisalak" ?-?
12924750 12924750 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8401: Letter of Swiss Legation transmitting US protests against attack on survivors of torpedoed ship "Richard Hovey" ?-?
12924751 12924751 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8402: Declaration and note of Swiss Legation transmitting protest of US Govt against attack on survivors of "Jean Nicolet" ?-?
12924752 12924752 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8403: Letter of Swiss Minister to Minister Suzuki informing of the hand-carrying of the US protest against torpedoing of the "Jean Nicolet" ?-?
12924753 12924753 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8404: Letter of the Japanese Foreign Ministry acknowledging transmittal of US protest re treatment of crew of the "Jean Nicolet" 1945 1945.01-?
12924754 12924754_1
文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8405: Report of Capt. John D. MURPHY, USN, on investigations of war crimes as representatives of CinC, US Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas ?-?
12924755 12924755 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8406: Correspondence between US and Japan thru Swiss Legation ?-?
12924756 12924756 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8416: Letter from Foreign Minister through Swiss Legation to British Govt. denying knowledge of attack on survivors of torpedoed British Ships in Indian Ocean (28 Nov 44) ?-?
12924757 12924757 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8417: Swiss Legation letters to Japanese Foreign Ministry transmitting US requests for lists of POWs, list of survivors of vessel sunk off coast of Sumatra (9 June 45) ?-?
12924758 12924758 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8418: Letter of Swiss Legation to Japanese Foreign Minister repeating requests of US Govt. for POW lists (26 June 1945) ?-?
12924759 12924759 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8419: Correspondence between U.S. and Japan through Swiss Legation, dated 19 May 1945 ?-?
12924760 12924760 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8420: Correspondence between U.S. and Japan through Swiss Legation, dated 15 May 1945 ?-?
12924761 12924761 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8421: Note of Swiss Legation transmitting protest of U.S. Govt. against the second air attack against hospital ship "Comfort". 23 May 1945 ?-?
12924762 12924762 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8422: Letter of Swiss Legation to Foreign Ministry informing of U.S. Govt's insistence on receiving news of Americans on Wake Island, after 3 years delay (27 July 1945) ?-?
12924763 12924763 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8423: List of 173 Americans of Wake Island, and U.S. request through Swiss Legations to Japanese Foreign Office for official communication regarding them (7 Nov 1944) ?-?
12924764 12924764 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8424: Swiss Legation request to Japanese Foreign Ministry for news of U.S. nationals on Wake other than those in Fukuoka Camp. (2 Sept 44) ?-?
12924765 12924765 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8425: Swiss Legation note to Japanese Foreign Ministry repeating request for news of Americans of Wake Island (15 May 1945) ?-?
12924766 12924766 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8426: Swiss Legation note to Japanese Foreign Ministry requesting for the Government of the U.S. news of U.S. nationals on Wake (19 Mar 1945) ?-?
12924767 12924767 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8427: Swiss Legation note to Japanese Foreign Minister transmitting U.S. request for news of 400 Americans on Wake. (6 Oct 1942) ?-?
12924768 12924768 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8428: Swiss Legation note to Japanese Foreign Ministry requesting talk with William FAIREY re situation of Americans of Wake Island (8 Oct 1943) ?-?
12924769 12924769 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8429: Swiss Legation note to Japanese Foreign Office requesting information re Americans on Wake Island other than those at Fukuoka Camp (14 Feb 1944) ?-?
12924770 12924770 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8430: Swiss Legation note to Japanese Foreign Office requesting information re Americans on Wake Island other than those at Fukuoka Camp (10 Dec 1943) ?-?
12924771 12924771 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8431: Japanese Foreign Minister's note to Swiss Minister acknowledging receipt of letter of 11 Mar 1942 and giving general news of Americans on Wake ?-?
12924772 12924772 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8432: Two letters from Japanese Foreign Minister to Swiss Minister re American civilian internees on Wake. (10, 12 Aug 1942) ?-?
12924773 12924773 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8433: Letter of Swiss Minister to TOGO transmitting U.S. request for information re Americans on Wake. (26 May 1942) ?-?
12924774 12924774 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8434: Swiss Legation letter transmitting additional U.S. information re Japanese attack on hospital ship "Comfort" to Jap. Foreign Ministry (27 June 1945) ?-?
12924775 12924775 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8435: Swiss Legation letter transmitting U.S. notification re attacks on "Comfort" and "Hope" to Jap. Foreign Ministry (29 Jan 1945) ?-?
12924776 12924776 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8436: Letter of Swiss Legation transmitting U.S. demand for information on Wake Island POWs, also reason for delay of information. (8 April 1943) ?-?
12924777 12924777 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8437: Letter of Japanese Foreign Ministry to Swiss Legation requesting further information on Americans captured on Wake as necessary for investigation. (19 April 1943) ?-?
12924778 12924778 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8438: Correspondence between U.S. and Japan through Swiss Legation (21 Aug 1943) ?-?
12924779 12924779 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8439: Statement of Shigematsu SAKIBARA of Jap. Navy re issuing orders for execution of POWs on Wake Island ?-?
12924780 12924780 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8440: Affidavit of TACHIBANA, Shoichi, IJN, giving detailed information re execution of POWs and conspiracy to hide the fact ?-?
12924781 12924781 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8441: Affidavit of ITO, Toraji, IJN, giving information re execution of POWs and conspiracy to conceal the fact ?-?
12924782 12924782 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8443: Letter from Swiss Minister to Togo Transmitting US inquiry re Japan's intentions on POW Convention. Dated 21 Jan 1942 ?-?
12924783 12924783 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8444: Affidavit of ABE, Koso, IJN, on issuance of orders for execution of 9 POWs ?-?
12924784 12924784 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8445: Letter of Swiss Minister to Tani transmitting US demands that POW information Bureau comply with POW and Red Cross Conventions. Dated 21 Sept. 1942 ?-?
