Commons:Tekijänoikeusmallineet/Maakohtaiset mallineet
Country-specific license tags show the reason why a file uploaded to Wikimedia Commons is in the public domain in its country of origin. If a file was created or first published outside the United States, another tag should show why it is in the public domain in the United States. A file may be in the public domain in its country of origin based on the date of death of the author, date of publication, type of work, organization that commissioned the work and so on.
See Commons:Copyright rules by territory for details of country-specific rules. See Category:License tags by country for a complete list of country-specific license tags including public domain, free use and descriptive license tags.
The list below gives information "transcluded" from page sections that give the copyright tags specific to each country or territory. It may be incomplete. Tags are also given for the United Nations and the European Union.
Click on a link in the box to the right for a complete list of all countries in a region (e.g. Africa), showing country-specific tags where available.
COM:TAG United Nations
Yhdistyneet kansakunnat
- {{PD-US-no notice-UN}}: Work is excerpted from an official document of the United Nations published in the United States prior to 17 September 1987.
- {{PD-UN-doc}}: Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien viralliset dokumentit. It falls into one of the following categories outlined in Administrative Instruction ST/AI/189/Add.9/Rev.2 (paragraph 2):
- Official records (proceedings of conferences, verbatim and summary records, periodic supplements, compilations of resolutions, etc.)
- United Nations documents issued with a UN document symbol
- Public information material designed primarily to inform the public about United Nations activities (not including material that is offered for sale)
- {{PD-UN-map}} – Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien kartat.
COM:TAG European Union
Euroopan unioni
- {{PD-old-70}} – for works in the public domain because their copyright has expired in countries and areas copyrighting works for life plus 70 years or less.
- {{PD-anon-70-EU}} — ensimmäisen kerran Euroopan unionissa julkaistu yli 70 vuotta sitten anonyymisti tai pseudonyymisti julkaistu teos, jonka tekijää ei ole saatu selvitettyä.
- {{PD-EU-no author disclosure}} – anonymous work published more than 70 years ago without a public claim of authorship and no subsequent claim of authorship in the 70 years following its first publication (European Union).
- {{PD-EEA}} – Image in the public domain because it is extracted from the European Environment Agency Website, whose material is in the public domain unless otherwise stated.
- {{Attribution-Eur-Lex}} – for works of law of the European Union, as recorded on Eur-Lex
- {{Attribution-Eurostat}} – for works from the European Union's statistical agency, Eurostat
- {{PD-European-Commission}} – for works produced by the commission without specified restrictions; works on or its portal are CC-BY-4.0.
- {{EC-Audiovisual Center}} - for works from the European Commission's Audiovisual Center.
Individual countries of the European Union may also have country-specific tags.
COM:TAG Abkhazia
- {{PD-AB-exempt}} for works that are not objects of copyright.
COM:TAG Afghanistan
- {{PD-Afghanistan}} – public domain (no existing copyright law)
COM:TAG Netherlands
- {{PD-NL-gemeentewapen}} – Alankomaiden sekä lakkautettujen kuntien ja lakkautettujen provinssien vaakunoille
- {{PD-NL-gemeentevlag}} – Alankomaiden sekä lakkautettujen kuntien ja lakkautettujen provinssien lipuille
- {{PD-NL-Gov}} (deprecated) – Alankomaiden viranomaisen tekemille yleisölle tarkoitetuille teoksille, paitsi jos tekijänoikeus pidätetään erikseen erillisillä ilmoituksella tai lain nojalla
COM:TAG Albania
- {{PD-Albania}} – for works where the copyright has expired
- {{PD-Albania-exempt}} – Vuoden 2005 tekijänoikeuslain vuoksi ilman tekijänoikeuden suojaa oleville teoksille.
COM:TAG Algeria
- {{PD-Algeria-photo-except}} – for photographs published prior to 1987.
- {{PD-Algeria}} – Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille valokuville.
COM:TAG Argentina
- {{PD-AR-Photo}} – Ennen vuotta 2000 julkaistuille valokuville.
- {{PD-AR-Movie}} – Elokuville, joiden käsikirjoittaja, ohjaaja ja tuottaja ovat kuolleet ennen vuotta 1975.
- {{PD-AR-Music}} – for free music performances done by musical ensembles belonging to the national, provincial or municipal governments.
- {{PD-AR-Anonymous}} – Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille teoksille, joiden tekijää ei tiedetä ja joiden tekijänoikeuden omistaa juridinen henkilö, kuten yhtiö tai organisaatio.
- {{PD-AR-Signs}} – for road signs published in laws or other regulations.
- {{PD-AR-Gov}} – for works created and regulated by National or Provincial Governments of Argentina, such as official symbols or emblems.
- {{PD-AR-Deputies}} – Sivulta oleville materiaaleille.
- {{PD-AR-Senate}} - for contents from the Argentine Senate website.
- {{CC-AR-Presidency}}: photographs taken from the Presidency of Argentina web site after 9 December 2015.
- {{CC-AR-Presidency-old}}: photographs taken from the Presidency of Argentina web site before 9 December 2015.
- Teoksille, joiden tekijä on kuollut ennen vuotta 1955 voi käyttää mallinetta {{PD-old-70}}.
- Local governments tags:
- {{CC-AR-GCBA}} - for contents from the Government of Buenos Aires City website.
- {{PD-AR-BALegislature}} - for contents from the Buenos Aires's City Legislature website before 14 August 2022.
- {{Cc-by-2.5-ar}} - for contents from the Bahía Blanca Partido website.
- {{CC-AR-GobEntreRíos}} - for contents from the Secretariat of Communication of the Government of Entre Ríos website.
- {{CC-AR-GobRíoNegro}} - for contents from the Government of Río Negro Province website.
- {{CC-AR-GobSantaFe}} - for contents from the Government of Santa Fe Province website.
- {{CC-AR-MunicipalidadCórdoba}} - for contents from the Municipality of Córdoba website before 28 September 2020.
- {{CC-AR-MunicipalidadMendoza}} - for contents from the Municipality of Mendoza website before 28 March 2022.
- {{Municipalidad de Rosario}} - for contents from the Municipality of Rosario website.
- Political parties tags:
- {{Unión Cívica Radical}} - for contents from the Radical Civic Union website.
- {{CC-AR-PartidoObrero}} - for contents from the Workers' Party website.
- News websites tags:
- {{CC-AR-PrensaObrera}} - for contents from the Workers' Press website.
- {{CC-AR-ANRed}} - for contents from the ANRed website.
COM:TAG Armenia
- {{PD-Armenia}} – for anonymous works or pseudonymous works 70 years after creation, other works 70 years after the death of the (last-surviving) author, "expressions of traditional folklore and art" or "political speeches, speeches delivered in the court," or "official documents, legal acts, treaties and the official translations thereof, state emblems and signs (flags, coats of arms, medals, monetary signs)."
- {{PD-AM-exempt}} – Osana kansanperinnettä oleville teoksille; Viralliselle dokumenteille, kuten laeille, päätöksille ja niiden virallisille käännöksille; Valtion symboleille, kuten lipuille, vaakunoille, rahalle ja mitaleille.
COM:TAG Australia
COM:TAG Azerbaijan
- {{PD-AZ-exempt}} – Virallisille dokumenteille, kuten laeille, päätöksille, muille lakiteksteille tai hallinnollisille teksteille sekä edellä mainittujen dokumenttien käännöksille; Valtion symboleille kuten lipuille, vaakunoille ja rahalle; Osana kansanperinnettä oleville teoksille.
- {{}} – The permission letter from the Press Secretary for the President of Azerbaijan is available here:
- The are no restrictions on the full or partial use of textual, photographic, video and audio material featured on the official website of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the media outlets, internet resources and information carriers. This also applies to television channels, radio stations, newspapers, magazines, scientific publications and encyclopedias (including online encyclopedias).
All materials on the website are available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
COM:TAG Bahrain
- {{PD-Bahrain}} – Valokuville ja elokuville, jotka on julkaistu ennen vuotta 1955; Muille teoksille, joiden tekijä on kuollut ennen vuotta 1955
COM:TAG Bangladesh
- {{PD-Bangladesh}} - for photographs and films 60 years starting from the end of the year it was produced; for other works 60 years after the death of the author, or last-surviving author.
COM:TAG Belgium
- {{PD-Vlaams-gemeentewapen}} – for municipal coats of arms from the Flemish region.
- {{PD-Vlaamse-gemeentevlag}} – for municipal flags from the Flemish region
- {{PD-Belgium-exempt}} – for the official products of the Belgian government
COM:TAG Bolivia
COM:TAG Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia ja Hertsegovina
- {{PD-BH-exempt}} – for works exempt from copyright under Bosnia and Herzegovina law (“ideas, plans, …, official texts, …, professional reports, …” – see license template for details)
COM:TAG Brazil
- {{PD-BrazilGov}} – Viralliset tai kansalliset vaakunat, mitalit, liput, symbolit ja arvomerkit.
- {{PD-Brazil-media}} – Ennen vuotta 1923 julkaistuille valokuville, äänitteille ja elokuville.
- {{PD-Brazil-URAA}}
See also Category:License tags attribution from Brazil, for example:
- {{Attribution-NavyofBrazil}} – for some works published by the Brazilian Navy
COM:TAG Brunei
COM:TAG Bulgaria
- {{PD-BG-exempt}} – for works exempt from copyright under Bulgaria law.
- {{PD-BulgarianGov}} – for government works exempt from copyright under Bulgaria law.
