Category:Samuele Zopfi family portraits

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Italiano: Samuele Zopfi ebbe otto figli da tre matrimoni, di cui solo quattro, due maschi e due femmine, raggiunsero l'età adulta. Rimasto vedovo a Schwanden della prima moglie, Margherita Speich, da cui ebbe due figli prima che morisse di parto nel 1861 dando alla luce la terza figlia Anna Maria Zopfi (1860-1898) (che sposerà Giacomo Trumpy), si risposò nel 1862 con Elisabetta Menzi (1839-1875) dalla quale ebbe tre figli maschi di cui raggiunse l'età adulta solo Alfredo Zopfi. Dalla terza moglie, Rosa Maria Graf, sposata il 27.12.1877 a Redona, Bergamo, ebbe Samuele, morto a Ginevra in un incidente d'auto il 26.3.1909, e Rosina Zopfi, nata il 19.3.1881, che sposò il farmacista Giulio Muelberger e morì a Ginevra il 25.5.1930.
English: Samuele Zopfi had eight children from three marriages, of which only four, two males and two females, reached adulthood. Widowed in Schwanden of his first wife, Margherita Speich, with whom he had two children before she died in childbirth in 1861 giving birth to the third daughter Anna Maria Zopfi (1860-1898) (who will marry Giacomo Trumpy), he remarried in 1862 to Elisabetta Menzi (1839-1875) with whom he had three sons of which only Alfredo Zopfi reached adulthood. From his third wife, Rosa Maria Graf, married on 27.12.1877 in Redona, Bergamo, he had Samuele, who died in Geneva in a car accident on 26.3.1909, and Rosina Zopfi, born on 19.3.1881, who married the pharmacist Giulio Muelberger and died in Geneva on 25.5.1930.

Media in category "Samuele Zopfi family portraits"

The following 7 files are in this category, out of 7 total.