12924785 12924785 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8446: Statement of Capt. OBARA, Yoshio, IJN, re killing of 9 US POWs ?-?
12924786 12924786 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8447: Statement of Capt. OBARA, Yoshio, IJN, giving details of execution of 9 US POWs at Kwajalein ?-?
12924787 12924787 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8448: Lt. W. P. MAHONEY, USNR, giving particulars regarding interrogation of ABE, OBARA, and HAYASHI: translation of same ?-?
12924788 12924788 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8449: Interrogation of Vice Admiral ABE, Koso, IJN, in which he falsely states that the 9 US POWs were executed for rioting ?-?
12924789 12924789 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8450: Certificate of C. W. WILLOUGHBY, Capt. Inf., Assistant Chief of Criminal Registry Division, Legal Section, as to correctness of 23 various documents in 8000 series ?-?
12924790 12924790 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8454: Note, with declaration of delivery, of Swiss Legation to Togo transmitting US protest to Japanese Government re massacre of 150 American POWs at Puerto Princesa, Palawan, PI. 3 June 1945 ?-?
12924791 12924791 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8457: Second notification dated 6 June 1945 of Swiss Legation to Japanese Government re massacre of American POWs at Puerto Princesa, Palawan, PI ?-?
12924792 12924792 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8462: Orders, written and verbal, re execution of American flyer, Lt. (JG) HALL ?-?
12924793 12924793_1
文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8463: 18th and 19th days of US Pacific Fleet, Commander Marianas, Guam, Commission net to try 14 accused of cannibalism. Examination of Major MATOBA. 6, 7, Sept. 1946 ?-?
12924794 12924794 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8469: Report of dead and wounded personnel on hospital ship "Comfort" attacked by Japanese suicide plane ?-?
12924795 12924795 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8470: Correspondence re attack on hospital ship "Comfort". Quotation from Radio Tokyo announcement, flight intelligence dispatch found on suicide pilot's body ?-?
12924796 12924796_1
文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8471: Report by Captain, G. TSUIZINGA of hospital ship "Op ten Noort" re capture by Japanese and treatment thereafter. Includes speech delivered at Miyoshi by the Prefect of Hiroshima, protests by TSUIZINGA to Japanese authorities, and certificate ?-?
12924797 12924797 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8472: Schedule of Allied ship sinkings by enemy action, Pacific and Indian Ocean areas ?-?
12924798 12924798 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8473: Letter from Japanese Foreign Minister to Swedish Minister in Tokyo justifying Japanese capture of hospital ship "Op ten Noort". Dated 2 June 1942 ?-?
12924799 12924799 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8474: Oral note of Swedish Minister to Japanese Foreign Minister. Protest re capture of hospital ship "Op ten Noort". Dated 28 Sept 1942 ?-?
12924800 12924800 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8475: Letter from Swedish Minister to Togo, 28 May 1942, protest re hospital ship "Op ten Noort" capture ?-?
12924801 12924801 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8476: Letter from Swedish Minister to Japanese Foreign Minister 30 Oct 1945 ?-?
12924802 12924802 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8477: Letter from Swedish Legation to Foreign Ministry requesting information and return of Dutch hospital ship "Op ten Noort". 10 Sept 1945 ?-?
12924803 12924803 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8479: Interrogation of General OSHIMA, Hiroshi. 1 Feb 1946. Questions by Capt. J. J. Robinson, USNR ?-?
12924804 12924804 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8480: KOHARA, Yasuo, Japanese POW guard, on execution of POWs on Nitta Maru carrying Americans from Wake Island ?-?
12924805 12924805 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8481: MII, Junsuke, Captain, IJN, on capture of SS "Behar", slaughter of prisoners and own refusal to participate ?-?
12924806 12924806 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8482: RUDISILL, Richard E., Lt. Col, USA, experiences and observations of Captain John HAMAS on Nitta Maru, Kiangwan POW Camp ?-?
12924807 12924807 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8483: Certificate of Walter BOSSI of Swiss Legation certifying correspondence between Japanese Foreign Ministry and Swiss Legation. (List attached) ?-?
12924808 12924808 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8485: Certificate of J. J. ROBINSON, USNR, Capt., certifying evidentiary documents as part of official Navy records ?-?
12924809 12924809 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8486: SHIMANOUCHI, Momochiyo, Capt., IJN, re atrocities at sea committed against suvivors of torpedoed Allied merchant ships ?-?
12924810 12924810 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8487: Sketch by Sgt. BOGUE, USMC, of POW Camp #10A, Puerto Princesa, Palawan, PI, on 14 December 1944 ?-?
12924811 12924811 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9002: Expansion plan for War Industries ?-?
12924812 12924812 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9014: Copy - Japanese Files Research Project.(Copy #13) re information furnished Japanese Navy by a US firm 1946
12924813 12924813 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9015: Copy - Japanese Files Research Project. (Auth. Copy #20), dated 25 February 1944. Report #3396. "Report on Japanese Navy Arsenals" ?-?
12924814 12924814 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9016: General record book from the Bank of Japan relating to war notes and military currency for the occupied southern regions ?-?
12924815 12924815 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9017: Revision on the plan for regulating the supply and demand of staple materials, 23 June 1938. ATIS 32 1938 1938.06-?
12924816 12924816 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9018: Review of policies vital to the General Mobilization. ATIS 35 ?-?
12924817 12924817 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9019: Essential of the draft of the General Mobilization Law. ATIS #39 ?-?
12924818 12924818 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9021: Industrial Expansion Plan (Four Year Plan) ?-?
12924819 12924819_1
文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9022: Selected correspondence on occupational currency from Ministry of Finance files ?-?
12924820 12924820_1
文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9023: Recapitulation of the unprinted Ministry of War and Ministry of Navy Budget, together with certain additional information during the years 1931 to 1941 ?-?
