Category:Valid SVG created with Inkscape:Football flag icons
Media in category "Valid SVG created with Inkscape:Football flag icons"
The following 16 files are in this category, out of 16 total.
600px background HEX-023F80 shield HEX-800000 White tower.svg 600 × 400; 1,020 bytes
600px Bianco con cigno Nero.svg 811 × 541; 3 KB
600px Bianconero con stella rossa.svg 600 × 400; 13 KB
600px Dark Green, White, Black and Silver.svg 600 × 400; 2 KB
600px Dark Orange and White HEX-BF5700 HEX-FFFFFF.svg 600 × 400; 2 KB
600px Dark Red and Dark Blue HEX-AB0520 HEX-0C234B.svg 600 × 400; 2 KB
600px Dark Red and Gold HEX-990000 HEX-FFCC00.svg 600 × 400; 2 KB
600px Dark Red and White HEX-8C1515 HEX-FFFFFF.svg 600 × 400; 2 KB
600px diagonal Black HEX-0071BC.svg 600 × 400; 1 KB
600px maroon background white star flag.svg 800 × 533; 747 bytes
600px Nero Rosso e Azzurro (Diagonale).svg 600 × 400; 2 KB
600px Verde Bianco e Rosso (Diagonale).svg 600 × 400; 2 KB
600px Verde Bianco e Viola (Diagonale).svg 600 × 400; 2 KB
600px Čajka Pesčanoposkoe.svg 1,200 × 800; 535 bytes
Cremisi e Blu.svg 600 × 400; 914 bytes