Викисклад:Свобода панорамы/Азия
Эта страница даёт общий взгляд на правила относительно свободы панорамы в разных странах и территориях Азии. Она собрана из текстов на индивидуальных страницах, где отдельно разбираются подобные правила на каждой из территорий.
Страны Азии
COM:FOP Azerbaijan
Нет: В соответствии с Законом Азербайджанской Республики от 5 июня 1996 года №115-IГ "Об авторском праве и смежных правах" в редакции № 636-IVQD от 30 апреля 2013 года,
- Допускается без согласия автора или иного обладателя авторских прав и без выплаты авторского вознаграждения, но с обязательным указанием имени автора,произведение которого используется, и источника заимствования:... воспроизведение либо публичное сообщение в обзорах текущих событий средствами фотографии, кинематографии, эфирного или кабельного вещания произведений, увиденных или услышанных в ходе таких событий,в объеме, определенном информационной целью.[636-IVQD/2013 Article 19.4]
- Допускается без согласия автора или иного обладателя авторских прав и без выплаты авторского вознаграждения воспроизведение или публичное сообщение произведений архитектуры, фотографии, изобразительного искусства, которые постоянно расположены в месте, открытом для свободного посещения, за исключением случаев, когда изображение произведения является основным объектом такого воспроизведения либо публичного сообщения или используется в коммерческих целях.[636-IVQD/2013 Article 20]
Согласно Commons:Licensing некоммерческое лицензирование на Викискладе запрещено, следовательно, "Нет".
COM:FOP Armenia
Да для скульптур: {{FoP-Armenia}}
Да для зданий и сооружений: {{FoP-Armenia}}
Да для остальных работ: живопись, графика, дизайн и другие произведения изобразительного искусства, произведения декоративно-прикладного искусства и сценической графики, карты, планы, эскизы и пластические произведения, относящиеся к географии, топографии, геологии, градостроительству, архитектуре и другим наукам.{{FoP-Armenia}}
В версии закона об авторском праве, представленной ВОИС, говорится: "Разрешается воспроизводить, транслировать в некоммерческих целях архитектурные, фотографические произведения или произведения изобразительного искусства, расположенные в местах, открытых для публики, без согласия автора и выплаты авторского вознаграждения".[2013 Article 25(d)] Однако поправка, вступившая в силу в конце апреля 2013 года, сняла ограничение на коммерческое использование и гласит: "Произведения, размещенные на улицах, в парках, на площадях и в других местах, открытых для посещения, могут воспроизводиться и транслироваться по телевидению, а воспроизведенные копии могут распространяться, в том числе через Интернет, без разрешения автора и без оплаты автору на любом материальном носителе, любыми средствами и в любой форме".[2013 Article 25(d) amended].
COM:FOP Afghanistan
Нет. Закон 2008 года о защите прав авторов, композиторов, художников и исследователей (Закон об авторском праве) не содержит положения о свободе панорамы. Ни одно из исключений, предусмотренных статьями 39-44, не содержит положения, разрешающего бесплатное использование изображений архитектурных и художественных произведений, которые можно найти в общественных местах.
Статья 39 разрешает воспроизведение опубликованных произведений "только для личного использования". Статья 40 разрешает некоммерческое использование отрывков из произведений только в учебных целях. Статья 42 является близким к этому положением, которое позволяет "прессе или другим средствам массовой информации" публиковать "произведения, выставленные на всеобщее обозрение, при условии четкого указания имени автора", но типы произведений ограничены "речами, лекциями, а также судебными разбирательствами или аналогичными произведениями, - не архитектурные произведения и не статуи.
COM:FOP Bangladesh
Да for architecture, sculptures, and works of artistic craftsmanship: {{FoP-Bangladesh}}
Not OK for other types of artistic works.
According to the 2000 Copyright Act of Bangladesh, copyright is not infringed by,
- The making or publishing of a painting, drawing, engraving or photograph of architecture or the display of a work of architecture.[28/2000 Section 72(19)];
- The making or publishing of painting, drawing, engraving or photograph of a sculpture or other artistic work falling under section 36(c), if such work is permanently situated in a public place or any premises to which the public has access.[28/2000 Section 72(20)];
- The inclusion in a cinematograph film of (i) any artistic work permanently situated in a public place or any premises to which the public has access; or ii) any other artistic work, if such inclusion is only by way of background or is otherwise incidental to the principal matters represented in the film.[28/2000 Section 72(21)];
Under 2000 Copyright Act of Bangladesh, the "artistic works" are enumerated as: (a) a painting, a sculpture, a drawing (including a diagram, map, chart or plan), an engraving or a photograph whether or not any such work possesses artistic quality; (b) a work of architecture; and (c) any other work of artistic craftsmanship.[28/2000 Section 2(36)] Thus the Bangladeshi freedom of panorama only applies to works of architecture, sculptures, and works of artistic craftsmanship "permanently situated in a public place or any premises to which the public has access."
As expected in most of the former British colonies, the Bangladeshi law is modelled on UK law, and in the absence of any specific case law to the contrary it is reasonable to assume that the rules will be similar. See the COM:FOP United Kingdom for more details.
COM:FOP Bahrain
Нет {{NoFoP-Bahrain}}, Разрешено только некоммерческое использование. В соответствии с Законом № 22 от 2006 года:
- Допускается, без разрешения автора и без выплаты компенсации, но при условии упоминания автора и названия, для передачи произведений изобразительного, прикладного искусства, пластики или архитектуры для общественности через радиовещание в некоммерческих целях, если такие произведения постоянно отображаются в общественных местах[22/2006 Article 25].
- Copyright expires after 70 calendar years from the death of author or last surviving author (Joint work).[22/2006 Article 37–38]
COM:FOP Bhutan
Нет. Закон Королевства Бутан об авторском праве 2001 года не содержит положений о свободе панорамы. Ни одно из указанных исключений или ограничений авторского права в разделах 10-17 не содержит положения, разрешающего бесплатное использование защищенных авторским правом произведений, которые постоянно можно увидеть в общественных местах, таких как архитектура и скульптуры, без необходимости получения лицензионных разрешений от разработчиков указанных произведений для общественных пространств.