12924823 12924823 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9028: Certifications of monetary engraving plates for military currency ?-?
12924824 12924824_1
文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9030: Prepared statement of J. G. LIEBRET on subject of general production and financial preparations for war ?-?
12924825 12924825 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9501: Report #59 from American Consul at Amoy, 20 September 1939 re licensed opium dens in Amoy ?-?
12924826 12924826 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9502: US Treasury Attache's report dated 27 July 1937re Paul Yap in Hankow awaiting trail ?-?
12924827 12924827 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9503: US Treasury Attache's report dated 15 April 1937 "Side Lights of Japanese Drug Trade in Fukien" ?-?
12924828 12924828 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9504: US Treasury Attache's report dated 24 November 1936. Subject: Narcotic Drugs Menacing South Fukien ?-?
12924829 12924829 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9505: US Treasury Attache's report dated 10 July 1936. Subject: Formosan Organization in Amoy ?-?
12924830 12924830 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9506: US Treasury Attache's report dated 20 April 1936. Subject: Illicit Opium Traffic and Japanese Undercover Activities in Fukien ?-?
12924831 12924831 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9507: US Treasury Attache's report dated 9 November 1934. Subject: Formosan and Amoy Opium Deal ?-?
12924832 12924832 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9508: US Treasury Attache's report dated 2 February 1938. Subject: Narcotization policy in the South ?-?
12924833 12924833 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9509: US Consul's report from Canton dated 11 March 1940 from Canton ?-?
12924834 12924834 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9510: US Treasury Attache's report of 1 April 1935. Subject: Japanese loans to encourage poppy cultivation in Jehol ?-?
12924835 12924835 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9511: US Treasury Attache's report dated February 18, 1935 re opium cultivation in Jehol ?-?
12924836 12924836 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9512: US Treasury Attache's report dated 8 June 1936. Subject: The drug Menace in the Sixth Hsien of North Chahar since their Fall ?-?
12924837 12924837 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9513: US Treasury Attache's report dated 14 October 1936 re Japanese agents for opium trade in Chahar ?-?
12924838 12924838 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9514: US Treasury Attache's report dated 3 June 1940. Subject: Opium cultivation in Chahar and Suiyuan ?-?
12924839 12924839 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9515: US Treasury Attache's report dated 16 July 1940. Subject: Opium Cultivation in Chahar, Suiyuan ?-?
12924840 12924840 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9516: US Treasury Attache's report of 8 April 1937. Subject: Japanese Encourage Poppy Cultivation in North Chahai ?-?
12924841 12924841 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9517: US Treasury Attache's report of 9 May 1936. Subject: Heroin Manufacture in Chahai and Jehol ?-?
12924842 12924842 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9518: US Treasury Attache's report of 30 July 1936. Subject: Japan's Narcotization Policy in North China ?-?
12924843 12924843 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9519: US Treasury Attache's report of 13 January 1937. Subject: Japanese Drug Smuggling Organs in Tunghsien and Peiping ?-?
12924844 12924844 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9520: US Consult report of 9 December 1940. Subject: Cultivation, sale and use of opium in Tsinan Consulate District ?-?
12924845 12924845 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9521: US Treasury Attache's report of 19 March 1941. Subject: Two Chinese as "Big Bosses" of Heroin Dispensing Traffic in Peiping ?-?
12924846 12924846 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9522: US Consult report 28 March 1941. Subject: 2900 Mow of Opium Poppies Growing in Shangtun's 105 Counties. Tsinan Opium Addicts to Register. Japanese Army Profits from sale of Heroin to Chinese Puppet Troops ?-?
12924847 12924847 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9523: US Consulate report 26 February 1941. Subject: New Opium prohibition bureau inaugurated at Tsingtao. Criticism of Enforcement of Opium Restrictions ?-?
12924848 12924848 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9524: Report entitled "Opium Monopoly in Manchuria" ?-?
12924849 12924849 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9525: US Treasury Attache's report re drug conditions in Liaoning, Manchukuo, 12 June 1935 ?-?
12924850 12924850 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9526: US Treasury report of opium monopoly in Manchukuo and its connection with Kwantung Army, 22 May 1936 ?-?
12924851 12924851 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9527: US Treasury report re opium monopoly in Manchukuo ?-?
12924852 12924852 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9528: US Consulate report from Mukden, Manchuria, 31 October 1936. Subject: Recent Narcotic Observations ?-?
12924853 12924853 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9529: US Treasury Attache's report. January 1937. Subject: Areas of Poppy Land in Manchuria Increased ?-?
12924854 12924854 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9530: US Consulate report, Seoul, Korea, 4 Feb 1937. Subject: Increased Shipments of Opium from Chosen to Manchuria ?-?
12924855 12924855 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9531: US Consulate report, 25 Feb 1936. Subjecct: Extension of Opium Poppy Growing in Chosen ?-?
12924856 12924856 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9532: US Treasury Attache's report, Mukden, 27 Oct 1937. Manchukuo Opium Monopoly Administration - Its Organization, Activities, and Opium Condition in Manchukuo in 1937 ?-?
12924857 12924857 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9533: US Consulate report, Mukden, 27 Feb 1938 re policy of Manchukuo Government in regard to the suppression of the use of narcotic drugs ?-?
12924858 12924858 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9534: US Treasury Attache's report, Hongkong 2 April 1938. Data re opium and narcotic situation in North China and Manchukuo ?-?
12924859 12924859 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9535: US Consulate report, Mukden, 30 March 1939. Subject: Narcotics and the Manchukuo Budget for 1939 ?-?
12924860 12924860 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9536: Letter, enclosure and aide-memoire from the US Ambassador to Japan on the subject of "Narcotic Drug Traffic in Occupied Areas of China", dated 14 April 1939 ?-?
12924861 12924861 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9537: Report of the Dept. of State to the Sec'y of State to the Sec'y of the Treasury enclosing report of the American Consulate General at Shanghai, dated 16 Feb 1937 ?-?
