Category:Turret clocks in the United Kingdom
This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total.
Media in category "Turret clocks in the United Kingdom"
The following 82 files are in this category, out of 82 total.
18th-century cupola and clock turret in courtyard of Parham House, West Sussex, England.jpg 2,000 × 3,000; 3.28 MB
2017 Science Museum (London) 14.jpg 1,944 × 2,592; 1.95 MB
All Saints Ecclesall (4).JPG 3,000 × 4,000; 5.17 MB
Ambleside - Rydal Road - - 1164410.jpg 640 × 480; 94 KB
Astley church clock 1773.jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 4.78 MB
Barford StMichael TurretClock.jpg 2,425 × 1,940; 2.11 MB
Our Lady of Ostrobrama - - 1301697.jpg 480 × 640; 70 KB
Polishchurchladyofostrobrama.jpg 450 × 600; 64 KB
Broadclyst Church Clock - - 789146.jpg 640 × 427; 66 KB
Cassiobury Park turret clock, British Museum.jpg 2,568 × 3,512; 5.09 MB
Chirk Castle courtyard and west range.jpg 4,459 × 3,005; 5.51 MB
Clock by Cope in Nottingham Industrial Museum.jpg 1,936 × 2,592; 1.45 MB
Clock in Nottingham Industrial Musem.jpg 1,936 × 2,592; 1.33 MB
Clock mech 3445.jpg 1,297 × 864; 806 KB
Clock on the tower - - 1469636.jpg 640 × 427; 92 KB
Door Frame Clock by Richard Roe 1694.jpg 1,936 × 2,592; 1.73 MB
Door Frame Clock by Richard Roe of 1694 (2).jpg 1,936 × 2,592; 1.92 MB
Cschurchbilbiebell.JPG 2,186 × 1,705; 1.02 MB
Door Frame Clock by Richard Roe of 1686 01.jpg 3,648 × 5,472; 5.65 MB
Door Frame Clock by Richard Roe of 1686 02.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 6.72 MB
Door Frame Clock by Richard Roe of 1686 03.jpg 3,648 × 5,472; 6.76 MB
Electric Mechanical Clock That Drives The Hands Of A Turret Clock.jpg 2,140 × 1,280; 2.93 MB
HenleyOnThames TownHall east.jpg 1,280 × 1,280; 666 KB
Herne Bay Museum 091.jpg 3,416 × 2,540; 1.81 MB
Horspath StGiles clock1.jpg 1,590 × 2,650; 1.64 MB
Horspath StGiles clock2.jpg 1,770 × 2,950; 2.01 MB
Hôtel des Postes Horloge de 1910.jpg 1,640 × 1,088; 282 KB
Interior of All Saints, Haugham - - 465564.jpg 640 × 480; 106 KB
Merton StSwithun TurretClock 01.JPG 1,900 × 1,900; 1.49 MB
Merton StSwithun TurretClock 02.JPG 2,150 × 1,800; 1.56 MB
NMoS clock on 2nd floor.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 248 KB
NMoS Millennium Clock 07.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 192 KB
Clock mechanism, All Saints' Church. - - 531707.jpg 640 × 480; 84 KB
Northmoor StDenys tower PendulumCase.jpg 2,000 × 3,000; 2.77 MB
Stable Mews, Hall Avenue, Worthing - - 656643.jpg 640 × 480; 88 KB
OldClock.JPG 2,304 × 3,456; 3.36 MB
St Roberts Interior 051.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 5.47 MB
St Roberts Interior 053.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.97 MB
St Roberts Interior 054.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.82 MB
Part of St James clock mechanism Stretham.jpg 2,140 × 1,804; 2.05 MB
PSM V30 D668 Principal parts of westminster clock london.jpg 1,341 × 611; 115 KB
Shotteswell StLaurence TowerClock mechanism.jpg 2,850 × 1,900; 2.09 MB
Shotteswell StLaurence TowerClock weights.jpg 1,800 × 3,000; 2.24 MB
Sparsholt HolyCross clock.jpg 833 × 1,280; 598 KB
St Mark Woodhouse 4773139 b4d9fde7.jpg 1,024 × 768; 158 KB
St Roberts Interior 056.jpg 480 × 848; 101 KB
St Roberts Interior 057.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 5.32 MB
St Roberts Interior 058.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 5.51 MB
St Roberts Interior 059.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 5.67 MB
St Roberts Interior 060.jpg 848 × 480; 109 KB
St Thomas Thurstonland interior 006.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 5.17 MB
St Thomas Thurstonland interior 007.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 5.65 MB
St Thomas Thurstonland interior 008.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 5.54 MB
St Thomas Thurstonland interior 084m.JPG 5,184 × 3,456; 5.69 MB
St Thomas Thurstonland interior 085m.JPG 5,184 × 3,456; 5.29 MB
St Thomas Thurstonland interior 086m.JPG 5,184 × 3,456; 5.87 MB
St Thomas Thurstonland interior 089m.JPG 5,184 × 3,456; 6.21 MB
St. Michael and All Angels Church, Northchapel 31.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 2.78 MB
StMarysWalthamstowClockMechanism.JPG 1,704 × 2,272; 2.23 MB
St johns stockcross.jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 424 KB
Stumbels turret clock Totnes Museum.jpg 1,536 × 2,048; 551 KB
The Church Clock - - 545164.jpg 480 × 640; 75 KB
The clock mechanism, Lindley Clock Tower - - 246255.jpg 640 × 452; 105 KB
The Westminster clock - - 414377.jpg 480 × 640; 392 KB
Tollymore Forest Park, September 2010 (24).JPG 4,272 × 2,848; 6 MB
St. Paul's Church - - 32704.jpg 640 × 427; 128 KB
Turret clock by Christopher Tatham, Cockermouth.jpg 3,648 × 5,472; 5.78 MB
Turret Clock by James Woolley 1726.jpg 1,936 × 2,592; 2.14 MB
TurretClockWorks.JPG 2,112 × 2,816; 1.41 MB
Walsall Bus Station - no 51 bus (14044352906).jpg 4,288 × 3,216; 3.41 MB
Witney ButterCross east.jpg 1,280 × 1,280; 709 KB
Witney ButterCross west.jpg 1,273 × 1,280; 738 KB
WittonClock.JPG 2,872 × 2,573; 1.58 MB