COM:FOP Brunei
Да для трёхмерных работ и произведений художественного мастерства = {{FoP-Brunei}}.
Нет для двухмерных графических работ.
В соответствии с чрезвычайным указом (авторское право)Брунея-Даруссалама от 1999 года
- Создание графических изображений, фотосъемка, трансляция изображений зданий, скульптур, макетов зданий и произведений художественного мастерства при условии, что объект постоянно находится в общественном месте, а также воспроизведение вышеупомянутых произведений для всеобщего обозрения не является нарушением авторских прав.[1999 Section 66]
- "Произведение художественного мастерства" определяется отдельно от "графической работы".[1999 Section 6] "Графическая работа" включает в себя любую картину, рисунок, диаграмму, карту, графический план, а также любую гравюру, офорт, литографию, ксилографию на дереве или аналогичную работу.[1999 Section 6] На эти работы не распространяется исключение из раздела 66.[1999 Section 66]
COM:FOP East Timor
Восточный Тимор
Да в соответствии с новым Кодексом об авторском праве и смежных правах от 2022 года: {{FoP-East Timor}}.
Предыдущий закон, применимый к Восточному Тимору, индонезийский закон об авторском праве 1982 года, не предусматривал надлежащей свободы панорамы для свободного использования изображений охраняемых авторским правом художественных произведений и архитектуры в общественных местах.
В соответствии с новым Кодексом об авторском праве и смежных правах (2022) предусмотрено юридическое право на свободу панорамы, которое, по-видимому, основано на португальской модели:
- Использование произведений, таких как, например, произведения архитектуры или скульптуры, предназначенных для постоянного хранения в общественных местах;
- Оригинальный текст на португальском языке: A utilização de obras, como, por exemplo, obras de arquitetura ou escultura, feitas para serem mantidas permanentemente em locais públicos;[2022/Article 129(2)(o)]
COM:FOP Vietnam
Нет: all uploaded photographs of architectural and artistic works in public spaces from Vietnam, uploaded on Wikimedia Commons from 1 January 2023 onwards. Law No. 07/2022/QH15 which considerably amended the copyright law was passed on 16 June 2022, with the amendments coming into effect on 1 January 2023 (ASEAN briefing article, the text of the law in Vietnamese). The amendment added a non-commercial restriction to the Vietnamese freedom of panorama, but non-commercial licenses are not acceptable on Wikimedia Commons: To take photograph or televise the art work, architectural, photographic, applied-art works displayed at public places for the purpose of presenting images of these works and not for commercial purposes[07/2022 Article 25.1(h)].[1] Decree No. 17/2023/ND-CP explained "works of art" are works which are expressed by lines, color, shapes, composition, including: Paintings (paintings of lacquer, oil paint, powder, water color, dó paper, and other materials); graphics (wood engravings, metal engravings, rubber engravings, plaster engravings, unique prints, rock prints, propaganda paintings, graphic design, and other materials); sculpture (statues, monuments, relief, memorials, symbolic blocks); installation arts and other forms of contemporary art[Decree No. 17/2023 Article 6.7].[2] Works of art, sculpture, installation art, and other forms of contemporary art exist as unique copies; works of graphic art can be depicted to the 50th iteration which must be numbered and signed by the authors[Decree No. 17/2023 Article 6.7].[2] "Works of applied art" are works expressed by lines, color, shapes, and compositions with useful functions, potentially associated with a useful item, and manufactured manually or industrially and include: Graphic design (presentation of product logos, identity, and packaging; presentation of characters); fashion design; aesthetic design associated with forming products; aesthetic interior design, interior and exterior decoration[Decree No. 17/2023 Article 6.8].[2] Works of applied art are expressed by aesthetic shaping of products, cannot be easily created by persons with average understanding in respective field, and do not require aesthetic exterior in order to function[Decree No. 17/2023 Article 6.8].[2] Applicable template: {{NoFoP-Vietnam}}
- Note, valid from 1 January 2023 onwards: "Copyright protection expires 50 years after the death of the original author (who may be the architect, sculptor, or artist of applied art) of a public artistic work of Vietnam. On January 1st of the following year (ie. January 1 of the 51st Year), freely-licensed images of the author's sculptures, buildings, applied arts, or monuments are now free and can be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. The lack of commercial Freedom of Panorama is no longer relevant here for sovereign states with no formal FOP legal rights since the author's works are now copyright free."
Да: photographs and television broadcasts of пластические искусства (sculptures, ceramics etc.), architecture, photographs, декоративно-прикладное искусство (pottery, furniture etc.) displayed at public places, uploaded on Wikimedia Commons until 31 December 2022. The new amendments are not retroactive. Applicable template: {{FoP-Vietnam}}
Examples of "plastic art" are finearts, graphic arts, sculpture, installation arts and similar forms of presentation, which are available in unique copies. Particularly, a work of graphic art may be presented in as many as 50 copies which are ordinarily numbered and bear the author’s signature.[Decree No. 22/2018 Article 13.1] Examples of "applied art" are graphic designs (expression of logo, identification system and packaging labels), fashion designs, product designs, interior design and decoration.[Decree No. 22/2018 Article 13.2] Under Law No. 50/2005/QH11 of November 29, 2005 amended by Law No. 36/2009/QH12 of June 19, 2009, "Use of published works in which permission and payment of royalties or remunerations are not required includes ... Photographing or televising of plastic art, architectural, photographic, applied-art works displayed at public places for the purpose of presenting images of these works."[36/2009 Article 25.1(h)]
- See Commons:Village pump/Archive/2022/10#Updated copyright law of Vietnam and no more FOP? for more information on newly-restricted freedom of panorama in Vietnam. See also this discussion on Vietnamese Wikipedia.
COM:FOP Georgia
Нет Images cannot be used if a protected work is the main subject or it is used for commercial purposes.