12924862 12924862 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9538: Report of the US Treasury at Shanghai, dated 2 January 1938, entitled: "Local Opium Merchants Offer Counter-Proposal to Japanese" ?-?
12924863 12924863 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9539: U.S Legation at Teheran report dated April 23, 1938. Subject: Japanese Arrangement in Iranian Opium Trade ?-?
12924864 12924864 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9540: US Treasury Attache's report to Commissioner of Customs, Washington, D. C. entitled "Japanese Ship Brought 800 Chests of Opium from Diren" ?-?
12924865 12924865 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9541: US Treasury Attache's report of 8 April 1939. Subject: Manufacture of Cocaine in Formosan Sugar Factory for Shipment to South Sea Island ?-?
12924866 12924866 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9542: US Treasury Attache's report, dated 10 Dec 1938. Subject: Special Service Organization sending Persian opium into Shanghai to various hongs. M. B. K. sells the opium to Special Service Organization ?-?
12924867 12924867 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9543: US Treasury Attache's report dated 27 Dec 1938. Subject: Opium Monopoly Bureau Starts Working at Broadway Mansions ?-?
12924868 12924868 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9549: US Treasury Attache's report dated 28 Aug 1939. Subject: Shanghai Opium being smuggled into Hong Kong ?-?
12924869 12924869 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9550: US Treasury Attache's report of 15 Dec 1939. Subject: Japanese government activities in opium trade. Wang Ching Wei's policy re narcotics. Activities of Mitsui Co. in narcotics trade, etc ?-?
12924870 12924870 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9551: Letter of State Dept to Bureau of Customs enclosing communication of American Consul in Shanghai dated 4 April 1940. Includes "Brief Review of Prevailing Opium Situation in Shanghai" with list of opium hongs, prices ?-?
12924871 12924871 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9552: US Treasury Attache's report of 21 January 1941. Subject: Order from Hung Chi Shan Tang to the opium merchants union setting a prive representing an increase because of the purchase of foreign opium with foreign currency ?-?
12924872 12924872 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9553: Letter from Permanent Central Opium Board of League of Nations to Washington, dated 29 Jan 1946 with information that Japanese reports to above indicate no heroin manufacture in Korea for 1935-1939 ?-?
12924873 12924873 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9554: Affidavit of HARADA, Kumakichi, re activities of Tokumuby, Koain, Kwantung Army in Manchuria and China with regard to the opium trade ?-?
12924874 12924874 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9555: Letter from U.S. Army Forces in Korea, dated 15 March 1946, showing cultivation, manufacture, exportation of opium and narcotic drugs in Korea, 1935 to 1945 ?-?
12924875 12924875 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9556: Letter to Dept of State, Washington, dated 26 Dec 1945 re the Japanese Government no acknowledging receipt of, nor making reply to U.S. protest on narcotic conditions in occupied China ?-?
12924876 12924876 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9557: Photostat of "Minutes of the 24th Session, League of Nations Advisory Committee on Traffic in Opium and other Dangerous Drugs, Held at Geneva from May 15th to June 12th, 1939. Series of League of Nations Publications XI Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs. 1939 XI. 5 ?-?
12924877 12924877 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9558: Minutes of the 22nd Session, League of Nations Committee on Drugs, Geneva, 23 July 1937 ?-?
12924878 12924878 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9559: Minutes of the 25th Session of League of Nations Committee on Drugs, Geneva, 13 to 17 May 1940 ?-?
12924879 12924879 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9560: Record of the High Court of Nanking (with covering letter) relative to the statement made by Wei Sze-Ping, Minister of the Interior of the Nanking Puppet Government regarding the during traffic carried on by the Japanese before and during the war. Dated May 1946 ?-?
12924880 12924880 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9561: Chart showing Mitsui Bussan Kaisha's dealings in Persian Opium. 1937-1940 ?-?
12924881 12924881 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9562: Statistical report of Persian Opium import by the Mitsui Shoji Kaisha in a letter dated 5 June 1940 ?-?
12924882 12924882 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9563: Affidavit of OHTA, Shizuo, director of the Mitsubishi Co. re request by Special Service Agency in Shanghai for importation of Persian opium into Shanghai. Shows objections of the Foreign Office being overridden by the military ?-?
12924883 12924883 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9564: Affidavit of FUJITA, Isamu re his ordering the importation of Persian opium through the Mitsubishi Co. at the instigation of Lt Col GHQ Staff Officer in General MATSUI's Hq ?-?
12924884 12924884 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9565: Affidavit of Lt. James M. McEwen, JADG, AUS, dated 21 June 1946 re administration of oath to affiant HARADA, Kumakichi ?-?
12924885 12924885_1
文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9566: Manchukuo Gazette for July 1937 containing Narcotics Law promulgated on 22 July 1937 1937 1937.07-?
12924886 12924886_1
文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9567: Manchukuo Gazette for August, 1937 containing Statement of the Prime Minister on the occasion of the promulgation of the Narcotics Law 1937 1937.08-?
12924887 12924887 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9568: Treasury Dept. letter, report of investigation of narcotics conditions in the Orient. 20 Oct 1934. Inclosure dated 17 Aug 1934 ?-?
12924888 12924888 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9570: Affidavit of SATOMI, Hajime, alias LEE MING, Describing methods of distributing Persian opium and Mongolian opium by Tokumubu and Koain in Shanghai ?-?
12924889 12924889 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9574: Affidavit of ARISUE, Seizo. C/S of North China Area Army, showing relationship between Cabinet, Koain, China Expeditionary Forces, various Ministries, branches of Chinese Government, and the Tokumu Kikan (Special Service Agencies) ?-?
12924890 12924890 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9575: Affidavit of OIKAWA, Genkichi regarding functions, organization of Koain ?-?
