<nowiki>Adelfogamia; アデルフォガミー; testvérszerelem; Adelfogami; адельфогамия; Inzest zwischen Geschwistern; Adelfogamia; adelphogamy; ارتباط كاذب; adelfogàmia; adelfogamija; sex or reproduction between two beings that share at least one genitor; spolnost ali razmnoževanje med dvema bitjema, ki si delita vsaj enega prednika; incest sorojencev; incest med sorojencema; incest brata in sestre; incest med bratom in sestro; sibling incest; incest between siblings; wincest; brother-sister incest; incest between a brother and his sister; incest between a sister and her brother; brother–sister incest; sibcest; инцест между сиблингами</nowiki>
sex or reproduction between two beings that share at least one genitor