It shall be permitted to reproduce or communicate to the public without the consent of the author or other copyright holder and without remuneration thereof images of works of architecture, photography, and fine arts permanently displayed in public places, except for the cases when the image of a work is the main object for such reproduction or communication to the public, or is used for commercial purposes.[2112-IIS/2017 Article 24]
Да даже для двухмерных произведений {{FoP-Egypt}}
Согласно статье 171 закона № 82 2002 года:
- Без ущерба для моральных прав автора в соответствии с положениями настоящего Закона, автор не может препятствовать третьим лицам после публикации его произведения совершать любое из следующих действий: ...[82/2002 Article 171]
- Сделайте единственную копию произведения для личного пользования, при условии, что такая копия не будет препятствовать нормальной эксплуатации произведения и не будет причинять чрезмерного ущерба законным интересам автора или правообладателей;
Тем не менее, автор или его наследник может, после публикации произведения, запретить третьим лицам выполнять любые из следующих действий без его разрешения: Воспроизведение или копирование произведений изобразительного, прикладного или пластического искусства, если они не были выставлены в общественном месте, или произведения архитектуры; ...[82/2002 Article 171(2)]
Под явным отказом правообладателя в обеспечении его авторских прав на произведения, «выставленные в публичном месте, или на произведения архитектуры» подразумевается свобода обзора этих предметов. «прикладное искусство» означает искусство, включенное в полезные статьи. Пластика - это трехмерные произведения искусства. Изобразительное искусство - это живопись, фотография и скульптура, поэтому свобода панорамы Египта относительно широка и охватывает все, кроме текста.
COM:FOP Israel
Да. {{FoP-Israel}}
Section 23 of the 2007 Copyright Act states that "Broadcasting, or copying by way of photography, drawing, sketch or similar visual description, of an architectural work, a work of sculpture or work of applied art, are permitted where the aforesaid work is permanently situated in a public place."
According to Dr Sarah Presenti, an Israeli copyright lawyer, the scope of the term "work of applied art" in Israel is broader than the equivalent term in Commonwealth jurisdictions. Presenti suggests that "it includes art work (like adverts, advertising, maps etc.) which transfers useful information" and that "it does not matter if it is 2D or 3D as long as it is a work of art that is meant to deliver useful information. Therefore, an artistic work created for artistic purpose is by no means applied art (e.g. painting)."
COM:FOP Jordan
Нет. Copying is only allowed for private personal, and educational use.
Articles "(17): Use of Published Works" and "(20): Copy of Work without Author’s Consent" of The Copyright Law, No. (22) of 1992 of Jordan do not explicitly mention works of architecture, but they are defined in Article (3) as "Works Enjoying Copyright Protection." Protection also includes the title of the work, unless it's generic and is used to describe the subject of the work.
Да. For 3D (architecture and sculptures) {{FoP-India}},
Нет. For copyrighted 2D (paintings, drawings, maps, pictures, engravings, etc.)
Under the Copyright Act, 1957 (Act No. 14 of 1957, as amended up to Act No. 27 of 2012), the following acts shall not constitute an infringement of copyright:[1957-2012 Section 52]
- The making or publishing of a painting, drawing, engraving or photograph of a work of architecture or the display of a work of architecture;[1957-2012 Section 52(s)]
- The making or publishing of a painting, drawing, engraving or photograph of a sculpture, or other artistic work falling under sub-clause (iii) of clause (c) of section 2, if such work is permanently situate in a public place or any premises to which the public has access;[1957-2012 Section 52(t)]
- Section 2(c)(iii) reads "any other work of artistic craftsmanship;".[1957-2012 Section 2(c)(iii)] Paintings, drawings, or photographs fall under Section 2(c){i).[1957-2012 Section 2(c)(i)]
- The inclusion in a cinematograph film of (i) any artistic work permanently situate in a public place or any premises to which the public has access;[1957-2012 Section 52(u)]
- Case/s
- The Daily Calendar Supplying ... vs The United Concern on 16 January, 1964, by J. Ramakrishnan (by Indian Kanoon)
Indian law is modelled on UK law, and in the scarcity of more specific case laws to the contrary it is reasonable to assume that the rules will be similar. See COM:FOP United Kingdom for more details.
COM:FOP Indonesia
Нет({{NoFoP-Indonesia}}) только для образовательного и некоммерческого использования согласно статьям 43-51 главы 4 закона об авторском праве Индонезии 2014 года № 28.
This position was upheld by Creative Commons Indonesia in their November 2018 statement on freedom of panorama status in Indonesia.[3]
Several users and contributors have claimed that freedom of panorama exists by virtue of Article 43(d). However, the 2018 statement of Creative Commons Indonesia asserts that this is a restrictive provision, in which every image showing copyrighted architecture and public art must bear a statement claiming that the use is not for profit. Otherwise, direct permission from the creator or copyright holder is totally required when the use involves commercial interest, to avoid acts of copyright infringement.[3] The provision in question:
- The production and distribution of the copyrighted content through information technology and communication media that are not commercial and/or lucrative for the Author or related parties, or the Author expresses no objection to the manufacture and dissemination in question.[28/2014 Article 43(d)]
It should be noted that Commons:Licensing forbids fair use and non-commercial licensing, as these types of licenses prevent files from "being used by anyone, anytime, for any purpose."
Throughout 2020-21, an extensive discussion, which does not reach any form of meaningful consensus, about the status of FoP in Indonesia can be found here and here.
Нет: Under the 2004 revision to Iraq's Copyright Law No. 3,
- The protection shall include the works whose method of expression is in writing, sound, drawing, painting or movement, and in particular the following: ... Works entered under the arts of drawing and painting with lines and colors, engraving, sculpture and architecture.[83/2004 Art. 2(4)]
- Without the written permission of the author or his/her successors, no person shall do any of the following acts: ... Reproduce a work in any manner or form, whether transitory or permanent, including onto photographic (including cinematographic) film or onto a digital or electronic storage medium.[83/2004 Art. 8(1)]

There is no usable FoP provision in the copyright law of Iran. {{NoFoP-Iran}}
According to article 2 of copyright law of Iran (passed on January 1, 1970) architectural works, designs, sketches and buildings and sculptures of all types are protected by copyright law.
According to article 12 of copyright law of Iran, such works remain on protection for a period of 50 years (Reformation of article 12 - 22 August 2010) after the death of its author(s). Also according to article 13, copyright of the works which produced on order by an employer belongs to the employer for a period of thirty years from the date of production. In cases where the work belongs to a legal personality or rights are transferred to a legal personality, it will go into the public domain after 30 years from the date of publication or public presentation (Article 16).