12924891 12924891 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 9580: Summary of Evidence and Note of Argument: "All Military Aggression in China Including Atrocities against Civilians and others" ?-?
12924892 12924892_1
文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 10001: (1) Integration of ARAKI ; (2) Book, Compilation of Laws Relating to Prisoners of War" published by the POW Information Bureau, revised to Dec 1946 ?-?
12924893 12924893 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 10002: Integration of ARAKI ?-?
12924894 12924894 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 10003: Excerpts from integration of ARAKI ?-?
12924895 12924895 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 10004: Excerpts from integration of ARAKI ?-?
12924896 12924896 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 10005: Excerpts from integration of ARAKI ?-?
12924897 12924897 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 10006: Excerpts from integration of ARAKI ?-?
12924898 12924898 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 10007: Excerpts from integration of ARAKI ?-?
12924899 12924899 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 10008: Excerpts from integration of ARAKI ?-?
12924900 12924900 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 10101: Interrogation of MUTO, Akita, dated 16 April 1946 on Status of Chinese prisoners od War when MUTO was Chief of the Military Affairs Bureau. Policy as to Chinese prisoners until the end of Dec 1946 or early 1942 ?-?
12924901 12924901 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 10102: Interrogation of General HATA, Shunroku, dated 14 January 1946 ?-?
12924902 12924902 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 10103: "Statistics Showing Air Raid Casualties and Damages in Chungking during 1938-1941" as compiled from data supplied by the Garrison Hq of Chungking and the various departments of Chungking Municipal Government ?-?
12924903 12924903 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 10104: Interrogation of MATSUI, Iwane, 8 March 1946 ?-?
12924904 12924904 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11500: Affidavit of MAEDA, Tamon, on government propaganda through publications and lectures; suppression of unfavorable criticism; his own activities after 1945 as Minister of Education ?-?
12924905 12924905 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11501: Affidavit of MOTOHASHI, Gizuke, on Japanese educational system, military training in schools, war propaganda, reorganization of education under KIDO, etc ?-?
12924906 12924906 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11502: Affidavit of OGAWA, Keisei, teacher in middle schools, on military training in Japanese schools, particularly after the complete reorganization of the school system under KIDO, and later ARAKI ?-?
12924907 12924907 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11503: Affidavit of Y. TAKIKAWA, Kean of Law at Kyoto University. Regards Military Training in schools, undue influence of military in education, oppression of liberalism, censorship of own writings and his discharge from University for criticizing Peace Preservation Law ?-?
12924908 12924908 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11504: Affidavit of KAMEI, Fumio, re relationship between Government and moving picture industry ?-?
12924909 12924909 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11505: Affidavit of Don BROWN ?-?
12924910 12924910 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11506: Affidavit of ITO, Nobufumi re organization and scope of the Bureau of Information and the Board of Information ?-?
12924911 12924911 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11507: Affidavit of OUCHI, Hyoe, professor of economic and public finance at Tokyo Imperial University, on military training in Japanese schools ?-?
12924912 12924912 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11508: Affidavit of SAKI, Akio, president of Nihon Kamishibai Association, on the set of militaristic picture cards (see IPS #7117) manufactured according to instructions from the IRAA ?-?
12924913 12924913 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11509: Affidavit of KOIZUMI, Goro, Chief of Police in various prefectures, regarding the enforcement of the Peace Preservation Law, etc., neighborhood associations, domination of police by military, Board of Information, war propaganda ?-?
12924914 12924914 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11510: Affidavit of OGATA, Taketora, formerly Vice-President of the Asahi Shimbun (newspaper) on censorship of the press ?-?
12924915 12924915 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11511: Affidavit of IKEJIMA, Shigenobu, professor od cultural politics at the Hosei University, on military training in schools, censorship of radio broadcasts ?-?
12924916 12924916 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11512: Affidavit of IWABUCHI, Tatsuo, journalist, regarding militaristic propaganda, censorship, and oppression of liberal writers ?-?
12924917 12924917 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11513: Affidavit of NAKAI, Kimbei, regarding the production of propaganda motion pictures for Army and Navy Ministries, Bureau of Information, and their prevalence ?-?
12924918 12924918 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11514: Affidavit of TOKUGAWA, Yoshichika, on ultra-nationalistic movement of OKAWA, Shumei, etc. and the bombing plot of March 1931 ?-?
12924919 12924919 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11515: Affidavit of OHASHI, Nami, proprietress of a private restaurant, the Kawasho Inn (Kinryokutei) to the effect that she had often seen OKAWA, HASHIMOTO, Kingoro; CHO; SHIMIZU, Konosuke; and Marquis TOKUGAWA together ?-?
12924920 12924920 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11516: Affidavit of Witness Gen. UGAKI, Kazushige, former War Minister, regarding Circumstances in 1931 of Dr. OKAWA's Showa Restoration Movement; also re failure to from cabinet in 1937 ?-?
12924921 12924921 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11517: Affidavit of SHIMIZU, Konosuke, re ultra-nationalistic movements, his acquaintance with OKAWA, HASHIMOTO, KITA, TOKUGAWA, etc., bombing plot ?-?
12924922 12924922 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11518: Affidavit of YONAI, Mitsumasa, regarding his tenures of office as Navy Minister in several cabinets, also circumstances surrounding the fall of his own cabinet ?-?
12924923 12924923 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11519: Affidavit of SATAKE, Saburo, re filming of propaganda pictures for the War Ministry ?-?
12924924 12924924 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11520: Affidavit of Sgt. Ray C. Makino of 5250 Technical Intelligence Center, Tokyo, Japan, on assignment to make list of captured Japanese and German films. Certifies IPS #7121 ?-?
12924925 12924925 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11521: Affidavit of NAKAJIMA, Eiko of translation pool of IPS, on the translation of the text of IPS #7117 ?-?
