Category:Samuel Memorial, Philadelphia

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The Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial Sculpture Garden in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia is a group of seventeen statues that are located on three terraces along the Schuylkill River: Central, South and North. Funding for the public art project, which illustrates themes in American history, was left in the will of Ellen Phillips Samuel to be administered by the Fairmount Park Art Association. Sculptors were chosen after three international competitions run by the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The statues and reliefs were created from the 1930s-1950s. None of them have visible copyright notices, which is consistent with the FPAA's goals of giving art to the people.

Central Terrace:

  • Spanning the Continent, Robert Laurent
  • Welcoming to Freedom, Maurice Sterne
  • The Ploughman, J. Wallace Kelly
  • The Slave, Helene Sardeau
  • The Immigrant, Heinz Warneke
  • The Spirit of Enterprise, Jacques Lipchitz

South Terrace:

  • Settling of the Seaboard, Wheeler Williams
  • The Birth of a Nation, Henry Kreis
  • The Puritan, Harry Rosin
  • The Quaker, Harry Rosin
  • The Revolutionary Soldier, Erwin Frey
  • The Statesman, Erwin Frey

North Terrace:

  • The Preacher, Waldemar Raemisch
  • The Poet, José de Creeft
  • The Scientist, Koren der Harootian
  • The Laborer, Ahron Ben-Shmuel
  • Titles Unknown: Eye and Hand, J. Wallace Kelly