Category:Picnic places in Norway
English: Picnic places in Norway
Media in category "Picnic places in Norway"
The following 20 files are in this category, out of 20 total.
Amli Elvarheim a.JPG 2,511 × 1,929; 2.11 MB
Bergen - panoramio - patano (8).jpg 2,576 × 1,716; 966 KB
Breimsvatnet ved kirken III.jpg 3,245 × 2,448; 1.52 MB
Bremsrud bålplass.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 1.53 MB
Gml Ormhamar bru.JPG 2,612 × 1,453; 754 KB
Hereiene tusenårssted, Jondal.jpg 3,692 × 2,744; 2.62 MB
Kabelvag Lofoten 2009 1.JPG 3,008 × 2,000; 3.59 MB
Kalvøysund festning1.JPG 800 × 600; 261 KB
Kulturhistorisk museum, Oslo - IMG 9187.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 3.46 MB
Munkholm rekreasjon.jpg 541 × 390; 117 KB
NordnesLaksevåg1.jpg 2,983 × 1,939; 2.02 MB
Nå (Ullensvang).JPG 792 × 594; 502 KB
Playa del Sol 01.jpg 1,024 × 768; 428 KB
Ringve Museum, Trondheim - IMG 8813.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 5.92 MB
Ruijentenes stoge Ruiplassen.JPG 2,365 × 1,774; 2.71 MB
Storvik-rasteplass-panorama-2006-05-18.jpeg 2,955 × 1,059; 170 KB
Telemarksvegen Kviteseid.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 5.76 MB
The island of Hornøya seen from Hasselneset in Vardø.JPG 1,280 × 960; 315 KB
Traditionelle norwegische Scheune für Produkte Lagerung...IMG 7418WI.jpg 4,992 × 3,271; 6.81 MB
Vikingskiphuset.jpg 1,273 × 539; 195 KB