Category talk:Skye

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This is the first one of the Inner Hebrides I have encountered of this organization. It does occur in the Outer Hebrides. Just to review quickly, there are two main organizations of these island categories.

In the first, which I've been using on some of the major islands, the general categories - mountain, roads, etc. - are placed before the lettered categories. They contain the names of all the terrain features, which are not necessarily tied to one place; in fact, are not. A river, for example, may go through several locations. The lettered categories then contain all the geographic locations. There are typically a lot of those.

In the second method, the general categories are placed in the lettered sections. Nothing goes up front. The geographic locations are all collected in one category, "towns and villages," where they assume an alphabetic order.

I can't say that I like the second approach. A lot of the places are not towns and villages, but are abandoned sites, or whole sections of land. It does not seem as convenient.

However my preference is not all that intense. It is nothing about which I am going to say, if we do it that way, I am not going to help. Skye is already pretty well along in the second method. For myself, rather than try to convert it (which actually can be easily done) I am going to work with it for this category, and the same applies to all the others. Whatever way it was, I am keeping. In cases where both methods are used, I do convert to the first way. This approach only apples to the lowest-level categories, which might be mixed with individual images. The upper levels have their own approach. I'm not doing that. It seems to apply to political subdivisions. Those come, and those go, but the terrain seems more stable.

What is to be done in the long run? I don't know if anything is to be done. Is complete uniformity a good idea? I'm not so sure. In any case it seems to me the total conversion to all one way is one of those consensus affairs. We would need more voices. Right now there is only the two of us.Botteville (talk) 17:55, 28 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]