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Operator: Romaine (talk)

Bot's tasks for which permission is being sought: a lot of maintenance, mostly regarding adding/removing/editing categories and templates

Automatic or manually assisted: both

Edit type (e.g. Continuous, daily, one time run): one time run

Maximum edit rate (eg edits per minute): six a minute without botbit, with botbit I hope a bit more, certainly when manually confirming each page so I not have to wait too much for the next save.

Bot flag requested: (Y/N): Yes

Programming language(s): AWB, maybe py

I am an experienced bot-owner on several projects. Currently I am organizing Wiki Loves Monuments in Belgium and Luxembourg this month and would like to use my bot for maintenance regarding this project. Romaine (talk) 18:43, 6 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]


  • Test run looks OK for me (I assume bot deduce identifier based on category). --EugeneZelenko (talk) 14:51, 10 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
    • Yes, I first viewed the category in my browser, and then with a bot I added the identifiers. Romaine (talk) 16:29, 10 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
      • But why we need to add this identifier to every image? Why category is not enough? I could understand usefulness of this action if such template contains descriptions with translations. But even in this case additional text may be necessary so such templates could not be used everywhere. --EugeneZelenko (talk) 15:01, 11 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
        • In all the countries participating in Wiki Loves Monuments some sort of identifier is required for participating in the photocontest. The identifiers are officially assigned to a particular monument by the national heritage agency, part of the government, and form basic information regarding the objects on a photo. Also we work together with many of the heritage organizations, to exchange pictures and to make sure that every photo is properly identified as the particular monument in the database of the heritage agency. This is required because it can be very difficult to identify a monument. The identifiers are seen as basic information what should be on the file page because they identify individual files and link them to a specific monument in the national databases, so that we can check if a particular photo matches with the database entry. It also is a source of more information. There are monuments with the same name, monuments with several identifiers, photo's with more than one monument on them, and a lot of times on the file page only the identifiers regarding specific parts of the monument that are on the photo are added (many times specific parts got their own identifier). Sometimes there is a match one to one, with the category on Commons and an identifier, but in many cases we have seen not such perfect match and is the local situation more difficult. In Europe we have many many monuments, and it becomes difficult to identify monuments just on their description (many look like each other), and we try to prevent mistakes with the identification of specific photo's and adding on each file page the corresponding identifier. Also many identifiers link directly to pages in the national heritage databases, so we can easily check if the monument on the picture is the same as in the database. Within the Wiki Loves Monuments project it is thought that all files of monuments registered by heritage organizations need to have an identifier. With the 2010 contest afterwards a bot did run to add to a lot of images that were already on Commons the identifier, also this is planned afterwards this year's contest (but that will not be my bot). Greetings - Romaine (talk) 19:52, 11 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  • You could also include the template directly in {{Information}}: sample --  Docu  at 10:52, 11 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  • What templates and categories do you plan to add (other than {{Onroerend erfgoed}} ). --  Docu  at 11:05, 11 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
    • In the past days some people asked for help because they forgot to add information/template/category to an group of files they uploaded.
    • Also another user had accidently added the wrong template to a group of files that needed to be replaced.
    • The categorytree for registered monuments by heritage agencies, has been designed within the Wiki Loves Monuments project to contain the categories of specific monuments and the monuments without a specific category itself, so that all registered monuments can be found in the categorytree of the national monuments. A lot of those categories are still missing on images containing these registered monuments.
    As organizer of WLM BE/LUX I do not want to do this all by hand, when a bot is able to. Greetings - Romaine (talk) 19:52, 11 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

If there is no any objections, I think bot status should be granted. --EugeneZelenko (talk) 15:00, 13 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

  • (after ec) Comment: On nl:wiki, this user has used his bot to do a lot of useful edits, but he also had it perform controversial edits there (e.g. implementing a template without consensus). I would not like to see such things happening on Commons too. I don't mind him getting the bit, but only under the provision that he indeed uses it for nothing else than WLM related edits. Wutsje 15:08, 13 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
    • In 2007 a group of users started a project to clean up the mess there was in the template namespace on nl-wiki, and was discussed in the community who agreed. Also a poll was held more recently and still the edits were wanted. And yes, in that poll you didn't vote yes. For that use I have used my bot specifically on nl-wiki, as there it is wished by most users. Also before I got my bot granted on nl-wiki, I have specified to the bureaucrat what the bot would do, and he agreed on that and it was discussed on the adminlist who came to the same conclusion, and the bot is just doing that. What you some months ago complained about is a template which had over time many errors, which I fixed with my bot, but that result you do not like. I wrote an explanation about the background, I am still waiting for a reply from you on the matter itself.
    • But as I said, I specifically pointed out to the bureaucrat what my bot on nl-wiki got as task, and it is still doing that. Also here, by bot is going to do normal maintenance in adding/replacing categories, adding/replacing templates (and not the things you point at nl-wiki on). Wiki Loves Monuments is only one month a year, and I do like to help a user in December as well when he for example upload a group of pictures about cars and want a bot to add a category to each of those pages. Greetings - Romaine (talk) 20:54, 13 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
    • I think will be good idea to focus of this particular request, not on the past. I think will be good idea to request permission for new functionality separately, especially if it may be controversial one. --EugeneZelenko (talk) 14:51, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
    • Romaine is suitable to handle a bot. There might have been some things on nlwiki, but I've never seen those with Romaine and bots, besides that Romaine has just that much edits on nl that offcourse sometimes something goes wrong but I think he is capable to use a bot without doing any damage and with only doing nice helpfull things here. The suggested changes on the monuments part will be very usefull for the progress on the fast improving monuments coverage on the different wiki's, in this case the coverage of Belgium. Mvg, Basvb (talk) 16:47, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
    • I am not interested in doing controversial stuff, I like that job to be of other users. If I ever would want to do other stuff with the bot, I will ask that first. Greetings - Romaine (talk) 17:39, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]