Category:Postcards of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Media in category "Postcards of Milwaukee, Wisconsin"
The following 48 files are in this category, out of 48 total.
100 Motel, on U.S. Hwy. 100... Milwaukee, Wisconsin (88097).jpg 3,322 × 2,101; 2.39 MB
4M Square Dealing Clothing House.jpg 749 × 582; 97 KB
A Close Game in Milwaukee.jpg 728 × 450; 90 KB
Al Cap's Amacoy Resort (90479).jpg 3,303 × 2,094; 2.98 MB
Alexander Mitchell Mansion.jpg 777 × 473; 228 KB
Alexander Mitchell Residence.jpg 419 × 302; 77 KB
Ambassador Hotel, 2300 West Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee 3, Wis (84027).jpg 2,088 × 3,303; 2.79 MB
BorchertField 1911.jpg 970 × 600; 629 KB
Christopher Columbus whaleback Milw Broadway bridgedock.jpg 400 × 254; 27 KB
Detroit Photographic Company (0887).jpg 1,536 × 1,165; 174 KB
Detroit Photographic Company (0888).jpg 1,536 × 1,144; 268 KB
Detroit Photographic Company (0889).jpg 1,536 × 1,148; 466 KB
Flickr - …trialsanderrors - Wisconsin Street, Milwaukee, 1900.jpg 5,379 × 7,180; 12.51 MB
Detroit Photographic Company (0890).jpg 1,159 × 1,536; 280 KB
Ermenc Funeral Home (91476).jpg 3,284 × 2,082; 2.97 MB
GoetheSchillerMilwaukeePostcard.jpg 3,240 × 2,046; 2.51 MB
Greetings from Milwaukee, Wis.jpg 518 × 808; 95 KB
Hotel Gilpatrick Post Card (1917).jpg 1,138 × 1,788; 593 KB
Hotel Miller, Milwaukee, Wis (65347).jpg 2,160 × 3,352; 2.74 MB
Jaeger Oldsmobile Inc (89350).jpg 3,282 × 2,067; 2.65 MB
Jaeger Oldsmobile Inc (90071).jpg 3,321 × 2,088; 2.75 MB
Lake Park Foot Bridge, Milwaukee, Wis.jpg 707 × 444; 65 KB
Lake Park, Milwaukee postcard 1911.jpg 713 × 453; 48 KB
Layton Art Gallery.jpg 709 × 447; 72 KB
Milwaukee (1908 postcard).jpg 725 × 453; 77 KB
Milwaukee Country Club, Milwaukee and Lake Park Scene.jpg 529 × 818; 103 KB
Milwaukee Mitchell and Chamber of Commerce Buildings.jpg 1,051 × 1,640; 1.2 MB
Niss Stores, 2039 N. 3rd St., Milwaukee 12, Wis (90395).jpg 3,316 × 2,089; 3.02 MB
Wells Building, Milwaukee, Wisc (NYPL b12647398-66876).tiff 1,511 × 2,392; 10.36 MB
Old St. Mary's Catholic Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (88673).jpg 2,105 × 3,313; 2.28 MB
Panorama of Milwaukee from Lake Michigan LCCN2013647166.jpg 7,465 × 1,392; 2.09 MB
Panorama of Milwaukee from Lake Michigan LCCN2013647166.tif 7,465 × 1,392; 29.75 MB
Postcard of the Milwaukee Mail Car (2550306493).jpg 5,524 × 3,636; 3.9 MB
The new auditorium, Milwaukee LCCN2013646928.jpg 8,839 × 2,991; 5.82 MB
The Patio Coffee Shop Milwaukee Hotel Schroeder 1960s (8363244765).jpg 883 × 568; 276 KB
The River from Sycamore St., Milwaukee, Wisc (NYPL b12647398-62199).tiff 2,450 × 1,524; 10.69 MB
Towne Hotel, 723 N. Third Street, one of Milwaukee's finest (88292).jpg 2,079 × 3,279; 2.48 MB
Untitled - Ships & Boats (NBY 1477).jpg 1,632 × 1,035; 224 KB
Waukesha Memorial Hospital (90093).jpg 3,294 × 2,100; 3.04 MB
William's Ambrosia House (89645).jpg 3,301 × 2,074; 2.94 MB
Wooder (90006).jpg 3,288 × 2,100; 3.12 MB