Нет: The list of exceptions (Articles 40–47) of the Law No. 15 of 2012 on the Protection of Copyright and Related Rights does not contain any freedom of panorama provision allowing free uses of images of copyrighted architectural and artistic works in public spaces. Only allowed uses:
- Personal use.[15/2012 Article 40(1)]
- Non-profit educational or training purposes ("with due reference be made to the source and name of the author").[15/2012 Article 40(2)]
- "Taking photographs of any entity that has been previously photographed."[15/2012 Article 40(4)]
COM:FOP Kazakhstan

Допускаются без согласия автора или иного правообладателя и без выплаты авторского вознаграждения воспроизведение, передача в эфир и (или) сообщение для всеобщего сведения по кабелю произведений архитектуры, фотографий, изобразительного искусства, которые постоянно расположены в месте, открытом для свободного посещения, за исключением случаев, когда изображение произведения является основным объектом такого воспроизведения, передачи в эфир и (или) сообщения для всеобщего сведения по кабелю или когда изображение произведения используется для коммерческих целей.[419/2015 Article 21]
COM:FOP Cambodia
Нет, only incidental ("not the main subject") inclusion is allowed. {{NoFoP-Cambodia}}
Cambodian copyright law does provide some form of freedom of panorama, but does not allow if the artistic works become the main subject of the subsequent reproduction (that is, further depictions). The "principle" on the English version is likely a typographical error, as "principle" is not used as an adjective in the English language. More likely, it should have been "principal".
- "If there is a clear indication of the author's name and the source of work, the following acts are not subjected to any prohibitions by the author: ... The reproduction of graphic or plastic work which is situated in the public place, when this reproduction doesn't constitute the principle [sic] subject for subsequent reproduction."[2003 Article 25]
Note: "Copyright protection expires 50 years after the death of the original author (who may be the architect, sculptor, or muralist) of a public artistic work of Cambodia.[2003 Article 30] On January 1st of the following year (ie. January 1 of the 51st Year), freely-licensed images of the author's sculptures, buildings, murals, or monuments are now free and can be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. The lack of Freedom of Panorama is no longer relevant here for sovereign states with no formal FOP legal rights since the author's works are now copyright free."
Нет. For noncommercial purposes of personal use and illustration through teaching only. Under Chapter V, "Restrictions on Copyright and Neighboring Rights":
(1) using the work exclusively for personal use, through reproduction, translation, quotation, musical arrangement, acting, broadcast listening, television viewing, photography or by any other means; [7/2002 Article 18]
(2) using the work by way of illustration for teaching, through publications, broadcasts, sound or visual recordings, films or by any other means, to the extent justified by the purpose, provided that the use is nonprofit making and the source and the name of the author are indicated. [7/2002 Article 18]
COM:FOP Cyprus
The WIPO version of Copyright Laws 1976 to 1993, section 7(2)[5], includes exception (c): "the reproduction and distribution of copies of any artistic work permanently situated in a place where it may be viewed by the public;"
COM:FOP Kyrgyzstan

- Воспроизведение или сообщение для всеобщего сведения в обзорах текущих событий средствами фотографии, путем передачи в эфир или сообщения для всеобщего сведения по кабелю произведений, которые становятся увиденными или услышанными в ходе таких событий, в объеме, оправданном информационной целью. При этом за автором сохраняется право на опубликование таких произведений в сборниках.[2017 Article 19(5)]
- Допускаются без согласия автора и без выплаты авторского вознаграждения воспроизведение, передача в эфир или сообщение для всеобщего сведения по кабелю произведений архитектуры, фотографии, изобразительного искусства, которые постоянно расположены в месте, открытом для свободного посещения, за исключением случаев, когда изображение произведения является основным объектом таких воспроизведений, передачи в эфир или сообщения для всеобщего сведения по кабелю или когда изображение произведения используется для коммерческих целей.[2017 Article 21]
COM:FOP 中国 / 中國
COM:FOP North Korea
Да: {{FoP-North Korea}}
Under the Copyright Law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (as amended by Decree No. 1532 of February 1, 2006), A copyrighted work may be used without the permission ... when a copyrighted work in public places is copied.[1532/2006 Article 32.8]
COM:FOP Kuwait
Not OK: {{NoFoP-Kuwait}}. Chapter V Limitations and Exceptions to Copyright and Related Rights (Articles 31 to 33) does not include an exemption that would allow pictures of artwork or buildings in public places to be made for commercial use.[75/2019 Chapter V]
See also Commons:Village pump/Copyright/Archive/2020/11#Kuwait and FOP for the latest in-depth discussion regarding the freedom of panorama status of Kuwait.
Нет. Law No. 38/NA of November 15, 2017, on Intellectual Property allows only incidental use:
- "reproducing, by photography or cinematography, images of works of fine art, photographs, and other artistic works, and works of applied art, provided such works have already been published, publicly displayed, or communicated to the public, where such reproduction is incidental to the photographic or cinematographic work and is not the object of the photographic or cinematographic work."[38/NA/2017 Article 115.3]
- "For the purpose of reporting current events by means of photography, cinematography, broadcasting or communication to the public by wire, literary or artistic works seen or heard in the course of the event may, to the extent justified by the informatory purpose, be reproduced and made available to the public. The above acts shall not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work and shall not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author."[38/NA/2017 Article 115]
COM:FOP Lebanon
Нет, for use by media only. {{NoFoP-Lebanon}}
Law No. 75 of 1999 on the Protection of Literary and Artistic Property says:
- The media shall be permitted, without the authorization of the author and without obligation to pay him compensation, to publish pictures of architectural works, visual artistic works, photographic works or works of applied art, provided that such works are available in places open to the public.[75/1999 Article 31]
This limits freedom of panorama to the media, and so excludes other commercial use.
Note that "media" here refers to those engaged in news and information only, making Lebanese freedom of panorama insufficient for Wikimedia Commons. The French translation uses a more restrictive term that translates to English as "information agencies". See Commons talk:Freedom of panorama/Archive 1#Lebanon for a discussion on this.