- {{PD-BGMFA}} — for works published on the website of the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- {{}} — for works published on the website of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria.
- {{PD-Chile}} – Kaikille Chilen tekijänoikeuslain perusteella ilman tekijänoikeuden suojaa oleville teoksille.
- {{PD-Chile-doc}} - for public documents issued by the organisms of the State of Chile (see: Template:PD-Chile-doc/doc)
COM:TAG Costa Rica
Costa Rica
COM:TAG Djibouti
- {{PD-Djibouti}} – for works made in Djibouti whose copyright has expired (50 years after author's death, or 25 years after creation for photographic works, see details in the template). The Republic of Djibouti being the successor state of French Somaliland (Côte française des Somalis) and the French Territory of the Afars and the Issas, this applies to works published in those territories as well.
- {{PD Egypt}} – for all works other than those listed below.
- {{PD-Egypt-folklore}} – for works deemed part of Egypt's national folklore.
- {{PD-Egypt-official}} – for official documents.
- {{PD-Egypt-stamp}} – for Egyptian stamps published prior to 1946.
- {{FoP-Egypt}} — For photographs that benefit from the principle of freedom of panorama
- {{PD-Spain-photo}} – for simple photographs taken at least 25 years ago
- {{PD-SpanishGov}} – for some works by the Spanish government, like laws
- {{PD-SpanishGov-money}} - for images of the former Spanish pesetas currency
- {{PD-La Moncloa}} – for content from which was selected or coordinated by the Secretary of State for Communications (only valid for images uploaded before 26 November 2012)
- {{Attribution-Catalonia}} – for content from the Parliament of Catalonia (Parlament de Catalunya)
- {{Attribution-IGN}} - for CC-BY 4.0 licensed maps or other content from Instituto Geográfico Nacional (Spain's National Geographic Institute)
COM:TAG South Africa
- {{PD-SAGov}} – Work of the South African Government that was published more than 50 years ago.
- {{PD-South-Africa}} – Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille valokuville.
- {{PD-South-Africa-exempt}} – for (images of or from) South African official texts of a legislative, administrative or legal nature.
COM:TAG Ethiopia
- {{PD-Ethiopia}} – copyright term is generally 50 years after the author's death, or from the making of an audiovisual work or communication of said work to the public, whichever date is the latest. Copyright of a photographic work is 25 years from the making of the work.[410/2004 Article 20/1,7,8]
COM:TAG European Union
Euroopan unioni
{{PD-Fiji}} – Ennen vuotta 1975 otetuille valokuville.
COM:TAG Philippines
- {{PD-Philippines}} – Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille teoksille.
- {{PD-PhilippinesGov}} – for works of the government of the Philippines exempted from copyright as stated by Republic Act No. 8293.
COM:TAG Faroe Islands
- {{PD-Faroe stamps}} – Färsaarten postitoimiston julkaisemille postimerkeille.
COM:TAG Georgia
- {{PD-GE-exempt}} – Virallisille teksteille, kuten laeille ja oikeuden päätöksille sekä niiden käännöksille; Valtion virallisille symboleille, kuten rahalle; Faktatiedolle.
- {{PD-Georgia}} – for works first published in Georgia and now in the public domain because a copyright protection has expired by virtue of the Law of Georgia on Copyright and Neighboring Rights.
- {{PD-Haiti}} – General copyright protection last for 60 years.[2005 Article 20–24] Photographic works are protected for 25 years after the end of the year the work was created.[2005 Article 25]
COM:TAG Hong Kong
- {{PD-HK}} – Teoksille, joiden tekijänoikeus on vanhentunut.
- {{PD-HK-factsheet}} – Hong Kong Fact Sheetista otetuille kuville.[1]
COM:TAG Indonesia
- {{PD-IDGov}} – Indonesian hallituksen julkaisemille ja/tai levittämille teoksille.
- {{PD-IDOld-Art58}} – for works whose copyright has expired according to Article 58 of the 2014 Copyright Law
- {{PD-IDOld-Art59}} – for works whose copyright has expired according to Article 59 of the 2014 Copyright Law
- {{PD-IDUnknown}} – for works by unknown authors whose copyright has expired according to section (2) and (3) from Articles 60 of the 2014 Copyright Law
- {{PD-IDNoCopyright}} – no copyright according to Article 42 of the 2014 Copyright Law
- {{PD-India}} – Ennen vuotta 1965 julkaistuille teoksille.
- {{PD-India-photo-1958}} – Photographs created before 1958 are in the public domain 50 years after creation.
- {{PD-India-URAA}} – For work that is public domain in the United States because it was first published in India (and not published in the U.S. within 30 days) and it was first published before 1978 without complying with U.S. copyright formalities or after 1978 without copyright notice and it was in the public domain in its home country India on the URAA date January 1, 1996.
- {{EdictGov-India}} – For edicts of the Government of India whose copyright have not expired. Subject to restrictions, these include laws, judgements, and Reports on the Table of the Legislature.
- {{Indian navy}} – For works from the Indian Navy.
- {{Indian Army}} – For works from the Indian Army.
- Works by the Government of India can be uploaded under {{GODL-India}} (central government only, not state governments). (under discussion, see template talk page).
- {{PD-TamilGov}} – Work in the public domain because it was nationalized by Tamil Nadu Government and released into the Public Domain.
- {{PD-Iraq}} – Ennen vuotta 1999 julkaistuille valokuville: Muille teoksille, joiden tekijänoikeuksien haltijana on yksityishenkilö ja joiden tekijä on kuollut ennen vuotta 1975; Muille teoksille, joiden tekijänoikeuksien haltijana on yksityishenkilö ja joiden tekijä on kuollut ennen vuotta 1979 ja jotka on julkaistu ennen vuotta 1954; Muille teoksille, joiden tekijänoikeuksien haltijana on juridinen henkilö, kuten yhtiö tai organisaatio ja jotka on julkaistu ennen vuotta 1975
- {{PD-Iran}} – Ennen vuotta 1995 julkaistuille valokuville ja elokuville; Muille teoksille, joiden tekijä on kuollut ennen vuotta 1995
COM:TAG Ireland
- {{PD-IrishGov}} – Irlannin viranomaisen tekemille ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille teoksille.
COM:TAG Israel
- {{PD-Israel}} – Teoksille, joiden tekijä on kuollut ennen vuotta 1955
- Valokuville, jotka on otettu ennen vuotta 1975; Israelin viranomaisen ottamille valokuville, jotka on julkaistu ennen vuotta 1975; {{PD-IsraelGov}} – specific for the expiration of the State of Israel's copyrights (also included in the last section of {{tl:PD-Israel}})
- {{Money-IL}} – for Israeli banknotes and coins.
- {{Insignia-Israel}} – for flag, emblems, coats of arms or some other official symbol which were declared a protected symbol in Israel.
- {{FoP-Israel}} - "Broadcasting, or copying by way of photography, drawing, sketch or similar visual description, of an architectural work, a work of sculpture or work of applied art, are permitted where the aforesaid work is permanently situated in a public place."
- {{PD-Italy}} – for simple (non-artistic) photographs originating in Italy for which the copyright has expired.
- {{PD-Italy-audio}} – for audio recording both created and published in Italy at least fifty years ago, of a work which is itself in the public domain.
- For works where the author died at least seventy years ago, {{PD-old}} applies.
- For anonymous or pseudonymous works published at least 70 years ago, use {{Anonymous-EU}}.
- {{PD-Italy-EdictGov}} – for most edicts of the Italian government.
- {{PD-ItalyGov}} – for works published by the Italian administration or by Italian nonprofit organisations.
- {{Italy-CAD-OBD}} - for works published by any Italian administration without an explicit license.
COM:TAG Austria
- {{PD-AustrianGov}} – Virallisille laeille, asetuksille, määräyksille ja julistuksille ja erityisesti viranomaisten käyttöön tarkoittamille teoksille.
- {{PD-StVZVO}} – Säännöksissä, asetuksissa tai määräyksissä julkaistuille liikennemerkeille.
- {{PD-Japan-oldphoto}} – Ennen vuotta 1957 julkaistuille valokuville; Ennen vuotta 1946 otetuille valokuville, joita ei julkaistu kymmeneen vuoteen kuvan ottamisen jälkeen.
- {{PD-Japan}} – Teoksille, joiden tekijä kuoli ennen vuotta 1975.
- {{PD-Japan-film}} – Ennen vuotta 1953 julkaistuille elokuville.
- {{PD-Japan-organization}} – Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille teoksille, joiden tekijänoikeuden omistaa juridinen henkilö, kuten yhtiö tai organisaatio.
- {{PD-Japan-exempt}} – for works exempt from copyright in Japan
- {{GJSTU1}} - For contents made available on government websites under the Government of Japan Standard Terms of Use (Version 1.0).
- {{GJSTU-2.0}} - For contents made available on government websites under the Government of Japan Standard Terms of Use (Ver.2.0); compatible with CC BY 4.0.
Non-copyright tags:
- {{FoP-Japan}} may be added to a picture that includes architectural works, which are allowed under the "freedom of panorama" rule, but other tags should be given to show the picture's copyright status in Japan and the United States.
- {{AerialPhotograph-mlitJP}} – The copyright holder, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan, allows anyone to use the image for any purpose, provided that the copyright holder is properly attributed.