12924926 12924926 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11522: Affidavit of SHIDEHARA, Kijuro, re assassination of Premier HAMAGUCHI, and the conditions obtaining in Japan at the time of his tenure of office as Foreign Minister in the WAKATSUKI Cabinet ?-?
12924927 12924927 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11523: Affidavit of TOMITA, Kenji, Chief Secretary of the Third Konoye Cabinet, re crisis which developed in Cabinet meetings at time of Japanese-American Negotiations ?-?
12924928 12924928 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11524: Affidavit of INUKAI, Ken, son of Premier INUKAI, also his secretary during his tenure of office. Concerns Premier INUKAI's policies and assassination, and relationship between the two ?-?
12924929 12924929 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11525: Affidavit of OKADA, Keisuke, Navy Minister in the TANAKA and SAITO Cabinets, and Prime Minister in 1934 to 1936. Concerns Japanese expansion into China, 26 Feb Incident ?-?
12924930 12924930 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11526: Affidavit of SUZUKI, Tomin, writer on YOMIURI Shimbun staff. on censorship of press ?-?
12924931 12924931 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11527: Affidavit of MIKAMI, Taku, Lt., IJN. Concerns plot of assassinations of 15 May Incident. Affiant states he fired the shot that killed INUKAI ?-?
12924932 12924932 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11528: Affidavit of WAKATSUKI, Reijiro, Prime Minister of Japan from April to Dec 1931. Concerns Mukden Incident, invasion of Manchuria, and political situation at that time ?-?
12924933 12924933 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 11529: Affidavit of GOTO, Fumio, Home Minister of the OKADA Cabinet, and head of IRAA. Concerns organization and personnel of IRAA ?-?
12924934 12924934_1
文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 3510-C: Bound "File of Official Documents" (KOBUN RUISHU) Series 64, Vol 109 on Production (Cabinet Decisions) 1940
12924935 12924935 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5142: Examination of Miss YONG LEN MOI of Penang as to her arrest by Japanese MPs, also the arrest, torture and resultant death of her grandmother, Madame OOI KEH HONG ?-?
12924936 12924936 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5153: Affidavit of S/Sgt Craddock George ADAMS as to treatment of POWs on sea voyage from Singapore to Hakodate, Japan ?-?
12924937 12924937 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5149: Affidavit of Thomas ADAMSON, RAF, on the matter of treatment of British POWs on voyage from Amboina to Java; also murder of Cpl. TAYLON ?-?
12924938 12924938 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5721: Affidavit of SOERACHANIN, Javanese, on mistreatment of laborers ?-?
12924939 12924939 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Entry No.329 Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 5246: Affidavit of David MURDOCK, Gilbertese, concerning atrocities committed against European residents and native of Ocean Island ?-?
12924940 12924940 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 8074: William Robert LINDERFELT, USA, on treatment of POWs at Yokkaichi Camp ?-?
12924941 12924941 文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, International Prosecution Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部国際検察局文書 ; Numerical Evidentiary Documents Assembled as Evidence by the Prosecution for Use before the IMTFE, 1945-47 Pros. Doc. No. 10105: Maps of China (Cancelled) ?-?
