Category talk:Photographs by Samuel Bala

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My original email

----- Original Message ----- 
To: (a mailing list for fans of [[w:You Am I]])
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 5:00 AM
Subject: [punkarella!] got a good photo of yai/tim?

> Hi all,
> It just occurred to me that it's more than likely lots of folk on this 
> list
> have some pretty decent shots of YAI/Tim solo from gig- or festival-goings
> etc. I'm an editor on Wikipedia (as indeed anyone can be -
> ) and it would be tops if we had a nice image or 
> two
> for the pages on You Am I and Tim Rogers (and even Davey Lane, too). 
> (There
> a couple of images there at the moment but their copyright status is
> suspect - they're being used as "fair use" images.)
> Here's the catch: We really would be better off with a free image. That
> means you own the copyright and you've put it in the public domain, OR you
> retain copyright but allow it to be reused for any purpose, OR you release
> it under a "free license" such as the GFDL or a Creative Commons license
> (these are best for arty stuff like photos).
> What it will mean in practical terms is that your image will be available
> for re-use on any of the wikimedia projects (like Wikipedias in other
> languages), also that *anyone* will be able to use, redistribute or edit
> your work for any purpose *including commercial use*. You can require that
> they attribute the original work to you, and you can also require that any
> derivative works are released under the same license but that's about it.
> (You can *ask* that they inform you when/where they use your work, but you
> can't enforce it.)
> You still hold the copyright, so say if you have a website with a gallery 
> of
> all your photos, you can still slap (C) "All rights reserved" all over 
> them,
> but it someone was clever enough to find your image on Wikipedia/Commons,
> there'd be nothing to stop them using it.
> Too much legalese... if anyone thinks they have a decent pic or two and 
> they
> could agree to this kind of thing, send me an email and we'll take it from
> there.

First reply from website maintainer

----- Original Message ----- 
From: (webmaster of
To: (mailing list)
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: [punkarella!] got a good photo of yai/tim?

> I've tried adding links to the Tim Rogers / YAI pages on my site 
> But some fucker on Wikipedia deleted them and banned me.
> You take what you want from those pages. There's a few images there.
> Davey Lane / The Pictures as well.

my reply to the webmaster

----- Original Message ----- 
From: (me)
To: (webmaster)
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: [punkarella!] got a good photo of yai/tim?

> Anyway, on to the images. There are some great images which would be 
> awesome to use.
> like this one - 
> but it pretty clearly states that it's copyright Sam Balas. And I'm pretty 
> sure you're not him. And unless he has released all rights to you, you 
> can't be givin' away his work.
> So is there any photos you've taken yourself? Or should I talk to Sam 
> Balas?
> cheers, thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.

second reply from webmaster

From: (webmaster)
To: (me)
Subject: Re: [punkarella!] got a good photo of yai/tim?
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 11:23:12 +1100

Sam says you can use the photo if you like.
Can you credit it to him and the site if you use it?

email requesting to speak to photographer

From: (me)
To: (webmaster)
Subject: Re: [punkarella!] got a good photo of yai/tim?
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 11:56:51 +1100

Thanks for asking Sam for me :) But I think I should speak to him directly, 
I just want to be totally sure that he understands what he's agreeing to. 
If you fwd this to Sam and get him to reply to me, that would be ace:

We can only use material if you are willing to grant permission for it to be 
used under terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (GNU-FDL, or GFDL for 
short). This means that although you retain the copyright and authorship of 
your own work, you are granting permission for others to use, copy, and 
share your materials freely, and even potentially use them commercially, so 
long as they do not try to claim the copyright themselves, or try to prevent 
others from using or copying them freely (e.g., "share-alike"). Please do 
note that your contributions may not remain intact as submitted; this 
license, as well as the collaborative nature of our project, also entitles 
others to edit, alter, and update them at will, i.e., to keep up with new 
information, or suit the text to a different purpose.  However, the license 
also expressly protects authors "from being considered responsible for 
modifications made by others."

You can read this license in full at:

If you do agree to grant permission for use, we will credit you,  state the 
image was based on your work and is used with your permission, and provide a 
link back to your website.

So I just need him to explicitly state:
* that he agrees to grant permission for his work to be used under the GFDL
* which works he agrees to do this for (links to specific ones, or "any that 
appear on of You Am I", or "any works published on the 
internet at all")
(Because if he is happy, I am sure we could use several of his photos for 
other artists, as he takes excellent photos they would be more than welcome)
* which website he wants linked to (nakeddwarf or cheesenugget)
* How he wants his name credited (eg. "Sam Bala", "Samuel Bala" etc)
* also the higher-res photos we can use the better, but that might be a 
hassle, so we can just the ones on nakeddwarf if that's easier

Cheers, I look forward to hearing from Sam

Email from photographer granting permission under GFDL

Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 19:57:04 +1100
From: Sam Bala
To: (me)
Subject: wikipedia permission   

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type"> <title></title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"> HI,

enclosed is all the info you needed for my pic. if u want more, go for it.

So I just need him to explicitly state:

  • that he agrees to grant permission for his work to be used under the

GFDL  - i fully agree to this

  • which works he agrees to do this for (links to specific ones, or "any

that appear on of You Am I", or "any works published on the internet at all")
(Because if he is happy, I am sure we could use several of his photos for other artists, as he takes excellent photos they would be more than welcome)  - any works published on the internet at all

  • which website he wants linked to (nakeddwarf or cheesenugget) 


  • How he wants his name credited (eg. "Sam Bala", "Samuel Bala" etc)

- Samuel Bala

  • also the higher-res photos we can use the better, but that might be a

hassle, so we can just the ones on nakeddwarf if that's easier - with this just let me know which hi res one in particular u want and i iwll more than happy to oblige

</body> </html>