<nowiki>diocesi di Thunder Bay; Thunder Bay-i egyházmegye; Kabiskopan Thunder Bay; bisbat de Thunder Bay; Bistum Thunder Bay; Diocese de Thunder Bay; Deoise Chaitliceach Thunder Bay; 天主教桑德贝教区; Škofija Thunder Bay; Keuskupan Thunder Bay; Diecezja Thunder Bay; Bisdom Thunder Bay; Diócesis de Thunder Bay; Епархия Тандер-Бея; Diocesi Sinus Tonitralis; diocèse de Thunder Bay; Roman Catholic Diocese of Thunder Bay; Bisdóm Thunder Bay; diòceze de Thunder Bay; Bisdom Thunder Bay; Catholic ecclesiastical territory in Canada; römisch-katholisches Bistum in Kanada; diocèse catholique au Canada; wilayah administratif gereja di Kanada; roems-katheliek bisdóm in Canada; diecezja katolicka w Kanadzie; rooms-katholiek bisdom in Canada; Diocese of Thunder Bay</nowiki>
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.