COM:FOP Malaysia

According to Malaysian Copyright Act 1987, the right of control is excluded from "the reproduction and distribution of copies of any artistic work permanently situated in a place where it can be viewed by the public".[332/2006 Section 13(2)(d)] Section 3 defines "artistic work" as any graphic work, photograph, sculpture, collage, and work of architecture or artistic craftsmanship. Layout-designs of integrated circuits are not artistic works.
For the meaning of the term works of artistic craftsmanship, see "United Kingdom – Freedom of panorama".
COM:FOP Maldives
Нет. The relevant section of the The Copyright & Related Rights Act (Law 23 of 2010), "Section 17: Reproduction, broadcasting and other communication to the public for informatory purposes" does not contain any language that indicates freedom of panorama.[23/2010 Section 17]
COM:FOP Mongolia
Да for works of architecture and sculptures.
Нет for blueprints and architectural models (free use only for building restoration).
Нет for 2D works, no indication that the exception extends to murals and other graphic works. Applicable template: {{FoP-Mongolia}}.
Article 46 of the Law of Mongolia on Copyright and Related Rights provides for freedom of panorama, as long as the reproduction is not made to create an exact (identical) structure for direct or indirect commercial purpose.
Freedom of panorama was previously interpreted to not exist in Mongolia according to the now-repealed 2006 Law of Mongolia on Copyright and Related Rights, which only allowed for incidental inclusion of works in public spaces for reporting purposes, while also providing conditions similar to United States fair use conditions. This was superseded by the May 6, 2021 law.[6]
The amended law's Article 46 states that Structures, statues and architectural works may be exploited in the following conditions without the authorization of or compensation to the author or right holder[2021, Article 46.1]:
- to display them to public by making a duplication of the works of architecture, fine arts and statues located in public places permanently, and by painting, filming or photographing them.[2021, Article 46.1.1] This shall not grant a right to reproduce an identical structure, statue or architectural creation directly or indirectly for commercial purposes.[2021, Article 46.2]
- the exploitation of architectural drawings/blueprints, models, and schemes for restoration of such buildings and facilities.[2021, Article 46.1.2]
COM:FOP မြန်မာပြည်

COM:FOP United Arab Emirates
Объединённые Арабские Эмираты
Нет {{NoFoP-UAE}}
Note: Please tag Emirati no-FoP deletion requests: <noinclude>[[Category:United Arab Emirates FOP cases/pending]]</noinclude>
There is no usable FoP provision in the copyright law of the UAE (Federal Law #1 of 1972, Federal Law #15 of 1980, Federal Law #40 of 1992, and Federal Law (32) 2006). UAE copyright law as of 2006 discusses an FoP like provision, but it is restricted to "broadcasts".
- The author must not prohibit a third person from performing one of the following acts ... Presenting fine arts, applied and plastic arts or architectural works in broadcasting programmes, if such works are permanently present in public places.[7/2002 Article 22.7]
See Commons talk:Freedom of panorama/Archive 6#Update: UAE FoP situation under dispute for a discussion on FoP in the UAE.
Note: "Copyright protection expires 50 years after the death of the original author (who may be the architect, sculptor, or muralist) of a public artistic work of the United Arab Emirates. On January 1st of the following year (ie. January 1 of the 51st Year), freely-licensed images of the author's sculptures, buildings, murals, or monuments are now free and can be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. The lack of Freedom of Panorama is no longer relevant here for sovereign states with no formal FOP legal rights since the author's works are now copyright free."
Нет Under Royal Decree No. 65/2008, protected works include "Works of drawing, painting, architecture, sculpture, lithography, printing on fabric, wood or metals, and any similar works in fine arts.[2008 Article 2(g)]
Article 20, which covers Free Uses of Works, makes no exemption for freedom of panorama.[2008 Article 20]
COM:FOP Pakistan
According to the Copyright Ordinance, 1962 as amended by Copyright (Amendment) Ordinance, 2000, "The following acts shall not constitute an infringement of copyright ... the making or publishing of a painting, drawing, engraving or photograph of a sculpture or other artistic work if such work is permanently situated in a public place or any premises to which the public has access.[XXXIV/2000 Section 57(s)]
COM:FOP South Korea
Республика Корея
Нет, non-commercial only for artistic works, buildings, and photographs. {{NoFoP-South Korea}}
Note: Please tag South Korean no-FoP deletion requests: <noinclude>[[Category:South Korean FOP cases/pending]]</noinclude>
Under the Copyright Act (as amended up to Act No. 8101 of June 29, 2007),
- Article 35 (Exhibition or Reproduction of Works of Art, etc.),
- (1) The holder of the original of a work of art, architectural work or photographic work (hereinafter referred to as “work of art, etc.”), or a person who has obtained the holder’s consent, may exhibit the work in its original form: Provided, That where the work of art is to be permanently exhibited on the street, in the park, on the exterior of a building, or other places open to the public, the same shall not apply.
- (2) Works of art, etc. exhibited at all times at an open place as referred to in the proviso to paragraph (1) may be reproduced and used by any means: Provided, That in any of the following cases, the same shall not apply:
- Where a building is reproduced into another building;
- Where a sculpture or painting is reproduced into another sculpture or painting;
- Where the reproduction is made in order to exhibit permanently at an open place under the proviso to paragraph (1);
- Where the reproduction is made for the purpose of selling its copies.
- (3) A person who exhibits works of art, etc. pursuant to paragraph (1), or who intends to sell originals of works of art, etc., may reproduce and distribute them in a pamphlet for the purpose of explaining or introducing them.
- (4) No portrait nor a similar photographic work produced by commission shall be used without the consent of the commissioner.
This permits any reproduction of works permanently installed in "open places", 35.(2).4 specifically states that the rule does not apply "where reproduction is made for the purpose of selling its copies." Reproduction is defined in Section 2.(22) as "...the fixation or the reproduction in a tangible medium by means of printing, photographing, copying, sound or visual recording, or other means." Selling reproduction of artistic works in public place is not allowed, for examples, selling postcard, calendar, collection of photos in which the artistic works have major part is not allowed.
Да for non-building structures (such as bridges, dams, tunnels, etc.)
Non-building structures are not mentioned in Copyright Act Article 4, so they do not have a copyright in South Korea. Please use {{PD-structure|KOR}} or {{PD-SK-nonbuilding-structure}} for photos of South Korean non-building structures.
