Category talk:Acid3 in Firefox

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Sort order of files


I've edited most of the files in this category to add sortkeys in order to sort the files here in progressive order with regard to how implementation of the Acid3 test has progressed.

The criteria for placing images up, or into the sort order were following:

  • The images had to be lossless (PNG or GIF, not JPG);
  • Would not by and large contain visuals and elements of proprietary software (window decorations and such);
  • The images had to be whole. If the same score had several images and one of them was not whole, then it was not included in the sort order;
  • Image information had to be present and reasonably accurate (date/version etc.);
  • Images that had been updated/overwritten often did not count.
The table below

lists only some files that were sorted, and serves the purpose of offering examples of how to sort and which sortkeys were used.

The sort order for images went like this: Score > version. If no version was provided, or the screenshot was from a Nightly, then the Gecko date was used for priority. If a mobile version was offered, it was appeneded at the end of a group of screenshots of desktop versions with the same score.

Note that sorting works like one would sort filenames, so the presence or order of characters in the sortkey is important. For example, leading zeros allow to sort scores better; for example, 072 is smaller than 100 — while 100 is placed before 72 — because 1, if the sortkey starts with that, is less than 7, and thus takes priority. A space [ ] takes priority over an underscore _ or any other symbol.

072 Ff 3.0.11
072 Ff 3.0.14
085 Ff 3.1 a2
093 Ff 20081015 nightly 3.1 Acid3 firefox dev build 20081015 linux.png I used dates here, because there were several nightlies with only dates available and no version numbers.
093 Ff 20081016 nightly MinefieldAcid3.png
093 Ff 20081021 nightly Acid3-firefox-nightly-20081021-macosx.png
093 Ff 3.5 Acid3Fx3.5.png
093 Ff 3.5 Firefox 3.5 Test Acid3.PNG "Final", so 3.5.0
093 Ff 3.5.6 Acid3detailFirefox3.5.6.png
094 Ff 3.6 nightly Fx Acid3.png
094 Ff 3.6_ Firefox3.6 Acid3 result.PNG
094 Ff 3.6_a Test Acid3 en Firefox 3.6 Alfa 1-pre.PNG Note that when adding 1 to a, as in a1, then the sortkey for some reason places this after the next file (with the mobile sortkey).
094 Ff 3.6_mobile Firefox for mobile Acid3.png
096 Ff 20090311 3.2 a1 Acid3-Firefox-Unstable.png
096 Ff 20091029 nightly Secondtry.png
096 Ff 4 RC1 Acid.3.Firefox.4.RC1.png
097 Ff 3.1 b1 Acid3-Firefox3.1-patched.png
097 Ff 3.7 a1 Firefox3.7a1 acidtest.png
097 Ff 3.7 a5 pre Acid3-firefox-minefield-3.7a5pre.png
097 Ff 3.7 a5_ Acidtestfirefox3.7a5.png
097 Ff 3.7 a6 Fx3 Acid3.png
097 Ff 4 b9 2011-01-17-152025 651x439 scrot.png
097 Ff 4.0 Firefox 4 Acid3 Result.png
097 Ff 6 a1 Firefox6.0a1.png
097 Ff mobile File:Firefox Mobile 4.0 RC1 - Acid3.png
100 Ff 04 Firefox4UpdatedAcid3.png
100 Ff 04.0.1 Firefox4.0.1-acid3-2011-05-21.png
100 Ff 07 minefield Acid3-firefox-minefield-7.0.1release.png
100 Ff 07.0 Firefox 7 Acid 3 Result.png
100 Ff 13.0.1 Firefox13Acid3.PNG

-Mardus (talk) 08:07, 2 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

[ It’s been recommended in the past that “Firefox” is abbreviated as “Fx” or “fx”.
I’d put a “-” between the identifier and the version to avoid confusion.
Is the category more about Acid3 or about Firefox? If it’s the latter, it’d be better to sort it by Firefox version first.
--AVRS (talk) 09:15, 2 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]
It doesn't really matter to me whether it's Ff or Fx. I wouldn't change anything anymore, because it's been a tedious job. Ff may just as well relate to Firefox, so it shouldn't be difficult to guess what it stands for.
There really is no confusion, given that version numbers have their own format. The space always takes priority over any other character. Moreover, a dash "-" may easily introduce more complexity and might open up another can of worms with the sorting code, because that, in turn, is based on the order characters were placed in basic ASCII and later compatible code pages (if my guess is right). The sortkey is also meant for sorting and how each image is positioned relative to images around it, and not saying that this or that image is "Firefox-07.0", which was not the idea; and the table already establishes how to add a proper sort key.
The idea was that it would be easy for people to find the right specimen and that it would be chronologically sound, more-or-less (but not by when images were created, but by chronological progression to a better score). From the category page, one could create a gallery page that would demonstrate which important version of Firefox managed to get which score and when. (Keep in mind that the test has been modified from time to time).
OTOH, I hadn't added some images from the bottom yet... And I did think of cleaning up a bit, but I don't yet know which criteria I would have to think of to exclude an image, given that each is different and people have different tastes.
The category is about Acid3 in Firefox, and not Firefox showing Acid3, so sorting by score takes priority, IMO. In addition, the version of Firefox and the score progress more or less in parallel. -Mardus (talk) 10:39, 2 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I've created a new category that would house Mozilla Fennec / Firefox for Mobile Acid3 tests, given that this category is fairly crowded already. I haven't updated the above table to reflect this, given that there's a note on sorting, that, while not showing the current category state, may still hold importance on the practice of sorting by sortkey. -Mardus (talk) 16:13, 3 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]