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Category:Scopes Trial

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<nowiki>El juicio a Scopes; Majomper; Обезьяний процесс; Scopes-Prozess; Triail Scopes; محاکمه اسکوپس; 猴子審判; Scopes Davası; 進化論裁判; Scopesrättegången; Мавп'ячий процес; Scopesin oikeudenkäynti; Proceso Scopes; Opičí proces; Scopes Trial; procès du singe; Phiên tòa Scopes; 스코프스 재판; משפט הקופים; Скоупсово суђење; Scopesov proces; Julgamento de Scopes; Scopes Trial; Procesul Scopes; การพิจารณาคดีสโกปส์; Małpi proces; سکوپ کا مواخذہ; Meymun prosesi; Малпавы працэс; Judici Scopes; Scopesovo suđenje; سکوپ دا مواخذہ; Xuízo de Scopes; محاكمة القرد; Pengadilan Scopes; Scopes-rechtszaak; sodni primer v Tennesseeju (ZDA) leta 1925; Procès Scopes; rättsfall i Tennessee, USA år 1925; משפט בארהב נגד מורה באשמה שלימד בכיתתו את תורת האבולוציה בניגוד לחוק; судебный процесс; Gerichtsverfahren in Tennessee (USA) im Jahr 1925; 1925 legal case in Tennessee, USA; 1925年美國田納西州法律案件; 1925-ös bírósági per az USA Tennessee államában; Scopes Trial; Scopes-per; Scopes Trial; Scopes Trial; Scopes Trial; Scopes Trial; Scopes Trial; Država Tennessee proti Johnu Thomasu Scopesu; Scopes Monkey Trial; Scopesov proces o opicah; 猴子的審判; Tennessee v. John T. Scopes案; Scopes Trial; Scopes Trial; Scopes Trial; Scopes Trial; Scopes Trial; Scopes Trial; Scopes Trial; Scopes Trial; Scopes Trial; Scopes Trial; Scopes Trial; Scopes Trial; Scopes Trial; The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes; Scopes Monkey Trial; Monkey Trial; Scopes Trial; Scopes Trial; Scopes Trial</nowiki>
Scopes Trial 
1925 legal case in Tennessee, USA
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  • legal case
Map35° 29′ 41.74″ N, 85° 00′ 45.63″ W
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The Scopes Trial was a 1925 American case involving Dayton, Tennessee, teacher John Scopes, who had been charged with teaching the Theory of Evolution in violation of Tennessee's Butler Act.


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