These works or works by this artist may not be in the public domain, because the artist is still living or has not been dead for at least 70 years. Please do not upload photographs or scans of works by this artist, unless they meet one of the following exceptions:
<nowiki>Pierre Lebourgeois; Pierre Lebourgeois; Pierre Le Bourgeois; Pierre Le Bourgeois; Pierre Lebourgeois; Pierre Le Bourgeois; Pierre Le Bourgeois; Pierre Le Bourgeois; Pierre Lebourgeois; Pierre Le Bourgeois; Pierre Le Bourgeois; Pierre Le Bourgeois; Pierre Le Bourgeois; Pierre Lebourgeois; Pierre Le Bourgeois; Pierre Lebourgeois; arquitecto francés; architecte français; arkitekto frantziarra; kunstenaar; arquitecte francès; arquiteto francês; architect and gunsmith from France (1879-1971); arquiteutu francés; arquitecto francés; architetto francese; Pierre Lebourgeois; Joseph-Félix-Pierre Le Bourgeois; Pierre Lebourgeois; Joseph-Feélix-Pierre Le Bourgeois</nowiki>