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Category:Tokyo-Hakone collegiate ekiden

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English: Tokyo-Hakone Round-Trip College Ekiden Race, commonly known as Hakone Ekiden.
日本語: 東京箱根間往復大学駅伝競走(箱根駅伝)
<nowiki>Hakone Ekiden; 東京箱根間往復大学駅伝競走; Hakone Ekiden; Hakone Ekiden; Hakone Ekiden; Hakone Ekiden; 하코네 역전 경주; Hakone Ekiden; هاكوني إيكيدين; 箱根驛傳; 関東学生陸上競技連盟が主催し、毎年1月に日本の東京都・神奈川県で開催される大学駅伝競技会; Staffellauf über mehr als 200 km zwischen japanischen Universitäten; erstmals ausgetragen 1920; annual university relay race between Tokyo and Hakone in Japan; 日本一项在每年1月举行的大学生驿传竞走比赛; estafettemarathon tussen Tokio en Hakone in Japan; Tokyo-Hakone Round-Trip College Ekiden Race; 箱根駅伝; 東京箱根間大学駅伝競走; 東京箱根間往復大学駅伝競走大会; 東京箱根間往復駅伝競走; 箱根駅伝大会; 東京箱根間來回大學站傳競步; 东京箱根间往复大学驿传竞走</nowiki>
Hakone Ekiden 
annual university relay race between Tokyo and Hakone in Japan
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Instance of
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Start point
Destination point
  • The Inter-University Athletic Union of Kanto
  • Yomiuri Shimbun Company
Founded by
  • 14 February 1920
Event distance
  • 217.1 km
official website
Authority file
Wikidata Q5640597
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85058396
NDL Authority ID: 01196665
J9U ID: 987007548225205171
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