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Category:Tree (graph theory)

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<nowiki>árbol; 樹狀圖; fa; дерево; Baum; Alber (matematega); pemë; Стабло; Дърво; træ; arbore; 木; träd; 树; עץ; Arboro (matematiko); 樹; 树; Puu (graafiteooria); puu; teɛ; arbo; strom; மரம் (கோட்டுருவியல்); albero; Stablo (teorija grafova); arbre; Strom; дрэва; cây; 樹; árvore; 樹; درخت; drzewo; Stablo; ต้นไม้; koks; medis; стабло; drevo; дерево; درخت; 树; pohon; tre; tre; boom; 树; arbre; ağaç; Йывăç (графсен теорийĕ); tree; شجرة; Δέντρο; 트리; grafo en el que cualesquiera dos vértices están conectados por exactamente un camino; graphe non orienté, connecté et acyclique; неарыентаваны, зьвязны ацыклічны граф; terme en teoria de grafs; 無向連通無環圖; ungerichteter zusammenhängender azyklischer Graph; yönsüz, bağlantılı ve döngüsel olmayan grafik; grafik i drejtuar, i lidhur dhe aciklik; بخشی از نظریه گراف; irányítatlan, összefüggő, körmentes gráf; graf; graf aciclic, conex, neorientat; グラフ理論の用語; undirected, connected and acyclic graph; גרף קשיר ללא מעגלים; graf yang tak berarah, terhubung, dan asiklik; spójny graf bez cykli; begrep innen grafteori; urettet, sammenkoblet og asyklisk graf; niet-gerichte samenhangende cycelvrije graaf; 無向連通無環圖; связный ациклический граф; grafo non orientato, connesso e aciclico; graafi; bondemannewullaa naŋ tagera kyɛ lanna taa yele; koneksa sencikla grafo; neorientovaný souvislý graf bez kružnic; neusmerjen, povezan in acikličen graf; arbol; fagráf; дрэва-граф; дерево-граф; дерево (граф); граф-дерево; azyklisch zusammenhängender Graph; Baumgraph; cây nhị phân; rừng; degë; 樹; Стабло; drevesna struktura; Tree (graph theory; Stromový graf; ทรี; กราฟต้นไม้; גרף עץ; עץ מכוון; skog; albero non ordinato; albero ordinato; tree graph; 樹状構造; 樹形図; 樹状図; ツリー; 포레스트; 수형도; teɛ bondemannewulaa; Gepatro; Arbo-ordo; Radikhava arbo; Nereduktebla arbo; Direktita arbo; Folio; Infano; Serio-malpligrandigita arbo; Arba ordo; Senradika arbo; Orda arbo; Aprėpties medis; Miškas; Дървовидна структура</nowiki>
undirected, connected and acyclic graph
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Instance of
  • class of graphs with few cliques
Subclass of
  • connected graph
  • forest
  • pseudotree
  • uniquely colorable graph
  • hypertree
  • block graph
Named after
Has use
Different from
Said to be the same asfree tree
Authority file
Wikidata Q272735
GND ID: 4004849-4
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85137259
NL CR AUT ID: ph127444
BabelNet ID: 03260986n
J9U ID: 987007548784505171
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A tree in mathematics and graph theory is an undirected graph in which any two vertices are connected by exactly one simple path. In other words, any connected graph without simple cycles is a tree. A forest is a disjoint union of trees.


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