Category talk:Panavia Tornado in Italian service

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Matricola Militare M.M. or just MM


Dear all; I started creating the correct individual aircraft categories with the Matricula Militare.

e.g. I created Category:MM7072 (aircraft)

Questionː Should we use the spelling M.M. 7072 (aircraft) instead? That is how it reads on the aircraft. But a lot of lists just spell it without dots and without space.

I started creating these as the squadron codes are not unique identifications for an italian aircraftː There was a MB339 (MM54642) carrying "61-16" and there is a T-346 carrying the same code "61-16".

The point is, that an individual aircraft during its service obtains different squadron identification codes. Watch this photo-collection, where the aircraft MM6970 is beeing seen as 51-04 in 1996 but also as 5-45 in the year 2002 while the military registration remained the same. I think Tornados did the same. Nobody ever realized that? Anidaat (talk) 16:28, 27 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]