12930934 12930934 小包郵便線路之図并要領一覧 1893 明26.3 佐藤, 茂信, 18??- 鴻盟社
12930935 12930935 掌中中外現勢地図 1907 明40.12 善忍堂 善忍堂
12930936 12930936 松島真景全図 : 大日本三景一 1896 明29.1 笠原, 愷泉 保瑞会
12930937 12930937 織文図会 女帝御装束袴服 1908 明治41 本間, 百里, 1784-1854 東陽堂
12930938 12930938 色図解 1877 明10.9 金子, 尚政
田口, 小作, 1847-1929
12930939 12930939 色図解 : 改正掛図 1875 明8.10 和歌山県師範学校 和歌山県学務課
12930940 12930940 色図教授法 1876 明9.8 山梨県師範学校 温故堂
12930941 12930941 色図問答 1879 明12.6 内藤, 彦一 奎運堂
12930942 12930942 色図略解 1876 明9.7 西郷, 葆 松風堂
12930943 12930943 新按外国地図 1895 明28.10 堀内, 政固 金昌堂
12930944 12930944 新按日本地図 1895 明28.10 堀内, 政固 金昌堂
12930947 12930947 新刊五彩万国輿地分図 : 附・中華詳密図 1905 明38.10 岸田, 吟香, 1833-1905 楽善堂
12930949 12930949 新撰画譜教育博物標本大集 1908 明41.12 綱島, 亀吉 嶋鮮堂
12930950 12930950 新式画帖 4巻 2版 1909 明治42 小松, 文雄 片川兼助
12930951 12930951 新撰清朝書画一覧 1882 明15.5 大国, 有誠 中村恵以
12930952 12930952 新撰日本地図 1903 明36.5 矢津, 昌永 丸善
12930953 12930953 新撰日本地図 : 国定小学地理準拠 訂2版 1906 明39.5 野口, 保興, 1860-1943 日本書籍
12930954 12930954_1
新撰日本分轄地図 1907 明40.10 松島, 剛, 1854-1940 金港堂
12930955 12930955 新日本地図 1899 明32.4 高橋, 兼吉, 18??- 大倉書店
12930956 12930956_1
新編日本読史地図 増訂4版 1924 大正13 吉田, 東伍, 1862-1918 富山房
12933571 12933571 東瀛珠光 6 1909 明治42 審美書院
12933572 12933572_1
東瀛珠光 5 1909 明治42 審美書院
12933573 12933573 東瀛珠光 4 1908 明治41 審美書院
12933574 12933574_1
東瀛珠光 3 1908 明治41 審美書院
12933575 12933575 株式期米綿糸生糸大正元年以降高低及大正十二年高低予測図表 1923 大正12 中島, 藤次郎 中島経済事務所
12933576 12933576 軍國一覧圖 1910 1910 軍事教育會
12933577 12933577 三叉神経分[プ]模型図 1921 大正10 高橋, 寛, 1892- 歯科学報社
12933578 12933578 史蹟名勝写真 第1輯 1926 大正15 大日本史蹟名勝写真刊行会 大日本史蹟名勝写真刊行会
12934919 12934919 織文図会 御幸之部 1908 明治41 本間, 百里, 1784-1854 東陽堂
12934920 12934920 織文図会 狩衣錦織物 1908 明治41 本間, 百里, 1784-1854 東陽堂
12934921 12934921 色図 1913 大正2 図画教育研究会 岩田僊太郎
12934922 12934922 色図ノ問答 1876 明9.6 片山, 信行 梅村伊兵衛
12934923 12934923 新潟美知の枝折 : 細見案内絵図 1877 明10.12 石附, 熊太郎 生田半治郎
12934924 12934924 新撰東洋史地図 1901 明34.4 高桑, 駒吉, 1868-1927
那珂, 通世, 1851-1908
12934925 12934925 人類学写真集 明治32年 1899 明治32 東京帝国大学 東京帝国大学
12934926 12934926 人類学写真集 明治38年 1905 明治38 東京帝国大学 東京帝国大学
12934928 12934928 図案之栞 1906 明39.7 秋田県 秋田県第三部
12934929 12934929_1
図譜日本経済変遷大系 1931 昭和6 日本経済研究所 (1933年) 朝風社
12934930 12934930 世界近代大博覧会写真帖 1907 明40.4 成功雑誌社
12934931 12934931_1
世界山水図説 1911 1911 志賀, 重昂, 1863-1927 富山房
12934932 12934932 世界読史地図 1898 明31.10 依田, 雄甫, 1864-1937 富山房
12934933 12934933_1
是真翁画鑑 [正] 1908 明治41 柴田, 是真, 1807-1891
塩田, 真, 1837-1917
12934934 12934934 星岳画集 1912 大正1 星岳保勝会 審美書院
12934935 12934935 棲鳳画譜 巻1 1899 明治32 竹内, 栖鳳, 1864-1942 山田芸艸堂
12934936 12934936 棲鳳画譜 巻3 1900 明治33 竹内, 栖鳳, 1864-1942 山田芸艸堂
12934937 12934937 棲鳳画譜 巻4 1902 明治35 竹内, 栖鳳, 1864-1942 山田芸艸堂
12934938 12934938 西園山水画帖 1903 明36.4 中村, 弥左衛門, 1870-1925 便利堂
12934939 12934939 西洋歴史地図 1904 明37.1 坪井, 九馬三, 1858-1936 文学社
12934941 12934941 ソヴエート聯邦資源地図 1938 昭13 日露通信社 日露通信社
12934942 12934942 鐘紡・鐘新・東株・大株・綿糸・生糸・期米高低予測図表 大正13年 1924 大正13 中島, 藤次郎 中島経済事務所
12937255 12937255 省亭花鳥 1916 大正5 渡辺, 省亭, 1851-1918 大倉書店
12938833 12938833 常磐営業炭着駅別数量図表 昭和9年分 1935 [昭和10] 東京鉄道局 [東京鉄道局運輸課]
12938834 12938834 図案集 第1輯 安田, 禄造, -1942 深田図案研究所
12938835 12938835 水彩画譜 : 精巧木版 1911 明44.9 三宅, 克己, 1874-1954 精美堂
12938836 12938836 中等教育図画帖 訂補2版 1895 明28.12 森屋, 熊夫 細謹舎
12938837 12938837 水彩絵手本 1910 明40,43 中村, 不折, 1866-1943 博文館
12938838 12938838 繪畫速成練習帖 1909 1909 帝國習字學會繪畫部
12938839 12938839 盛岡市大洪水写真帖 : 附・水害誌及略図 1910 明43.10 田口, 忠太郎, 1884-1951 田口商店美術部
12938841 12938841 曽我物語 : 絵本実録 1886 明19.7 綱島, 亀吉 島鮮堂
12938842 12938842 鼠子僧白波草紙 : 絵本実録 1886 明19.10 綱島, 亀吉 綱島亀吉
12938843 12938843 装束織文図会 1908 明41.4 本間, 百里, 1784-1854 東陽堂
12938844 12938844_1