- {{PD-Yemen}} – Ennen vuotta 2022 julkaistun televisio-ohjelman kuvakaappauksille; Muille teoksille, jotka on julkaistu ennen vuotta 2015
Yemen being the successor state of Aden Settlement, Aden Province, Aden Colony, Aden Protectorate, the Federation of South Arabia and the People's Republic of Yemen, this applies to works published in those territories as well.
COM:TAG Jordan
- {{PD-Jordan}} – for photographs created prior to 1975.
- {{PD-Jordan-money}} - for banknotes or coins created prior to 1968.
COM:TAG Yugoslavia
- {{PD-Yugoslavia}} – Generally 50 years after the author's death, with the exception of photographs or a works of applied art, respectively 25 years since published. After the breakup of Yugoslavia, there are different regulations for the successor states:
- {{PD-YugoslaviaGov}} – The copyright was owned by the federal authorities of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, whose assets are now held jointly by its successor states:
For more information about Yugoslav copyright laws, see sh:Wikipedia:Autorska prava na području bivše Jugoslavije on the Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia.
COM:TAG Cambodia
- {{PD-Cambodia}} - Works where the (last surviving) author has been dead for over 50 years. Collective, anonymous, pseudonymous or collective audio-visual works 75 years after creation or publication.[2003 Article 30–31]
- {{PD-CambodiaGov}} - ineligible for copyright because it is one of: "Constitution, Law, Royal Decree, Sub-Decree, ... other Regulation, ... Proclamation (Prakas), decision, certificate, other instructed circulars issued by state organizations" and "Court decision or other court warrants" including translations thereof or "Idea, formality, method of operation, concept, principle, discovery or mere data, even if expressed, described, explained or embodied in any work."[2003 Article 10]
COM:TAG Canada
- {{PD-Canada}} – Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille valokuville, joihin oli niin sanottu Crown Copyright, eli valtion tai viranomaisen omistama tekijänoikeus; Ennen vuotta 1949 otetuille valokuville; Muille teoksille, joiden tekijä on kuollut ennen vuotta 1975
- {{PD-Canada-stamp}} – Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille postimerkeille.
- {{PD-Canada-anon}} – for works where the author or authors are unknown, and 50 years have passed since their publication or 75 since their creation
- {{OGL-C}} for Government supplied information released under the Open Government License-Canada. Usually through the Open Data portal,, or the geogratis portal,
COM:TAG Kazakhstan
- {{PD-KZ-exempt}} – Virallisille teksteille, kuten laeille ja oikeuden päätöksille sekä niiden käännöksille; Valtion virallisille symboleille, kuten rahalle ja lipuille; Faktatiedolle; Osana kansanperinnettä oleville teoksille.
- {{PD-Kenya}} – Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille valokuville; Teoksille, joiden tekijä kuoli ennen vuotta 1975.
- {{PD-China}} – for images in the public domain according to the People's Republic of China (mainland) and the Republic of China (Taiwan).
- {{PD-China-film}} – for movies or images from movies published in the China more than 50 years ago according to Mainland China and Taiwan.
- {{PD-Empire of China Government Gazette}} – for the Government Gazette from May January to March 1916 (Hongxian Year 1) by the Empire of China.
- {{PD-Manchukuo-stamps}} – Manchukuo-postimerkeille.
- People's Republic of China
- {{PD-PRC-exempt}} – Kiinan (kansantasavallan) tekijänoikeuslain perusteella ilman tekijänoikeuden suojaa oleville teoksille.
- {{PD-PRC-GB mandatory standard}} – for images from mandatory Guobiao standards with legal nature.
- {{PD-PRC-Road Traffic Signs}} – for road traffic signs from mandatory National Standard GB 5768.
- {{PD-PRC-Road Traffic Markings}} – for road traffic markings from mandatory National Standard GB 5768.
- Republic of China
Works with these tags may be published before or after 1949 within the jurisdiction of the Republic of China:
- {{PD-ROC-exempt}} – for images in the public domain according to the Republic of China for free of copyright
- {{PD-ROC-official}} – for the attachments of the laws of the Republic of China from the website of the Legislative Yuan law system
- {{PD-ROC-Presidential Office Gazette}} – for the Presidential Office Gazette from 20 May 1948 to present by the Presidential Office of the Republic of China [1]
- Older (1912–1949) works published within the jurisdiction of the Republic of China
- {{PD-ROC-Provisional Government Gazette}} – for the Provisional Government Gazette from 29 January to 5 April 1912 by the Nanking Provisional Government of the Republic of China (1912) [2]
- {{PD-ROC-Provisional Gazette}} – for the Provisional Gazette from 13 February to 26 April 1912 by the Peking Republican Provisional Government of the Republic of China (1912–1913)
- {{PD-ROC-Government Gazette}} – for the Government Gazette from May 1912 to June 1928 by the Beiyang Government of the Republic of China [3]
- {{PD-ROC-Military Government Gazette}} – for the Military Government Gazette from 17 September 1917 to 14 May 1918 by the Southern Government of the Republic of China [4]
- {{PD-ROC-Generalissimo Government Gazette}} – for the Generalissimo Government Gazette from 30 January 1922 to 20 May 1925 by the Southern Generalissimo Government of the Republic of China [5]
- {{PD-ROC-National Government Gazette}} – for the National Government Gazette from July 1925 to 19 May 1948 by the National Government of the Republic of China [6]
COM:TAG Kyrgyzstan
- {{PD-KG-exempt}} – Virallisille teksteille, kuten laeille ja oikeuden päätöksille sekä niiden käännöksille; Valtion virallisille symboleille, kuten rahalle ja lipuille; Faktatiedolle; Osana kansanperinnettä oleville teoksille.
COM:TAG Colombia
- {{PD-Colombia}} – generally 80 years after the author's death or 80 years after publication of audiovisual works, collective works and anonymous works. In all cases where a work has as its owner a legal entity or an official body or any institution under government public law, the term of protection shall be deemed to be 70 years as from the date of publication.
COM:TAG Democratic Republic of the Congo
Kongon demokraattinen tasavalta
- {{PD-Democratic Republic of the Congo}} – for all anonymous or pseudonymous works published 50 years ago, or 50 years have passed since the death of the author, or it is a photograph and 25 years have passed since publication, or it is an "official act of authority" and ineligible for copyright protection.
COM:TAG South Korea
Korean tasavalta
- {{PD-South Korea}} – Teoksille, joiden tekijä kuoli ennen vuotta 1975; Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille teoksille, joiden tekijänoikeuden omistaa juridinen henkilö, kuten yhtiö tai organisaatio.
- {{PD-KoreaGov}} – for government works not eligible for copyright
- {{PD-Korea-1910-1945}} – Work made while Korea was under Japanese occupation
- {{PD-Korea-1910-1945-photo}} – Photograph made while Korea was under Japanese occupation
- {{PD-Korea-1910-1945-film}} – Film made while Korea was under Japanese occupation
COM:TAG Kosovo
- {{PD-KosovoGov}} – for public domain Kosovar official works, state symbols, stamps, money etc.
COM:TAG Greece
- {{PD-GreekGov}} – for images which are part of official legislative, administrative or judicial documents issued by the Greek Government.
COM:TAG Croatia
- {{PD-Croatia-exempt}} – Kroatian tekijänoikeuslain perusteella ilman tekijänoikeuden suojaa oleville teoksille.
- {{PD-Croatia}} – Teoksille, joiden tekijä kuoli ennen vuotta 1949; Teoksille, jotka julkaistiin anonyymisti tai pseudonyymisti ennen vuotta 1949 ja joiden tekijää ei saatu selville ennen vuotta 1999.
- {{PD-Cuba}} – Valokuville, jotka on julkaistu ennen 20. helmikuuta 1972; Anonyymisti tai pseudonyymisti ennen 20. helmikuuta 1947 julkaistuille teoksille; Muille teoksille, joiden tekijä on kuollut ennen vuotta 1947
COM:TAG Kuwait
- {{PD-Kuwait}} – Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille teoksille.
COM:TAG Latvia
- {{PD-LV-exempt}} – Valtion virallisille symboleille, kuten vaakunoille, rahalle ja lipuille.
COM:TAG Lebanon
- {{PD-Lebanon}} – Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille teoksille. Tekijän nimen mainitseminen on kuitenkin pakollista siitäkin huolimatta, että teoksen tekijänoikeus olisi vanhentunut.
- {{PD-Lebanon-Photo}}. Use this tag only for photos first published before 1949.
- {{PD-Libya}} – Ennen vuotta 2020 julkaistuille valokuville.
COM:TAG Lithuania
- {{PD-LT-exempt}} – *Valtion virallisille symboleille, kuten vaakunoille, rahalle ja lipuille.
- {{PD-old-70}} – for works where the author died more than 70 years ago
COM:TAG Malawi
- Ennen vuotta 2000 julkaistuille valokuville
- Ennen vuotta 2015 myydyille tai lisensoiduille tietokoneohjelmille
- Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille elokuville
- Muille teoksille, joiden tekijä on kuollut ennen vuotta 1975
COM:TAG Malaysia
COM:TAG Morocco
- {{PD-Morocco}} – Ennen vuotta 1955 julkaistuille valokuville ja elokuville; Muille teoksille, joiden tekijä kuoli ennen vuotta 1955.
COM:TAG Mauritius
- {{PD-Mauritius}} – Ennen vuotta 2000 otetuille valokuville; Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille elokuville; Muille teoksille, joiden tekijä on kuollut ennen vuotta 1975.
COM:TAG Mexico
- {{PD-Mexico}} – Teoksille, joiden tekijä kuoli ennen vuotta 1925.
