Category:Transmission of Traditional Culture (Joseon Dynasty)

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한국어: 조선시대 안양지역은 정조의 능행차로 인해 만안교가 축조되어 그 중요성이 더욱 부각되었다. 정조는 아버지 사도세자참배하기 위해 수원을 자주 왕래하였다. 당시 안양이 속하였던 과천시흥은 수원 능행로에 위치하여 국왕 일행을 위한 행궁이 지어지고 길이 정비되었다. 만안교가 세워진 후 시작된 답교놀이는 안양의 대표적인 민속놀이로 현재까지도 이어지고 있다.
English: The importance of the Anyang region in the Joseon Dynasty was recognized as the Manan Bridge or Manangyo was built for King Jeongjo's royal parade to his father's tomb. Kung Jeongjo frequently visited Suwon to pay respect to his father, Crown Prince Sado's tomb. At that time, Gwacheon and Sihung were a part of Anyang, and located in the path of royal parade to the tomb in Suwon. A temporary palace for the King's party was built, Dapgtonori or a folk play of Anyang was popularized which continues to this day.

Media in category "Transmission of Traditional Culture (Joseon Dynasty)"

The following 78 files are in this category, out of 78 total.