Category talk:Basque pilota

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Juiced lemon has asked to rename the Category Basque pilota to Basque pelota because pilota is a non-English name.

Maybe he hasn't noticed pelota isn't either an English word!

So, when we have two non-English words we should refer to the original one: pilota, which is the way a ball and an autoctonous handball sport is called both in Basque and in Catalan.

Spanish pelota that Juicedlemon prefers is nothing more than the translation.

--Casaforra (parlem-ne) 06:56, 11 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I notice that you don't know what is a language, and I think you are incompetent to set about any spelling reform of the English language. “Pelota” is an English word. It leaves me cold that you dislike it. --Juiced lemon 09:23, 11 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
1- Why do you say I don't know what a language is?
2- I haven't tried to teach English people to write their own language.
3- I haven't found pelota in any of my English dictionaries.
4- I happen to know more about Basque pilota and Valencian pilota than you do, in both sports in both languages the word ball is called pilota. I see no reason to use the Spanish word, pelota. Try to be
Next time, try to be a bit civilller, ok?
First step: First discuss, later rename.
--Casaforra (parlem-ne) 16:56, 11 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I easily found pelota in dictionaries and on the web (see [1]). There is a patent usage of pelota in the English language; so, as you say “pelota isn't either an English word!”, you don't know what is a language.
I have no lessons to learn from you, because you ignore the rules, and you wrote insulting comments. --Juiced lemon 00:05, 12 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]