- {{PD-Coa-Mexico}} – coats of arms
- {{PD-MX-exempt}} – Meksikon hallituksen liput ja muut viralliset symbolit.
- {{PD-Mexico-NIP}} – all information published at before April 2006.
COM:TAG Moldova
- {{PD-MD-exempt}} – Virallisille teksteille, kuten laeille ja oikeuden päätöksille sekä niiden käännöksille; Valtion virallisille symboleille, kuten rahalle ja lipuille; Faktatiedolle; Osana kansanperinnettä oleville teoksille.
- {{PD-Moldova}} – Moldovan or Soviet work first published in USSR or Moldova and in the public domain because its copyright has expired: photographic or cinematographic work and fifty years have passed since the year of its production, or another type of work and fifty years have passed since the year of the creator's death.
COM:TAG Mongolia
- *{{PD-Mongolia}} – Ennen vuotta 2000 julkaistuille valokuville; Ennen vuotta 1972 otetuille valokuville; Muille teoksille, joiden tekijä kuoli ennen vuotta 1975; Anonyymisti tai pseudonyymisti ennen vuotta 1950 julkaistuille teoksille, joiden tekijää ei tiedetä; Teoksille, joiden tekijänoikeuden omistaa juridinen henkilö, kuten yhtiö tai organisaatio ja jotka on julkaistu ennen vuotta 1950
- * {{PD MN-exempt}} – **Virallisille dokumenteille, kuten oikeuden päätöksille; Poliittisessa tapaamisessa ja oikeusistunnoissa pidetyille puheille; Yllä olevien käännöksille; Uutisille; *Ideoille, tuotantotavoille, metodeille ja matemaattisille konsepteille.[2006 Article 8]
COM:TAG Montenegro
- {{PD-MNEGov}} – for public domain Montenegro official works
- {{PD-SCGGov}} – for public domain Serbian-Montenegro official works, state symbols, stamps, money etc.
COM:TAG Myanmar
COM:TAG Namibia
- {{PD-Namibia}} – Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille valokuville ja elokuville; Muille teoksille, joiden tekijä kuoli ennen vuotta 1975
- {{PD-Nepal}} – for following types of works:
- a) anonymous work or pseudonymous work – after 50 years from the date of its publication;
- b) work created on payment of remuneration at the initiation or direction of any person or organization – 50 years from the date of its publication;
- c) photographic work or work of applied art – 25 years from the year of its creation;
- d) other work – 50 years from the year of death of the author (or last-surviving author)
As per the Nepal Copyright Act, 2002, any thought, religion, process, concept, principle, court judgement, administrative decision, methods of operation, folk song, folk tale, proverb and general data is not protected.[8/2002 Section 4]
- {{PD-Niger}} – for works made in Niger whose copyright has expired
- {{PD-NigerienGov}} – for works created by the Nigerien government that do not fall under copyright protection.
COM:TAG Nigeria
- {{PD-Nigeria}} –
- Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille valokuville ja elokuville
- Ennen vuotta 1975 luoduille äänitteille
- Ennen vuotta 1975 lähetetyille radio-ohjelmille ja televisio-ohjelmille
- Muille teoksille, joiden tekijänoikeuden omistaa yksityishenkilö ja joiden tekijä kuoli ennen vuotta 1955
- Muille teoksille, joiden tekijänoikeuden omistaa juridinen henkilö, kuten yhtiö tai organisaatio ja jotka on julkaistu ennen vuotta 1955
COM:TAG Norway
- {{PD-Statens vegvesen}} – Norjan tiehallinnon (Statens vegvesen) Internet-sivustolta otetuille tiekylteille[2]
- {{PD-Norway50}} – Valokuville, jotka eivät ole valokuvateoksia ja jotka on otettu ennen vuotta 1975 ja joiden tekijä on kuollut ennen vuotta 2010 tai joiden tekijä on tuntematon
- {{PD-Norway70}} – Images considered to be "works of art" become public domain 70 years after the author's death or publication if the author is unknown.
- {{Norwegian coat of arms}} – Norjan vaakunoille
- {{Kirkeinfo}} – Norjan kirkon mediatietokannasta otetuille kuville.[3]
- {{PD-NorwayGov}} – Norjan viranomaisten päätöksille ja lausumille sekä laeille
- {{}} – Norjan säälaitoksen Internet-sivustolta otetuille kuville, paitsi jos kuvan yhteydessä on erillinen tekijänoikeushuomautus
COM:TAG Ivory Coast
- {{PD-Cote d'Ivoire}} The copyright term is generally 70 years after the author's death or 70 years after publication.
COM:TAG Ottoman Empire
Osmanien valtakunta
- {{PD-Ottoman}} – for works published in the Ottoman Empire, all of which are currently in the public domain.
COM:TAG Pakistan
- {{PD-Pakistan}} – Ennen vuotta 1975 otetuille valokuville; Muille teoksille, joiden tekijä kuoli ennen vuotta 1975
COM:TAG North Macedonia
- {{PD-North Macedonia}} – for works of the following types:
- a) works of folk literature and folk art
- b) a work of known authorship and the author died before January 1, 1946
- c) an anonymous work and it was published before January 1, 1946
- d) a photograph or a work of applied art published before January 1, 1971
COM:TAG Portugal
- {{PD-Portugal-URAA}} for compatibility between the Uruguay Round Agreements Act and works in the public domain in Portugal.
- {{PD-Portugal-photo}} for photographs in the public domain.
- {{IPPAR}} – for images courtesy of IGESPAR.
- {{PD-Portugal-exempt}} for copyright exceptions in Portugal
COM:TAG Poland
- {{PD-Polish}} – Ennen 23. toukokuuta 1994 julkaistuille valokuville, jotka julkaistiin ilman tekijänoikeushuomautusta.
- {{PD-Polishsymbol}} – Puolan viranomaisten virallisille dokumenteille ja symboleille.
- Katso myös: {{PolishSenateCopyright}} ja {{PolishPresidentCopyright}}
COM:TAG France
- {{PD-France}} – Public domain because the author(s) died more than 70 years ago and did not benefit from any copyright extension, or it is an anonymous, pseudonymous or collective work and more than 70 years have passed since its publication, or it is the recording of an audiovisual or musical work already in the public domain, and more than 50 years have passed since the performance or the recording.
- {{PD-Archivesnormandie}} – for pictures from the site Archives Normandie 1939-45. Pictures credited to the National Archives USA or the National Archives Canada and tagged "libres de droits" are in the public domain.
- {{PD-BnFMandragorePic}} – Ranskan kansalliskirjaston Mandragoren tietokannan kuvien digitalisoiduille versioille.[4]
- {{PD-GallicaScan}} – for digitized version of old books from the library at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France
- {{PD-JORF}} – Journal officiel de la République Françaisessa julkaistuille lakiteksteille.
- {{PD-JORF-nor-conso}} – Sama kuin edellinen, mutta tunnistenumerolla.
- {{PD-ID-France}} – Ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain because it is a legally valid French identity photograph.
- {{Licence Ouverte}} and {{Licence Ouverte 2}} – For documents issued under the Licence Ouverte (for example from
- {{}} – For extracts from a video, text or infographic issued on the French government's website.
COM:TAG Romania
- {{PD-RO-exempt}} – Valtion ja viranomaisten virallisille symboleille, kuten lipuille, sineteille, arvomerkeille ja mitaleille; Virallisille teksteille ja niiden virallisille käännöksille.
- {{PD-RO-photo}} – for: (a) photographs series taken before 1986; (b) photographs taken before 1991.
- {{PD-RO-1956}} – for: (a) encyclopedias, dictionaries, corpora issued before 1976; (b) artistic photographs series taken before 1986; (c) artistic photographs taken before 1991.
- {{PD-Romania}} – for: works which have expired in Romania prior to 1996 (usually prior to 1946) under the terms specified in the 1956 law
- {{PD-user-ro|username}} – for works released into the public domain by their creators when the creators are Romanian Wikipedia users.
COM:TAG Sweden
- {{PD-Sweden-photo}} – * {{PD-Sweden-photo}} – Ennen vuotta 1944 otetuille valokuville.
- more specific: {{PD-Sweden-1969}} – for public domain photographic images, not photographic work, of Swedish origin taken before 1969
- {{PD-Transportstyrelsen}} – Ruotsin tiehallinnon (Vägverket) Internet-sivustolta otetuille tiekylteille.[5]
- {{PD-Transportstyrelsen}} – for Swedish road signs from the website of the Swedish Transport Agency.[5]
- {{PD-Ugglan}} – * {{PD-Ugglan}} – Nordisk familjebokin neljännen painoksen (1904–1926) kuvitukselle.
- {{PD-Nordens Flora}} – Nordens Floranin (C. A. M. Lindman, 1917–1926) kuvitukselle.
- {{PD-SFJ}} – Svenska Familj-Journalenin (1864–1887) kuvitukselle
- {{PD-Sjöfartsverket}} – Ruotsin merihallinnon (Sjöfartsverket) julkaisemille kylteille.[6]
- {{PD-Nordens Flora}} – for images from Nordens Flora (Sweden, Author: C. A. M. Lindman, 1917–1926).
- {{PD-SFJ}} – for images from Svenska Familj-Journalen (1864–1887)
- {{PD-Sjöfartsverket}} – for Swedish maritime fairway sign produced by the Swedish Maritime Administration.[6]
- {{PD-Sweden-URL9}} –
for reproductions of law, decision, or report issued by a Swedish public authority (svensk myndighet) or an official translation of such a text.
