Category:Scientific articles mentioning the Fern Glen Formation
Media in category "Scientific articles mentioning the Fern Glen Formation"
The following 27 files are in this category, out of 27 total.
Archiv für Naturgeschichte (IA archivfrnaturg7605berl).pdf 852 × 1,362, 752 pages; 47.77 MB
Bulletin of the Geological Society of America (IA bulletinofgeolo241913geol).pdf 1,000 × 1,472, 858 pages; 68.26 MB
Bulletin of the Geological Society of America (IA bulletinofgeolog20190geol).pdf 856 × 1,391, 1,016 pages; 88.99 MB
Bulletin of the scientific laboratories of Denison University (IA bulletinofs1819151916deni).pdf 1,235 × 1,945, 412 pages; 50.23 MB
Bulletins of American paleontology (IA bulletinsofameri237238pale).pdf 606 × 966, 558 pages; 32.63 MB
Bulletins of American paleontology (IA bulletinsofameri365369200405pale).pdf 1,168 × 1,622, 644 pages; 50.51 MB
Bulletin - United States National Museum (IA bulletinunitedst1251923unit).pdf 1,093 × 1,612, 372 pages; 24.87 MB
Bulletin - United States National Museum (IA bulletinunitedst2621968unit).pdf 820 × 1,318, 212 pages; 7.58 MB
Correlation of the Middle and Upper Devonian and the Mississippian Faunas of North America.pdf 975 × 1,366, 29 pages; 2.66 MB
Principles of stratigraphy (IA cu31924003933524).pdf 718 × 1,245, 1,232 pages; 32.44 MB
Geological literature added to the Geological Society's Library (IA geologicallit19091910geol).pdf 822 × 1,297, 448 pages; 41.23 MB
The Journal of geology (IA journalofgeology171909univ).pdf 885 × 1,285, 840 pages; 60.11 MB
The Journal of geology (IA journalofgeology221914univ).pdf 929 × 1,383, 900 pages; 60.39 MB
Journal and proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales (IA journalpr979819631965roya).pdf 883 × 1,381, 654 pages; 70.96 MB
The Mississippian Brachiopoda of the Mississippi Valley Basin (IA mississippianbra01wellrich).pdf 960 × 1,489, 516 pages; 48.29 MB
Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis. (IA mobot31753002106257).pdf 3,695 × 6,525, 286 pages; 37.88 MB
Monograph 1 (IA monograph112wellrich).pdf 827 × 1,425, 196 pages; 22.44 MB
Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. Jg. 1911, Bd. 1 (IA neuesjahrbuchfrm19111leon).pdf 789 × 1,268, 848 pages; 65.5 MB
North American index fossils, invertebrates (IA northamericanind02grab).pdf 743 × 1,060, 936 pages; 72.2 MB
Principles of stratigraphy (IA principlesofstra00grabrich).pdf 870 × 1,366, 1,234 pages; 135.24 MB
Proceedings of the United States National Museum (IA proceedingsofuni411912unite).pdf 764 × 1,320, 874 pages; 55.33 MB
Revue critique de paléozoologie (IA revuecritiquede141910coss).pdf 910 × 1,458, 310 pages; 21.22 MB
Science (IA science291909mich).pdf 743 × 1,068, 1,038 pages; 62.3 MB
Smithsonian miscellaneous collections (IA smithsonianmisce1191959smit).pdf 839 × 1,318, 510 pages; 29.96 MB
Zoological record (IA zoologicalreco4611909zool).pdf 893 × 1,389, 766 pages; 73.75 MB
Zoological record (IA zoologicalreco4711910zool).pdf 879 × 1,318, 582 pages; 54.03 MB