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Category:Statue of Saint George and the Dragon (Mór)

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Statue of Saint George or World War II memorial or Well of Saint George, the dragonfighter by Benedek Nagy (1994 Bronze St. George statue on a marble column, the column is decorated with copper rings (metal strip). The name of 414 local victims of the WWII can be read on this metal strip. The column stand on a red marble-like,-in fact limestone,-pool) in the Szent István Square Park, Mór, Fejér County, Hungary.
II. világháborús emlékmű avagy a Sárkányölő Szent György-kút (Nagy Benedek, 1994). - Fejér megye, Mór, Szent István téri park, Városház utca felőli részén.
Object location47° 22′ 21.2″ N, 18° 12′ 33.05″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMapinfo

Media in category "Statue of Saint George and the Dragon (Mór)"

The following 10 files are in this category, out of 10 total.