COM:TAG Germany
- {{PD-GermanGov}} – Saksan viranomaisen lausumissa tai muissa virallisissa dokumenteissa oleville kuville.
- {{PD-BW}} – Bundeswerin ”Zentrale Dienstvorschrifteille”.
- {{PD-Coa-Germany}} – Vaakunoille.
- {{PD-Flag-Germany}} – for German flags of corporations governed by public law that are in the public domain according to German law because they are official works (§5 Abs.1 UrhG).
- {{PD-Seal-Germany}} – for German seals of corporations governed by public law that are in the public domain according to German law because they are official works (§5 Abs.1 UrhG).
- {{PD-VzKat}} – Tiekylteille.
- {{PD-German stamps}} – Saksan nykyisen postipalvelun postimerkeille.
- {{PD-Deutsche Bundespost stamps}} – Deutsche Bundespostin eli BRD:n postipalvelun julkaisemille postimerkeille.
- {{PD-GDR stamps}} – Deutsche Post der DDR:n eli DDR:n postipalvelun julkaisemille postimerkeille.
- {{PD-Meyers}} – Meyers Konversationslexikon -tietosanakirjasarjan neljännen painoksen (1885–1890) kuville.
- {{PD-Germany-§134}} – for literary works, works of music and scientific or technical images published by a legal entity under public law more than 70 years ago that do not mention the author.
- {{PD-Germany-§134-KUG}} – for photographs and works of art published by a legal entity under public law more than 70 years ago that do not mention the author.
- {{Data license Germany-attribution-2.0}} – for data from German authorities, very similar to CC BY-SA
- {{Data license Germany-Zero-2.0}} – for data from German authorities, very similar to CC0
COM:TAG San Marino
San Marino
- {{PD-San MarinoGov}} for the reproduction, even in their entirety, of the acts of State or government or judicial acts.
- {{PD-San Marino}} for works in the public domain in San Marino
COM:TAG Saudi Arabia
- {{PD-Saudi Arabia}} – Ennen vuotta 2000 julkaistuille teoksille.
COM:TAG Serbia
- {{PD-SerbiaGov}} – Serbian (tasavallan) viranomaisten julkaisemille teoksille, virallisille symboleille, postimerkeille ja rahalle.
- {{PD-Serbia}} – for works whose author died before 1954 or published before 1954 if anonymous (public domain prior to introduction of the new law in 2004)
- {{PD-SCGGov}} – Ennen 5. kesäkuuta 2006 julkaistuille Serbian sekä Serbien, kroaattien ja sloveenien kuningaskunnan/Jugoslavian ja Serbia-Montenegron viranomaisten teoksille, virallisille symboleille, postimerkeille ja rahalle.
COM:TAG Seychelles
- {{PD-Seychelles}} –
- Ennen vuotta 2000 julkaistuille valokuville ja elokuville
- Ennen vuotta 2000 luoduille äänitteille
- Muille teoksille, joiden tekijä on kuollut ennen vuotta 2000
COM:TAG Singapore
- {{PD-SG-artisticwork}} – for published and unpublished artistic works other than photographs.
- {{PD-SG-broadcast}} – for television and sound broadcasts, and cable programmes included in cable programme services.
- {{PD-SG-edition}} – for published editions of a work or works.
- {{PD-SG-film}} – for cinematograph films.
- {{PD-SG-lifetimepub}} – for literary, dramatic and musical works published in the author's lifetime.
- {{PD-SG-photo}} or {{PD-Singapore}} – for photographs.
- {{PD-SG-posthumouspub}} – for posthumously published literary, dramatic and musical works, and engravings.
- {{PD-SG-soundrec}} – for sound recordings.
- {{PD-SG-unknownauthor}} – for anonymous and pseudonymous literary, dramatic and musical works.
- {{FoP-Singapore}} – for a work that may be free under Singapore's freedom of panorama rules. A free license or public domain tag is also needed.
COM:TAG Slovakia
- {{PD-SlovakGov}} – Viranomaisten tekemille teoksille.
COM:TAG Slovenia
- {{PD-Slovenia}} – for works whose author died before 1955 or published before 1955 if anonymous (public domain prior to introduction of the new law in 1995).
- {{PD-Slovenia-exempt}} – for non-protected creations in Slovenia (ideas, principles, discoveries; official legislative, administrative and judicial texts; folk literary and artistic creations.)
- {{PD-Sudan}} – Ennen vuotta 2000 julkaistuille valokuville ja elokuville.
- {{PD-Sudan-photo}}
COM:TAG Finland
- {{PD-Finland50}} – Valokuville, jotka eivät ole valokuvateoksia ja jotka on otettu ennen vuotta 1966.
- {{PD-Finland}} – Teoksille, joiden tekijä kuoli ennen vuotta 1926, jonka lisäksi {{PD-1923}}.
- {{PD-Finland|PD-old-100}}
- Teoksille, joiden tekijä kuoli ennen vuotta 1925
- {{PD-Finland|PD-anon-70}}
- Ennen vuotta 1926 anonyymisti tai pseudonyymisti julkaistuille teoksille, joiden tekijä ei ole tullut tietoon 70 vuoden kuluessa teoksen ensimmäisestä julkaisusta
- {{PD-FinlandGov}} – Suomen viranomaisten päätöksille ja lausumille sekä laeille.
- {{PD-Coa-Finland}} – Kuntien, maakuntien ja läänien vaakunoille.
- {{PD-FinlandStamp}} – ja telelaitoksen ennen vuotta 1990 julkaisemille postimerkeille.
- {{PD-Kansallisarkisto}} – Kansallisarkiston sähköisestä arkistotietokannasta tuoduille tiedostoille.
- {{PD-Raita}} – Raidan tietokannasta peräisin oleville äänitteille.[7]
COM:TAG Switzerland
- {{PD-Switzerland-official}} – Rahalle, patenttipiirroksille ja viranomaisten tekemille teoksille.
- {{PD-Coa-Switzerland}} – for coat of arms of a Swiss Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts (corporation governed by public law).
- {{PD-Switzerland-photo}} – Valokuville, jotka eivät ylitä teoskynnystä. Katso englanninkielisen Wikipedian artikkeli lisätietoja varten.
In Switzerland copyright protection expires 70 years after the death of the author with the exception of computer programs, the protection of which ends 50 years after the death of the author.
- {{PD-Syria}} – Ennen vuotta 1994 julkaistuille valokuville.
COM:TAG Tajikistan
- {{PD-TJ-exempt}} – Osana kansanperinnettä oleville teoksille; Viralliselle dokumenteille, kuten laeille, päätöksille ja niiden virallisille käännöksille; Valtion symboleille, kuten lipuille, vaakunoille, rahalle ja mitaleille.
COM:TAG Taiwan
- {{PD-Taiwan}} – for images in the public domain according to the Republic of China (Taiwan).
- {{PD-China}} – for images in the public domain according to the People's Republic of China (mainland) and the Republic of China (Taiwan).
- {{PD-China-film}} – for movies or images from movies published in China more than 50 years ago according to Mainland China and Taiwan.
- {{PD-ROC-exempt}} – Taiwanin (Kiinan tasavallan) tekijänoikeuslain perusteella ilman tekijänoikeuden suojaa oleville teoksille.
- {{PD-ROC-official}} – Sivulta peräisin oleville lakien liitetiedostoille.
- {{PD-ROC-Presidential Office Gazette}} – for the Presidential Office Gazette from 20 May 1948 to present by the Presidential Office of the Republic of China.[8]
- {{PD-ROC-Traffic Signs}} – Sivulta peräisin oleville liikennemerkeille.[9]
- {{PD-ROC-Traffic Markings}} – Sivulta peräisin oleville jalkakäytävien merkinnöille.[9]
- {{OGDL}} – for data released by government agency, government-owned business, public school and administrative legal entity and offered for use and re-use under the Open Government Data License, version 1.0.
- {{GWOIA}} – for information obtained from the websites of government agency, government-owned business, public school and administrative legal entity in Taiwan that includes the Government Website Open Information Announcement.
See also Commons:Copyright rules by territory/China:Copyright tags for works before and after 1949.
COM:TAG Denmark
- {{PD-Denmark}} – Valokuville, jotka eivät ole valokuvateoksia ja jotka on otettu ennen vuotta 1975.
- {{PD-Denmark50}} – for "photographic images not considered to display artistic merit or originality" that were created before 1 January 1970.
- {{PD-DenmarkGov}} – for "acts, administrative orders, legal decisions and similar official documents," but not "works appearing as independent contributions in the [aforementioned] documents."
- {{DGA map}} – for media in either full extent or partially based in Danish Geodata Agency open public geographic data. This tag does not preclude use of other copyright tags.
- {{Statistics Denmark}} – for media in either full extent or partially based on information from Statistics Denmark. This tag does not preclude use of other copyright tags.
- {{PD-DK-expired}} – for works where all authors have been dead for 70 years, which is the maximum amount of copyright allowed according to the 2023 law.
COM:TAG Thailand
- {{PD-Thailand}}
- Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille valokuville, elokuville, televisiolähetyksille ja äänitteille
- Anonyymisti tai pseudonyymisti julkaistuille teoksille, joiden tekijää ei ole saatu selville
- Muille teoksille, joiden tekijänoikeuksien haltijana on yksityishenkilö ja joiden tekijä kuoli ennen vuotta 1975
- Muille teoksille, joiden tekijänoikeuksien haltijana on yksityishenkilö ja joiden tekijä kuoli ennen teoksen ensimmäistä julkaisua ja jotka julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran ennen vuotta 1975
- Muille teoksille, joiden tekijänoikeuksien haltijana on juridinen henkilö, kuten yhtiö tai organisaatio ja jotka on julkaistu ennen vuotta 1975
- {{PD-TH-exempt}} – Viralliselle dokumenteille, kuten laeille ja päätöksille.
