Vikiteka:Europos mokslo nuotraukų konkursas 2015 m.

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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:European Science Photo Competition 2015 and the translation is 27% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:European Science Photo Competition 2015 and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Next competition will be held in November 2017. See more at


Europos kultūra negali būti įsivaizduojama be Europos mokslo. Nepakanka apie jį tik kalbėti, reikia ir jį parodyti. Norint tai atlikti reikia įamžinti ir pasidalinti mokslu. Štai kodėl yra būtina turėti mokslo nuotraukų konkursą. Pirmasis toks konkursas vyks 2015 m. lapkritį.

This competition was brought to Wikipedia because Wikipedia is an active environment dedicated to collecting and sharing educational content freely to everyone. That makes it an excellent platform for presenting science photos. Open access, interest in information of community and Wikipedia users, and general reliability are just some of the features of the free encyclopedia that make it an attractive environment for popularization of science in general and science photos in particular. Wikipedia excels in communication of knowledge and science photos are appreciated for their high informational quality, which should make collaboration between wiki community and science photographers beneficial for both. Science photo competition is a motivational framework for catalyzing the formation of sustainable relationship between the two.

Between the years 2011–2013 the concept of collecting fine scientific images to Wikipedia was successfully tested during the Estonian Science Photo Competition. In 2015 it seemed to be the right time for widening the scope of the project and increasing its impact. Therefore, in 2015 a pan-European science photo competition was organized to bring more science to Wikipedia. An international competition made it possible to reach out to the wider scientific community and made them aware of the possibility to share their findings and passion with wider audiences using visual communication and free environment of Wikimedia.

Europos mokslo nuotraukų konkursas susideda iš dviejų lygių: bus vietinis konkursas kiekvienoje dalyvaujančioje šalyje ir vietinė organizuojanti komanda tada atrinks nuotraukas į tarptautinį konkursą. Vietiniai organizuotojai yra atsakingi už konkurso reklamą, regiono laimėtojų atrinkimą ir bendradarbiavimą su vietiniais partneriais ir rėmėjais. Jeigu nėra vietinės komandos, tada tarptautinė komanda išrinks vietinius laimėtojus finalui.

Tikslas yra, kad visi Europos fotografai turėtų galimybę dalyvauti konkurse.

Pastaba: Visos šio puslapio nuotraukos buvo įkeltos į Vikipediją arba Vikiteką vykstant Estijos mokslo nuotraukų konkursui.