Category:Waterworks plan, Canterbury

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This is a plan of the cathedral and monastery of Canterbury showing the water supply installed about 1165. Its value lies not just as a record of the waterworks, but in showing the arrangement of the buildings of the monastery at that time, many of which have been destroyed or much modified since. The original was bound into the 12th-Century Eadwine Psalter, but has little obvious connection with the content of that document. A smaller, simplified, plan was also included. The plan has been reproduced in various forms in more recent times. A detailed description can be found in: Willis, Robert (1868). "The Architectural History of the Conventual Buildings of the Monastery of Christ Church in Canterbury". Archaeologia Cantiana 7: 1-206. For a more recent account, shorter but taking account of modern scholarchip, see: Woodman, Francis (1992) "The Waterworks Drawings of the Eadwine Psalter" in Gibson, Margaret T.; Heslop, T. A.; Pfaff, Richard William , ed. The Eadwine Psalter: Text, Image, and Monastic Culture in Twelfth-century Canterbury, Penn State Press, pp. 168−177 ISBN: 0-947623-46-9.