COM:TAG Tunisia
- Ennen vuotta 2000 otetuille valokuville
- Muille teoksille, joiden tekijä kuoli ennen vuotta 1975
- Muille anonyymisti tai pseudonyymisti julkaistuille teoksille, joiden tekijää ei ole saatu selville ja jotka on julkaistu ennen vuotta 1975
COM:TAG Turkey
- {{PD-Turkey}} for works whose author died more than 70 years ago, and anonymous works published more than 70 years ago.
- {{PD-TR-currency}} for images of Turkish currency.
- {{Legislation-TR}} for Turkish legislation
COM:TAG Czech Republic
- {{PD-CzechGov}} – Virallisille dokumenteille ja valtion symboleille.
- {{Money-CZ}} – Czech currency
- {{PD-anon-70-CZ}} - for Czech public domain works that are 70+ years old and the author is unknown
COM:TAG Uganda
- {{PD-Uganda}}
- Ennen vuotta 1975 otetuille valokuville
- Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille elokuville ja äänitteille
- Muille teoksille, jotka on julkaistu ennen vuotta 1954 ja joiden tekijä on kuollut ennen vuotta 2004
COM:TAG Ukraine
- {{PD-Ukraine}} - Teoksille, jotka on julkaistu ennen vuotta 1945 ja joiden tekijä on kuollut ennen vuotta 1945.
- This is the effect of the retroactive Ukrainian copyright law of 1993 and the copyright from 50 to 70 years in 2001.). The final conclusion is #.4 in Chapter VI Ukrainian Copyright Law:
#.4. It shall be established that as from the day on which this Law enters into force, the terms of copyright protection, stipulated in Article 28 of this Law and parts 1 and 2 of Article 44 of this Law, shall apply in all cases where the 50-year period of copyright validity after the author's death or the period of validity of related rights has not expired prior to the date of entry into force of this Law.
A Ukrainian or Soviet work that is in the public domain in Ukraine according to this rule is in the public domain in the U.S. only if it was in the public domain in Ukraine in 1995, e.g. if it was published before 1945 and the creator died before that year, and no copyright was registered in the U.S. This is the combined effect of the retroactive Ukrainian copyright law, Ukraine's joining the Berne Convention in 1995, and of 17 USC 104A with its critical date of January 1, 1996.[10]
- {{PD-UA-exempt}} **Osana kansanperinnettä oleville teoksille
- Virallisille viranomaisten julkaisemille dokumenteille, kuten laeille, lausumille ja päätöksille sekä niiden virallisille käännöksille
- Valtion, hallinnollisten alueiden ja armeijan virallisille symboleille
- Rahalle
- Aikatauluille, puhelinluetteloille ja muille tietokannoille, jotka eivät Ukrainan tekijänoikeuslain perusteella ylitä teoskynnystä.
- {{PD-UAGovDoc}} for official documents of a political, legislative or administrative nature (laws, decrees, resolutions, court awards, State standards, etc.) issued by government authorities within their powers, and official translations thereof.
- {{PD-UAGov-Money}} for unit of currencies issued by Ukraine.
- {{PD-UAexMilitary}} for works of a Ukrainian military or Ministry of Defense if it is symbol or sign of government authorities, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations.
COM:TAG Hungary
- {{PD-Hungary}} – for works when a work public domain is in Hungary
- {{PD-HU-exempt}} – Kaikille Unkarin tekijänoikeuslain perusteella ilman tekijänoikeuden suojaa oleville teoksille.
- {{PD-Coa-Hungary}} – for official coats of arms of Hungarian cities.
- {{PD-redsludge-hu}} – by photos taken by a staff photographer of the Hungarian Government and is part of the Ajka red sludge accident photo series
- {{PD-user-hu|username}} – for works released into the public domain by their creators when the creators are Hungarian Wikipedia users.
COM:TAG Uruguay
- {{PD-Uruguay}} – Teoksille, joiden tekijä kuoli ennen vuotta 1975.
- {{PD-Uruguay-anon}} – for anonymous works published more than 50 years ago.
COM:TAG New Zealand
- {{PD-New Zealand}} – Ennen vuotta 1945 otetuille valokuville, joihin oli niin sanottu Crown Copyright, eli valtion tai viranomaisen omistama tekijänoikeus
COM:TAG Uzbekistan
- {{PD-UZ-exempt}} – Virallisille dokumenteille, kuten laeille, päätöksille, muille lakiteksteille tai hallinnollisille teksteille sekä edellä mainittujen dokumenttien käännöksille; Valtion symboleille kuten lipuille, vaakunoille ja rahalle[LRU-476/2018 Article 8]
- {{PD-Uzbekistan}} – for works in the public domain according to Uzbekistanian law (50 years after the author's death).[LRU-476/2018 Article 35]
COM:TAG Belarus
- {{PD-BY-exempt}}
- Virallisille dokumenteille, kuten laeille ja päätöksille sekä niiden käännöksille
- Valtion symboleille, kuten lipuille, vaakunoille ja rahoille
- Osana kansanperinnettä oleville teoksille
- {{PD-Belarus}} – for works 50 years after the author's (or last-surviving co-author) death or 50 years after the first legal publication of the work published under pseudonym or anonymously.
COM:TAG Venezuela
- {{PD-Venezuela}}
- Ennen vuotta 1965 julkaistuille elokuville
- Muille teoksille, joiden tekijä on kuollut ennen vuotta 1965
- {{PD-VenezuelaGov}} – for the "texts of laws, decrees, official regulations, public treaties, judicial decisions and other official acts."
Certain discussions
Certain discussion cases in deletion requests, for example:
Image | Description | Discussion |
![]() |
Logo Alcaldía del Municipio Bolivariano Angostura | Commons:Deletion requests/File:Logo Alcaldía Municipio Blvno Angostura (2021–2025).jpg |
Image | Description | Discussion |
![]() |
All files at Category:Minutes of the Vote Count for the 2024 Presidential Elections in Venezuela. | Commons:Deletion requests/All files at Category:Minutes of the Vote Count for the 2024 Presidential Elections in Venezuela |
Image | Description | Discussion |
![]() |
Coat of arms of Caracas (2022). | Commons:Deletion requests/File:Coat of arms of Caracas (2022).png |
COM:TAG Russia
PD tags
See also: PD Russia license tags
Since January 1, 2008, intellectual property rights are regulated by Russian law 230-FL of 2006: Part IV of the Civil Code, together with the Russian law 231-FL of 2006: Implementation act for Part IV of the Civil Code. This new law replaced all previous IP laws in Russia.
- {{PD-old-70}}
- Teoksille, joiden tekijä kuoli ennen vuotta 1955
- {{PD-old-100}}
- Teoksille, joiden tekijä kuoli ennen vuotta 1925
- {{PD-Russia}} for some intricate special cases in which works of authors who died less than 70 years ago are Public Domain. Roughly, these special cases apply only to authors who died before the end of 1942.
- {{PD-RusEmpire}} for works that was published on territory of the Russian Empire (Russian Republic) except for territories of the Grand Duchy of Finland and Congress Poland before 7 November 1917 and wasn't re-published for 30 days following initial publications on the territory of Soviet Russia or any other states.
- Teoksille, joiden tekijä kuoli aikavälillä 1. tammikuuta 1955 — 22. kesäkuuta 1941
- Teoksille, jotka julkaistiin ennen 22. kesäkuuta 1941 anonyymisti ja tekijä saatiin selville vasta vuonna 1992 tai sen jälkeen
- Teoksille, joiden tekijä ei palvellut eikä muutenkaan työskennellyt Neuvostoliiton puna-armeijassa toisen maailmansodan itärintamalla ja kuoli 22. kesäkuuta 1941 — 31. joulukuuta 1942
- Kuvakaappauksille ammatillisesta elokuvasta tai televisiolähetyksestä, joka julkaistiin ennen vuotta 1955
!!FUZZT!!* {{PD-RU-exempt}}
- Viranomaisten dokumenteille, kuten laeille, lausunnoille ja päätöksille ja niiden virallisiin käännöksille
- Virallisiin valtion ja hallinnollisten alueiden symboleihin, kuten lippuihin, vaakunoihin ja rahaan
- Osana kansanperinnettä oleville teoksille
- Tieteellisille uutisraporteille
- {{PD-Brockhaus&Efron}} – Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionaryn (1890–1907) kuvituksille
Teoksille, jotka julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Venäjän keisarikunnan aikana eli ennen 7. marraskuuta 1917, tulee käyttää mallinetta {{PD-RusEmpire}}. Tämä ei kuitenkaan koske teoksia, jotka julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Suomen suuriruhtinaskunnassa tai Puolassa. Ensimmäisen kerran Suomen suuriruhtinaskunnassa julkaistuihin teoksiin pätee Suomen nykyinen tekijänoikeuslaki, ja niille tulee käyttää jotakin Suomen mallinetta (katso #Suomi). Ensimmäisen kerran Puolassa julkaistuihin teoksiin pätee Puolan nykyinen tekijänoikeuslaki, ja niille tulee käyttää jotakin Puolan mallinetta (katso #Puola).
