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Category:Pinhole glasses

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<nowiki>Gafas estenopeicas; Lunettes à grille; Rupičaste naočale; Okulary ajurwedyjskie; പിൻ‌ഹോൾ കണ്ണടകൾ; Перфорационные очки; Rasterbrille; Spéaclaí mionpholl; Pinhole glasses; Děrované brýle; 针孔眼镜; Ochelari stenopici; Perforated eyeglasses; druh brýlí; Brille mit gelochten Scheiben statt Gläsern; ochelari utilizați în diagnosticarea unor boli de vedere; Lochbrille; stenopeické brýle</nowiki>
Pinhole glasses 
Perforated eyeglasses
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Media in category "Pinhole glasses"

The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.