Category:Solidago virgaurea - botanical illustrations
Botanical illustrations
This category has only the following subcategory.
Media in category "Solidago virgaurea - botanical illustrations"
The following 25 files are in this category, out of 25 total.
172 Solidago virga-aurea L.jpg 600 × 872; 73 KB
32 Solidago virgaurea.jpg 521 × 777; 180 KB
A curious herbal (Page 169) BHL296545.jpg 600 × 856; 56 KB
Billeder af Nordens flora (1901) (19748277334).jpg 2,158 × 3,431; 615 KB
Billeder af nordens flora (1917) (14782327624) clean.jpg 1,878 × 3,038; 1.45 MB
Billeder af nordens flora (1917) (14782327624).jpg 2,147 × 3,498; 522 KB
Bley, Botanisches Bilderbuch 38.jpg 2,030 × 3,000; 523 KB
Britishentomologyvolume1Plate45.jpg 933 × 1,698; 105 KB
Hortus Eystettensis, 1613 (KU 2894-3 019) -Aestiva,10,6.jpg 830 × 1,000; 214 KB
Hortus Eystettensis, 1640 (BHL 45339 286) - Classis Aestiva 134.jpg 2,634 × 3,336; 10.24 MB
Illustration Solidago virgaurea0 clean no-description.jpg 1,333 × 2,337; 1.61 MB
Illustration Solidago virgaurea0 clean.jpg 1,489 × 2,485; 1.31 MB
Illustration Solidago virgaurea0.jpg 1,489 × 2,485; 737 KB
Plantenschat1898 297 143 Guldenroede.—Solidago virga aurea.jpg 1,229 × 2,744; 519 KB
Solidago alpestris Atlas Alpenflora.jpg 1,161 × 1,638; 268 KB
Solidago virgaurea gullris.jpg 443 × 765; 54 KB
Solidago virgaurea Lindman DESC.JPG 1,350 × 746; 245 KB
Solidago virgaurea ssp virgaurea clean no-description.jpg 1,837 × 3,075; 1.75 MB
Solidago virgaurea ssp virgaurea clean.jpg 2,079 × 3,260; 1.84 MB
Solidago virgaurea ssp virgaurea.jpg 2,079 × 3,260; 2.32 MB
Solidago virgaurea Sturm11.jpg 801 × 1,200; 230 KB
Solidago virgaurea — Flora Batava — Volume v5.jpg 1,660 × 2,468; 479 KB
Traité pratique et raisonné des plantes médicinales indigènes (Pl. XL) (6459830081).jpg 2,195 × 3,496; 523 KB