Teoksille, jotka julkaistiin Neuvostoliiton aikana ensimmäisen kerran muussa neuvostotasavallassa kuin Venäjän neuvostotasavallassa, tulisi käytää kyseisen, neuvostovallan jälkeen seuranneen valtion mallinetta. Esimerkiksi, jos teos on julkaistu ensimmäisen kerran Ukrainan neuvostotasavallassa, katso oikea malline kohdan #Ukraina alta.
Creative Commons tags
COM:TAG Vietnam
- *{{PD-Vietnam}}
- Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille valokuville
- Muille teoksille, joiden tekijä kuoli ennen vuotta 1975
- {{PD-VietnamGov}} – for legal text documents, administrative text documents by the government and official translations, as well as other documents mentioned in the Not protected section. Do not use this for images and logos.
- {{PD-South VietnamGov}} — The government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam maintains that between 2 September 1945 and 2 July 1976 only the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Republic of South Vietnam were legitimate governments and sees works issued by rival governments as illegal.
COM:TAG Estonia
- {{PD-EE-exempt}}
- Osana kansanperinnettä oleville teoksille
- Oikeuden päätöksille ja niiden virallisille käännöksille
- Valtion virallisille symboleille
Panoraamavapaus ei koske Virossa kaupallista käyttöä — tallenna siis Commonsiin vain valokuvia, joiden esittämän rakennuksen tai taideteoksen tekijä on kuollut ennen vuotta 1955.
COM:TAG United Arab Emirates
Yhdistyneet arabiemiraatit
- {{PD-United Arab Emirates}}
- Ennen vuotta 2000 otetut valokuvat
- Ennen vuotta 1992 julkaistut valokuvat
- {{PD-United Arab Emirates stamp}}
- Ennen vuotta 1977 julkaistut postimerkit
COM:TAG United Kingdom
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta
The following are copyright tags/ templates for UK works. If you are uploading a UK-based work to Commons, please find the corresponding tag and add it to the licensing information for the item you are uploading (copy and paste, if you like). When you then save the file, these tags will expand to produce and appropriate text for that kind of license.
- {{PD-UK-unknown}} *{{PD-UK-unknown}} – Ennen vuotta 1926 anonyymisti tai pseudonyymisti julkaistuille teoksille, joiden tekijä ei ole tullut tietoon 70 vuoden kuluessa teoksen ensimmäisestä julkaisusta.
- {{PD-Britannica}} – for images from the 12th edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica or earlier.
- {{PD-UKGov}} – Teoksille, joihin oli niin sanottu Crown Copyright, eli valtion tai viranomaisen omistama tekijänoikeus, mutta joiden tekijänoikeus on vanhentunut, koska teokset täyttävät jonkin seuraavista kriteereistä:
- Teos on ennen 1. heinäkuuta 1957 otettu valokuva
- Teos on valokuva tai kaiverrus, joka on julkaistu kaupallisesti ennen vuotta 1975
- Teos on muu kuin valokuva tai kaiverrus, ja se on luotu ennen vuotta 1975
- {{OldOS}} – Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistu Ordnance Surveyn kartta — Ordnance Survey pyytää kuitenkin, että Ordnance Survey mainitaan kartan käytön yhteydessä.
- {{OS OpenData}} – this tag is for Ordnance Survey maps published in the UK.
- {{PD-Britannica}} – images from the 12th edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica or earlier.
- {{PD-UKGov}} – UK Crown copyright images where copyright has expired (typically works created prior to 1975)
- {{OldOS}} – Ordnance Survey maps published in the UK over 50 years ago.
- {{OS OpenData}} – Ordnance Survey maps published in the UK.
The UK's Open Government Licence (OGL) is a simple set of terms and conditions that facilitates the re-use of a wide range of public sector information free of charge. Since 2010, almost all information owned by the UK Crown is offered for use and re-use under the Open Government Licence. The licence is also used by other bodies, including local government.
The Open Parliament License (OPL) facilitates the free use of material made available by the House of Commons or the House of Lords in which copyright or database right subsists. Almost all material produced by Parliament and its committees is governed by the Open Parliament License.
COM:TAG United States
- {{PD-US}} – Julkaistu ennen vuotta 1930.
- {{PD-US-expired}} – published anywhere before 1930 and public domain in the U.S. (preferred over {{PD-US}})
- {{PD-1996}} – public domain in a source country on January 1, 1996 and in the U.S.
- {{PD-US-not renewed}} – Julkaistu vuosina 1930—1963, eikä tekijänoikeutta ole uusittu.
- {{PD-US-no notice}} – Julkaistu vuosina 1930—1977 ilman tekijänoikeushuomautusta. Riittäväksi tekijänoikeushuomautuksesi katsottiin joko ”©”, ”Copyright” tai ”Copr.” ja sen lisäksi tekijänoikeuksien haltija.
- {{PD-US-no notice advertisement}} – any advertisement published in the U.S. prior to 1978 in a collective work without a copyright notice specific to the advertisement
- {{PD-US-1978-89}} – Teos julkaistiin aikavälillä 1. tammikuuta 1978 — 1. maaliskuuta 1989 ilman tekijänoikeushuomautusta, ja tekijänoikeutta ei rekisteröity viiden vuoden kuluessa julkaisemisesta.
- {{PD-US-unpublished}} – never published anywhere prior to 2003
- {{PD-US-record}} – Ennen 15. helmikuuta 1972 luoduille äänitteille — koskee vain itse ”äänitettä”, äänitetyn musiikin tulee olla erikseen ilman tekijänoikeuden suojaa
- {{PD-Edison Records}} – Edison Recordsin äänitteille.
- {{PD-EdictGov}} – all edicts of government are in the public domain in the U.S.
- {{PD-US-Codes-and-Standards-as-Statutory-Law}} – U.S. standards and codes become edicts of government when adopted, thereby losing copyright protection
- {{PD-US-Medical imaging}} - medical imaging created in the US, without any particular originality or creativity to make it copyrightable
See also #US States and Territories
US Government agencies
- {{PD-USGov}} – Yhdysvaltain hallituksen luomille teoksille.
Judicial Branch
- {{PD-USGov-Judiciary}} – for federal Court case documents.
Yhdysvaltain kongressi
- {{PD-USGov-Congress}} – Yhdysvaltain kongressin kuville.
- {{PD-USGov-Congress-AOC}} – Architect of the Capitolin (AOC) kuville.
- {{PD-USGov-GAO}} – for public domain media from the General Accounting Office.
- See also #US Library of Congress public domain collections
Department of Agriculture
- {{PD-USGov-USDA}} United States Department of Agriculturen kuville
- {{PD-USGov-USDA-ARS}} Agricultural Research Servicen kuville
- {{PD-USGov-USDA-FS}} Forest Servicen kuville
- National Agricultural Library {{PD-USGov-USDA-NRCS}}
- {{PD-USGov-FSA}} – Farm Security Administration tai Office of War Information.
Department of Commerce
- {{PD-USGov-DOC}} – for public domain images from the Department of Commerce.
- {{PD-USGov-DOC-Census}} – public domain files from the U.S. Census Bureau.
- {{PD-USGov-NIST}} – for public domain images from the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
- {{PD-USGov-NOAA}} – for public domain images from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
- {{PD-NWS}} – for public domain media from the National Weather Service.
- {{PD-US-patent}} – Yhdysvaltalaisten patenttipiirrosten skannauksille.
Department of Defense
- {{PD-USGov-Military}} – Yhdysvaltain armeijan tai puolustusvoimien kuville.
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Air Force}} – Yhdysvaltain ilmavoimien kuville.
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Air National Guard}} – for works of the Air National Guard.
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Army}} – Yhdysvaltain armeijan kuville.
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Army-USACE}} – for public domain images from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Army-USACMH}} – Yhdysvaltain armeijan historiakeskuksen kuville.
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Army-USAIOH}} – for public domain images from the U.S. Army Institute of Heraldry.
- {{PD-USGov-Military award}} – Armeijan mitaleista otetuille kuville — huomaa, että myös itse kuvan täytyy olla vapaasti lisensoitu tai ilman tekijänoikeuden suojaa.
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Badge}} – Armeijan arvomerkeistä otetuille kuville — huomaa, että myös itse kuvan täytyy olla vapaasti lisensoitu tai ilman tekijänoikeuden suojaa.
- {{PD-USCG}} – Yhdysvaltain rannikkovartioston kuville.
- {{PD-USGov-Military-DVIC}} – for media from the Defense Visual Information Center.
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Marines}} – Yhdysvaltain merijalkaväen kuville.
- {{PD-USGov-Military-MDA}} – for public domain images from the Missile Defense Agency.
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Navy}} – Yhdysvaltain laivaston kuville.
- {{PD-USGov-Military-National Guard}} – for public domain images from the U.S. National Guard.
- {{PD-USGov-Military-NGA}} – National Geospatial Intelligence Agencyn kuville ja tiedoille.
- {{PD-USGov-NRO}} – for public domain images from the National Reconnaissance Office.
- {{PD-USGov-NSA}} – for public domain images from the National Security Agency.
- {{PD-WSMRM}} – White Sands Missile Range Museumin Internet-sivustolta otetuille kuville.
Department of Education
- {{PD-USGov-ED}} – for public domain images from the Department of Education.
Department of Energy
- {{PD-USGov-DOE}} – for public domain images from the Department of Energy.
- {{PD-LosAlamos}} – for DOE public domain images from the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- {{PD-USGov-ARM}} – for public domain images from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program.