COM:FOP Russia
Да для зданий и сооружений: {{FoP-Russia}}
Да для произведений садово-паркового искусства: {{FoP-Russia}}
Нет для прочих произведений искусства, включая скульптуры: {{NoFoP-Russia}}
Статья 1276 Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации[8]:
- Свободное использование произведения, постоянно находящегося в месте, открытом для свободного посещения
1. Допускаются без согласия автора или иного правообладателя и без выплаты вознаграждения воспроизведение и распространение изготовленных экземпляров, сообщение в эфир или по кабелю, доведение до всеобщего сведения произведения изобразительного искусства или фотографического произведения, которые постоянно находятся в месте, открытом для свободного посещения, за исключением случаев, если изображение произведения является основным объектом использования или изображение произведения используется в целях извлечения прибыли.
2. Допускается свободное использование путём воспроизведения и распространения изготовленных экземпляров, сообщения в эфир или по кабелю, доведения до всеобщего сведения в форме изображений произведений архитектуры, градостроительства и произведений садово-паркового искусства, расположенных в месте, открытом для свободного посещения, или видных из этого места.
Исключения свободы панорамы для произведений архитектуры, градостроительства и садово-паркового искусства, добавленные по согласованию с Викимедиа РУ, вступили в силу с внесением изменений в Гражданский кодекс с 1 октября 2014 года.[9]
Что же касается неархитектурных произведений искусства, все еще существует исключение из авторского права для некоммерческого использования, но только некоммерческое использование не разрешено в Commons, и, к сожалению, нет достаточного количества судебных решений для прояснения ситуации.
- Важное судебное решение гласит, что копирование демонстрационной фотографии не является созданием трехмерного объекта в двух измерениях. Смотрите обсуждение на Commons:Форум/Архив/2010#Судебное решение о фотографиях трёхмерных объектов.
- Недавнее решение суда (2019-21) в отношении Екатеринбургской скульптуры, которая была коммерчески использована компанией по созданием открыток, было завершено в Верховном суде, который отменил решения нижестоящих судов и вернул иск в суд первой инстанции, который отверг иск скульптора о нарушении авторских прав. Суд постановил, что монумент был воспроизведён лишь на одной открытки из набора, что не делает его основным предметом всего набора.[10]
До 1 января 2008 года свобода панорамы регулировалась аналогичной (но не такой же) статьей 21 Закона об авторском праве России.[11]
Изображения работ, срок охраны авторских прав на которые уже истёк, могут быть загружены на Викисклад. Отсутствие свободы панорамы здесь больше не актуально, поскольку работы теперь свободны от авторских прав.
Неясно, подпадают ли защищенные авторским правом здания в Крыму под российский или более ограничительный украинский закон. Следуя превентивному принципу, изображения заведомо несвободных крымских зданий не следует загружать на Викисклад. См. Commons:Village_pump/Copyright/Archive/2014/09#Buildings_in_Crimea. Тем не менее фотографические работы, созданные в Крыму до 19 февраля 1954 года, являются субъектом российского права.
COM:FOP Saudi Arabia
Саудовская Аравия
- The Copyright Law detailed in the Royal Decree No. M/41, 2 Rajab, 1424 (30.08.2003) and the Implementing Regulations contain no mention of freedom of panorama permitting commercial uses of photographs of architecture and public art still under their designers' copyrights.
- Even taking pictures of sites not covered by copyrights may be challenged, and photographers operating in Saudi Arabia have found it useful to carry a copy of a decree allowing taking pictures from public places. For purposes of Wikimedia Commons, such restrictions are non-copyright restrictions and image files that may show restricted sites can be kept, unless these show a recent work by architects or sculptors who are not yet dead for more than 50 years.
Note: "Copyright protection expires 50 years after the death of the original author (who may be the architect, sculptor, or muralist) of a public artistic work of Saudi Arabia. On January 1st of the following year (ie. January 1 of the 51st Year), freely-licensed images of the author's sculptures, buildings, murals, or monuments are now free and can be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. The lack of Freedom of Panorama is no longer relevant here for sovereign states with no formal FOP legal rights since the author's works are now copyright free."
COM:FOP Singapore
Да for 3D objects and some 2D objects = {{FoP-Singapore}}
Нет for paintings, drawings, engravings, and photographs
Freedom of panorama is granted to several types of artistic works in public spaces by Section 265 of the Copyright Act 2021 (Act 22 of 2021). Subsection 1 of the section enumerates works eligible for the Singaporean freedom of panorama: buildings or models of buildings; sculptures situated "other than temporarily" in public spaces or "premises open to the public"; and works of artistic craftsmanship.
Subsection 2 allows publications of the aforementioned eligible works in paintings, drawings, photographs, engravings, films, and television broadcasts or cable programmes. With the exception of the last-mentioned type of representation, publications of such representations are only permitted if the representations are "made on or after 10 April 1987."[22/2021 Section 265(2)(b)(i) and (d)(i)]
If the paintings, drawings, engravings, and photographs of buildings, permanent sculptures, and/or works of artistic craftsmanship were made before that date, the law permits publications if "the making would have been a permitted use under paragraph (a) if this Act had been in operation at the time of the making."[22/2021 Section 265(2)(b)(ii)] Similar condition exists for films: "the making would have been a permitted use under paragraph (c) if this Act had been in operation at the time of the making."[22/2021 Section 265(2)(d)(ii)] Paragraph (a) states the following permitted use: "making a painting, a drawing, an engraving or a photograph of the work." For paragraph (c), "including the work in a film." See also Commons:Village pump/Copyright/Archive/2021/10#Singapore New Copyright Act Gazetted.
Section 20(1)(a) of the copyright law provides definitions for artistic works:
- a painting, a sculpture, a drawing, an engraving or a photograph (whether the work is of artistic quality or not);[22/2021 Section 20(1)(a)(i)]
- a building or a model of a building (whether the building or model is of artistic quality or not);[22/2021 Section 20(1)(a)(ii)]
- a work of artistic craftsmanship to which neither sub-paragraph (i) nor (ii) applies[22/2021 Section 20(1)(a)(iii)]
This means that the Singaporean freedom of panorama does not apply to two-dimensional works such as billboards, posters and paintings in a gallery, even if these are permanently displayed in a public place. It does include some 2D works that are works of artistic craftsmanship, such as textiles.
