Category:Prints in the National Army Museum (United Kingdom)
Media in category "Prints in the National Army Museum (United Kingdom)"
The following 101 files are in this category, out of 101 total.
24th chillianwallah (cropped to colours).jpg 435 × 437; 68 KB
24th chillianwallah.jpg 960 × 743; 174 KB
3d Goorkhas 59th The battle of Ahmed Kheyl (sic) NAM 1016752.jpg 960 × 584; 74 KB
Alexander's Column near Kabul, circa 1842 - NAM 1011945.jpg 960 × 594; 112 KB
Assassination of Macnaghten.png 960 × 619; 1.16 MB
Beloochees in the Bolan Pass, 1839 (frontispiece) - NAM 1016298.jpg 638 × 960; 157 KB
Bhurtpore 1826 - NAM 220094.jpg 960 × 737; 211 KB
Caubul costumes. NAM 168601.jpg 960 × 735; 92 KB
Copenhagen horse.JPG 540 × 380; 30 KB
Entrance into the Kojak Pass from Parush, 1839 - NAM 1016307.jpg 960 × 659; 173 KB
J. R. Turnbull - Delhi from the Flagstaff Tower 225710.jpg 960 × 642; 84 KB
J. R. Turnbull - Hindoo Rao's House 225712.jpg 960 × 642; 108 KB
J. R. Turnbull - The Breach in the Curtain, Water Bastion NAM 225718.jpg 960 × 642; 101 KB
J. R. Turnbull - The Flagstaff Tower 225711.jpg 960 × 642; 92 KB
J. R. Turnbull - The Lahore Gate of the Palace 225719.jpg 726 × 960; 131 KB
J. R. Turnbull - The Selimghur Bridge 225706 (cropped).jpg 455 × 241; 34 KB
J. R. Turnbull - The Subzee Mundee from the Mound Battery 225715.jpg 960 × 642; 103 KB
John Frederick Irwin - A native of Candahar, 1879 - NAM 1016790.jpg 652 × 960; 121 KB
John Frederick Irwin - Ali Musjid - NAM 95268.jpg 960 × 780; 159 KB
John Frederick Irwin - Khelat-i-Ghilzai, 1879 - NAM 1016766.jpg 960 × 677; 134 KB
Lieutenant Walter Fane, Fane’s Horse - NAM LW NARM 1013601.jpg 861 × 1,200; 96 KB
Night bivouac of the British Army at Ferozeshah, 21 December 1845.jpg 960 × 646; 188 KB
Plate 12 Interior of Col. Warre's Hut - NAM 74088.jpg 960 × 730; 160 KB
Plate No. 1. Sepoys at Rifle Practice - NAM 173401 (cropped).jpg 503 × 387; 57 KB
Plate No. 1. Sepoys at Rifle Practice - NAM 173401.jpg 604 × 960; 107 KB
Plate No. 10. Reinforcement proceeding to Delhi - NAM 173410.jpg 960 × 742; 163 KB
Plate No. 11. Horse Artillery in action - NAM 173411.jpg 960 × 631; 137 KB
Plate No. 12. Incident in the Subzee Mundee - NAM 173412.jpg 960 × 710; 171 KB
Plate No. 13. Interior of a tent - NAM 173413.jpg 960 × 693; 166 KB
Plate No. 14. Hodson's Horse at Rhotuck - NAM 173414.jpg 960 × 636; 128 KB
Plate No. 15. Heavy Day in the Batteries - NAM 173415.jpg 960 × 648; 133 KB
Plate No. 16. Fusiliers bringing the captured guns into Camp.jpg 1,260 × 768; 263 KB
Plate No. 17. Sappers at work in the Batteries - NAM 173417.jpg 960 × 770; 160 KB
Plate No. 18. The search for the wounded.JPG 1,364 × 872; 187 KB
Plate No. 19. Advance of the Siege Train - NAM 173419.jpg 960 × 665; 141 KB
Plate No. 20. Troops of the Native Allies - NAM 173420.jpg 960 × 658; 146 KB
Plate No. 21. Storming of Delhi - NAM 1019895 (cropped).jpg 960 × 628; 146 KB
Plate No. 21. Storming of Delhi - NAM 173421.jpg 960 × 664; 135 KB
Plate No. 22. Mutinous Sepoys - NAM 1019894 (cropped).jpg 960 × 644; 213 KB
Plate No. 22. Mutinous Sepoys - NAM 173422.jpg 960 × 713; 158 KB
Plate No. 23. Prize Agents extracting Treasure - NAM 173423.jpg 960 × 699; 172 KB
Plate No. 24. Capture & Death of the Shahzadaghs - NAM 173424.jpg 960 × 700; 165 KB
Plate No. 25. Wounded Officers at Simla - NAM 173425.jpg 960 × 739; 173 KB
Plate No. 26. Wounded men at Dugshai - NAM 173426.jpg 960 × 742; 166 KB
Plate No. 3. Officers Joining the Force - NAM 173403.jpg 960 × 817; 157 KB
Plate No. 4. Scene in camp - NAM 173404.jpg 960 × 850; 172 KB
Plate No. 5. Troops hastening to Umballa - NAM 173405.jpg 960 × 743; 163 KB
Plate No. 7. Storming the Batteries at Badle-Serai - NAM 173407.jpg 960 × 723; 172 KB
Plate No. 8. Outlying Picket - NAM 173408.jpg 960 × 712; 133 KB
Plate No. 9. Repulse of a sortie - NAM 173409.jpg 960 × 724; 149 KB
Private of the 5th West India Regiment, 1812.jpg 748 × 960; 124 KB
Shah Shujah of Afghanistan.jpg 900 × 1,100; 221 KB
Soldier of the 3rd West India Regiment, 1863.jpg 698 × 960; 185 KB
The approach to the fortress of Kwettah - NAM 1016306.jpg 960 × 651; 139 KB
The Avenue at Baber's Tomb, 1840 - NAM 1016348.jpg 960 × 648; 205 KB
The Battle of Goojerat on 21 February 1849.jpg 960 × 646; 146 KB
The City of Candahar, 1839 - NAM 1016312.jpg 960 × 660; 126 KB
The First Descent through the Koojah Pass, 1839 - NAM 1016309.jpg 960 × 651; 162 KB
The Second Descent through the Koojah Pass, 1839 - NAM 1016310.jpg 960 × 658; 157 KB
The Third Descent of the Koojah Pass, 1839 (c) - NAM 1016311.jpg 960 × 647; 154 KB
The Tomb of the Emperor Baber, 1840 (c) - NAM 1016349.jpg 960 × 644; 162 KB
The Valley of Maidan, 1839 (c) - NAM 1016314.jpg 960 × 646; 146 KB
The Village of Urghundee, 1839 (c) - NAM 1016315.jpg 960 × 646; 158 KB
The Wild Pass of Siri-Kajoor, 1840 (c) - NAM 1016304.jpg 960 × 646; 159 KB
View of the Mountain Baba-Naunee, 1839 (c) - NAM 1016302.jpg 960 × 639; 142 KB