Category:Social housing

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<nowiki>vivienda digna; logement social; habitatge digne; sozialer Wohnungsbau; habitação social; 公共房屋; almen bolig; socialna stanovanjska gradnja; 社会住宅; nhà ở xã hội; lokal socjalny; Allmenbolig; sociale woningbouw; 社會福利住房; 社会福利住房; Жильё для малообеспеченных; asumisen tuet; low-income housing; loĝejo por malriĉuloj; 社会福利住房; ewumewu obere ego; vivienda donde los ocupantes pueden vivir con seguridad y paz; staatlich geförderter Bau von Wohnungen, die ihren Wohnungsbedarf nicht am freien Wohnungsmarkt decken können; hallituksen tukitoimet, joilla pyritään helpottamaan pieni- ja keskituloisten asumista; government or non-profit housing (actual buildings or rental assistance); sociale woningbouwcomplexen voor bewoners wiens inkomen niet boven een bepaald maximum uitkomt; государственное или некоммерческое жилье (фактические здания или помощь в аренде); ewumewu ndị na-adịghi oké ọnụ ahịa maka ndị n'akpataghi nnukwu ego; socialno stanovanje; 補助金付き住宅; sociale huisvesting; low-income housing; Социальное жильё; Доступное жильё; Государственное жильё; Förderung des sozialen Wohnungsbaus; soziale Wohnraumförderung; gemeinnützige Wohnungswirtschaft; Sozialwohnung; Sozialwohnungsbau; soziale Wohnungspolitik; social housing; non-profit housing association; nonprofit housing organisation; nonprofit housing organization; public housing; subsidized housing; Ụlọ; 社会福利住房; Almennyttig bolig; Almene boliger</nowiki>
low-income housing 
government or non-profit housing (actual buildings or rental assistance)
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English: Social housing is a form of housing tenure in which homes are either (1) owned by a government authority (see subcategory Category:Public housing) (2) owned by a non-profit agency, housing trust, etc., (3) owned by their occupants but with a limitation on reselling for a profit, or under some similar arrangement. It is generally, but not always intended for the poorest of society.


This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.