Department of Health and Human Services
- {{PD-USGov-HHS}} – for public domain images from the Department of Health and Human Services.
- {{PD-USGov-HHS-CDC}} – for public domain images from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- {{PD-USGov-HHS-NIOSH}} – for public domain images from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
- {{PD-USGov-HHS-CDC}} – for public domain images from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- {{PD-USGov-FDA}} – for public domain images from the Food and Drug Administration.
- {{PD-USGov-HHS-NIH}} or {{PD-USGov-NIH}} – for public domain media from the National Institutes of Health.
- {{PD-USGov-NIH-NIAID}} – for public domain images from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
- {{PD-USGov-NIH-NIAID-Videos}} – for public domain images from a list of public domain videos of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
- {{PD-USGov-NCBI-scienceprimer}} – for public domain images from the National Center for Biotechnology Information's Science Primer.
- {{PD-USGov-NIH-NIAID}} – for public domain images from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
- {{PD-USGov-PHS}} – for public domain images from the United States Public Health Service.
Department of Homeland Security
- {{PD-USGov-DHS}} – for public domain images from the Department of Homeland Security.
- {{PD-USCG}} – for public domain images from the US Coast Guard.
- {{PD-USGov-FEMA}} – for public domain images from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Department of Housing and Urban Development
- {{PD-USGov-HUD}} – for public domain images from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Department of the Interior
- {{PD-USGov-Interior}} – for public domain images from the Department of the Interior.
- {{PD-USGov-BLM}} – for public domain images from the Bureau of Land Management.
- {{PD-USGov-Interior-BOEMRE}} – for public domain images from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement.
- {{PD-USGov-FWS}} – for public domain images from the Fish and Wildlife Service.
- {{PD-USGov-USGS}} – for public domain images from the United States Geological Survey.
- {{PD-USGov-Interior-USGS-Minerals}} – for public domain images from the USGS Minerals in Your World project.
- {{PD-USGov-Interior-USGS-NBII}} – National Biological Information Infrastructuren (NBII) digitaalikuvien kirjastosta otetuille kuville.
- {{PD-USGov-Interior-HABS}} – for public domain images from the Historic American Buildings Survey.
- {{PD-USGov-Interior-MMS}} – for public domain images from the Minerals Management Service.
- {{PD-USGov-NPS}} - for public domain images from the National Park Service.
- {{PD-USGov-NPS-HAER}} - National Park Service - Historic American Engineering Record.
- {{PD-USGov-Interior-USBR}} – for public domain images from the Bureau of Reclamation.
- {{PD-USGov-Atlas}} – for public domain images from the National Atlas of the United States.
- {{PD-USGov-AVO}} – for images from web cameras operated by the Alaska Volcano Observatory.
Department of Justice
- {{PD-USGov-DOJ}} – for public domain images from the Department of Justice.
- {{PD-USGov-DEA}} – for public domain images from the Drug Enforcement Administration.
- {{PD-USGov-FBI}} – for public domain images from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Department of Labor
- {{PD-USGov-DOL}} – for public domain images from the Department of Labor.
Department of State
- {{PD-USGov-DOS}} – for public domain images from the Department of State.
- {{PD-USGov-USIA}} – for public domain images from the now-defunct United States Information Agency.
Department of Transportation
- {{PD-USGov-DOT}} – for public domain images from the Department of Transportation.
- {{PD-USGov-MUTCD}} – for images taken from the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
- {{PD-USGov-FAA}} – for public domain images from Federal Aviation Administration.
- {{PD-USGov-NTSB}} – for public domain images from the National Transportation Safety Board.
Department of the Treasury
- {{PD-USGov-Treasury}} – for public domain images from the Department of the Treasury.
- {{PD-USGov-money}} – Yhdysvaltain dollareista otetuille kuville.
Department of Veterans Affairs
- {{PD-USGov-DVA}} – for public domain images from the Department of Veteran Affairs.
Independent agencies
- {{PD-USGov-BBG}} – for public domain images created by Broadcasting Board of Governors.
- {{PD-USGov-VOA}} – for public domain images from the Voice of America [7].
- {{PD-USGov-CIA}} – Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) eli Yhdysvaltain keskustiedustelupalvelu.
- {{PD-USGov-CIA-WF}} – for public domain images from the Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.
- {{PD-USGov-EPA}} – for public domain images from the Environmental Protection Agency.
- {{PD-USGov-Federal Reserve}} – for public domain images from the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.
- {{PD-USGov-NASA}} – National Space Agency (NASA) eli Yhdysvaltain avaruusviraston kuville.
- {{PD-WorldWind}} – Nasan World Windillä otetuille kuville
- {{PD-USGov-NASA-SRTM}} – Sivulta oleville tiedoille — normaali tekijänoikeusmalline tarvitaan lisäksi
- {{PD-USGov-NASA-AP|mission=tehtävä|roll=roll|frame=kehys}}
- Sivulta oleville tiedoille — normaali tekijänoikeusmalline tarvitaan lisäksi
- {{PD-USGov-NASA-AP}} – for U.S. Astronauts' Photographs.
- {{PD-USGov-NSF}} – for public domain images from the National Science Foundation.
- {{PD-USGov-ODNI}} - for public domain images from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
- {{PD-USGov-PC}} – for public domain images from the Peace Corps.
- {{PD-USGov-POTUS}} – for public domain images from the Executive Office of the President of the United States.
- {{PD-USGov-SI}} – for public domain images from the Smithsonian Institution
- {{PD-USGov-USAID}} – for public domain images from USAID.
- {{PD-USGov-USTR}} – for public domain images from the Office of the United States Trade Representative.
- {{PD-USGov-WPA}} – for public domain images from the defunct Works Progress Administration.
- {{PD-USGov-TVA}} – for public domain images from the Tennessee Valley Authority.
- {{PD-USGov-Award}} – for an image of an award or decoration of an agency of the federal government of the United States.
Yhdysvaltain kongressin kirjaston kokoelmat
Katso myös: Commons:Library of Congress
- {{PD-LOC-911}} – for the 250 images from the Collection of unattributed photographs of the September 11th terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, New York City.
- {{PD-Abdul Hamid}} – for images from the Abdul-Hamid II Collection.
- {{PD-Bain}} – for images from the George Grantham Bain Collection.
- {{PD-Brady-Handy}} – for images from the Brady-Handy Collection.
- {{PD-Carpenter}} – for images from the Carpenter Collection.
- {{PD-CQ Roll Call}} – for public domain photos from the CQ Roll Call Photograph Collection.
- {{PD-Curtis}} – for images from the Edward S. Curtis Collection.
- {{PD-Detroit}} – for images from the Detroit Publishing Company Collection.
- {{PD-Frissell}} – for images from the Toni Frissell Collection.
- {{PD-Gotfryd}} – for images from the Bernard Gotfryd Collection.
- {{PD-Gottlieb}} – for images from the William P. Gottlieb Collection.
- {{PD-Gottscho}} – for images from the Gottscho-Schleisner Collection.
- {{PD-Harris-Ewing}} – for images from the Harris & Ewing Collection.
- {{PD-Highsmith}} – for images from the Carol Highsmith Collection.
- {{PD-Johnston}} – for images from the Frances Benjamin Johnston Collection.
- {{PD-Korab}} – for images from the Balthazar Korab Collection.
- {{PD-Look}} for images from the LOOK Magazine Photograph Collection
- {{PD-Matson}} – for images from the G. Eric and Edith Matson Photograph Collection.
- {{PD-National Photo Company}} – for public domain images from the National Photo Company Collection.
- {{PD-NCLC}} for works from the National Child Labor Committee collection
- {{PD-NYWT&S}} – for public domain images from the New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection.
- {{PD-USNWR}} – for public domain images from the US News & World Report Collection.
- {{PD-Underwood}} – for public domain images by Underwood & Underwood in the general Library of Congress catalog
- {{PD-Van Vechten}} – for images from the Carl Van Vechten Collection.
- {{PD-VAR}} – for images from the Theatrical Poster Collection
US States
{{PD-CAGov}} – Kalifornian osavaltion viranomaisten kuville.
- {{PD-FLGov}} – Floridan viranomaisen luomille kuville.
- {{PD-MAGov}} – for works created by the State of Massachusetts.
- {{PD-MGS}} – for maps and reports created by the Minnesota Geological Survey and released to the public domain; attribution is requested.
- {{Iowa General Assembly official portrait permission}} – for official portraits of Iowa state legislators.
- {{PD-WSRC}} – for images created by the Washington State Redistricting Commission and released to the public domain; attribution is requested.
US Territories
- {{PD-PRGov}} – for images created by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
- {{PD-USGov-Unincorporated}} – used for work created by governments of "W:Unorganized territories" (excluding American Samoa), because they are considered part of the US Federal Government) and hence their works are ineligible for copyright.[11][12]
Work of Organized Territories has less clear status; the first link in this section shows strong evidence that Puerto Rico's works are in the public domain, while the second link prevaricates. Flags and coats of arms seem to follow the same laws as the US[13]
American Samoa
- {{PD-American Samoa}} — used for works made in American Samoa so long as the work has not been copyrighted elsewhere in the United States. Lisätietoja: Commons:Copyright rules by territory/American Samoa
COM:TAG Zimbabwe
- {{PD-Zimbabwe}} – Ennen vuotta 1975 julkaistuille valokuville; Muille teoksille, joiden tekijä kuoli ennen vuotta 1975
Some citation text may not have been transcluded