For artistic works that are not eligible for the Singaporean freedom of panorama, incidental inclusion is provided through Section 266 of the law, but only "in a film, television broadcast or cable programme," not photographs.
Нет, {{NoFoP-Syria}}. Legislative Decree No. 62/2013 only allows broadcasting of images of works in public places.
- Without the permission of the author and without making any compensation, the author may transfer works of fine arts or applied works, or plastic or architectural works to the public through the materials of the broadcasting stations if such works are permanently present in public places.[62/2013 Art. 39]
COM:FOP Tajikistan

- Воспроизведение, передача в эфир или сообщение по кабелю для всеобщего сведения произведений архитектуры, фотографии, изобразительного искусства, которые постоянно расположены в месте, открытом для свободного посещения, за исключением случаев, когда изображение произведения является основным объектом таких воспроизведений, передачи в эфир или сообщения по кабелю для всеобщего сведения или когда изображение произведения используется для коммерческих целей.[2009 Article 21]
COM:FOP Thailand
Да {{FoP-Thailand}}
The Thai Copyright Act of B.E. 2537 (A.D. 1994) states that:
- A drawing, painting, construction, engraving, moulding, carving, lithographing, photographing, cinematographing, video broadcasting or any similar act of an artistic work, except an architectural work, which is openly located in a public place shall not be deemed an infringement of copyright in the artistic work.[2537/1994 Sec.37]
- A drawing, painting, engraving, moulding, carving, lithographing, photographing, cinematographing or video broadcasting of an architectural work shall not be deemed an infringement of copyright in the architectural work.[2537/1994 Sec.38]
For artistic works that are not situated in public spaces (not "openly located in a public place"), these can only be photographed freely if de minimis:
- A photograph or cinematograph or video broadcast of a work of which an artistic work is a component shall not be deemed an infringement of copyright in the artistic work.[2537/1994 Sec.39]
- Note that artistic work as defined by Section 4 of the law does not include works of literature. On the other hand, architecture as defined in the same section includes "design of buildings or constructions, a design of interior or exterior decoration as well as a landscape design or a creation of a model of buildings or constructions." It can be interpreted that elegant bridges are works of architecture that fall under the freedom of panorama, through the element "constructions."
According to several Thai Wikimedians, the Thai text of Copyright Act B.E. 2537 (1994) gives a more comprehensive clause, containing permanence requirement. (Reference: Commons:Deletion requests/File:Prince Dipangkorn Rasmijoti poster for mother's milk.jpg)

COM:FOP Turkmenistan

- Reproduction, broadcasting or communication to the public by cable of works of architecture, photography or fine art permanently located in a place open to public access, except when the image of the work is the main subject or it is used for commercial purposes;[2012 Article 19(7)]
COM:FOP Türkiye
COM:FOP Uzbekistan

Допускается без согласия автора или иного правообладателя и без выплаты вознаграждения воспроизведение, передача в эфир или сообщение по кабелю произведений архитектуры, фотографий, изобразительного искусства, которые постоянно расположены в месте, открытом для свободного посещения. Это правило не распространяется на случаи, когда изображение произведения является основным объектом такого воспроизведения, передачи в эфир или сообщения по кабелю, а также на случаи, когда изображение произведения используется для коммерческих целей.[LRU-476/2018 Article 28]
COM:FOP Philippines
Нет for majority of the works of art.
Note: Please tag Philippine no-FoP deletion requests: <noinclude>[[Category:Philippine FOP cases/pending]]</noinclude>
There is no provision in any of the exceptions listed under Chapter VIII ("Limitations on copyright") of the IP Code of the Philippines (Act No. 8293) (2015 Edition) allowing images of copyrighted architectural and artistic works to be made and/or distributed for commercial purposes, such as post cards, stamps, calendars, advertising materials, and T-shirt printing.[8293/2015 Chapter VIII Section 184–190]
According to the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines, street art is "qualifiable for copyright protection" per the copyright law. Accordingly, the artists "enjoy economic rights, which involves generation of profit from others' use, reproduction, or any transformation of their work for commercial purposes. Another right enjoyed by a copyright holder are moral rights or the rights of an author to proper attribution, to make any alterations on his or her works, to withhold or deny publication, and to object to any modifications or mutilation to his or her work."[15]
Section 184 of Chapter VIII provides the following acts as not constituting copyright infringement:[8293/2015 Chapter VIII Section 184.1]
Error: No text given for quotation (or equals sign used in the actual argument to an unnamed parameter)
None of these provisions are strictly free enough for Wikimedia Commons. In particular, fair use is not allowed on Wikimedia Commons, and licensing limited to noncommercial uses is not allowed either.
Recent developments
See meta:Pilipinas Panorama Community/Freedom of Panorama#Recent developments for the recent developments concerning the attempt to introduce freedom of panorama in the country.
Public domain exceptions for FoP-reliant works
Да: Buildings completed prior to November 14, 1972: {{PD-Philippines-FoP work}}. The previous copyright laws, the Spanish Law on Intellectual Property (1879)[16] and Act No. 3134 (1924, which followed the U.S. copyright law),[17] did not protect buildings. On November 14, 1972, Presidential Decree No. 49 took effect which formally protected works of architecture and made works copyright-protected upon creation, removing copyright registration formalities.[18] See also the following discussions: Commons:Village pump/Copyright/Archive/2020/08#Philippine buildings before 1972 and Commons:Village pump/Copyright/Archive/2021/06#Philippine buildings from 1951–1972 - anew.
Да: Artistic works (e.g. sculptures) made before 1972 that were not registered, and artistic works made before 1942 that were once registered but not renewed: {{PD-Philippines-FoP work}}. Act No. 3134, the then-prevailing copyright law,[17] required registration and a notice for a work to be copyright-protected. Such requirements were removed by Presidential Decree No. 49 s. 1972. Works were considered not protected by copyright unless these were registered, and the term of copyright was 30 years from the date of registration. See also Commons:Deletion requests/Files in Category:Bonifacio National Monument (Caloocan City)#Files in Category:Bonifacio National Monument (Caloocan City) 2.
