Category:Von Hallwyl family photo albums - Resor genom Frankrike och Italien (1870-1890)

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Svenska: The photographs with inventory numbers LXVI:G.01.-07. were purchased by Wilhelmina von Hallwyl during a trip through northern Italy and the Riviera and back through Switzerland, 22nd September - 14th December 1890. The travel party consisted of Wilhelmina von Hallwyl, her husband Walther von Hallwyl, her mother Johanna Kempe, daughter Irma and the lady companions, miss Caroline Pflaum and miss Ida Uhse.
Svenska: Fotografierna LXVI:G.01.-07. är inköpta Wilhelmina von Hallwyl under en resa genom norra Italien och Rivieran samt åter över Schweiz, 22 september—14 december 1890. Med på resan var hennes make Walther von Hallwyl, modern Johanna Kempe, dottern Irma samt sällskapsdamerna fröken Caroline Pflaum och fröken Ida Uhse.



Media in category "Von Hallwyl family photo albums - Resor genom Frankrike och Italien (1870-1890)"

The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total.