袖珍府県明細地図 1897 明30.2 松島, 剛, 1854-1940 春陽堂
12938845 12938845 太平洋画会カタログ 1906 明39.4 戸田, 直秀 左久良書房
12938846 12938846 打診図譜 1878 明11.3 Bennett, John Hughes, 1812-1875
岡沢, 貞一郎
12938847 12938847 大阪南区大火写真画報 1912 明45.1 栗田富雄
12938848 12938848 大阪府一覧概表・同管下七郡之図 1876 明9.9 佐藤, 小平次 [ ]
12938850 12938850 調和自在肥料分析図解 1917 大正6 中井, 農夫雄 皇学館
12938851 12938851 本朝三十家名画集 1906 明39.7 村山, 旬吾 国華社
12938853 12938853 最新軍艦標本精図 第1,2 1904 明37.6 浅野, 正恭, 1867-1954
肝付, 兼行, 1853-1922
12939006 12939006_1
是真翁画鑑 続編 1912 明治45 柴田, 是真, 1807-1891
塩田, 真, 1837-1917
12939007 12939007 是真画帖 [ ] 柴田, 是真, 1807-1891 [ ]
12939008 12939008 成田利生相撲之仇討 : 絵入小説 1890 明23.7 錦近堂
12939010 12939010 製鉄所事業一覧附図 昭和2年3月現在 1927 [昭和2] 製鉄所 [製鉄所]
12939011 12939011 西南戦地実形之図附録日表 1877 明10.5 樫原, 義長 藤井克三
12939012 12939012 西洋訓蒙図彙 第1集(天文地理之部) 1874 明7.6 鳥山, 啓, 1837-1914 啓明社
12939013 12939013 戦時紀念写真帖 1905 明38.3 堺市兵事会 今井清治郎
12939014 12939014 全国市町村便覧並分県地図 昭和22年度版 中国・四国篇 1947 昭和22 日本地方行政研究会 日本観光出版
12939015 12939015 全国市町村便覧並分県地図 昭和22年度版 東北・北海道篇 1947 昭和22 日本地方行政研究会 日本観光出版
12939016 12939016 全国名所・温泉・旅館・料理店案内画報 1910 明43.4 旅館画報社 旅館画報社
12939017 12939017 全国名所・温泉・旅館・料理店案内画報 : 一名・浴場栞 1912 明45.6 旅館画報社 旅館画報社
12939018 12939018 全国名所温泉旅館海水浴場料理店案内画報 : 一名・浴場栞 1911 明44.3 旅館画報社
12939019 12939019 其石画集 第1巻 1909 明42.11 鷹田, 其石, 1871-1946 其石画会事務所
12939020 12939020 大阪旧城之図 : 並・豊臣徳川両軍対陣概況 4版 1924 大正13 円山, 応挙, 1733-1795
福島, 豊次郎
12968941 12968941 絵入大画図 1931 [昭和6] 稀書複製会 [米山堂]
12968942 12968942 兵器図彙 四斤山綫砲之部 [ ] [ ]
12968943 12968943 日本稲作害虫図 本編 1902 明治35 羽生, 道也 益農商会[ほか]
12968944 12968944 歌麿名画集 第1輯 1916 大正5 喜多川, 歌麿, 1753-1806
12968945 12968945 [浮世絵] 1920 大正9 浮世絵保存刊行会 浮世絵保存刊行会
12968946 12968946 世界近世地図 1895 明28.2 坂本, 嘉治馬, 1866-1938 富山房
12968947 12968947 クレパス・パステル画教授用掛図 高等科 第1学年用 1928 昭和3 三重出版社 三重出版社
12968948 12968948 日本稲作害虫図 1902 明治35 羽生, 道也 益農商会[ほか]
12968949 12968949 園芸植物図譜 第1輯 蘭之巻 1913 大正2 東京園芸同好会 郁文舎[ほか]
12968950 12968950 期米高低実蹟図 1903 [明治36] 星文館 矢島誠進堂書店
12968951 12968951 各国現用連発銃之図 1896 明治29 相沢, 富蔵, 1855-1915 相沢富蔵
12968953 12968953 診候描写図 神経病皮膚病之部 1896 明29.5 三宅, 秀, 1848-1938 三宅秀
12968954 12968954 運動用図 1919 大正8 海軍省水路部 水路部
12968955 12968955 屈折異常一覧図 1914 大正3 小川, 剣三郎, -1933 半田屋商店
12984521 12984521 東宮殿下行啓記念写真帖 1908 明41.11 大武, 丈夫, -1930 大武写真館
12984522 12984522 東山画集 第2 百虫 1923 大正12 東山書房 東山書房出版部
12984523 12984523 職工画譜 1913 大正2 洛南, 国照 中村風祥堂
12984524 12984524 職工画譜 1913 大正2 洛南, 国照 中村風祥堂
12984525 12984525 大正大震火災の思ひ出 1939 昭和14 東京市 東京市
12984526 12984526_1
日本名勝風俗大写真帖 1931 昭和6 忠誠堂 忠誠堂
12984527 12984527 草花百種 第2編 下 1904 明治37 幸野, 楳嶺, 1844-1895
幸野, 西湖
12984528 12984528 草花百種 第2編 上 1904 明治37 幸野, 楳嶺, 1844-1895
幸野, 西湖
12984529 12984529 新撰花鳥図会 1878 明11.7 歌川, 芳春, 1828-1888 荒川藤兵衛
12984889 12984889 百合花選 1894 明27.11 横浜植木株式会社 横浜植木
12984890 12984890 怪物画本 巻1 1881 明14.12 李冠, 光賢
鍋田, 玉英
12984892 12984892 紐結包物教授法 : 標本解説 紐結 1901 明治34 石井, 泰次郎, 1871-1953 嵩山房
12984893 12984893 紐結包物教授法 : 標本解説 包物 1901 明治34 石井, 泰次郎, 1871-1953 嵩山房
12984894 12984894 芍薬花譜 1898 明31.9 賀集, 久太郎 朝陽園
12984895 12984895_1
小樽案内 1908 明41.7 浪越, 重隆 博光社
12984896 12984896 草花百種 第1編上 1901 明治34 幸野, 楳嶺, 1844-1895
幸野, 西湖
12984897 12984897 草花百種 第1編下 1901 明治34 幸野, 楳嶺, 1844-1895
幸野, 西湖
12985007 12985007 日本画観 1940 昭和15 回教圏研究所 回教圏研究所
12985008 12985008 楳嶺菊百種 1891 明治24 幸野, 楳嶺, 1844-1895 大倉書店
12985009 12985009 楳嶺菊百種 1892 明治25 幸野, 楳嶺, 1844-1895 大倉書店
12985010 12985010 楳嶺菊百種 1896 明治29 幸野, 楳嶺, 1844-1895 大倉書店
12985011 12985011 現代商業写真帖 1936 昭和11 東京開成館 東京開成館
12985013 12985013 楳嶺花鳥画譜 秋、冬之巻 1899 明32.12 幸野, 楳嶺, 1844-1895 大倉書店
12985014 12985014 楳嶺花鳥画譜 春、夏之巻 1899 明32.12 幸野, 楳嶺, 1844-1895 大倉書店
12985015 12985015 なみまの錦 1884 明17.2 大蔵省印刷局 大蔵省印刷局
12985016 12985016 新種牛図譜 1911 明44.7 根岸, 錬吉 根岸画房