Да: literary texts on commemorative markers from the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) and its predecessors: {{WorkDepicted-PD-PhilippinesGov}}. See also this deletion request.
General copyright term for all architectural and artistic works: Copyright protection expires 50 years after the death of the original or last-surviving author (whether the architect, sculptor, painter, or other artist). On January 1st of the following year (ie. January 1 of the 51st Year), freely licensed images of the author's 3D works such as sculptures, buildings, bridges or monuments are now free and can be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. The lack of Philippine freedom of panorama is no longer relevant here since the author's works are now copyright free.

COM:FOP Sri Lanka
Нет The prevailing Intellectual Property Act, No. 36 of 2003 does not provide any freedom of panorama clause. The exceptions at Section 11 only deal with U.S.-style "fair use" like criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.[36/2003 Section 11]
The now-repealed Code of Intellectual Property Act, No. 52 of 1979 had a limited freedom of panorama for films and television broadcasts only, as long as the source and name of the author of the works of art and architecture "permanently located in a place where they can be viewed by the public" were mentioned in the films or television broadcasts.[52/1979 Section 13(d)]
Sri Lankan copyright law was revised 2001–2003, dropping any direct reference to anything resembling "freedom of panorama". Still the legal right of the repealed law would not be compatible to Wikimedia Commons as it was for films and television broadcasts only, excluding photographs.
- for artistic works:
Нет {{NoFoP-Japan}} except in cases governed by Article 46.
- for buildings only:
Да {{FoP-Japan}}
The Copyright Act (Act No. 48 of May 6, 1970, as amended up to Act No. 35 of May 14, 2014), allows the reproduction of artistic works located permanently in open places accessible to the public, such as streets and parks, or at places easily seen by the public, such as the outer walls of buildings, only for non-commercial purposes. Therefore, such photographs are not free enough for Commons.
Architectural works (i.e., buildings) located in such places may be photographed and the photos may be reproduced for any purposes. §46(iv), which contains the "non-commercial" restriction, applies only to "artistic works".[1899-1931 Art. 46(iv)] Some buildings like the Tower of the Sun can be regarded as artistic works per discussion.
Regarding buildings, a 2003 ruling by the Osaka District Court states that in order for a building to be copyrighted, it "must have creativity in aesthetic expression in light of the definition of works stipulated in Article 2, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the same Act." This means ordinary-looking buildings are not eligible for copyright protection as "architectural works".
For more information, refer to:
- 著作権法 – 建築に関する著作物について (Copyright Law – About Architectural Works), by 村田法律事務所 (Murata Law Office) (archived copy) — in Japanese
Note: According to Japanese copyright law, Japan has a copyright lifetime of 70 years after the death of the author (ie. creator/designer) or following "the death of the last surviving co-author in the case of a joint work." Henceforth, the author's works shall become copyright free and enter the public domain.[1899-1931 Art. 51]
Частичное признание
COM:FOP Abkhazia
Нет. Only incidental, non-commercial use allowed. Under the 2006 Law on Copyright and Related Rights,
- It is allowed without the consent of the author and without paying the author's fee to reproduce, broadcast or communicate to the public by cable of works of architecture, photography or fine art which are permanently located in a place open to the public, except when the image of the work is the main object such reproduction, transmission or broadcast to the public by cable or when the image of the work is used for commercial purposes.[2006 Art.21]
COM:FOP 中華民國
Китайская Республика (Тайвань)
COM:FOP فلسطين / Palestine
Да except "graphic works", courtesy of the 1911 Copyright Act. Under Section 2(1):
- The following acts shall not constitute an infringement of copyright:
- (iii) The making or publishing of paintings, drawings, engravings, or photographs of a work of sculpture or artistic craftsmanship, if permanently situate in a public place or building, or the making or publishing of paintings, drawings, engravings, or photographs (which are not in the nature of architectural drawings or plans) of any architectural work of art.
COM:FOP Northern Cyprus
Турецкая Республика Северного Кипра
COM:FOP South Ossetia
Южная Осетия
Нет, non-commercial use only if the work is the main subject of the reproduction. However, it should be OK if the work is not the main subject of the photograph or video.
- It is allowed without the consent of the author or other holder of rights, and without payment of royalties, to reproduce, broadcast or transmit by cable works of architecture, photography, and fine art which are permanently located in a place open to public access, unless the image of the work is the main object such reproduction, broadcasting or transmission by cable or when the image of the work is used for commercial purposes.[19][2012 Art.21]
Другие территории
COM:FOP Akrotiri and Dhekelia
Акротири и Декелия
COM:FOP Hong Kong
Да for 3D works and 2D artistic craftsmanships,
Нет for many other 2D works, unless HKSAR government stated OK separately in particular cases. {{FoP-Hong Kong}}
According to Copyright Ordinance (Chapter 528) (consolidated version of May 27, 2016), it is not a copyright infringement to make graphic representations, take photographs, or broadcast the images of buildings, sculptures, models for buildings and works of artistic craftsmanship, if the object is permanently situated in a public place or in premises open to the public.[528/2016 Section 71]
Because Hong Kong was a territory of the United Kingdom until 1997, Hong Kong law is modeled on UK law, and in the absence of any specific case law to the contrary it is reasonable to assume that the rules will be similar. See the United Kingdom for more details.
Similar to the UK law, 'works of artistic craftsmanship' is defined separately from 'graphic work'. The latter includes any painting, drawing, diagram, map, chart or plan, and any engraving, etching, lithograph, woodcut or similar work. Therefore freedom given in Sect 71 does not apply to posters or maps in public places.
- It is legal, without the consent of the author ... To make copies by photography, videography, cinematography or other analogous means, of works of art placed in public places.[43/99/M/2012 Article 61(l)]
- However, the free use of a protected work must not prevent its normal economic exploitation nor unjustifiably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author.[43/99/M/2012 Article 62(l)]
- The reproductions allowed under article 61 should not be confused with the original works by those who use them, and the reproduction or citation cannot be so extensive as to detract from the interest in those works.[43/99/M/2012 Article 62(3)]
COM:FOP British Indian Ocean Territory
Британская территория в Индийском океане
частично находится в Азии
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